use your existing chars as heroes?
With the new hero system we all noticed the layout has been changed. While playing Nightfall I was fine with it but then I logged back into Factions and noticed there is some empty useless space (unless they plan to add heroes to those chapters.)
Anyway the idea is more of thought rather than a suggestion. BUT I think with the new hero system it would now be possible for us to add a second or third of our characters at once by adding them to your party.
Just think if your Monk can go back to help your Mesmer or Assassin through a mission, it would take out some of the frustration of trying to find a party when you already have the characters and abilities.
Plus with the ability to have litle or a lot of control of the heroes you could play it the same way with your other characters. Why not be able to help yourself? heh anyway.. thoughts?
I thought it was a pretty interesting idea if nothing else.
Anyway the idea is more of thought rather than a suggestion. BUT I think with the new hero system it would now be possible for us to add a second or third of our characters at once by adding them to your party.
Just think if your Monk can go back to help your Mesmer or Assassin through a mission, it would take out some of the frustration of trying to find a party when you already have the characters and abilities.
Plus with the ability to have litle or a lot of control of the heroes you could play it the same way with your other characters. Why not be able to help yourself? heh anyway.. thoughts?
I thought it was a pretty interesting idea if nothing else.
Flabber Babble
Interesting idea. I think it would be kind of weird seeing the virtual "me's" running in the same party with me, not to mention my friends/guildies yelling at the NPC me's thinking it's the ME me O.o;;
Knightsaber Sith
Then you could use one character to power lvl another which is just rediculous.
Then you could use one character to power lvl another which is just rediculous.
This would be an awesome idea. Unfortunately I can't ever see it happening. When I start to think of the ways that it could be abused I get worried. Nevermind how easy it would be to powerlevel your new character with your level 20 oober pwnage character. If they do decide to impliment this feature, here's some things to consider. Maybe you can't add any of your Tyrian characters to your party unless they have finished the prophecies campaign, and no Factions characters to your party unless they have finished Factions and so on and so forth. Although I would prefer to see better control of the "extra" characters (heroes) before they ever impliment something like this. Imo there's still not as many options for henchmen as there are in other rpgs.
why not be able to powerlevel it's still taking your time to do so. But yeah like Jade said there is ways to change it and the main thing is... it would make use of otherwise unused space in the interface of prophices and factions.
I really like the idea of being able to group with your own characters. Only thing is I think it might get frustrating, as they would never be able to have AI to make the character play like you play it.
xiaotsu now I can farm for money/mats for droks armor then even run MYSELF to droks AND powerlevel myself, AMAZING!
Yea, no...takes away from a lot of the game
/notsigned because there are WAY too many flaws...
Yea, no...takes away from a lot of the game
/notsigned because there are WAY too many flaws...
Kais Unduli
I love the idea, but it will definitely be exploited way too easily. Maybe cap it off at level 20. Example, I make a new ranger on Shing Jea Island, do all quests/missions on the island, but can't summon one of my other characters until I hit level 20 in game.
As for why Tyrian/Canthan characters have the empty slots, I'm guessing they can pick up hero characters in Elona once they crossover.
As for why Tyrian/Canthan characters have the empty slots, I'm guessing they can pick up hero characters in Elona once they crossover.
How about add heroes to the previous campaigns... for example devona, cynn, aiden, eve, and menlo could be standard heroes for all campaigns, factions would give you a few more for factions only, nightfall would give you a few more for nightfall only, etc.
Kai Nui
Henchmen also need to be able to portal for you. Simply because I like to die and control Koss, he needs more user friendly controls, I want to be able to play him like a character when I'm dead and make him into a runner and run me places with all the skills I've unlocked lol.
/not signed.
Don't like the idea, too many flaws, to easy to farm with.
So you want to have your other characters play NPC mode? Or you control all of them.
And for the smart people out there, having two toons playing isn't impossible
Don't like the idea, too many flaws, to easy to farm with.
So you want to have your other characters play NPC mode? Or you control all of them.
And for the smart people out there, having two toons playing isn't impossible

I've always wanted this. Since the first campaign.
It's no different to having guildies party with you, and what about all the lvl 20's coming over to Elona from Tyria or Cantha?
It also beats the hell out of having to buy new weapons for you heros to weild, or have to buy more runes. That stuff costs money, and you dont get your heros drops do you?
Having this option also reduces the lust for illegal bots.
Player should be rewarded by taking the time making PVE characters, and i think having your own heros that you've spend months creating is the ideal way to do so.
It's no different to having guildies party with you, and what about all the lvl 20's coming over to Elona from Tyria or Cantha?
It also beats the hell out of having to buy new weapons for you heros to weild, or have to buy more runes. That stuff costs money, and you dont get your heros drops do you?
Having this option also reduces the lust for illegal bots.
Player should be rewarded by taking the time making PVE characters, and i think having your own heros that you've spend months creating is the ideal way to do so.
Dont know whether it would be possible. but wouldn't it be great if you could use the chars you've already lvl'd up as heroes.
An even better thing would be the abilty to switch to controlling that character during play.
I have a necro that i havn't used in ages and I'd love to see him fight side by side with my some of my newer chars.
Another bonus is you'd be able to lvl up 4 chars at once instead of having to repeat the same missions over and over again.
Also it would be ace for looting. no more hench stealing your loot or having to share with people in UW for example.
I think it's a great idea and if you do too, back me up and arenanet might incorperate it into the game.
An even better thing would be the abilty to switch to controlling that character during play.
I have a necro that i havn't used in ages and I'd love to see him fight side by side with my some of my newer chars.
Another bonus is you'd be able to lvl up 4 chars at once instead of having to repeat the same missions over and over again.
Also it would be ace for looting. no more hench stealing your loot or having to share with people in UW for example.
I think it's a great idea and if you do too, back me up and arenanet might incorperate it into the game.
1. You can powergame anyway. many lvl20's come back and powergame lower lvl's up and run them around. sometimes for a price. that's why proph was a bit better cos you couldn't go back pre-searing
2. there are already many ways to loot with ease. At least this way would be more honourable than using an invinci monk.
3. you are still lving up your chars. your just doing maybe 4 at once. which is cool seen as it's so annoying doing the missions over and over again. Also maybe they could put a lvl limit. say if a char is 5 lvl's below you, you can't join their group. that would solve a few problems.
OR just make this option for lvl 20's only. something to work towards then.
I think if arenanet implement it right it should not take anything away from the game. it'll more likely add to it.
2. there are already many ways to loot with ease. At least this way would be more honourable than using an invinci monk.
3. you are still lving up your chars. your just doing maybe 4 at once. which is cool seen as it's so annoying doing the missions over and over again. Also maybe they could put a lvl limit. say if a char is 5 lvl's below you, you can't join their group. that would solve a few problems.
OR just make this option for lvl 20's only. something to work towards then.
I think if arenanet implement it right it should not take anything away from the game. it'll more likely add to it.
4 touch rangers running around.
As said above, you could power level your characters. Also, you'd get all the gold from drops, think about it, you log on and get 102 gold rom a drop, share that between your 4 characters, that's 25.5 gold each, which is all of it to you, just on 4 characters, also green arming would be stupid, as you'd always get them!
As said above, you could power level your characters. Also, you'd get all the gold from drops, think about it, you log on and get 102 gold rom a drop, share that between your 4 characters, that's 25.5 gold each, which is all of it to you, just on 4 characters, also green arming would be stupid, as you'd always get them!
Neriandal Freit
let me apply all of you to this suggestion then.
Your characters will be like like the Hero's or IE: Danika. They get drops, but YOU dont get them. They get Xp, but YOU dont see it.
Know where I'm going?
Well, if you dont, I'm saying you dont get anything besides the ability to play with your characters like they are NPC but Hero's you can control at the same time.
You would have it so say if Alistha Freit needed an Elementalist, I would get Neriandal Freit. He would reamin in Kaieng Center, even tho we're currently in Thunderhead Keep or something.
Your characters will be like like the Hero's or IE: Danika. They get drops, but YOU dont get them. They get Xp, but YOU dont see it.
Know where I'm going?
Well, if you dont, I'm saying you dont get anything besides the ability to play with your characters like they are NPC but Hero's you can control at the same time.
You would have it so say if Alistha Freit needed an Elementalist, I would get Neriandal Freit. He would reamin in Kaieng Center, even tho we're currently in Thunderhead Keep or something.
So they're more like a commandable Henchie, why not just make henchies commandable instead.
Neriandal Freit
They could, they might. I wont care personally, but, I would enjoy being able toplay with my other characters.
Priest Of Sin
Well, I for one would like to have my characters running along with me. Uber pwnage leet haxxorz party!
I anyone noticed, that shortly after the Nightfall thing finished, you could command henchies like said above shortly, until they fixed the bug
it was quite fun. You could also use them to go straight to Amnoon oasis from skyward Reach, skipping out Augury Rock and Prophet's Path :P.

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Then you could use one character to power lvl another which is just rediculous. |

Originally Posted by Winterclaw
How about add heroes to the previous campaigns... for example devona, cynn, aiden, eve, and menlo could be standard heroes for all campaigns, factions would give you a few more for factions only, nightfall would give you a few more for nightfall only, etc.
/signed to that idea!
Also, aren't mehnlo and cynn and the others supposed to be main characters of proph, yet you see them, what, like 4 or 5 times in the game?
Of course you probably could only get them if you had nightfall, and then it would give you a special quest, which would be something like "recruiting allies from other continents" or something.
That got a little of topic didn't it?

Originally Posted by Larnu
As said above, you could power level your characters. Also, you'd get all the gold from drops, think about it, you log on and get 102 gold rom a drop, share that between your 4 characters, that's 25.5 gold each, which is all of it to you, just on 4 characters, also green arming would be stupid, as you'd always get them!
Originally Posted by Neriandal Freit
let me apply all of you to this suggestion then.
Your characters will be like like the Hero's or IE: Danika. They get drops, but YOU dont get them. They get Xp, but YOU dont see it. Know where I'm going? Well, if you dont, I'm saying you dont get anything besides the ability to play with your characters like they are NPC but Hero's you can control at the same time. You would have it so say if Alistha Freit needed an Elementalist, I would get Neriandal Freit. He would reamin in Kaieng Center, even tho we're currently in Thunderhead Keep or something. |

/signed for having your characters go with you, even if they don't get drops or xp or anything from it
for powerlevel... whats the big deal about that anyway... u can level up to 20 in 1-2 days even when doing it the "right" way so i dont really c a problem with plevel here... this would definetly make the game more rewarding, i for 1 generally play only with my warrior (elitism or perfectionism) with something like this i would propably play my monk alot more +put my mules to a better use
tho with a setback at partyforming since who would share the loot when u can keep it all to yourself...
/signed and /unsigned ?
tho with a setback at partyforming since who would share the loot when u can keep it all to yourself...
/signed and /unsigned ?
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Then you could use one character to power lvl another which is just rediculous. |

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Then you could use one character to power lvl another which is just rediculous. |
Waste of time for ANET. And silly idea from the players.
Even if you dont get anything from them, xp, gold or anything.
Imagine all interface changes.. to much work when you have hench to take out.
bad idea...
This is a MMO, for God's sake.
Care to elaborate the last part?
This is a MMO, for God's sake.
Originally Posted by chappo
2. there are already many ways to loot with ease. At least this way would be more honourable than using an invinci monk.
Look up soloing in uw or any other guides to solo with chars.
ok, look at it this way. henchies are pretty crap. There are never as many people online when it comes to certain quests and mission. at least this way you know what skills your chars have and you'll stand more of a chance.
Plus it helps people diversify in setting up new builds instead of just sticking to one.
I like Neriandal Freit's Idea the best. Keep the chars exactly like heroes, you only get loot for the char your playing with and they dont class as exploring and getting towns if they are in the group. and if ArenaNet decides on no xp for character heroes then I'll go along with that.
You could probably get that anyway with a noob guild of touchers set up as a group. That's something that should be nerfed. All A-Net have done about that so far is create a skill for paragon's to prevent touching. What about the rest of us?
Farmer_2006, why is it gonna be too much work? they basically have the interface there already. and they dont have to take out the hench. If your on your own and no one about to join the mission with you, you'll still need to fill 4 more slots in the higher missions. henchies will always be needed.
There's not gonna be much in incorperating it into the game. all they'll have to do is switch were they pull koss's data to your character and put some logic in like IF Hero = "Char" then XP = "no"
I could probably sit with them and do it in a day or two.
on a side note, I still want to be a dwarf.
cataphract This is a MMO, for God's sake. Quote: Originally Posted by chappo 2. there are already many ways to loot with ease. At least this way would be more honourable than using an invinci monk. Care to elaborate the last part? |
ok, look at it this way. henchies are pretty crap. There are never as many people online when it comes to certain quests and mission. at least this way you know what skills your chars have and you'll stand more of a chance.
Plus it helps people diversify in setting up new builds instead of just sticking to one.
I like Neriandal Freit's Idea the best. Keep the chars exactly like heroes, you only get loot for the char your playing with and they dont class as exploring and getting towns if they are in the group. and if ArenaNet decides on no xp for character heroes then I'll go along with that.
Nickhimself 4 touch rangers running around. |
Farmer_2006, why is it gonna be too much work? they basically have the interface there already. and they dont have to take out the hench. If your on your own and no one about to join the mission with you, you'll still need to fill 4 more slots in the higher missions. henchies will always be needed.
There's not gonna be much in incorperating it into the game. all they'll have to do is switch were they pull koss's data to your character and put some logic in like IF Hero = "Char" then XP = "no"
I could probably sit with them and do it in a day or two.
on a side note, I still want to be a dwarf.

Here's a quote from the GWs webiste:
"A Hero in your party gains experience and levels, just as a character does. A Hero can never have a higher level than the character working with that Hero."
So dont worry about having any extra advantage here. And hero's "take their share of drops" too. So as long as these dont appear in that character inventory, nothing gained.
People are also complaining about power lvling, over farming etc. Last time i checked all of these happen anyway. Just because you can form a group (of upto 4) by yourself doesnt make farming better.
Will this make the game easier? Who cares, i beat factions several times in only 2 days per character. I'd say its easy enough.
What about forming a group for a mission? Mission towns are often ghost towns, you call this a MMO?
Final point: Money for ANet.
Alot of my friends have quit or will quit playing GWs soon. A new feature like this that rewards dedicated players would most definently renew our interest in this game. ANet would continue to get our $$$ for sure if they implemented something like this.
"A Hero in your party gains experience and levels, just as a character does. A Hero can never have a higher level than the character working with that Hero."
So dont worry about having any extra advantage here. And hero's "take their share of drops" too. So as long as these dont appear in that character inventory, nothing gained.
People are also complaining about power lvling, over farming etc. Last time i checked all of these happen anyway. Just because you can form a group (of upto 4) by yourself doesnt make farming better.
Will this make the game easier? Who cares, i beat factions several times in only 2 days per character. I'd say its easy enough.
What about forming a group for a mission? Mission towns are often ghost towns, you call this a MMO?
Final point: Money for ANet.
Alot of my friends have quit or will quit playing GWs soon. A new feature like this that rewards dedicated players would most definently renew our interest in this game. ANet would continue to get our $$$ for sure if they implemented something like this.
Are you kidding me? I'd never get into a human group again, let alone henchmen. LOL!
I was thinking of this to, but more for the PvP thing at the hall...
Dante the Warlord
actually...i think its a pretty good idea...although itr probably won't get put in because thats pretty much soloing ( without the solo, cause ur still getting everything) but if it did happen, im pretty sure everyone would do it, but this is not a feasible option for us at all.
/signed...but it won't happen...ever
/signed...but it won't happen...ever
Algeron Zolo
My monk, necro, tank, ele, ranger, mesmer all on the screen at the same time, with all the time i put into them, with their nifty armor and weapons, and possible to mod their bars...
My Monk and Tank have long wanted to meet.
Love it. If they added this to nightfall I would buy it. As it is now, im on the fence. Man, that would be too cool
/supersigned (regardless of consquences to farming, groups every actually forming, etc etc etc. I want to play my monk and tank at the same time, so there.)
My Monk and Tank have long wanted to meet.
Love it. If they added this to nightfall I would buy it. As it is now, im on the fence. Man, that would be too cool

/supersigned (regardless of consquences to farming, groups every actually forming, etc etc etc. I want to play my monk and tank at the same time, so there.)
yeah, might as well be able to switch the henchie skills, that'll work the same. But a lot of bots especially the Doppleganger will enver figure out what to do with their build. You can test it on the doppleganger yourself. Make a build and the doppleganger will mess it up. That's how the henchies would probably respond to it too.
Instant Level 20 Characterheros?
Instant Farm/Power Level?
Dupe Items? (If Hero and your Character are 2 different people)
Instant Level 20 Characterheros?
Instant Farm/Power Level?
Dupe Items? (If Hero and your Character are 2 different people)
IF its done right it would be great. but as others above has said it could potentually be abuse way too easily... I like the idea, but it would need to be extreamly well designed and tested before allowing it...
Who says they should get a cut of the loot, regardless of whether they're your characters or not. It would'nt be exploitable if they were treated as henchmen or normal heroes.
Great idea, I'd love to have A way to let my useless characters run rampant at my side
Great idea, I'd love to have A way to let my useless characters run rampant at my side

Dougal Kronik
Have to give us more storage for the items in the backpack/belt pouch/bags on the Hero charactersbecause they all share yours when adventuring.
It's an awesome idea!
Have to give us more storage for the items in the backpack/belt pouch/bags on the Hero charactersbecause they all share yours when adventuring.
It's an awesome idea!
I love the idea. We can already tailor the heroes to have the same skills as our characters, may as well just have our heroes -be- our characters. I don't see any advantage to this over the canned heroes, except it would be extremely satisfying for us to see our characters as others would.
If heroes are required for missions, the game already states they are, so I can't imagine how this would interfere with anything. Although I'm sure the canned heroes would have to become lvl 20 before they can be substituted with a person's character.
If heroes are required for missions, the game already states they are, so I can't imagine how this would interfere with anything. Although I'm sure the canned heroes would have to become lvl 20 before they can be substituted with a person's character.