What title impresses you the most?
Blame the Monks
Any title, PvP or PvE or both. Also tell us why!
I am most impressed by Survivor 3 in PvE, because it is rare and is the only title you can fail. It seems the least grind based title and shows you accomplished a lot of play without making a mistake. I've only seen like 4 people with this title.
In PvP, I am most impressed by very high gladiator (like glad 5). It shows you are astonishingly active (as each glad point takes ~an hour) and is based on your skill to get 10 wins, more so than just winning games on a high ranked guild and/or farming fame for months on end.
I am most impressed by Survivor 3 in PvE, because it is rare and is the only title you can fail. It seems the least grind based title and shows you accomplished a lot of play without making a mistake. I've only seen like 4 people with this title.
In PvP, I am most impressed by very high gladiator (like glad 5). It shows you are astonishingly active (as each glad point takes ~an hour) and is based on your skill to get 10 wins, more so than just winning games on a high ranked guild and/or farming fame for months on end.
Gladiator titles and the Friend of Lux/Kurz just because they have transferred faction instead of buy amber/jade with it

King Kong
Skill Hunter all 180

PVE id say lvl 2 kind of a big deal, cuz thats hardcore, 100% map for 3 maps, 3 prot of xxx, lvl 2 drunk, lvl 3 survivor, max luck or not lucky, etc etc. Now tahts hardcore.
PVP i would say either lvl 3+ champion or r12+. Those means u have should have major skills, esp the champion cuz it means ur in a top 100 guild and gvg alot. gladiator isnt taht special cuz all that means is u got lucky and got monks in ur ra team.
PVP i would say either lvl 3+ champion or r12+. Those means u have should have major skills, esp the champion cuz it means ur in a top 100 guild and gvg alot. gladiator isnt taht special cuz all that means is u got lucky and got monks in ur ra team.
Having both Protector Titles
, especially Tyria as timed missions suck

Phoenix Arrows
highest Champion...highest Glad...highest Rank...Survivor 3...highest Luxon/Kurzick...
I despise the Survivor title because basically the only way to get it was to make a new character, but I had to much time invested in my current characters to do that :/.
hmm.... the survivor title, for those that worked for it - meaning played the game. Easier to get than I would have thought if you use a lot of scrolls solo farming something relatively safe.
And getting to lvl 1 is very easy if you start a factions char.
Protector titles for sure, though factions has less missions it takes multiple tries on some (Vizunah(sp) Square comes to mind.
The Cartogrpher titles, a lot of work to get those- I know as I have both Tyria and Cantha.
I mostly pve, so those are the ones I notice.
ign - Huntress Velasca
And getting to lvl 1 is very easy if you start a factions char.
Protector titles for sure, though factions has less missions it takes multiple tries on some (Vizunah(sp) Square comes to mind.
The Cartogrpher titles, a lot of work to get those- I know as I have both Tyria and Cantha.
I mostly pve, so those are the ones I notice.
ign - Huntress Velasca
Moist Muffin
Survival title pfft, i'm guessing 9 out of 10 get leveled, get run through missions, or are mission quiters.---> All three combined! Hired a run to droks bought armor hired a leveling service. Finally when you arived at level 20 you went and picked on level 10 monsters for more Exp points & mission/bonus Exp points. I am impressed with the skill involved in that title. NOT!
Now I'm stuck with a worthless pug who cant play his char skills in an elite mission.
End Of Rant
Now I'm stuck with a worthless pug who cant play his char skills in an elite mission.
End Of Rant

I'm actually less impressed by some titles at a high rank than I would be at their baseline stat.
For instance, Gladiator (1) shows some tenacity and that you can cope under pressure. Cool! But Gladiator (3) hints very strongly that you've been "farming" RA (which usually consists of quitting every team you join right at the start of the round unless you get a class mix you like), which suggests you might be a jerk.
Survivor (1) is all very well... But Survivor (3)? Odds are that came from some troll farming.
The single biggest alarm bell, though, comes from the Protector of [the continent you're currently playing] in mission areas. You know for a fact that this guy's already finished the mission, so why is he there? There's four possible reasons, only one of which involves him playing properly with your group if he joins: helping a guildmate (good - and you can easily check this by looking at guild tags), mapping (bad), chest runs (plusbad), and skill capping (doubleplusbad).
For instance, Gladiator (1) shows some tenacity and that you can cope under pressure. Cool! But Gladiator (3) hints very strongly that you've been "farming" RA (which usually consists of quitting every team you join right at the start of the round unless you get a class mix you like), which suggests you might be a jerk.
Survivor (1) is all very well... But Survivor (3)? Odds are that came from some troll farming.
The single biggest alarm bell, though, comes from the Protector of [the continent you're currently playing] in mission areas. You know for a fact that this guy's already finished the mission, so why is he there? There's four possible reasons, only one of which involves him playing properly with your group if he joins: helping a guildmate (good - and you can easily check this by looking at guild tags), mapping (bad), chest runs (plusbad), and skill capping (doubleplusbad).
Incorrigible ale hound of course..
no, but for real.. i personally like the skill hunting titles, as i myself am just about an adept skill hunter; will be goin for advanced skill hunter after that. It isn't a title u can just pay loads of money and get easily. It helps u in all aspects, from mapping for ur cartographer titles, getting all the elites for pvp usage, and just fun. I always love gettin that 5k xp from capping an elite, and then seeing that little "you have unlocked" box.
after that, id go w/ champion or gladiator, then cartographer.

no, but for real.. i personally like the skill hunting titles, as i myself am just about an adept skill hunter; will be goin for advanced skill hunter after that. It isn't a title u can just pay loads of money and get easily. It helps u in all aspects, from mapping for ur cartographer titles, getting all the elites for pvp usage, and just fun. I always love gettin that 5k xp from capping an elite, and then seeing that little "you have unlocked" box.
after that, id go w/ champion or gladiator, then cartographer.
Dr Strangelove
Gladiator and Skill Hunter 3 are pretty awesome, as is champion. Gladiator is more difficult to farm than the HA titles IMO and generally represents a player who makes his or her own builds. Skill hunter requires piles of money to be grinded for, piles of xp to be farmed, and a little bit of old-fashioned know-how to find and succesfully cap bosses. Champion is quite rare and takes quite a bit of work to get.
As for those least impressive:
The cartographer titles should be renamed the wall-hugging titles. It's a little more impressive to see it on a non-normal running class, like a necro or a mesmer, but otherwise, meh.
Survivors, for the most part, have either henched their way slowly through the game, or held one finger over the f12 button while playing with parties. At any rate, meh.
As a final note, most people with the drunkard title will be fun to play with, if nothing else.
As for those least impressive:
The cartographer titles should be renamed the wall-hugging titles. It's a little more impressive to see it on a non-normal running class, like a necro or a mesmer, but otherwise, meh.
Survivors, for the most part, have either henched their way slowly through the game, or held one finger over the f12 button while playing with parties. At any rate, meh.
As a final note, most people with the drunkard title will be fun to play with, if nothing else.
Griff Mon
Drunkard Title. Have you ever tried playing the game when drunk? Your other option is to stand around and keep using up ale saying silly things while you look at a blurry screen.
But seriously, I used to be impressed with the Protector Title, it seems like everyone has it. I have never seen anyone with "Kind of A Big Deal" title yet, and only once have a seen a "Legendary Survivor". I think the rarity of the title seems to be a big part of it getting respect.
But seriously, I used to be impressed with the Protector Title, it seems like everyone has it. I have never seen anyone with "Kind of A Big Deal" title yet, and only once have a seen a "Legendary Survivor". I think the rarity of the title seems to be a big part of it getting respect.
Guardian of the Light
Highest Champion.
The only true title of skill.
The only true title of skill.
Originally Posted by Moist Muffin
Survival title pfft, i'm guessing 9 out of 10 get leveled, get run through missions, or are mission quiters.---> All three combined! Hired a run to droks bought armor hired a leveling service. Finally when you arived at level 20 you went and picked on level 10 monsters for more Exp points & mission/bonus Exp points. I am impressed with the skill involved in that title. NOT!
Now I'm stuck with a worthless pug who cant play his char skills in an elite mission. End Of Rant ![]() |
Total Rogue
I am impressed by survivor tier 3 as it actually requires work and some skill to attain. Grandmaster cartographer is also alot of work (i have both) and i respect it.
Skill Hunter is something else that is kinda shocking (and nice!) to see.
Skill Hunter is something else that is kinda shocking (and nice!) to see.
Kai Nui
Champion is really the only title that amazes me, everything else seems kind of piddily, and I have a lot of them too (180 skills, 200% map, 38/38 missions to name a few.)
Sephiroth Istari
People Know Me cuz thats like 10 max titles

I'm much more impressed by a rank 2 survivor title than a rank 3. Reasoning being that I feel that if a person has rank two and playing around in a pve enviornment they probably have earned it. I don't believe that anyone with rank 3 of the survivor title has earned it themselves. They've just tagged along with people who have powerleveled them.
shaolin mind trick
'I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany'
Hopefully this one will exist, but may not be obtainable until ch4..
Either way, first person to get it will be my hero.
Hopefully this one will exist, but may not be obtainable until ch4..
Either way, first person to get it will be my hero.
I am impressed by nothing.
Cicada Sopita
I am impressed by the skill/treasure hunting titles at the higher ranks and the wisdom title. If someone has the cartographer-titles, I know that they spent a lot of time on them, but the wall-hugging involved turns me off. The survivor title is rather impressive, but if someone has only the first rank of it, I suspect their skills in playing in a group - the first rank is easily attained by mechanical gaming style, if you know the area you are playing in - and that style is quite different from group playing.
Rank 1 Survivor is easy to achieve with a Canthan, and most are probably "legit", beyond that, I'm highly dubious they were acquirred without the help of a powerleveling... even with the skill caps, getting them without powerlevelling is a huge grind. Get powerleveled, and they're not only a walk in the park, but you'll also get them very fast.
Most worthy title would be Gladiator for PvP (no lameway farmers there), the Protectors for pve along with Skill Hunters.
Skill hunter is probably the most fun pve title track: it takes you all around the map, to locations you wouldn't have bothered with otherwise, gets you fighting varied bosses and mobs, gets a you a handful of greens... and it doesn't suffer from the repetitive grind of other titles, and you're not having your eyes locked on the map like with cartographer's.
Most worthy title would be Gladiator for PvP (no lameway farmers there), the Protectors for pve along with Skill Hunters.
Skill hunter is probably the most fun pve title track: it takes you all around the map, to locations you wouldn't have bothered with otherwise, gets you fighting varied bosses and mobs, gets a you a handful of greens... and it doesn't suffer from the repetitive grind of other titles, and you're not having your eyes locked on the map like with cartographer's.
some guy
Drunkard, no comment.
Originally Posted by nkari
I don't believe that anyone with rank 3 of the survivor title has earned it themselves. They've just tagged along with people who have powerleveled them.
Have to say I respect these the most, for those who have earned it...
also, give us emotes for KoABD and PKM A-Net!!
Curse You
I think that Skill Hunter titles show an ability to fight different types of enemies in order to get the elites. I just got Skill Hunter (1) on my necro and am working on getting Adept Skill Hunter, but I'm having problems getting enough money and figuring out which bosses I haven't got elites from.
One that doesn't impress me, but is still fun is my Necromancer's Canthan Master Cartographer. I've got about 95.5% uncovered, and I'm starting to wonder where else I can go.
Oh and, none of the PvP titles are in any way impresssive to me, they just take time and/or luck.
One that doesn't impress me, but is still fun is my Necromancer's Canthan Master Cartographer. I've got about 95.5% uncovered, and I'm starting to wonder where else I can go.
Oh and, none of the PvP titles are in any way impresssive to me, they just take time and/or luck.
None impress me, but Ale Hound looks like best, imo. (Looks best = the words of the title itself, nothing more.)
The only titles that impress me, are the ones I earn myself. I know what I put into them, or how hard they were to acquire, and that I didn't 'cheat'.
Though, if I had to answer, it would probably be any of the Glad titles. That one is the least likely to be 'cheated', in a sense.
Though, if I had to answer, it would probably be any of the Glad titles. That one is the least likely to be 'cheated', in a sense.
Champion titles, no contest.
Champion, no doubt about it.
Gladiator could have been worth something if RA wins didn't count.
Gladiator could have been worth something if RA wins didn't count.
champion title is ok coz getting this one requires beating competitive guilds. but the title that makes me say "Wow!" atm, none.
Originally Posted by Paperfly
The single biggest alarm bell, though, comes from the Protector of [the continent you're currently playing] in mission areas. You know for a fact that this guy's already finished the mission, so why is he there? There's four possible reasons, only one of which involves him playing properly with your group if he joins: helping a guildmate (good - and you can easily check this by looking at guild tags), mapping (bad), chest runs (plusbad), and skill capping (doubleplusbad).

Possibly only the champion titles. Other than that, I'm not particularly impressed by any of the PvE titles, to be honest. Most, if not all, require a grind, a goldsink or both. Gee, that's impressive. Not.
Champion title is grind too: battle over the same maps over and over and over.
All titles are grind, it's merely about choosing your poison.
All titles are grind, it's merely about choosing your poison.
The truth itself
Champion of course, Gladiator after that.
No PvE titles really impress me, but i can laugh at Ale hound
No PvE titles really impress me, but i can laugh at Ale hound

The "Friend of the Kurzick/Luxon" titles, since they denote a degree of selflessness. And here I'm thinking, "That's a lot of amber/jade!"

"Advanced Skill Hunter" title, on the PvE side of things. I think this one requires the least amount of grind. It's actually kinda fun to go out and get this one, too - it doesn't feel like work. It is also one where leeching isn't an option, so no one can question how you got it.
Originally Posted by Sluggs
Champion title is grind too: battle over the same maps over and over and over.
All titles are grind, it's merely about choosing your poison. |
shane william
would have to say champion title and KOABD title tied for first, really like the gladiator titles but with the whole zaishen elite exploit its hard to say which ones are actually legit. the hero ranks used to be very respectable, but now it seems people just play to farm fame
I only tend to respect the first two tiers of Survivor if it's on an Assassin. It's too easy to get it with the other character classes.
I respect the higher tiers of Skill Hunter as it is a lot of work and money to achieve.
The Cartographer and Protector titles I'm sure can be difficult to get, but they're too common for me to respect very much.
As for PvP, well, I don't PvP very often, so the titles don't impress me when I see them. I'm not part of a large Guild, so I don't really ever get into the large scale PvP like GvG or HoH very much, and RA/TA is fun, but I get tired of it too quickly if my team isn't winning consistantly. As for Aspenwood and Quarry, well, I just haven't gotten around to trying those out yet.
I respect the higher tiers of Skill Hunter as it is a lot of work and money to achieve.
The Cartographer and Protector titles I'm sure can be difficult to get, but they're too common for me to respect very much.
As for PvP, well, I don't PvP very often, so the titles don't impress me when I see them. I'm not part of a large Guild, so I don't really ever get into the large scale PvP like GvG or HoH very much, and RA/TA is fun, but I get tired of it too quickly if my team isn't winning consistantly. As for Aspenwood and Quarry, well, I just haven't gotten around to trying those out yet.