Couple of strange quest related things I have just spotted today.
I was doing Heart or Mind : Ronjok in danger. Arrived in the village to see 2 exclamations. One for Undead Defenders and one for the Toma feasting quest. I don't recall doing the Toma feeding on this character so I figured I would accept. The timer started, a red box showed up on screen saying "Toma has devoured 0 creatures" and Toma was nowhere to be found (I know how this quest works having done it on "somebody"). Fine I thought, carried on with Heart or Mind with the toma box and the timer still running. As the timer expired I got a "The feasting is over, see thingy for your reward" The quest didn't show up in my log, Toma was conspicuous by his absence and I couldn't hand it in as "thingy" had ran off to storm the Kournan garrison or some such.
I was really looking forward to getting rewarded for doing nothing too
ohkay.. so I then picked up Undead Defenders (which worked fine and the reward was given) but being the eager beaver I am, I ran out to meet the Kournans who gathered at the gate nearest the res shrine and just stood there, allowing me to pick them off without them ever fighting back. A couple ran around chasing the minions summoned for the quest but they were easy pickings.
I just figured the quests were a little broken as I should have done them some time ago and not when coming back for the Ronjok quest but don't take my word for it