Okay, fair enough. I'd like to have another attempt at that title again, you'd rather have another attempt at those quests.
I don't care about LDoA on my main. Would be a nice discussion though, yet this thread is to discuss changes to the Survivor Title. |
As I said, most of my Tyrians are original, and when I first heard about the title, I was a bit put off - primarily because of the fairness thing. Here was a title that I couldn't get on any of my current characters - how unfair. But after I thought about it, I realized that it didn't really matter - because of the way I approach the game, there is nothing I would have done that much different had the title existed from the beginning. So I didn't worry about it any more - I simply saw it as another goal to reach for future characters.
But if we are to discuss changing the title to ignore those lost opportunities, then this thread really shouldn't be about just the title, but should be about the fairness of allowing players to have second shots at those things they missed that they would love to be able to have a chance at getting, especially when we use the terms of fairness.
Therefore, to be fair, if we are to allow second shots at Survivor, because "we did not know about the title", then that absolutely must include LDoA for the same reason. Plus we also must look at the other things in the game that might not be fair either in the same general terms:
Festival Hats, mini-pets, region specific promotional items, special code key items (such as magazine specific promotional items), limited time or promotional quests, etc. Each of these things can be considered for change using the same argument we are here just for the LS.
Yawg dismisses the B-day minis because he has yet to see the argument as a whole. It's not the point that minis could be bought. But the fact that (for argument's sake), because I deleted characters prior to the knowledge of the minis I permanently lost a chance to get one of the minis at no additional cost or investment of time on my part. What does it take to normally get a B-day mini? Log in with a character who reaches a certain age and make sure they have a free inventory slot. Double-click the present and presto - mini-pet. All of five seconds of time, and no gold spent. Now, in order to gain the same number of minis lost to deleted characters, how much time and gold do I need to invest? More than I think is fair when all I want is a shot at getting the same chance I would have had I not deleted those characters, especially considering the cost of gold and green minis.
Getting Survivor on your Tyrian characters is simple - delete, re-roll, and replay. If the time invested on those characters is more important, then so be it. My time invested in advancing through the game with my characters is more important than having to farm to get minis I should have gotten for free with no additional time invested. If we are to allow you to get Survivor without having to sacrifice your time vested, then why should I not be given the same opportunity to get minis without having to sac my own time vested as well?
Yet, I've never played a game where death actually mattered. If you fall in a pit in a Mario game, tough luck, just try again. That's how I treated GW too. No, I'm not rushing in to get me killed intentionally, but if me dying actually turns out beneficial, I won't hesitate to get myself killed.
However, would I have known about an impeding title I could obtain without dying once, I'm sure my stance would've been entirely different concerning 'taking one for the team'. |
Your sacrificing may have saved your team, but that is the key for both arguments here. If you didn't sac, what would have happened? The team would have died resulting in failure. Therefore your individual death prevented failure, but it still did not meet the parameter of success since, had the rest of the team died, the team would have failed, therefore as a whole, death still does not meet a parameter for success. At least one person on your team would have still have needed to avoid death to have any shot at succeeding in the goal.
And here we have one of purposes of the title, stated by Gaile herself (in a discussion on this topic shortly after the titles were implemented). LS was created much in the same mold as LDOA. I forget her exact words, but I do remember she mentioned an example very similar to yours in terms of achieving the title. In terms of your example, you had the choice to sac or not. You obviously state that you would have had second thoughts about sacing had you known about the title and had a shot at it. In that case, it seems then it is a moot point. You either sac to give the team a chance at suceeding, or you don't and probably end up failing the goal, which means death in any event, and the loss of the title anyway.
Hanok Odbrook