How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
Nice guide.
I will try with Warrior.
---- Sparkle Is Leet ------
I will try with Warrior.
---- Sparkle Is Leet ------
Nice guide. I'll give it a go.

I'm level 4, but I thought I'd try out death leveling but I can't seem to work out how to get the moas to stay near the shrine - I die, but they run off and don't come back. Can you post a vid or something please?
Before I try this can anyone confirm if this is a Account-wide title? Or just character-wide?
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Before I try this can anyone confirm if this is a Account-wide title? Or just character-wide?
And to a question 2 pages back, reguardless of teammates res sig situation, the new law to preseering reguardless of all circumstances-
Why is Jew banned?
Neo Nugget
Cow Tale
didnt anet state that theres no reward to getting to lv 20 in presearing several times? maybe thats why hes banned.
Neo Nugget
Hmmmm i think i might keep my account instead of getting banned over a title:P.
Anyone who is level 12 in pre can confirm that as of Nightfall release, there is a progress bar in your title window. There are pics on guru etc.
Cow Tale
i think hes just banned here in the forums
Cow Tale
will someone post pics on this thread i searched and found nothing
Neo Nugget
its on a thread in the riverside in prolly on the 2nd or 3rd page i believe.The title is like.....about the title.
tom de healer
first post has a pic, on the 3rd page is a pic of someone with the title.
first post has a pic, on the 3rd page is a pic of someone with the title.
For those in doubt and fearing account ban, think on this.... Why would Anet put in an achievable title if they were going to ban you for getting it... Silly peoples. Need more confirmation that its ok to do this, read Gailes post:
Princess Blades
Interesting. I"ll give it a go with a mesmer. name is Princess Is Leet
Ok, a few things I need to revise
1. You gain less than 10k experience from all the quests in preseering. So don't do them until you are level 19.
2. For your death leveling from level 16 on, you need to do it on the res pad outside of Baradin Estate, with all the striders+moss spiders. Kill them when they are 5 levels above you or level 20, rinse and repeat.
1. You gain less than 10k experience from all the quests in preseering. So don't do them until you are level 19.
2. For your death leveling from level 16 on, you need to do it on the res pad outside of Baradin Estate, with all the striders+moss spiders. Kill them when they are 5 levels above you or level 20, rinse and repeat.
There's a very easy way to get the first 6 or 7 levels out of the way. Head over to Foibles and pick up the map point. Zone out and head through the ice golems to the elementalist trainer. Grab her quest and run behind her out of aggro range. Wait for all the waves of ice golems to attack her (3 or 4), then run up and cast fire storm on a mob in the center. They'll all die in one cast. Map to Foibles and abandon the quest. Repeat.
Guess I'm gonna give it a try. The Duck Got Stuck. Sorry for not going Duck Is Leet :\
amish lifeguard
haha, were going to flood presearing, gg.
if anyone has any questions, feel free to hit me up
Amish Is Leet.
god, this'll be great.
if anyone has any questions, feel free to hit me up
Amish Is Leet.
god, this'll be great.
Capitan Is Leet
gonna give it a go when I finish NF>< not sure what profession yet.
gonna give it a go when I finish NF>< not sure what profession yet.
Yea I am alrdy Emovan Is Leet, asmish got to tlak to you later abotu some stuff man if poss. In addition, anyone know why Ju got banned?, all probably just wait to message him in game tonight anyway.
I'll do it when I get the time
Erud is leet
Erud is leet
Laura Fletcher, R/
Sorry for the whole 'is leet' thing, but all my characters have RP names and I'm not going to stop now.
EDIT: Tried out the Barradin Estate thing, but I'm still getting the problem that when I res, the enemies are outside my aggro circle and won't come back in. If someone could show me this, I'd be extremely grateful.
Sorry for the whole 'is leet' thing, but all my characters have RP names and I'm not going to stop now.
EDIT: Tried out the Barradin Estate thing, but I'm still getting the problem that when I res, the enemies are outside my aggro circle and won't come back in. If someone could show me this, I'd be extremely grateful.
Cracko With Cheese, allready had the character before this thread was opened, Level 8 now, Able to solo Charr so it wont be *THAT* long untill level12.
great guide, im going to try and do this starting next weekend...any name suggestions? ;p
As for combining the 2 titles.. I fail to see how a lvl 1-3 wolf/moa bird/spider/bear whatever, can kill a lvl 15-16 pet..
The only way you could possibly do this would be to let it loose on the 4 charr bosses and hope they can kill it.. then again, good luck killing a lvl 20 charr boss

The only way you could possibly do this would be to let it loose on the 4 charr bosses and hope they can kill it.. then again, good luck killing a lvl 20 charr boss

Neo Nugget
Thanks eviance for that post link. I am now less in fear of being banned for this lol.
Allready started for the title then came here for help, don't want to Delete and rename the character - Keynen De Virgil
nice, i'll try it with an ele
amish lifeguard
this is great guys, i just hope the enthusiasm lasts 100 hours later when you need 2k more ex pand have to death lvl it haha.
just a tip to those who are thinking of what to be, in my expierence, a monk or mesmer is the best. they can solo the charr that are over the wall at lvl 8. being able to solo the charr at a low level can save a TON of time. also, if possible, please PM myself or Ju in-game so we can compile a list of all the ______ Is Leet names so we can get an idea of who all is attempting it and offer help/farm together whenever needed
as for the death leveling, i use the moa birds outside of the abbey. i can usually aggro 2 of them, sometimes 3 every time.
just a tip to those who are thinking of what to be, in my expierence, a monk or mesmer is the best. they can solo the charr that are over the wall at lvl 8. being able to solo the charr at a low level can save a TON of time. also, if possible, please PM myself or Ju in-game so we can compile a list of all the ______ Is Leet names so we can get an idea of who all is attempting it and offer help/farm together whenever needed

as for the death leveling, i use the moa birds outside of the abbey. i can usually aggro 2 of them, sometimes 3 every time.
Okay, will someone please enlighten us on how to make the Striders not run too far away? I aggroed 2 last night and let it go all night, and when I woke up, I had 2 level 3 Striders. Hmm, great.
I'm level 8 right now... getting level 9 this evening, then doing another test run of death levelling. If someone could help me out, I'd be greatly indebted.
Amish, I'll PM you this evening if I see you on, if you wouldn't mind helping me with technique.
I'm level 8 right now... getting level 9 this evening, then doing another test run of death levelling. If someone could help me out, I'd be greatly indebted.
Amish, I'll PM you this evening if I see you on, if you wouldn't mind helping me with technique.
Nice tread, alltho I dont like the "over 100 hours busy death-leveling stupid moa birds". But cant this be done way quicker?
(Dont know if it will work tho, not able to test this)
Find a guy that has allrdy leveled the moa's, party him and travel to those birdies. When arrived shouldnt that birds be level 20? If this works it could save u plenty of time. Maybe someone with leveled moa's wanna try if it works?
Anyway ima start a pre-seerer too :P
(Dont know if it will work tho, not able to test this)
Find a guy that has allrdy leveled the moa's, party him and travel to those birdies. When arrived shouldnt that birds be level 20? If this works it could save u plenty of time. Maybe someone with leveled moa's wanna try if it works?
Anyway ima start a pre-seerer too :P
When you leave and reenter a zone, they are lvl 2 again..
Ooow for real? So they dont 'save' levels? And that will mean you gotta spend every time 4-5 hours to level them up a bit?
Can someone write easily how to solo the charrs as a mesmer?
My name is Angelica Grey, sorry
My name is Angelica Grey, sorry

I started a new character, Sic Is Leet. Right now she is a warrior but I accidently accepted the reward for char at the gate at lvl 2.5
so i'm going to delete her and make a necro.

Commander Ryker
This sounds like fun. I'm going to try it when I'm bored.
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
This sounds like fun. I'm going to try it when I'm bored.
Some pevious experience grinding is always good... I played Kal Online on my 12 month break from Guild Wars. Getting 2% of a level per 5 minute run through a quest feels like lightning speed.
Can someone please answer my question about the Strider leaving my aggro bubble? I know it could rely on pure luck and where the bird spawns, but still, an expert answer would be greatly appreciated.
im thinking of starting this with my ranger howl ong would it take bouts if u know to lvl a monster with pet so u can get survivor and defender titles?
I'm doing this with a mesmer, just for the hell of it. I'm level 9, what i found out so far, not to bag anyone's ideas just what I've come across...
-You can go from lvl 2-5 way faster, by doing the ele Azure quest where u nuke ice golems over and over. Just abandon it in Foibles, and do it again, you can re-write the ele skills whenever with other ones, as long as u don't accept the reward. Also you get decent items to sell for some gold, few dyes drop, and u get ur icy stones for armor.
-I started the Rurik quest at level 5, I'm a mesmer, and empathy OWNS in presear.
-If you have a real life, ie college student, work, both. Whenever you are afk save time by doing the death leveling trick, after a few hours, even if you are level 4, the moa will level up then u can kill it, and it is about half a exp bar chunk.
Every little bit helps. This is a fun title, lol.
-You can go from lvl 2-5 way faster, by doing the ele Azure quest where u nuke ice golems over and over. Just abandon it in Foibles, and do it again, you can re-write the ele skills whenever with other ones, as long as u don't accept the reward. Also you get decent items to sell for some gold, few dyes drop, and u get ur icy stones for armor.
-I started the Rurik quest at level 5, I'm a mesmer, and empathy OWNS in presear.
-If you have a real life, ie college student, work, both. Whenever you are afk save time by doing the death leveling trick, after a few hours, even if you are level 4, the moa will level up then u can kill it, and it is about half a exp bar chunk.
Every little bit helps. This is a fun title, lol.