How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by tenorplayer
If you're planning on doing this when you're already bored, I highly discouage you from trying. You'll go back to whatever was boring to begin with.

Some pevious experience grinding is always good... I played Kal Online on my 12 month break from Guild Wars. Getting 2% of a level per 5 minute run through a quest feels like lightning speed.

Can someone please answer my question about the Strider leaving my aggro bubble? I know it could rely on pure luck and where the bird spawns, but still, an expert answer would be greatly appreciated.
In order to death level, you need mobs whose "roaming" area includes the rezz altar or very near it. If you pull them from too far away they'll always run back. It usually takes me a couple of times rezoning to get a spawn that will work.



Always Outnumbered

Join Date: Jul 2006

Seeing as I accidently accepted 2 quest rewards, I had to start over, new name: Lag Is Leet. And for the Strider part, I always take the one left of the exit/entrance of Ashford Abbey. They usually stay inside the agro bubble.

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Since I just plain like to explore... I went out with that mission in mind. I killed everything I came across and after about 4 hours I was level 7. I haven't taken ANY quest rewards. I still have about half of presear to explore and I'm still getting decent XP most of the time.

Also, I'm trying to work out a way to get dual titles but as other people have commented...I can't see how using a pet would work for leveling up monsters. The pet does help you level faster though.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

I have been testing this over the last 24 hours or so and am still having the agro problems decribed above (the last few posts seem to answer this at least a bit, but if you have more detailed info, it would be appreciated).

I have spent several hours this morning testing pet death leveling. I am having a very hard time keeping the pet from fighting and so the enemies tend to die especially since they don't seem to heal. I finally did manage to have a wandering Melandru's Stalker kill my pet stalker 60-70 times in a row. This was accomplished by staying near the statue of Melandru where you first acquire the "Ranger's Companion" quest. The statue heals anything near it, so the stalker I was trying to level did not die from my agressive pet. It seems like this should have been enough to prove the concept but the thing never leveled.

enemies DO heal but they must be out of combat to do it. Also, I have re-run the test using 2 moss spiders (attacking my pet) and 1 melandru's (attacking me). My pet is a basic lvl 5 Melandru's. I res'd my pet more than 120 times so far and NOTHING has leveled.

My questions:
1. Has anyone successfully used a pet to level any monster? (if so, details please.)
2. Is there any way to keep your pet from fighting back when it gets attacked?
3. Does anyone have ANY additional info that might be helpful?
4. If pet death leveling doesn't work currently, how can we get Anet to put it back?

-Cheese E


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Richmond, VA

Scars Meadows [SMS]


Originally Posted by Celain
In order to death level, you need mobs whose "roaming" area includes the rezz altar or very near it. If you pull them from too far away they'll always run back. It usually takes me a couple of times rezoning to get a spawn that will work.
Hehe, thanks for the reply Celain.

I ended up PM'ing Ju and finding a good spawn on my own. Level 15 Strider here I come. ^^

I think this might be the advent of me trying out a Beastmaster.

The Bright

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Anyone with this title who left Pre-Searing? I guess the title will still be there Post-Searing, but if someone could confirm...

Got a monk at level 11, 46% towards 12. Still levels up faster than I expected, but I just solo'd everything behind the wall since level 9, this probably sped it up a lot. A pet helps too (shared aggro and a bit more damage output). Got a level 5 Stalker at level 5 and he always levels up when I do. Ben Wolfson can also speed it up a bit. But he won't run away when you run away and usually dies early.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


League of Friends (LOF)


death by toots (level 6 atm)

sorry i couldn't bear to be toots is leet, even when tongue in cheek, lol


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Forces of Valhall [XFVX]


ohh noes, died.

Made a new one named: Iva Willcrush!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Marsun
ohh noes, died.

Made a new one named: Iva Willcrush!
Unless someone can prove that it's possible to level enemies with your pet, a "Survivor" "Defender of Ascalon" will forever be out of reach.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

North Pole, Alaska

Where Iz Teh Bonuz


A friend and I have started our quests for this title, Derek The Glad and New Genetic Evolution, wish us luck! . Im wondering, will this stay after we enter Post-Searing?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Wow, 100+ hours... I'd join you if I had another character slot.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Durance Of Fate [DoF]


I guess I'll join in.

Talic is leet.


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Forces of Valhall [XFVX]


Originally Posted by cheesymac
Unless someone can prove that it's possible to level enemies with your pet, a "Survivor" "Defender of Ascalon" will forever be out of reach.
I must choose one of the titles, I would have to pick the survivor title.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Yeah nice guide. Now before I try this can anyone confirm if this is a Account-wide title? Or just character-wide?

Also 100 hour may seem a long time, but when you think about it, you can leave your game AFK while you go to work or school. Only real worry is err=007ing while leveling the mobs up.
It's character only, not account.

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
I'd love to get this and Legenary Survivor Maybe I'll give it a go, just for fun.
Maxie you shouldn't have deleted your level 18 war you had ;p

Leo's at 19 I dunno if Leo will go for 20

Originally Posted by Juicey Shake
does it still exist that: as a party of 2 in pre-searing, if 1 person dies but 1 person is still alive, that 1 dead guy will res at the shrine?

I -KNOW- it used to be like that, but does it still do that? or must you BOTH die to res at the shrine?

if it is still possible I'll probably try to get ldoa/legendary survivor- using 2 clients & 2 accounts.
No you will not rez unless you both die

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$

1. Start out, leave ascalon city, do the quest your dude gives you. Accept reward for 2 skills and some experience. No more quests for the rest of time.

2. Find the secondary trainer for your primary profession, monks would be Mhenlo, necromancer would be Munne (in the catacombs), ranger would be Nente in regent valley, Mesmers would be Althea just north of where you did that quest. Talk to them for an additional 2 skills, accept their quest, but don't do it. Go into a town and abandon it.

3. Do the same thing for any one secondary. You should now have about 7 skills on your bar. (I recommend ranger pets, so you can death level a Moa bird to 5 levels above yourself every night.

4. Get collector armor, armor is as follows for most professions I believe
A. Chest and Legs are at Ranik, you need 5 unnatural seeds+5 spider legs. PM Dom Caplan Is Leet to be sold some.
B. Gloves can be found at the res pad outside Foibles Fair. Takes 2 minutes to get the 3 Icey Loadstones from nearby ice elementals.
C. Boots can be found (at least for warrior and monk) in the entrance to the catacombs due north of Baradin Estate, gargoyles are present and easy to kill for the 5 Gargyole Skulls needed.
D. IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO FOLLOW: There are no helms in preseering, so do not trash your starter, it is the only one you'll get.
5. Leveling
After killing what you need for your collector armor, you should be about level 2 or 3. Kill skales outside Ascalon City for a little UMPH to get to level 4 or so, and to get the needed Skale Fins for your Belt Pouch. Dom Caplan Is Leet has these as well if you do not wish to farm, just drop a PM.
This is the most important time saver. Even though Charr At The Gates is easy, and mildly efficient, I have found an easier and more efficient way. Possibly twice so. Outside Foibles Fair, follow the path headed toward lake side county, but do not zone. As you near the portal, to the westsouthwest you will see multiple bears and bandit blood sworns. Follow this path, and kill all the level 3s. When you get near the end, there is a zone to the catacombs, that you can enter and leave to respawn all the enemy's. Even though the enemies provide about half the experience the Charr At The Gates do, it is faster to repeat, and 90% of the time you will be in combat.
This part, simply grab a friend, and cross the wall. Kill the Charr, get anyone listed on the first page to teach you how to work the agro's, and where to position yourself to minimize taken damage, and maximize output. With most professions, you can solo about half the charr, and with a skilled Mesmer with enough skill, you can solo the entire alter. After a while, the only thing that gives you exp as the bosses. DRAG.
LEVELS 16-18
This part is where you do every single quest, from everyone. Be sure that you do all the quests for all secondary professions. Like, do Ranger Nente's quest for a pet, but don't so I WANT TO BE A RANGER. Then go do Mhenlo's HELP PAULUS WHILE HE DOES STUFF IN THE CATACOMBS but don't accept the rewrad. When you are done with all the quests, you shold be level 18. I blieve it is important this comes before the deah leveling for 2 reaons.
1. Enemies get more experience for killing higher level foes. If you are a higher level when you start to death level, then they gain more experience, making it faster to get them to a level where you can kill them for value.
2. You might death level for an additional week, only to realize, that experience wouldn't have made a difference, because ultimately the quests get you what you need unconditionally.

Death leveling.
I'll explain more later...
I believe just rushing out to the charr at the alter and dying maybe 200 times willl make a run worth it... because you will of course be able to solo them with your massive DPS...
But maybe just sitting on a res pad starting with a level 1 moa will go faster, even though you have to get it to a higher level and you only get a handfull of them, you still don't have to be there, or spend half you're timing running to get there.
DP does not exist in pre.

Ok the way you explained that is ok but not exactly right. Having had my char in pre for 13 months I have formulated a plan as how to level in pre searing based on the changes made to AI last November. Yes I realise I had time to hit 20 back in the day, but I had crappy dial up which made it nigh impossible. So I pass my knowledge unto you all:


After making a new char go ahead and get your collector armor, doing that will give you some starter xp and you should be able to at least get to level 3 by the time you get the set.


For your early levels I reccomend killing enemies in the Catacombs, the reason for this is there is plenty to kill there and you will be able to get to 7 before you would have to seek another place to gain xp. As a bonus one of the perks I have found with the Catacombs is that it is a decent source of dye drops. Also do get your skills from trainers but DO NOT finish the quests you want to save your xp for later down the road.

LEVELS 7-10 Ah yes......this is where some considerable grind will present itself ;p. At this level you would want to start Charr hunting over the wall. I do know that at levels 7-10 for some chars it may be hard to find a partner, or you might find yourself constantly killed. Do not be discouraged by this because DEATH PENALTY DOES NOT EXIST IN PRE SEARING. From level 7-10 you want to clear the ENTIRE map. The reason you only clear it at these levels is because of this: You can only gain minimum xp off of enemies 5 levels lower than you, once you are 6 levels higher than a foe you gain 0 xp for killing them. The lowest level enemies that you can gain xp when by the time you start Charr hunting at level 7 are the Grawl which are level 3 and the Oakhearts which are level 5. So by the time you hit level 9 you are 6 levels higher than the Grawl, so you will no longer gain xp from them, and you'll be 6 levels higher than the Oakhearts at level 11.

LEVELS 10-14 By this time you will have the lay of the map down and runs should go smooth for you. The only enemies at this level you want to kill are the Charr and the Charr bosses.

LEVELS 14-16 Once you reach level 14 though you will be 6 levels higher then the standard Charr which are level 8. At this time you only will be able to gain xp off the Charr bosses. Once you hit 16 there is no need to go over the wall as you will be 6 levels over the level 10 bosses, thus gaining no xp for killing them. Now begins the challenge.

To understand how to reach the levels beyond you must know how to "Death level", the concept is really simple. You see monsters are just like us. When you let them kill you they gain xp, and because of that they have the ability to level up just like us.

LEVELS 16-20 You do not want to use your quests yet. Yes it can get you to 17 but do save them. Ok so here's what you want to do. There are 2 locations for effective death leveling: Outside Ashford Abbey, and Outside Barradin Estate. What you do is go outside to the area where the rez shrine is and for the Abbey you want to attack (but not kill) a Strider. Run to the shrine and let it kill you a few times. You have to watch it kill you a few times because you want to be sure you hold it's aggro because the optimal way to level is to afk your char while you sleep/go to school/etc. if you chose to death level at the Barradin rez shrine you want to grab either a Strider or a Spider. Same as at Abbey watch to see if it holds aggro. Incidently only one creature seems to gain levels at a time at the shrines, I tried a mob and only one would gain xp. So once you have established that it is holding aggro on you put your armor in your inventory and if you have one, equip a vampiric weapon, then go sleep or w/e in about 10 hours barring you didn't error 7 it should be at level 20. If you really feel like sitting there I will share a little secret with you ;p. If you happen to be a warrior or second war using Frenzy will speed the process. For necros if you use Blood Renewal at 90 health you will sac and after testing it I can confirm saccing does count as a kill and they gain xp off you for it. When you kill the creature at level 16 you will gain approximately 2% xp in case you wondered. You will need patience for this part as it will take a long time for you to gain each level. Now once you hit 19 from death leveling then do your quests and get the xp from them I am not too sure how close this will put you to 20 but saving your quests until here will definately help you in the long run.

Whew lol I hope that this helps you all out in some way

Originally Posted by The Bright
Anyone with this title who left Pre-Searing? I guess the title will still be there Post-Searing, but if someone could confirm...
There are 4 level 20s in pre from before the nerf, which made it so enemies no longer gained levels. Two I can tell you have not left pre. The other 2 I do not think they have, but I have not seen them on in a long time. Btw to clear a common confusion I am not God Antipowers who was the first confirmed level 20 in pre. My char was made as a joke char which I ended up keeping.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Dps != Dp

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
LEVELS 16-18
This part is where you do every single quest, from everyone. [...] When you are done with all the quests, you shold be level 18. I blieve it is important this comes before the deah leveling for 2 reaons.
1. Enemies get more experience for killing higher level foes. If you are a higher level when you start to death level, then they gain more experience, making it faster to get them to a level where you can kill them for value.
2. You might death level for an additional week, only to realize, that experience wouldn't have made a difference, because ultimately the quests get you what you need unconditionally.
It is better to accept the quest rewards once you've reached level 19, not 16, because by keeping your level low you will earn more XP from killing a level 20 Moa. I've run the math in all detail, and found that you need to kill about 40 Moas LESS if you do the quests at the very end. Assuming that you kill one moa per day that's quite a difference.

1) Yes, the moa may level up more quickly if your level is high, but that isn't an issue for most people as they are afk/asleep anyway. You wake up or return home from work and find the moa with level 20. Who cares if it took him 5 or 6 hours?

2) You need 13400 XP to level from level 19 to 20. This is roughly what all quests in pre-searing together will earn you, so you can safely wait until you're level 19, then do the quests and you won't "overshot" level 20. Once you've reached level 19 XP per moa kill doesn't change any more, so you can do the quests right after you've reached 19.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Legends of Tomorrow


thread for screenshots on LDoA?

Bartuc Galadwor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Alberta, Canada

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]; [SMS] Alliance


So if the leveling enemies with your pat way doesn't work does anyone see any other way to get Survivor and LDoA on the same character?

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by GW-guy
thread for screenshots on LDoA?
Check page 3 of this thread.

Just believe it. Enough people have confirmed that this is not a hoax.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Ajantis
Dps != Dp
Ah my mistake.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


Survivor and LDoA on the same character?
there is a way, if you get your friend to death lvl them for u then you can finish it off but make sure he gets far away before u kill it to make sure u get all the exp


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


added in a q&a, feel free to ask more questions here and they just might makeit to that list


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by holyjew888
there is a way, if you get your friend to death lvl them for u then you can finish it off but make sure he gets far away before u kill it to make sure u get all the exp
As stated before in this topic.. it does not work. He does not ress as long as you are alive. There is no way to get both titles on the same character.

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

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Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


Originally Posted by Ajantis
As stated before in this topic.. it does not work. He does not ress as long as you are alive. There is no way to get both titles on the same character.
ya the other charchter rezes him....just takes longer

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

wow posts sure do add up quickly here. sorry i havent been on this weekend, ive been busy with other things that need me

ill try to play more in the week but my time is starting to stretch thin


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

The Midnight Hand


First of all, great guide! I didn't read every single post, so someone else may have already covered this. But to help speed along the death leveling I would recommend obtaining a vampiric weapon and/or a weapon with a damage mod that provides -1 health degeneration. That will ensure a slightly quicker death since you will be taking an extra 2-4 damage per second.

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jan 2006


But i thought vamp/zealous only dropped on gold as of the factions release. i didnt think golds dropped in pre.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
But i thought vamp/zealous only dropped on gold as of the factions release. i didnt think golds dropped in pre.
I heard there was a bug/exploit long ago which allowed a pre-sear char to come to his/her guilds hall, getting all kind of post-sear items, then going back to pre

Bartuc Galadwor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Alberta, Canada

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]; [SMS] Alliance


Originally Posted by leeky baby
ya the other charchter rezes him....just takes longer
Is it possible to get a hard rez in Pre?

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


<loki is leet lvl 18 and working on survior


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

In post-searing it is so that you res at a shrine when there are no resses left in the team. Isn't this so in pre? Or perhaps this is only true when you hench it?

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Loki Seiguro
<loki is leet lvl 18 and working on survior
Can you tell us how you managed that? Based on from what I've read so far there is no way whatsoever to get legendary defender of ascalon AND survivor on the same char.

Anyways great thread. Thanks.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by leeky baby
ya the other charchter rezes him....just takes longer
Rez sig: One time use. Only recharges after gaining a morale boost. Only way to do that in pre:

Kill the Charr bosses.

Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
But i thought vamp/zealous only dropped on gold as of the factions release. i didnt think golds dropped in pre.
Not so I have a 5-10 Vamp axe, vamp is just hard to find. As to only on golds after Factions I dunno, I had this axe pre Factions

EDIT: 2 pics first is of me killing a level 20 creature

2nd is of the title track of the Legendary Defender Of Ascalon title


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


there are still a few vamps floating around but they will be quite pricey, the gh thing is also true as proven by the fact that i know someone with several top end greens in pre

DL Lorre

DL Lorre

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006


Children Of The Abysse


Ok ive read through basically alll of this (i didnt skip one or 2). But am i the only one that thinks its a little harsh to extend one char just for this title? I guess once i beat Nf and Propecies with my main factions char, ill go buy a slot and devote it to this....or maybe sooner dunno.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by DL Lorre
Ok ive read through basically alll of this (i didnt skip one or 2). But am i the only one that thinks its a little harsh to extend one char just for this title? I guess once i beat Nf and Propecies with my main factions char, ill go buy a slot and devote it to this....or maybe sooner dunno.
I've been doing this for 13 months, way before a title was ever put for this. I still haven't beat Factions or Nightfall yet.

Here is a pic I took tonight of Anti with the title out:

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


it get both title LDoA and survior is stated in the first post i beleve

- lost the title this morning thoguh the survior one lol

<loki is leet - lvl 19 started quests

mo/n btw

^^^^^ lol to god not completing either games

ive been abel to do this title while playing and finshing aall campeigns but then again i ahve no life lol.

Hope you enjoy them later God


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


I don't see it there.. Please enlighten us

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

just to clear it up, the Guild hall trick is no longer possible. it was only possible when merchants were first added to the guild halls but has now been fixed.

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Loki Seiguro
it get both title LDoA and survior is stated in the first post i beleve

- lost the title this morning thoguh the survior one lol

<loki is leet - lvl 19 started quests

mo/n btw

^^^^^ lol to god not completing either games

ive been abel to do this title while playing and finshing aall campeigns but then again i ahve no life lol.

Hope you enjoy them later God
I've read through the first post multiple times and I can't see any mention on how to get survivor and LDoA, so would appreciate if you could tell us...