Ok this thread opens up with people stating that Gaile said that there were some hints in the manual as to what C4 could be about. So on that notion, one of the first clues we are given is the lands to the north. Which in my opinion this means north of Tyria. Why do I say this ? Well, those Ascension Pilgrims tell you that they see a light to the north and they think it is Turai Ossa calling them,then mentions about the Mists not being too far as we once led to believe. Now what Hero do we have that is from the Mists ? Razah
Razah is my speculation is a shapeshifter just the the Djinn are, so infact Razah might be a Djinn. Ofcourse this is all speculation. If you go to the NF manual you will read that Djinn and Razah sound almost alike in being able to change forms. So who knows, perhaps we will go to the lands of the Mists where they have demons, ghosts ect but not all creatues are demonic there according to the NF manual I downloaded from the gw site. My guess we will be seeing more Djinn.
Lord Odran a new/old villian ? Check out the links below which add something interesting here.
Bahltek NPC - I know he is not in the NF manual which i am trying mostly to base this on because the thread is suggesting hints within the manual but really check this link out, its explains very little on hints but what it does mention and he does emphasize about a spirit ship aka ghost ship and water.
So I am thinking islands surrounded by water which leads me to speculate that the Corsairs have a role because they travel the seas where no Istani can follow them and if you read the NF manual about the Corsairs, you will have a better idea of what I am trying to say.
So bascially I am just going to speculate that we will be seeing Lord Odran as our villian who is trying to get back to mortal form similar to Shiro to rule the world
Also I am not totally sure this has ever been mentioned but when we killed Shiro you speak to the Oracle who gives you an Amulet of the Mists ! How ironic is that ??? Amulet of the Mists which brings up the theory about The Rift which leads us to Lord Odran
What do we find in the Rift, spirits,demons and ancient creatures
So this is all just speculation on my part and all I did was just read alot on the forums and did some small research on my own. If anyone else had some more info or can correct me on some things by all means do so. I for one am no major loremaster by any means but hey it is sure cool learning about it