Idea: PVE Island available to ALL chapters
Shadow Kurd

Dougal Kronik
I would also include that more islands get added if you have installed a specific campaign.
Example: With each campaign by itself you get the main island and 1 explorable.
Add another campaign, and you get the next explorable plus one for each extra campaign you have installed.
Therefore, Prophecies gives you one explorable. Add Factions, you get the Factions island and Prophecies+Factions bonus island. Add Nightfall, you get the Nightfall island and the Prophecies+Nightfall and Factions+Nightfall bonus islands.
All three gets the Prophecies+Factions+Nightfall island.
A reward for those who buy multiple camapigns.
I would also include that more islands get added if you have installed a specific campaign.
Example: With each campaign by itself you get the main island and 1 explorable.
Add another campaign, and you get the next explorable plus one for each extra campaign you have installed.
Therefore, Prophecies gives you one explorable. Add Factions, you get the Factions island and Prophecies+Factions bonus island. Add Nightfall, you get the Nightfall island and the Prophecies+Nightfall and Factions+Nightfall bonus islands.
All three gets the Prophecies+Factions+Nightfall island.
A reward for those who buy multiple camapigns.
Agree wholeheartedly. Excellent idea.
In essence,i think we NEED something like this as Guild Wars gets bigger and bigger and bigger. |
great idea...be a nice addition
Samuel Dravis
I'd love a central place with all of its content available to everyone regardless of chapter.
I'd love a central place with all of its content available to everyone regardless of chapter.
Why not make it an island containing a main town ( just like suggested ) but also with one low level (chapter distinctive) exploration area for each chapter. This way the island can also serve as 'demo' for current players ( guess they dont want an unlimited stream of demo-players ) for each chapter.
There could be henchmen with the new profession classes (Rt, As, D, P) so you could at least get an idea about what they are. The landscapes filled with chapter-specific creatures ( not all ofcourse, just for a healthy taste ).
So if I only would have bought nightfall ( 100% possible ), then I could at least have a quick glance at factions and prophecies. Resulting possibly in buying those chapters.
Plus the effect of seeing players in town with high prestige armor from chapters you dont have, will at least get you hungry for it
The downside for anet is ofc that every chapter would require a new (extra) explorable area.
( sorry for my lousy english )
Why not make it an island containing a main town ( just like suggested ) but also with one low level (chapter distinctive) exploration area for each chapter. This way the island can also serve as 'demo' for current players ( guess they dont want an unlimited stream of demo-players ) for each chapter.
There could be henchmen with the new profession classes (Rt, As, D, P) so you could at least get an idea about what they are. The landscapes filled with chapter-specific creatures ( not all ofcourse, just for a healthy taste ).
So if I only would have bought nightfall ( 100% possible ), then I could at least have a quick glance at factions and prophecies. Resulting possibly in buying those chapters.
Plus the effect of seeing players in town with high prestige armor from chapters you dont have, will at least get you hungry for it

The downside for anet is ofc that every chapter would require a new (extra) explorable area.
( sorry for my lousy english )
Americas Monk
great idea, GW needs something like this
great idea, GW needs something like this
Xenex Xclame
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
I would also include that more islands get added if you have installed a specific campaign.
Warning :a bit long post :P its worth it tho
However to expand on your idea and to keep it alive , Anet itself should add new parts as new expansions are released, so Prophecies map has 5 areas ,maybe all on one map or maybe 5 explorables(or 6 if you want pre-searing).
It would have
A war torn kingdom
A frozen mountain
A volcano.
( those are postsear ascalon, shiverpeaks,Kryta,Maguuma,RoF)
And the second island would have Factions themed areas.
A academy
Kingdom of merchants ,peseants,thiefs and travelrs.
A Petrified forest
A Frozen ocean
and that Anet would expand each time when a new chapter is released.
So basicly a Short version of what the whole chapter provides,come to think of it this would also be a way to promote the other chapters.If i only had GWP and saw in a short way how factions is i could decide wheter i want it or not .
BTW if it wasnt so obvious
In fact i like the idea so much and dougals suggestion and my own twist on it that i might spend some time to see how i can expand on this suggestion more.
Once again (sorry for long post)
I dont even care about the auction house, but a town thats made to SELL is amazing. Just one place to go to shop. Maybe some filters for specific items would go a VERY VERY VERY long way
Now im not so sure about Campaign added areas... as that completely diminishes the whole "centralized idea".
Some more thoughts-
Location: The Zaishen Battle Isles. Somewhere near these isles as this area is already deemed as a "central area".
NPC's: Maybe a mix from all the campaigns and such you can see Merchants from Cantha, Armorers from the shiverpeaks, Some sunspears from elona?
I dont even care about the auction house, but a town thats made to SELL is amazing. Just one place to go to shop. Maybe some filters for specific items would go a VERY VERY VERY long way
Now im not so sure about Campaign added areas... as that completely diminishes the whole "centralized idea".
Some more thoughts-
Location: The Zaishen Battle Isles. Somewhere near these isles as this area is already deemed as a "central area".
NPC's: Maybe a mix from all the campaigns and such you can see Merchants from Cantha, Armorers from the shiverpeaks, Some sunspears from elona?
/signed - wonderful idea; could be the starting point of finalyl having a useful "lfg" system as well.
Place yourself into a "/lfg <with mission/quest>" status and others can find you and put you in as needed... all from one place. Great idea.
Place yourself into a "/lfg <with mission/quest>" status and others can find you and put you in as needed... all from one place. Great idea.
Guardian of the Light
Think this is a fantastic idea, all told. The only problem is location. It has to be unique, it has to be fresh, and it can't feel like it's just slapped in.
I vote for a partial re-building of Orr. Maybe add in a core Elite mission while you're at it. Who knows what lurks beneath the waves?
Think this is a fantastic idea, all told. The only problem is location. It has to be unique, it has to be fresh, and it can't feel like it's just slapped in.
I vote for a partial re-building of Orr. Maybe add in a core Elite mission while you're at it. Who knows what lurks beneath the waves?
i also really agree with the last 2 ideas
i also really agree with the last 2 ideas

Americas Monk
Gaile Read This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Need This!
Curse You
That got the attention of whoever is looking for someone who DOESN'T like this idea.
But really, this is a good idea, but I don't expect to see it ever implemented.
/signed (this time for real)
That got the attention of whoever is looking for someone who DOESN'T like this idea.
But really, this is a good idea, but I don't expect to see it ever implemented.
/signed (this time for real)
But the idea of having to have a specfic title I do not like.
But the idea of having to have a specfic title I do not like.
Alt F Four
Wretchman Drake
uber idea
uber idea
One of the few ideas someone's come up with that I actually think is good and worthwhile.
One of the few ideas someone's come up with that I actually think is good and worthwhile.
Good idea! You know, they can even have a gift shop for outdated event items that players might still want. Make it both a marketplace and a recreational paradise.
Good idea! You know, they can even have a gift shop for outdated event items that players might still want. Make it both a marketplace and a recreational paradise.
Unlucky Slayer
Great Idea... Is much needed.
Great Idea... Is much needed.
Gorgeous Idea, love it to death.
Perhaps this could be a refugee camp set up by the Xunlai.
The city could be, at it's core, of Xunlai Architecture, but could spread out into sections based on the cities of different nations escaping the conflicts of their homeland. Ascalon, Tyria, Shiverpeaks, Cantha, Kurzik, Luxon, Shing Jea, Istani, Kournan, Vabbian.
The city could be built, rather than on an island, on the shore of some kind of larger landmass. As more chapters are added, you could see budding settlements just outside city limits, that become integrated as the chapters go live. This way, depending on the length of this franchise, the city could spiral outward, creating a sandbox without the limited boundaries of an island. A-net would thusly not have to justify islands popping out of the sea, and only have to expand onto a small continent, that could have small quests for core skills and whatnot.
Gorgeous Idea, love it to death.
Perhaps this could be a refugee camp set up by the Xunlai.
The city could be, at it's core, of Xunlai Architecture, but could spread out into sections based on the cities of different nations escaping the conflicts of their homeland. Ascalon, Tyria, Shiverpeaks, Cantha, Kurzik, Luxon, Shing Jea, Istani, Kournan, Vabbian.
The city could be built, rather than on an island, on the shore of some kind of larger landmass. As more chapters are added, you could see budding settlements just outside city limits, that become integrated as the chapters go live. This way, depending on the length of this franchise, the city could spiral outward, creating a sandbox without the limited boundaries of an island. A-net would thusly not have to justify islands popping out of the sea, and only have to expand onto a small continent, that could have small quests for core skills and whatnot.
on everything, i like the whole idéa to make GW more social, like it is now everyone is more or less spread out trough the 3 chapters, and the only social-part you have is in Guildchat, alliancechat, teamchat or the citychat witch aint that big. I really like this idea, especially the auction house, a more organized way to get the WTB/WTS away :P
on everything, i like the whole idéa to make GW more social, like it is now everyone is more or less spread out trough the 3 chapters, and the only social-part you have is in Guildchat, alliancechat, teamchat or the citychat witch aint that big. I really like this idea, especially the auction house, a more organized way to get the WTB/WTS away :P
Bane of Worlds
---Follower of Grenth
---Follower of Grenth
Alotia Slipfeet
/Signed This sounds awsome and worth it.
Sounds great :]
sounds like a great idea
Maybe core pets? Pets that appear in more than one campaign maybe, such as warthog, and also being able to cap things such as black widows there, instead of having to slog all the way to UW.
Maybe also new pets there (Penguin FTW :P . or just put hippo there)
sounds like a great idea
Maybe core pets? Pets that appear in more than one campaign maybe, such as warthog, and also being able to cap things such as black widows there, instead of having to slog all the way to UW.
Maybe also new pets there (Penguin FTW :P . or just put hippo there)
The only core pet is the spider. Pets won't work.
/super signed! Great idea. It's hard for my guild members to do FOW and UW because we don't all have Proph or Factions or Nightfall. Like it lots!
Originally Posted by teenchi
It's hard for my guild members to do FOW and UW because we don't all have Proph or Factions or Nightfall. Like it lots!
You reading this Anet?
Not A Fifty Five
Heh, and if you want anet to read it, respond in my thread in site feedback. otherwise we're just gonna have to keep bumping everything ^^
Heh, and if you want anet to read it, respond in my thread in site feedback. otherwise we're just gonna have to keep bumping everything ^^
I will /sign it as long as those who have Prophecy only account can get skills and armours from the 2 expansion chapters.
It would be cool if like Tyria was the shared continent.
And every future expansion would add a bit to it.
It would be cool if like Tyria was the shared continent.
And every future expansion would add a bit to it.
ive never thought about it but that would be so awesome
ive never thought about it but that would be so awesome