Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Agreed 100%
There is more pressing things that need attention before more lame titles. The only thing KoaBD proves is you have a less then active life...who wants to advertise that? Sorry for the slightly off-topic but it is an issue that needs to be addressed. |
[Dev Poll] Guild Wars Titles
Leave it the way it is...
I don't want to have a seperate title for evey campaign.
Then that would make me choose which one to show.
Now people say to me 'Hey nice title you got there'
Removing that would make it dull. Coz everyone would have it.
Also how would the core skills count?
Ever thought about that?
Making them seperate would make me having to cap the core skills a second and third and for next chapters a 4th or 5th time.
Should they count for all simultaneously that would leave people with only one chapter having unfilled titles and we're already complaining bout the titles list being that long.
Most of the people saying to change it don't even have rank 1 so what do they care.
I'm actually getting pissed while typing here. NERFNET
I don't want to have a seperate title for evey campaign.
Then that would make me choose which one to show.
Now people say to me 'Hey nice title you got there'
Removing that would make it dull. Coz everyone would have it.
Also how would the core skills count?
Ever thought about that?
Making them seperate would make me having to cap the core skills a second and third and for next chapters a 4th or 5th time.
Should they count for all simultaneously that would leave people with only one chapter having unfilled titles and we're already complaining bout the titles list being that long.
Most of the people saying to change it don't even have rank 1 so what do they care.
I'm actually getting pissed while typing here. NERFNET
bamm bamm bamm
Three titles for doing something I find fun? Sign me up. I don't understand this 'cheapness' that people keep throwing around. Yes, maybe when KoaBD was 1/1, but it isn't any more. Since when was the first tier of a title supposed to be almost impossible to achieve (ignoring 1/1 titles)? The title has changed from it's inception, the opinions of the naysayers don't seemed to have followed suit.
Actually, no. All Anet employees, be it artists, programmers or cleaners, all work on the same problem at the same time. In fact, their building is just a long corridor with a PC at the end, and they all queue up in front of it and work on 'The Problem', moving to the back when they've had their go. They blink with one eye at a time, because seeing with two is cheating. Gaile has been hogging the PC so much with this title fiasco, chapter 4 is now cancelled.
Originally Posted by Kha
Just because one issue is being addressed in the forums, doesn't mean they're not working on the others.

Originally Posted by Jamski
This cheapens "Kind of a big deal", I vote against.
Originally Posted by kanaxais_scythe
I think it should be left as it is. There is really no need to make the difficult to achive titles easier even if more ranks can be added. Plus, the title screen is already all chaotic with the new Nightfall ones. It needs organization before something like this could be added I think.
Thalion Galad
it's a silly title anyway because is char based...
'' my wa/mo is going to cap '' peace and harmony '' very usefull for a wa/mo'' or a mo/wa caping ''warroir's Endurance'' seeing the hole pick recaping skills cause they give a title but your char is not going to use them. another skin hole...
sry for my mood nothing personal...
so i say
it's a silly title anyway because is char based...
'' my wa/mo is going to cap '' peace and harmony '' very usefull for a wa/mo'' or a mo/wa caping ''warroir's Endurance'' seeing the hole pick recaping skills cause they give a title but your char is not going to use them. another skin hole...
sry for my mood nothing personal...
so i say
Priest Of Sin
sounds good to me... but then again, I don't go elite capping enough. Seems to me that the hardcore skill cappers need to speak up on this.
voted for campaign specific titles.
Voted with Majority, I don't want my hard earned time and effort to be wasted for something that can't be maxed until the next chapter comes out.
Hello Kitty
Originally Posted by Emik
Making them seperate would make me having to cap the core skills a second and third and for next chapters a 4th or 5th time.
Should they count for all simultaneously that would leave people with only one chapter having unfilled titles and we're already complaining bout the titles list being that long. |
For example: If you capped "Cleave" in Prophecies, then it would give you 1 pip towards the skill hunter tracks in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. So once you get all the shared elites you'll have a head start of sorts on the title track going into new campaigns.
Sounds cool to me.
Shyft the Pyro
I'm voting for this, because a fixed progression is better than an unreliable one. At the moment, the Skill Hunter title cannot be maxed; at present rate it will not be maxed in Chapter 4. The people complaining that Sunspear ranks can't be maxed should be right here voting for this change since it makes this title available.
Further, I love the idea of "international" titles, with one caveat: I would like them to automatically update and drop the player one level whenever a new campaign is released. I know this could be seen as a ploy to get people to buy into new chapters, but I don't think it would be fair to call someone an "international" anything if they haven't traveled to all areas available. I'd rather have a 3/4 rank when Chapter 4 comes out than see someone still getting a KoaBD point with a 3/3 just because he didn't buy Chapter 4.
I know the above assumes there will be a Chapter 4 and I will buy it, but you get the idea
Further, I love the idea of "international" titles, with one caveat: I would like them to automatically update and drop the player one level whenever a new campaign is released. I know this could be seen as a ploy to get people to buy into new chapters, but I don't think it would be fair to call someone an "international" anything if they haven't traveled to all areas available. I'd rather have a 3/4 rank when Chapter 4 comes out than see someone still getting a KoaBD point with a 3/3 just because he didn't buy Chapter 4.
I know the above assumes there will be a Chapter 4 and I will buy it, but you get the idea

Corran Horn
Well, I've capped 151 elites so far from all three continents with no one continent completely capped. I'm currently working on finnishing up Tyria though . At this point this change would leave me with no skill hunter title, but that's ok with me. It's not an easy title to acheive and anyone who says that it would cheapen KoaBD obviously hasn't tried to cap every elite in the game. I know it's at least as hard as the cartographer track and that gets one maxable title for each chapter. The only thing that I wouldn't like about them doing the skill hunter title this way is if they didn't have an international versio, because I plan on capping all of the elites and I want to be able to show that off at once. I wouldn't want to only be able to show one chapters title at a time.
Edit: The International title should not go towards KoaBD. It should only be recognition that you have more than one Skill Hunter title. Also, it should go into effect as soon as you have two Skill Hunter titles maxxed.
Edit: The International title should not go towards KoaBD. It should only be recognition that you have more than one Skill Hunter title. Also, it should go into effect as soon as you have two Skill Hunter titles maxxed.
I vote for the seperation of the titles.
All this talk about KoaBD is useless, it is already extremly easy to get if you have all three campaigns. 3 protector titles and 3 cartography titles gives you KoaBD and an extra towards PKM so there is no need for all this useless discussion about how this would affect this already easy to get title.
I also would hope that these new seperate skill hunter titles will be retroactive (if instated) since there is alot of time and alot of money involved in earning them, I know there are alot of farmers and power sellers out there that can afford to spend the almost 300K again but many people just can't afford to go cap all the elites again.
I also love the idea of international titles but there needs to be some more levels added to the KoaBD title track to adjust for the additional titles.
Great idea and I hope to see it added soon!
All this talk about KoaBD is useless, it is already extremly easy to get if you have all three campaigns. 3 protector titles and 3 cartography titles gives you KoaBD and an extra towards PKM so there is no need for all this useless discussion about how this would affect this already easy to get title.
I also would hope that these new seperate skill hunter titles will be retroactive (if instated) since there is alot of time and alot of money involved in earning them, I know there are alot of farmers and power sellers out there that can afford to spend the almost 300K again but many people just can't afford to go cap all the elites again.
I also love the idea of international titles but there needs to be some more levels added to the KoaBD title track to adjust for the additional titles.
Great idea and I hope to see it added soon!
Two April Mornings
/copy what racthoh said
I'm indifferent. If the change is made, there would be no point in me going for Cartographer titles, since KOABD will be incredibly common.
I'll stick with my 3 Protector titles, though.
I'll stick with my 3 Protector titles, though.

Enchanted Warrior
This is why I hesitate to go for titles. They can be dropped, changed etc, and we (those in the voting minority) have no say in it. Those that have acheived it are left hanging.
I'm in favor... everyone loves more titles, and having a title track that cannot be maxed is rather pointless.
anyway, on the subject of titles I would like to suggest an addition. The Adventurer title track, which would be based on how many side quests a specific character has completed. Make it Campaign specific and go by percentage of quests done rather than actual number since they seem to vary between camapaigns. so we would have ex.
Elonian Adventurer > Heroic Elonian Adventurer > Master Elonian Adventurer > etc...
you get the idea. Gaile... you better read this
anyway, on the subject of titles I would like to suggest an addition. The Adventurer title track, which would be based on how many side quests a specific character has completed. Make it Campaign specific and go by percentage of quests done rather than actual number since they seem to vary between camapaigns. so we would have ex.
Elonian Adventurer > Heroic Elonian Adventurer > Master Elonian Adventurer > etc...
you get the idea. Gaile... you better read this
/signed, definetely. I'd like it if there were tiers within the campaign specific Skill Hunter titles as well (say, one rank for the equivilant of every elite in a profession captured). One thing bugs me, though. What about the Core Elites? Would they count at all? Or, would capping a singe Core Elite count towards every title track? That could get kinda confusing, and would greatly reduce the difficulty of getting the Skill Hunter titles.
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
This is why I hesitate to go for titles. They can be dropped, changed etc, and we (those in the voting minority) have no say in it. Those that have acheived it are left hanging.
I Voted yes. I also don't get it what all the complaining is about. Sounds to me that people are shooting for KOABD and that's it. Even with the proposed changes, PKM will be a common thing to see, which means more tiers will HAVE TO BE added to the "Number of Max Titles" track. This is a good thing, but I guess the idea is people were hoping that now that Nightfall is out, they can get thier 3xProtector and 3xCartographer and consider them selves elite by displaying KOABD? If you have respect for the "Number of Max Titles" track, you should see the need for these changes. The non-maxable Skill Hunter track doesn't make sense the way it is at present anyway, it will never be maxable.
Gaile, I think splitting the track sounds great, but be sure to add enough tiers to the "Number of Max Titles" track to give merit to the title.
Gaile, I think splitting the track sounds great, but be sure to add enough tiers to the "Number of Max Titles" track to give merit to the title.
Out of curiosity, would it be possible to have the skill hunter title the way it is as well as having one per campaign? That way, if I wanna show off that I've capped over 200 skills I can, but if I prefer a specific campaign, I can also show that.
Definatly would prefer showing off how much overall work I've done to JUST showing that I capped in one campaign. It, in a way, defeats the purpose of the skill hunter title.
The most usless skill for a skill hunter who's not a monk is probably spell breaker
On the other hand, due to the skill hunter title, I now have heros who can use any elite I feel like, where suddenly, spell breaker might come in useful.
Definatly would prefer showing off how much overall work I've done to JUST showing that I capped in one campaign. It, in a way, defeats the purpose of the skill hunter title.
Originally Posted by Thalion Galad
'' my wa/mo is going to cap '' peace and harmony '' very usefull for a wa/mo'' or a mo/wa caping ''warroir's Endurance'' seeing the hole pick recaping skills cause they give a title but your char is not going to use them. another skin hole...
This would be a very lovely change
This would be a very lovely change

Juicey Shake
Originally Posted by Hockster
Remove titles completely. They mean nothing at all, and are completely grind related. I realize that Anet is bound and determined, for whatever reason, to try and remove all the gold from characters by continually creating titles that are nothing but gold sinks (putting in a Drunkard title in a game aimed at 13 year olds? good idea there).
Instead of coming out with more silly titles, maybe release a finished game instead, and not do like EA does and release a poorly tested and implemented game, actually fix the stuck character issues, or fix the numerous Z axis issues that still crop up on nearly every bridge. There are so many other items that should be resolved first, but I guess adding ridiculous titles is much more important. Thanks for nothing. |
I vote yes on seperate 3 titles & all the international snazziness.. Multiple tiers of the KoaBD title that won't be impossible to reach will be nice nice nice.
Well, KoaBD was cool during the first two chapters, because it was genuinely hard, but now its pretty easy. I don't see it as really all that prestigious.
PKM will be the new title to-get. And whatever after that will simply be 'godly' until Ch4 makes its appearance.
PKM will be the new title to-get. And whatever after that will simply be 'godly' until Ch4 makes its appearance.
KoABD isn't that big of a deal titlewise to begin with don't kid yourselves. How many people running around with it ebayed gold to purchase beer, keys, rares etc to get it. Of course most will say they didn't, but we know thats how some people take the easy route.
And yes the titles should be campaign specific due to other players not owning all campaigns, and they won't max out until the last GW's installment.
And yes the titles should be campaign specific due to other players not owning all campaigns, and they won't max out until the last GW's installment.
Originally Posted by Kcp
KoABD isn't that big of a deal titlewise to begin with don't kid yourselves. How many people running around with it ebayed gold to purchase beer, keys, rares etc to get it. Of course most will say they didn't, but we know thats how some people take the easy route.
And yes the titles should be campaign specific due to other players not owning all campaigns, and they won't max out until the last GW's installment. |
Please stop sound ignorant - KoaBD is easy to get because you can get 6 max titles relatively easily:
Protector of Tyria/Elona/Cantha
Grandmaster Cartographer for Tyria/Elona/Cantha
-_- People need to stop pulling the ebay card to make themselves feel better.
Sli Ander
Originally Posted by Shyft the Pyro
Further, I love the idea of "international" titles, with one caveat: I would like them to automatically update and drop the player one level whenever a new campaign is released. I know this could be seen as a ploy to get people to buy into new chapters, but I don't think it would be fair to call someone an "international" anything if they haven't traveled to all areas available. I'd rather have a 3/4 rank when Chapter 4 comes out than see someone still getting a KoaBD point with a 3/3 just because he didn't buy Chapter 4.
I know the above assumes there will be a Chapter 4 and I will buy it, but you get the idea ![]() |
you could have it change and follow the Cartography track for the world, Level 1 being Inter. Cartographer, 2 being Inter. Master Cartographer, etc.
A third way of doing it would be have each tier reached on more than one continent (say pathfinder for both Canta and Tyria) would get you International Pathfinder(1), the next simply using the same titles as the Cartography track up to Master and GM.
Sorry if I ramble, but I'm tired. Any of these ideas would possibly work to show international level, and could be adjusted for new chapters(some more easily than others).
But that's just my two cents

Nine Soul
Voted in favor of splitting the title track. I don't see how it "cheapens" the title when (as many stated already) it's not THAT big of a deal (bad pun intended).
People Know Me would be closer to mine and everyone else's reach, and there will always be that next one that is really really hard to get. From my point of view - win win situation.
P.S. And yeah, don't count the International Titles towards KoaBD and PKM titles, just have them be bling bling, otherwise it would get TOO easy. You get three Elite Skill titles and a free 4th one? Nah.
People Know Me would be closer to mine and everyone else's reach, and there will always be that next one that is really really hard to get. From my point of view - win win situation.
P.S. And yeah, don't count the International Titles towards KoaBD and PKM titles, just have them be bling bling, otherwise it would get TOO easy. You get three Elite Skill titles and a free 4th one? Nah.
I voted chapter specific, just cause I knew that was the most popular answer... In truth I'm good with it either way. whatever Anet wants to do with it. Its an optional title after all Just for allowing people to show off a little. Its not like Sunspear and Lightbringer titles that actually have a use... In reality I kind wish I could abandon a few titles, or at least sort them by Achieved or something, cause the list is too long on my Veteran characters. I only use 1 or 2 titles anyway... Cartographer, Treasure hunter, and Lightbringer. All of which are useful for getting parties.
Cartographer means you know your way around the maps...
Treasure hunter means you are a decent farmer and know when its a good time to open chests and when not too.
And Lightbringer is obvious for Realm of Torment advantages in parties...
all the others I really don't want at all, so I wish I could just turn them off or de-list / sort them or something... They are just for fun anyway...
Cartographer means you know your way around the maps...
Treasure hunter means you are a decent farmer and know when its a good time to open chests and when not too.
And Lightbringer is obvious for Realm of Torment advantages in parties...
all the others I really don't want at all, so I wish I could just turn them off or de-list / sort them or something... They are just for fun anyway...
I'm honestly very glad to see a poll here on wiki asking our opinions. Thanks Gaile for keeping an open and fair ear open to the community here at Guru.
Already posted my thoughts on GWO, so I won't repeat myself.
I admit, that got a giggle out of me ^_^
My vote goes for Master of Magic on a non-ele. 25 energy for a spell that does... absolutely nothing!
Um... you do have a say, just as much of one as everyone else. That's why it's been put up for discussion and a vote. Of course, on the other hand you can't expect ANet to bow to your every whim and ignore everyone else.
Please, if you disagree with the proposed change, give your reasoning. The only reason you don't have a say is because you didn't say anything
Originally Posted by bamm bamm bamm
Actually, no. All Anet employees, be it artists, programmers or cleaners, all work on the same problem at the same time. In fact, their building is just a long corridor with a PC at the end, and they all queue up in front of it and work on 'The Problem', moving to the back when they've had their go. They blink with one eye at a time, because seeing with two is cheating. Gaile has been hogging the PC so much with this title fiasco, chapter 4 is now cancelled.
![]() |
Originally Posted by lg5000
The most usless skill for a skill hunter who's not a monk is probably spell breaker
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
This is why I hesitate to go for titles. They can be dropped, changed etc, and we (those in the voting minority) have no say in it. Those that have acheived it are left hanging.
Please, if you disagree with the proposed change, give your reasoning. The only reason you don't have a say is because you didn't say anything

How would elites that can be capped in multiple contenients be handled? Will crippling anguish count towards Tyrian, Elonan, or Canthan skill hunter? Will it be dependent on the actual place you capped it? Can that be done retroactively?
Although I would like to be able to get another point towards KoaBD, it does cheapen it and I must say, I see no reason to do it. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
Although I would like to be able to get another point towards KoaBD, it does cheapen it and I must say, I see no reason to do it. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
I voted keep it the way it is. It will be less impressive if it's campaign specific. I'm impressed when I see an Elite Skill Hunter. The same won't be true for a Master Tyrian Skill Hunter.
I like to max out my titles so I would really prefer it to be specific to each chapter. In some strange way it would make me to want to cap them all even more.
Originally Posted by SilentVex
I voted keep it the way it is. It will be less impressive if it's campaign specific. I'm impressed when I see an Elite Skill Hunter. The same won't be true for a Master Tyrian Skill Hunter.
I say allow there to be an option to have a KoaBD-like title for skill caps, cartographers, and protectors. Something that doesn't count toward KoaBD, but has ranks depending on how many titles you have 'completed' for each continent. Like "Big Deal in Tyria" and "Big Deal in Cantha". Or on the flip-side, how many continents you have completed for each title: "Globetrotter" (for 2 or more continents max cartographer) and "Protector of the Gods" (for 2 or more continents max protector).
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
As you may know, the Skill Hunter title in Guild Wars was designed to offer new tiers with the release of each campaign, so it doesn't ever max out. Some players have shared the opinion that they'd prefer to see campaign-specific Skill Hunter titles, similar to the campaign-specific Explorer and Protector titles. These new campaign-specific Skill Hunter title tracks would allow players to make progress with each campaign on the Kind of a Big Deal title track.
We're considering making that change, and we'd love to hear feedback from players, particularly those who are working hard to achieve the Skill Hunter or Kind of a Big Deal titles. Here's how a change might work:
come post in the "is anyone else bored" thread sometime gaile. im sure many would love to hear your opinion on some topics in it.
as for the titles...... i would not seperate them. because having someone with a HUGE rank in skill hunter spanning three seperate chapters would be much more cool than three seperate titles.
Originally Posted by SilentVex
I'm impressed when I see an Elite Skill Hunter. The same won't be true for a Master Tyrian Skill Hunter.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I disagree. There are a handful of elites in each continent that are quite difficult to cap. Because of this, you could easily continent-skip and cap all the easy ones for one or two tiers of Skill Hunter.
Tauren Arcanist
I've personally discussed this idea in game with a few of my guildmates/friends.
I was a bit surprised that this wasnt implemented already.
Its a great idea
I was a bit surprised that this wasnt implemented already.
Its a great idea
Originally Posted by SilentVex
Elite skill hunter requires 290 elite skills. Currently there are 291 elite skills obtainable (including the elite lightbringer signet). That's a lot more impressive than getting all the elites for any single campaign.
Right now, if someone only owned Tyria, and got all 90 caps, they would not be seen as impressive at all. It's something even I could do with my lazy playstyle, and owning all three.
It really saddens me how many people vote yes 'becoz it was the most popluar answer'
Get an own opinion ffs.
I saw someone reply to my previous post that Core elites are not multi-cappable.
So that means that they
1. need to make skills recappable which is plain right BOLLOCKS.
2. let them count towards all three titles simultaneously which brings me back to my previous reply.
We've already got enuff half hanging titles and making such changes makes it even worse in the already hard to manage titles list with several unfilled things in it.
People with only Proph and Nightfall will have a never ever filled Factions title saying Canthan Skill hunter: 60/110 for instance
I mean come on, what gives.
I'm currently at 183 elites and i like my title.
It's the only thing i'm going for whether it counts towards KoaBD or not.
Skill Hunter shows devotion towards the gametitle and seperating them gets rid of that
I'd like all skillhunters and other repliers to post THEIR current eliteskill number and THEN vote instead of going with the 'majority' coz you don't have a mind of your own.
They'd best change the KoaBD title into CUT (Completely Useless Title) since everyone has it.
Get an own opinion ffs.
I saw someone reply to my previous post that Core elites are not multi-cappable.
So that means that they
1. need to make skills recappable which is plain right BOLLOCKS.
2. let them count towards all three titles simultaneously which brings me back to my previous reply.
We've already got enuff half hanging titles and making such changes makes it even worse in the already hard to manage titles list with several unfilled things in it.
People with only Proph and Nightfall will have a never ever filled Factions title saying Canthan Skill hunter: 60/110 for instance
I mean come on, what gives.
I'm currently at 183 elites and i like my title.
It's the only thing i'm going for whether it counts towards KoaBD or not.
Skill Hunter shows devotion towards the gametitle and seperating them gets rid of that
I'd like all skillhunters and other repliers to post THEIR current eliteskill number and THEN vote instead of going with the 'majority' coz you don't have a mind of your own.
They'd best change the KoaBD title into CUT (Completely Useless Title) since everyone has it.