Originally Posted by SumXone
it's so funny, i could be a game designer, too!
for a new "elite area" do this: - take a dull, ugly and boring landscape you already have on your harddrive, i would suggest just take the realm_of_torment_bugged_colors.map file - take a mob - set the mob level to 28 - think of some stupid and unbalanced overpowered skills to give to the mob - give these skills the skill icon you always use: monster_skill_icon.icon - take the "place monsters" brush from your map editor toolbar - select brush size "max" - cover the whole map with monsters - think of some stupid and unbalanced overpowered enviremental effects - voila: your done! a new, challenging area. oh, you forgot to make the area somewhat interesting and unique... bah, who cares, its guild wars! everybody will love it! |
Domain Of Anguish
Pwny Ride
Originally Posted by korcan
from what ive read and seen posted [i have yet to gain access to the DoA]about DoA, this area seems completely different then other end-game content that anet has created [ie. sf, fow/uw, urgoz, deep, ToPK]. there seems to be a lot of people that believe that this area is too difficult, that may be the case only time will tell, but until then dont you think its a little premature to write it off completely? if the DoA isnt something that you enjoy, theres are lot of other end-game content available to you that you may enjoy.
some people seem to enjoy sf, and im sure that those types of gamers will continue to enjoy sf if DoA isnt their cup of tea. urgoz/deep lovers will continue to play those areas so on and so forth. just because a new area isnt something you enjoy doesnt mean that its broken or needs fixing. cookie cutter builds are problematic if you pug. this game has been around for almost 2 years now. if you enjoy end-game content and farming, im sure that there must be at minimum 3-4 other like minded gamers that youve met, become friends with through gw. experimenting with different builds with your farming buddies and separating yourselves from cookie cutter builds shouldnt be too much of a problem. |
No Hench in the Domain of Anguish, and heroes are next to no good unless you have 6 arms to control them (and even at that, any one player can only use up to 3 heroes at a time).
SOOOO my answer is no, its not a little premature to be writing it off completely (although ive seen nobody COMPLETELY 'write it off', ive heard no complaints about the weapon trader.) These are experienced players complaining about the situation.
And what if the Elite Area ISNT some people's cup of tea? What are they meant to sit it out for the next 5 months twindling their thumbs?
What builds should a mesmer be looking into for this place?
Swinging Fists
Well, they could do whatever they were going to do before this area was announced a few days ago. Adding this to the game does nothing to the other parts of the game, except some people will now be in DoA instead of being somewhere else.
Thankyou Anet.
Finally a challenging area to test our pve mettle. All other quests were a joke, now there's something decent to play.
Finally a challenging area to test our pve mettle. All other quests were a joke, now there's something decent to play.
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Fr_3_aK
Thankyou Anet.
Finally a challenging area to test our pve mettle. All other quests were a joke, now there's something decent to play. DONT MAKE IT EASIER |
Originally Posted by Fr_3_aK
Thankyou Anet.
Finally a challenging area to test our pve mettle. All other quests were a joke, now there's something decent to play. DONT MAKE IT EASIER |
Sarevok Thordin
The Difficulty for the mission/adventure areas is fine. But just make Razah aquireable without needing to go through the insanity of those areas, otherwise it's just plain BEGGING for people to go around making a mint off those gems that you REQUIRE to get him.
And plus he is a factions profession........
Make Razah easy(er) to get and it's fine.
And plus he is a factions profession........
Make Razah easy(er) to get and it's fine.
Give us better drops for the area. At least make the rewards consistant with the difficulty.
As it stands, 5+ hours to clear an area is way too much time for a handful of white non-max weapons.
As it stands, 5+ hours to clear an area is way too much time for a handful of white non-max weapons.
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Marry Me
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
The Difficulty for the mission/adventure areas is fine. But just make Razah aquireable without needing to go through the insanity of those areas, otherwise it's just plain BEGGING for people to go around making a mint off those gems that you REQUIRE to get him.
And plus he is a factions profession........ Make Razah easy(er) to get and it's fine. |
Sarevok Thordin
To complete the quest to get him requires you to gain 1 of each of those special gemstones.
Which require you to either get them as drops or the quest reward for Mallyx, which is just plain insanity.
Which require you to either get them as drops or the quest reward for Mallyx, which is just plain insanity.
Guildmaster Cain
Cant add anything usefull wether to nerf or not nerf the area... but I hate the fact u spend 5 hrs getting to the final bosses and 1/2 of your team has erred/gone to bed. Thats the thing thats gonna make elite missions elite.
Vahn Roi
^ If memory serves that's nothing new; such frustration was felt by anyone who played the Deep or Urgoz with a Pug in Factions...
So, uh... in all 39 pages has there been more than just a couple people post anything other than "omg its impossible" or "stfu i like impossible" ??
Just curious. I think its pretty hard.... ok, crazy hard... but willing to give it a little while before i give up on it.
Got pretty far into City of T-sumthin with both total trapper group, a Condition/epidemic group, and a heavy nuker grp with Greater conflagration and Winter.
Was wondering what kind of success anyone else has had.
Oh, and just a side note... 6 straight purple chests... one with a req 13 earth scroll. Yay.
Just curious. I think its pretty hard.... ok, crazy hard... but willing to give it a little while before i give up on it.
Got pretty far into City of T-sumthin with both total trapper group, a Condition/epidemic group, and a heavy nuker grp with Greater conflagration and Winter.
Was wondering what kind of success anyone else has had.
Oh, and just a side note... 6 straight purple chests... one with a req 13 earth scroll. Yay.
Guildmaster Cain
BTW: just noticed, I passed my 2000 death count in DoA!!!
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Solarii
So, uh... in all 39 pages has there been more than just a couple people post anything other than "omg its impossible" or "stfu i like impossible" ??
Just curious. I think its pretty hard.... ok, crazy hard... but willing to give it a little while before i give up on it. Got pretty far into City of T-sumthin with both total trapper group, a Condition/epidemic group, and a heavy nuker grp with Greater conflagration and Winter. Was wondering what kind of success anyone else has had. Oh, and just a side note... 6 straight purple chests... one with a req 13 earth scroll. Yay. |
Yah thats where we crapped out too... aggro gets a bit tough to manage in there
Vahn Roi
From what I was told, there are two bosses in this huge mob, a warrior and a monk and it's impossible to pull anything without aggroing all '50' monsters.
Lord Mendes
I cry myself to sleep sometimes.
Vahn Roi
If you haven't noticed, the damage from Lightbrigers Gaze is not armor ignoring.
I had lvl3 LB when I first tried DoA and my Gaze was only doing 76-80 damage. The other people in my group also brought it (one of which was lvl 7 LB) The interruption is far more useful than the damage.
I had lvl3 LB when I first tried DoA and my Gaze was only doing 76-80 damage. The other people in my group also brought it (one of which was lvl 7 LB) The interruption is far more useful than the damage.
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
A group of guildies has been running an SF build and last I heard they were inside the fortress fighting that huge "50 monster mob"
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Nanood
Well im no expert but i was wondering and correct me if im wrong but dont the lightbringer skills work in DoA ?
Just a thought on the skill description. 100 holy damage + interrupt and one other foe struck for each rank attained. So at LB rank 9 (Yeah the grind would suck totally and be no fun) a single cast would hit 10 monsters for 100 holy damage + LB bonus and interrupt all 10 at the same time.. so.. lol With a group of 8 that would be about 8000 holy damage + interrupts + bonuses.. every 15 seconds as long as your still alive lol Thats gotta find a way to be helpful in here somehow.. Just a thought. |
Omg... so many crying.
Leave it as it is, just fix bugs (if there are any?) and leave this chalange hard as it is. Couse if there will come an update, that place will be easy... there will be many many farmers and this cant be.
Leave it as it is, just fix bugs (if there are any?) and leave this chalange hard as it is. Couse if there will come an update, that place will be easy... there will be many many farmers and this cant be.
Guildmaster Cain
or someone finds a great way to exploit this all and put it on guru
no doubt ppl are already doing this
no doubt ppl are already doing this
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
Wow, I ran into you. You called me a n00b, some one said "Only some one who is an idiot would use the word n00b, or any form of it." That shut you up real nice.
Everyone seemed a bit cranky in the American districts, I apologize for what I said.
small world.
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Give us better drops for the area. At least make the rewards consistant with the difficulty.
As it stands, 5+ hours to clear an area is way too much time for a handful of white non-max weapons. |
the outpost will most likely soon be empty and it will be hard to make parties to enter ( 1h to make party )
Lets Get to Healing
Now people are advertising for OPZi and XMS. How long until all we say is abbreviations.
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
From what I was told, there are two bosses in this huge mob, a warrior and a monk and it's impossible to pull anything without aggroing all '50' monsters.
Was just reading in campfire that B/P is having some success.... i hope for A-net's sake (and everyone that doesnt have a necro, monk or ranger) that isn't true. I don't think anyone wants another tombs thats just longer and harder.
Finally, our guilde team killed the first boss

After killing the boss, there is a chest that each team member can get gem from it.
Our build:
Assasin (Shadow form tank)
Rt (Soul Twister+ Shelter)
2Mo (WoH and Divert hexes)
Me (Spiritual pain, surge, mistrust, interupt)
E (SH+MS fire nuker)
N/Mo (SS curse)
N/Mo (BiP)
This build is not so great but can work.
Finally, our guilde team killed the first boss

After killing the boss, there is a chest that each team member can get gem from it.
Our build:
Assasin (Shadow form tank)
Rt (Soul Twister+ Shelter)
2Mo (WoH and Divert hexes)
Me (Spiritual pain, surge, mistrust, interupt)
E (SH+MS fire nuker)
N/Mo (SS curse)
N/Mo (BiP)
This build is not so great but can work.
So basically, you want it kept hard as it is to weed out the hardcore elites from the average, casual players, eh?
People will find "useful" builds and such, or "farm" like mad to raise their LB ranks. To me, it still won't do them much good without good tactics, coordination, and the right setup. While that will lead to some very picky group leaders, so far, I am finding out that this is where setup and strategy really comes into play.
The challenge can be kept hard enough, but remember that not everyone are as skilled as others, and cannot put in the many hours needed for these kinds of "hardcore" stuff.
90% of them are cranky. Wish I had a limitless iggy list.
People will find "useful" builds and such, or "farm" like mad to raise their LB ranks. To me, it still won't do them much good without good tactics, coordination, and the right setup. While that will lead to some very picky group leaders, so far, I am finding out that this is where setup and strategy really comes into play.
The challenge can be kept hard enough, but remember that not everyone are as skilled as others, and cannot put in the many hours needed for these kinds of "hardcore" stuff.
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Actually I didn't catch that comment as after I said my last little word I warped to ID1 to meet up with a guild group...
Everyone seemed a bit cranky in the American districts, I apologize for what I said. small world. |
Good lord.... 100 of those stones? I guess Tahlkora had better get used to those rags she's wearin....
Oh, congrats though.
Oh, congrats though.
Congratulations, Noocoo, nice job.
I love it. We got pretty far with my last group.
I love it. We got pretty far with my last group.
Shanaeri Rynale
It's not as bad as it seems. Gems can also drop from monsters.
leeky baby
we got quite far with a bonder,healer(with infuse)and anormal healer,2 tanks,2 nukers and a ss...but we didnt complete it
We got pretty far with 1 dervish tank, a Warrior damage dealer, 2 nukers, bip, Gimmer of light monk (me), Bonder and a paragon. However, we got some miss-aggros, and after some time the warrior had to leave.
I lost the post, but somewhere back there in the many pages of this thread...someone mentioned the SF build works here. I will assume SF is Sorrows Furnace, so would this be the oh-so popular Oro farming build? Or was there another popular build that I slipped by me?
The reason I ask this is because I believe that Oro build revolved around the stance tank carrying the gear, correct? I didnt have alot of time to spend in these new areas last night, but I dont think I noticed any items that could be carried around like that....except maybe that shard thing in the one zone.
Anyway, could someone clear that up? Thanks.
The reason I ask this is because I believe that Oro build revolved around the stance tank carrying the gear, correct? I didnt have alot of time to spend in these new areas last night, but I dont think I noticed any items that could be carried around like that....except maybe that shard thing in the one zone.
Anyway, could someone clear that up? Thanks.
well, i'm not a game designer, but i'll try anyway.
to make a good "elite area" do the following
to make a good "elite area" do the following
- design a neat and unique map, do not make it all dark and gloomy to hide your design flaws, make it jar dropping fingerlickin' good looking. make it somewhat like sorrows furnace
- design unique and interesting mobs. do not just make the mobs more overpowered than other mobs, make them different. here are a few suggestions
- place some mobs in between, that are skilled like the players team, just like ascention in prophecies.
- place mobs in there, that reflect the current pvp metagame to some extend: iway, SFway, ParaHolding, RaO, Smiting etc.
- place a few ubermobs, 2-3 monsters that are way more powerful than normal mobs, like glint for example. don't flood the area around these mobs with other mobs
- mobs that move with constant +25% speed buffs around the map, so you have to catch them to kill them and get neat drops
- etc etc
- create unique and fun challenges, here are some suggestions:
- portals that spawn huge mobs of lvl 10 or 15 critters equipped only with simple skills like hammerbash or gale. you have to kill 200 to close the portal. make a timer, the faster you do this, the better the reward (items, gems, etc).
- make a racetrack filled with obstacles like doors to break, mobs that slow down etc. make a timer, the faster you complete it, the better the rewards.
- make an area where you have to stop fleeing mobs to reach the exit. make a timer the more mobs you stop from fleeing, the better the rewards.
- etc.
- design the quests fun and interesting. no fed-ex quests, no kill XY quests. maybe a npc that wanders about and you have to catch him etc.
- make the rewards worthy. maybe not all drops max gold with perfect stats, but max damage, good gold-purple-white ratio, high chance of perfect stats etc.
- make FUN area effects, that affect monsters, too. like:
- all casts are instant
- everyone moves 25% faster
- spells have double the range
- healing skills can target enemies and damage them for the amount they would heal allies
- everyone takes double damage but gains a morale boost every 30 seconds
- everyone gains 1 adrenaline and 5 energy every 5 seconds
- all damage/healing is halfed, but skills have half the energy cost and recharge 50% faster
- you deal double damage, but take half the damage yourself when you attack/cast on a foe, same goes for healing: you gain half the health yourself
- etc
- to make the area more challenging for those who want it, let them choose the difficulty at the entrance, change the density of mobs acordingly, give special rewards for higher difficulties.
Vahn Roi
I don't like suggestion #6...how is it Challenging?