This is possibly the best news I've heard from ArenaNet since they released the info about Nightfall!
Awsome job ArenaNet! I'm so happy, I feel like getting a christmas present for all of you that worked on GW....but then again, I don't know how to give it to u guys, and it might be a tad too expensive....
And Congradulations on selling 3 million copies so far! Let's hope that it keeps going at this rate!
Originally Posted by Forjo
Has anything been written to suggest that this new party creation panel will span towns or even districts? I don't see this helping much if the only people who see your requests/status are the ones in the same town/district you are in.
I SINCERELY HOPE this isn't what they've done.
I hope that it covers all districts at your town (including international) and you can add people to your party, even if they aren't in your district. As long as it has that, then I'm more than content!
Then again, a party system that only searches in your district will make me more than content!
Originally Posted by Masseur
So since it didn't mention specifics and I am at work and not able to read every message here, I take it the Wintersday will happen in all 3 continents?
I really hope so. I love any winter holiday decorations, and seeing them in all the continents (in at least one city per continent, hopefully more) will make the event so much better for me.
More decorations (even if they are the same everywhere)=Way better for me
And then if the decorations are even slightly different in each place...
I'm gonna stop thinking about this before I explode from a build up of too much happy-ness...