READ ME FIRST: For the new player on a budget: Which Guild Wars Should You Buy?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Mableton, Georgia

Guild Ancestors Reunited [?????????]

love the chart the OP made. you hit the nail right on the head. ^^



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008


Originally Posted by Urban Masterpiece
I agree. Nightfall is the best campaign to start a newbie off.
No way,its a massive map I think factions is the best....donno bout the 1st gw.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2008

Koatic Avengers [KOAS]


I skimed it, and of what I saw it was a good post. Profesies is difinitly the way to go. Factions is awesome though, it seems like you put Factions down a lot.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2008

Im new and i wanted a new MMO to play, i currently play WoW but need something else when i bored of grinding on WoW.
Do i need to buy the first GW to play, or can i just get the expansion?
What is the order of the Expansions?
i would like to buy them all in order, like 1 every month or something.
And what is the gameplay like? on wow the max lvl is 70, yet ive heard and read that lvl 20 is max on GW. i would supose that getting to that lvl would be harder than getting to that lvl on WoW!
Do you get with each expansion a new max lvl, like new mobs to hunt in the new areas?

Thanks alot


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2008

i just wanted to ask

what are the benefits of eye of the north?

because i recently got factions and EotN in a special offer for cheap and i was wondering if i should try to exchange EotN for nightfall (at another store :P) since everyone seems to recommend it.

I'm finding factions not too difficult to learn from what i've played so far [im only level 5 so that's not much i guess hehe- but the OP said factions had a very steep learning curve]
but yeah, any help/advice would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering which, EotN or NF, would be better in the lead up to GW2 since that's coming out this year?
(eotn box says "your achievements earn your descendents the right to unlock exclusive heroes pets weapons and more in guildwars2" )

thanks in advance.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

far away

the king's of the jade sea


Prophecies is the best



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2008

Western Mass

Passionate Kiss of the cats [Kiss]


IMO I would suggest the platinum edition prop/GWEN pack. It a good combo of learning in proph and high level quest/exploration in GWEN. 2nd I would suggest Nightfall...only because I HATE factions. I think its too short and makes you play quicker than the other 3.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2008

Thanks for the post!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

Alright if you live in the UK. GAME is having a sell on some GW titles atm.

Guild Wars Special Edition: £9.99
Guild Wars: Eye of the North: £12.99
Factions Collectors Edition is going for £29.99

For more info visit



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2008

Volterra, Italy


Why not add GWEN to a side list? For a new player that wants to experience the game, get prophecies and GWEN, pick up UB, yay!!!



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2008


I just saw GW Factions platinum in my local wally word for $39.99. It comes with Factions and Prophecies. I already have Prophecies, but I need Factions and wouldn't mind buying that back if I could give the Prophecies part to someone. So, does it come with separate codes? I could add Factions to my account and give Prophecies code to someone?

Actually that comes with the Bonus Mission Pack, which would cost me $10 more in the online store



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2008



Anyone new to GW SHOULD get Prophecies and also its expansion Eye Of The North, perfect to keep you entertained till gw2 is out not to mention EOTN has the much needed Hall Of Monuments which is used to transfer any character achievements to this by far is better than getting the other two campaigns.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008

Hello. You have to forgive me i am a new player in GW and my questions may seem noobish. Still, i have to ask you:

1. if you own all 3 chapters (Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions) and you want to experience all chapters, is there any point in going through all chapters with only 1 character as opposed to creating a character for each chapter? I mean do you get any rewards/skills/anything for going with your Prophecies character through nightfall?

2. On this page you talk a lot about skills being unlocked. Does that mean that when you activate another chapter let's say factions, you can buy those factions skills for a trainer forums in ascalon for example when you login with your Prophecies character?

Thank you


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008

I just bought GW/Factions combo pack from Wal Mart. Does it have GWEN on it already? The manual has alot of references to it and I would like to know before I run out and buy just to find out I already have it. Thanks!



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



How about check in the shop? Nobody has a Wal Mart in his town/country/continent. Should be written on the box.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008

Ther's nothing on the box, but like I said theres alot of references to GWEN in the manual.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my GH

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Abedeus
How about check in the shop? Nobody has a Wal Mart in his town/country/continent. Should be written on the box.
what do you mean "Nobody has a Wal Mart in his town/country/continent"? Obviously this guy does... Did you mean "Not everybody has..."?
I'd say probably not, but why not just play the game and see if you have access to GW:EN.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008

Originally Posted by Sjeng
what do you mean "Nobody has a Wal Mart in his town/country/continent"? Obviously this guy does... Did you mean "Not everybody has..."?
I'd say probably not, but why not just play the game and see if you have access to GW:EN.
Thanks, I didn't know if it was a "seperate" game or just added more things to Chapter 1



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my GH

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by sorin
Hello. You have to forgive me i am a new player in GW and my questions may seem noobish. Still, i have to ask you:

1. if you own all 3 chapters (Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions) and you want to experience all chapters, is there any point in going through all chapters with only 1 character as opposed to creating a character for each chapter? I mean do you get any rewards/skills/anything for going with your Prophecies character through nightfall?

2. On this page you talk a lot about skills being unlocked. Does that mean that when you activate another chapter let's say factions, you can buy those factions skills for a trainer forums in ascalon for example when you login with your Prophecies character?

Thank you
1: the character created in a chapter gets the most rewards from that same chapter, as the character will go through tutorial quests which most of the time grant you money/items/skills as a reward. If a character then leaves his chapter of origin, he can only do the quests from a certain point on in another chapter (but those are still a lot of quests). He can do all the missions though, but those do not give you skills or item rewards.
There are titles though that a character can try to achieve, such as the "protector" title for completing all missions of each chapter, so that might be a reason to do all chapters with one character. But skill/item/gold-wise, you get more rewards doing a chapter with a character made in that chapter, but again, only from tutorial quests. after that, it's all the same for any character.
So all in all it doesn't really matter. Just create some characters in different chapters, play through the tutorial quests of each chapter at least once, and later on go play anywhere you like.

2: Skills form a certain chapter are only available in that chapter. There are core skills, which you can get in all 3 chapters, and chapter skills you can only get there. But once unlocked on your account, all your heroes can use them, and any character you create can learn them using skill-tomes (which are random drops, and can be bought from other players).

Fleur De Lyss

Fleur De Lyss

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007



Definately Get Nightfall

Overall, its the best of the three for a beginner. Sure its not a very slow start like prophecies is, but it will allow you to create a powerful/wealthier character, and opens up more titles for you to achieve.

You will get heroes to help you, which prophecies does not have (which sucks) and also, generally the game is alot more fulfilling. -- it gives you plenty more gold/rewards and experience. And the dervish is an awesome profession.

Another thing to like about Nightfall is that Kamadan is the #1 marketplace in Guild Wars, Followed by Lions Arch. (I don't even think kaineng is considered 1).
And it allows you access to alot more elite skills for your characters than the other two games.


Most celebrations are held in Cantha (Factions) - And I think that is all.
And if you're a female - Most character creation isnt very .. err.. Aesthetic. (opinion) END OF CONS

But Yes overall, for a beginner it will supply you with the most tiems such as a minor vigor rune, alot of gold, packs and pouches, kits and other things that you can trade your battle commendations for.

Definately Nightfall.

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Fleur De Lyss

Most celebrations are held in Cantha (Factions) - And I think that is all.
And if you're a female - Most character creation isnt very .. err.. Aesthetic. (opinion) END OF CONS
Cantha has the Dragon festival. The others have everything else.

Akisha Meh

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007

Pre-Searing Ascalon

Justified and Ancients [KLF]


At only £24.99, why not get the set?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2008



Akisha Meh beat me to it ^^


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


I have Prophecies and due to two years of not playing I can't decide if it's better to buy Eotn or Nightfall.Which one should i go for considering armor,farm spots,skills...? Also, Pve > Pvp.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2008



Why not wait till friday to get the whole edition for only 24.99


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2008

I'm looking to get back into guild wars but i can't seem to find any info about a US release of that complete collection. Does anyone have any details regarding it?


Crimson Flame

Crimson Flame

Better Than Arkantos

Join Date: Apr 2007

ONOES I iz playing WoW

The Order of Dii [Dii] - officer

Supposedly the US is only going to get the "Guild Wars Trilogy" release. I don't know much about it but it only includes Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall, no EotN.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2008

If thats the case what are the odds I can pick up the version from across the pond and use that key? I would have to work out if it would be cheaper in the end but knowing the option is there would be great.

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


You said "get back in to it". Do you already have an account? If you still remember your login info, you still do have an account.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2008

I still have the original game but i want all the shiny expansions to go with it.

shing jea crew

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008

the undead kids


I think that factions is a very hard story line to follow and there is not many people in factions. I have factions EOTN and nightfall and getting propices today. I head proficies is very good. I am currently making a d/m because my ranger/e wasn't very good and he was also in factions!

Raku Clayman

Raku Clayman

Krytan Explorer

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Marquette MI

Elite Lan Gamer


Guild Wars Trilogy is currently selling at Amazon for $47 with free shipping. There are a few Ebay auctions and the last one sold for under $40. GWEN goes for $15-$20 on Ebay.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Yeah guild wars trilogy is a great buy, the only real question to ask now is which order should you play them all in and my vote still goes with prophecies, it has the original guild wars learning curve, which should help most new players.

Plus you will save a load of in game money in prophecies when it comes to skills because for the mesmer, monk, ranger, warrior, elementalist and necromancer you get most of the skills for free in prophecies...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



Allright Fellas !

Anyways... Ive Never Played GuildWars.. Just Looked At A Few Trailers And Fancy Buying It And Starting Out.. Probs At Wkend Like,

Im Not All Tht interested In PvP At Tha Mo Would Prefer To Play Tha Story If You Get Wha I Mean...

P.S I Have Read Tha Previous Posts... And Would It Be Worth Just Gettin Tha 1st Guild Wars.. Does Any1 Still Play It Online?
So Which 1 Should I Buy?
Thnx, Mark

Raku Clayman

Raku Clayman

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Marquette MI

Elite Lan Gamer


Originally Posted by MarkusParkus View Post
Allright Fellas !

P.S I Have Read Tha Previous Posts... And Would It Be Worth Just Gettin Tha 1st Guild Wars.. Does Any1 Still Play It Online?
So Which 1 Should I Buy?
Thnx, Mark
That depends. You can buy the Trilogy, which is all the areas except for GWEN, for a little more that each individual area. It pays to buy whole game. It's an online game, only.

It might be best to start the game in Prophecies to learn the basics. I stopped playing for a while after Prophecies and got Nightfall, second, then Factions. I'd still play it that way if I was just starting.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



Thanks Mate Sounds Like A Idea..... Can You Play Gw In Any Order?
Like Prophecies And Then Factions?
Or Is It Set In Stone On A Specific Game Route?

And Any Ideas How Much For Tha Trilogy?

Thanx, Mark

King of Clubs

King of Clubs

Ascalonian Squire

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Williamsport, Maryland

The Might of Kings


Originally Posted by MarkusParkus View Post
Thanks Mate Sounds Like A Idea..... Can You Play Gw In Any Order?
Like Prophecies And Then Factions?
Or Is It Set In Stone On A Specific Game Route?

And Any Ideas How Much For Tha Trilogy?

Thanx, Mark
You can play any of them at anytime. I recommend starting with Prophecies simply for the story line. If you aren't really driven to experience the whole story then by all means start with which ever one you want.

I would say start with Nightfall, or EOTN for the Heroes. Heroes are a great help, and I personally think they are superior to henchies. Plus, I like the Nightfall storyline.

If you want to play as a ritualist, or Assassin then you will have to play Factions. Out of all the campaigns I find Factions the hardest for some reason.

I'm not sure how much all the campaigns cost together since I bought mine whenever a new one came out.

The order I recommend playing would be

1. Prophecies (Great storyline, and good place to learn the ropes)
2. Nightfall (Heroes are the shizzle!)
3. Factions (great PVP, and some really nice skills too!)
4. Eye of the North (I feel it's made for a more experience guild wars gamer)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



Thanks King Good Info 4 A Noob Like Me There
Just Been On Amazon And I Can Get Tha Trilogy For 25£
Will Be Odering It Tonight
Hasnt Got Eye Of Tha North Innit Though... Will Have To Get It At A Later Date,

Do Many People Play All Of Tha Editions Still ?

Thanks, Mark



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



Thanks King Good Info 4 A Noob Like Me There
Just Been On Amazon And I Can Get Tha Trilogy For 25£
Will Be Odering It Tonight
Hasnt Got Eye Of Tha North Innit Though... Will Have To Get It At A Later Date,

Do Many People Play All Of Tha Editions Still ?

Thanks, Mark

King of Clubs

King of Clubs

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008

Williamsport, Maryland

The Might of Kings


It can sometimes be hard to find a group of players in some spots. A lot of times the more advanced players are hanging out in the end game areas, or farming certain spots for gear. My advise is to use your Heroes from Nightfall and EOTN to your advantage. You can equip them with the same skills that you have unlocked. The henchies are only there for eye candy, and fodder for the Char.

The best thing is to checkout the forums, and find a nice guild to join with some helpful people that are willing to show you the ropes. That way you will get the best experience from the game. Unlike some games guildwars almost forces you to party up in order to complete missions, and quests. Once you get good at the game you'll be able to solo some places. Just keep in mind that you will need a vast assortment of skills to deal with all the different monsters out there.

I personally love my Ranger. He was the first, and most played character that I have followed by my Warrior. Monk is a great class to play because groups are always looking for a competent healer, but be warned.......Groups love to hate on the monks if they die. It doesn't matter if they go out and aggro everything on the planet. You will be the fall guy.