READ ME FIRST: For the new player on a budget: Which Guild Wars Should You Buy?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



Sounds Good Bud... Think I'll Try Either A Ranger Or Warrior / Elementalist 1st Off,
I Used To Play Tha City Of Heroes MMORPG Alot So Know A Lil About Guilds And Teaming Up And That, Cant Wait To Get Online !
Thanks For Tha Help!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2007

Combat Specialists [CS]


In reference to OP:

About your chart...It says Prophecies and Factions don't have heroes...Well after a certain update, you could get Olias from prophecies and Zenmai from Factions...And MOX from both. I don't know if you have to own Nightfall for this, but if not, I think you should change that on the chart to prevent confusion.

Just being observant btw.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008


I bought all 3 guild wars chapters and i found difficulties in my way.

I read that many ppl says its better to play profecies then factions and then nightfall.
I agree with them but we have some problems with my firends. We all want to start on profecies but we like to play with chars from other chapters. For ex i want to play assasin. So? Im supposed to start factions? My friend want to play dervish. Is he have to start with nightfall? We wanted to be all together. Is any way we can start our favourites classes and still playing all together in one chapter?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by huggybear21 View Post
Is any way we can start our favourites classes and still playing all together in one chapter?
Short answer: No. Not at first.

Long answer:
The extra classes (Assassin and Ritualist in Factions, Dervish and Paragon in Nightfall) all must be started in the chapter where they were first introduced. So if you want to play an assassin you must start in Factions, and Dervishes must start in Nightfall.

At a certain point in the game, however, you can take your characters to the other continents, so an assassin can go to Nightfall and play through the game there. For each campaign it varies on the time spent. Factions is the fastest to be able to go to other continents, especially if you have friends helping you through missions rather than just henchies. Prophecies is the slowest if you follow the storyline, but you can get someone to run you to Lion's Arch, so it could be faster than Factions if you skip things.

Of course if you start a core class (elementalist, mesmer, monk, necromancer, ranger, or warrior) you can start in any chapter you want. With multiple character slots you may want to start a core character in Nightfall, so you can play with your friend the dervish. And your friend can start a core character in Factions so you can play on your assassin.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008

Originally Posted by nkuvu View Post

At a certain point in the game, however, you can take your characters to the other continents, so an assassin can go to Nightfall and play through the game there. For each campaign it varies on the time spent. Factions is the fastest to be able to go to other continents, especially if you have friends helping you through missions rather than just henchies. Prophecies is the slowest if you follow the storyline, but you can get someone to run you to Lion's Arch, so it could be faster than Factions if you skip things.
Lets say i start in factions and my friends in prophecies. When i'll be able to traver to the prophecies continet I will be able to do the quests there with my friends or I wont be able to Q there?

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


If you have all chapters and your characters have access to the port cities you will be able to go back and forth.

Triana Serene

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008


Clan of Chaos three


I'm gonna just throw this out here...I'm not a very "talented" player. Is EOTN worth getting?? Thanks


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2008



I just bought prophecies. Very cool. I live the combination of the story and online game.
Anyway I hope to meet you all IG



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


x the ultimate force x


i like factions the best but prohecies is easy i think you should just ask for all of them for christmas x)
but if i were to choose one it would be factions



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by supremecy View Post
i like factions the best but prohecies is easy i think you should just ask for all of them for christmas x)
but if i were to choose one it would be factions
thread is outdated
i see no reason to not get the trilogy edition/complete collections


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2009

Ive been thinking about starting GW...
But i have a few questions...

If you buy Nightfall you have access to the lands of Prophecies and Faction?
If yes, do you have access to all professions? (i read it but i want to be reassured)
Do you have to have Prophecies and Faction to use Nightfall?

Thanks for your time.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2005



Originally Posted by absa12 View Post
If you buy Nightfall you have access to the lands of Prophecies and Faction?
If you only buy NF, you will only have access to the lands of NF. If you want to play in Proph and/or Factions, you'll have to buy those as well.

do you have access to all professions?
Core classes(Warrior, Monk, Ranger, Ele, Nerco, Mesmer) plus the NF only classes(Dervish, Paragon).

Do you have to have Prophecies and Faction to use Nightfall?

warrior running

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2008

The Cape Is A Lie[Trim]


good post, it summarizes up everything

Valenthe Elessar

Valenthe Elessar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008


The Tale Of Richard And Kahlan [Rahl]


Originally Posted by ChCx91 View Post
In reference to OP:

About your chart...It says Prophecies and Factions don't have heroes...Well after a certain update, you could get Olias from prophecies and Zenmai from Factions...And MOX from both. I don't know if you have to own Nightfall for this, but if not, I think you should change that on the chart to prevent confusion.
Actually, you can only get Zenmai and Olias when you have NF, Factions/Prophecies is needed also, but they are still NF heroes. For MOX you will need all three campagins.

Just to make that clear



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007


maxx damage


well i bought prophicies than factions than night fall about a week ago and factions is no that bad but i do agree that it is almost imposible to get a full group but for some1 who likes to pvp this is the way to go



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2008




why badmouthing factions so much? from a strategetic point of view its the easiest to get to other sontinents from, essentail for AB, and has some good skills. you should include content too, because although Nightfall is longer it ahs far less armor and items than the other 2 campaigns.
i know this is probably very nooby but apart from being short why is the factions storyline "weak"? it's not a rip off of another video game. i get all the stuff about cut scenes and voice actors though. i'd agree that there not enoguh players in missions atfer vizunah square, but it mostly works out better going on your own unless you cannot survive without getting a master reward.
i'd go for factionbs or prophecies personally- prophecies has best storyline in my opinion and you wont get players constantly rushing for the reward, but if you wanna joni a guild you might wanna get factions for the alliance battles so you can donate faction.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

LOL this is a sticky?

Trilogy, hands down.

EDIT: NewEgg has prophesies for $9.95 shipped (looks semi-nice for zkey source too!)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

I've been thinking about buying GW and read through this entire forum from start to end (awesome btw) and still wasn't quite sure which to pick, so i looked at the pros and cons of the games, and said... screw it, and i bought Nightfall, so I'll tell you guys how it goes in a day or two .

Btw, I like to take risks lol.

Robo Teh Cop

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

this was very helpful, sorted out my problem


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

Swindon UK

Guild Nirvana


Originally Posted by MarkusParkus View Post
Thanks King Good Info 4 A Noob Like Me There
Just Been On Amazon And I Can Get Tha Trilogy For 25£
Will Be Odering It Tonight
Hasnt Got Eye Of Tha North Innit Though... Will Have To Get It At A Later Date,

Do Many People Play All Of Tha Editions Still ?

Thanks, Mark

My first post... so whew - here we go....

I have been playing Prophecies since... hmmm Factions came out.. - always on a budget - where GW excels having no monthly fee... anyway... to the point...

I just payed £25 for the complete GW (AmazonUK or PLAY). Proph, Factions, NF AND GweN (EoTN)- now that IS a bargain, especially as there is still no date for GW2 yet.

Interesting that many players still prefer Nightfall - I was going to start out with Rit/Necro in factions... purely from the following the series perspective... - but maybe I should look to Nightfall and then go back... I can take heroes with me right???

Great to be in an active forum for once



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008

western Massachusetts, USA

Oscen Ex Merito [wAw]


I finally got DSL out on the edge of nowhere where I live about 5 months ago. I used to play Neverwinter Nights 2 before & thought GW looked interesting. I did the math & figured out that at around $30 per chapter, it was cheaper to get the Trilogy that just came out at $50. (You might be able to find it even cheaper now.)

I liked it so much that I also got EotN.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

[Moon] had specials going on a couple of weeks ago, probably still does.
Proph Platinum was $12.99 (includes EoTN)
Factions was $9.99
free shipping, no tax (US)

Nightfalls is not easy to find cheap. sells a key only for $18.99, but I don't know if they are legit.

That would make the whole thing for $42.

You probably don't get some of the bells and whistles (bonus weapons, fire imp, ....) but that doesn't make a difference in your gameplay.

the other option is to get Nightfall from the online store ($30) and you definitely get the fire imp with this one, and still cheaper than a boxed set. the manuals are available on the main web site should you care to read them.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009


knights of dark reknown


good post but should add eye of the north to the list proberly the funnest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Delta Formation [DF]


You should buy all games, Because you cant do ANYTHING in the pvp world without all 4, and not much even in PvE without all 4.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Delta Formation [DF]


Well, I geuss getting NF is best if you cant afford all 4, but at least get EoTN too :|


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

I have nightfall now, and IF i buy EOTN only now, what profession is best to play in PVP and PVE to be good? You know because of lack of skills from the first two chapters. So i guess dervish and paragon? Will i be able to get ALL skills for dervish and paragon if i have only NF and EOTN?

Because people say i will suck without ALL chapters.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2009

Hey guys, I'm going to buy the trilogy but I'm wondering.... does this mean after I install all of them, will it be one big 'world' or will I have to play each chapter differently?

Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales


It'll be one big world, sort of - well you can take your characters between the campaigns so its practially one big world. But spread over 3 maps.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2009

^ Ok thanks, can you look at my other thread that says "help With buying Guild Wars"? Thanks


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

East Coast


If you're only interested in PvP and not at all in PvE, get the PvP Access kit. Here's a comparison I wrote on a help thread:

On a PvP Access Kit:
Play with PvP-only characters. All campaigns and expansion professions, skills, items able to be unlocked.
Play any class, any secondary.
Unlocking insignias, runes, weapon mods, skills once = unlock for all characters made.
Hit 'J' command to create all your equipment.
Enter PvP. Learn PvP. Play PvP.

Buying Campaigns and playing with PvE and PvP characters:
Play with both PvE and PvP-only characters. Only things that can be unlocked depends on the campaigns and expansions purchased.
Play any class, pay to unlock secondary profession with PvE characters.
Unlocking insignias, runes, weapon mods, skills once = unlock for account and heroes, BUT does not make it instantly available on another PvE character made. It is available on a PvP character made.
You can unlock by playing PvE and buying things to unlock or quest for it. You can PvP with a PvP character, gain factions, unlock, but that's doing the same as if you had a PvP only account.
You can only use 'J' command on PvP-only characters. If you want to use a PvE character to PvP you will have to collect all the equipment needed to PvP well and have all the right skills available. Which will be time costly as well as costly on the GW gold.
Enter PvE. Enter PvP. Learn PvE. Learn PvP. Play PvE. Play PvP.

From this point on I'm talking about a PvP only account:

You get more skills by using the Balthazar factions you gain from PvPing. 1k, 1.5k, 3k Balth faction unlocks range of items and skills (3k & 6k for heroes). Unlocking something is account wide. So say you unlocked an ele skill/item on your Elementalist, when you make a Necromancer that skill/item is available to be used.
Balth faction is now much easier to gain with the daily Zaishen Combat quests in Temple of Balthazar. It's now faster to unlock things for a PvP only account, just watch your Balth limit when you PvP and turn in for the zaishen reward. You start out with a 10k Balth Faction cap, gaining ranks in PvP titles increases that limit.

What you do when you buy the PvP access kit is find out what items (inscriptions, runes, insignias, weapon mods) and skills you need in order to run a useful build in PvP. Don't waste the free unlocks on useless things. An idea of where to start with builds: Another good thing to do is to observe, hit 'B,' PvP matches. Watch what people are using in Guild vs Guild and Heroes' Ascent. Continue PvPing and observing, join any guild that does any PvP to further learn how things work.

If you only pvp you only need to worry about the PvP versions of skills. GW adjusted some skills so it's not too powerful in PvP, so there're PvP versions of normal skills. GW added PvE skills only for PvE side only.

The [xxx] Unlock Pack is just a quicker way of unlocking things so people have a faster start in creating [items & skills for builds]. It's like paying $20 for 2 weeks of pvp to unlock things. The zaishen quests help greatly in reducing the time to gain balth faction so up to you whether or not you want to pay to unlock or not.

If you want to PvP only, don't waste time trying to unlock with PvE. I play PvE as well as PvP, and if you're relying on PvE to unlock the things you need for PvP you'll be wasting too much time. In PvE, the things you unlock by identifying items are random, buying unidentified gold items to unlock items will be costly for random IDs, buying skills as a way to unlock is costly, doing quests to unlock skills is time consuming. If you want to make PvE character to PvP with there're many more things to do.

More of the specifics on official wiki:

moon sunstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009

was just trying to be helpful & some idiot "reported" my post - lol - thanks a bunch


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Assuming GW2 comes out this year, do those of you familiar with the game feel it would be worthwhile to buy any of the original series or to just hold off? I've read that GW really isn't soloable (at least in many places, not enough to complete missions), and if many players migrate to the new game, the original may become difficult to play.

I have other things I can do before GW2, and don't want to waste my money unnecessarily, but would love to play if this trilogy + EOTN will remain viable. Thanks for any help.

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

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Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by jdV11 View Post
Assuming GW2 comes out this year, do those of you familiar with the game feel it would be worthwhile to buy any of the original series or to just hold off? I've read that GW really isn't soloable (at least in many places, not enough to complete missions), and if many players migrate to the new game, the original may become difficult to play.

I have other things I can do before GW2, and don't want to waste my money unnecessarily, but would love to play if this trilogy + EOTN will remain viable. Thanks for any help.
I'd say GW2 is around a few corners. You wouldn't be wasting your money, especially if you plan on purchasing GW2. The original will provide you with the story that the sequel is built upon, and it's a really enjoyable experience as well. Most of the people that say it's dead are the ones that have been playing since release. For a new player, there is still plenty of content to sift though and enjoy.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Originally Posted by Neo Nugget View Post
I'd say GW2 is around a few corners. You wouldn't be wasting your money, especially if you plan on purchasing GW2. The original will provide you with the story that the sequel is built upon, and it's a really enjoyable experience as well. Most of the people that say it's dead are the ones that have been playing since release. For a new player, there is still plenty of content to sift though and enjoy.
Thanks, that's helpful. I guess my main concern isn't how enjoyable the content would be, but rather how many people would still be around. Not enjoyable if I can't complete quests due to lack of teammates. Sounds like I'll give it a whirl, though, with the Prophecies+EOTN first.

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

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Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by jdV11 View Post
Thanks, that's helpful. I guess my main concern isn't how enjoyable the content would be, but rather how many people would still be around. Not enjoyable if I can't complete quests due to lack of teammates. Sounds like I'll give it a whirl, though, with the Prophecies+EOTN first.
Eye of the North is a good choice, because you are able to acquire heroes for your party to fill in the gaps left by real players. There is a 3 hero cap per person, so all you would need is another player to bring their heroes and you have got yourself a fairly adequate team. Of course if you don't have another person available, there are henchmen in every town to even out the party. Henchmen are less favorable than heroes, though, since you can't customize their skills or armor.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Guild Wars Trilogy.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Originally Posted by jdV11 View Post
Assuming GW2 comes out this year, do those of you familiar with the game feel it would be worthwhile to buy any of the original series or to just hold off? I've read that GW really isn't soloable (at least in many places, not enough to complete missions), and if many players migrate to the new game, the original may become difficult to play.

I have other things I can do before GW2, and don't want to waste my money unnecessarily, but would love to play if this trilogy + EOTN will remain viable. Thanks for any help.
gw2 comes out on the 31st this month...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

New Zealand


Originally Posted by iamtehbest View Post
gw2 comes out on the 31st this month...
And the release dates listed in stores have said it would come out end of oct 08...

The release dates stores give are almost never right.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009


Well, I for one would just like to say that it's been 2 years I haven't played guild wars and I am just starting to get back into it pretty hardcore. Guild wars is not dying anytime soon. Hell, tons of people still play the original everquest. I have Nightfall and have just purchased pro+EOTN and plan on being around for a long time so anyone who wants to can be in my party anytime they want. I was looking at GW2 but to tell you the truth it doesn't really seem to offer anything all that groundbreaking IMHO. There are new people joining all the time. Besides I have gotten pretty attached to my characters.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009


Which is better to get if you have Prophesies and Factions? Nightfall or EoTN?