Playing games in Shing Jea and twice now in the last 10 minutes there seems to be mini rollbacks. Lost all the winnings that I recently got.
Is this really happening? And why?
Is this really happening? And why?
I was afk-ing in the Ring of Fortunes for about 7 hours when I got back to my comp to notice that I was logged out. I checked up on my afk status about 3 hours into my afk-ing before I had other obligations to attend to. I just got back to my comp and logged back in when I notice that all of my progress for the first 3 hours and 4 hours [assuming and I hadnt logged out before then] had been rolled back.
Has anyone else been rolled in the past hour or so?
Has anyone else been rolled in the past hour or so?
It just happened to me. Lost everything that I had done (rings) in the last 8 hours or so.
Just happened to me too. I lost all my points for the lucky/unlucky title track that I've earned the past several hours. I can be sure of this because I went from favored to lucky.
I think I was in AD2 when it happened if that helps.
I think I was in AD2 when it happened if that helps.
I've been on all day and I'm fine
Hell Raiser
So have I, haven't lost any tickets/points.
Yep I got rolledbacked..whole alliance is complaining...of all the time to do a rollback during this event, they should extent it more now..I lost so much toawrds my titles..
sucks for you guys
They don't usually do rollbacks...there's only be one major one since release and I believe one small one...maybe just the district you were in. Don't make sense that not everyone has had it happen. Quite a bit of work to do individually too. Hope it gets worked out for you all or at least you get a reason.
Hell Raiser
I have to ask, did you notice this rollback while still in game, or did you have to log out and back in to notice it? kinda worried lol. I have been on all day and haven't logged out. would suck to lose all this progress...
The Ernada
Wow that sucks. A hiccup in the server?
Originally Posted by Tempy
They don't usually do rollbacks...there's only be one major one since release and I believe one small one...maybe just the district you were in. Don't make sense that not everyone has had it happen. Quite a bit of work to do individually too. Hope it gets worked out for you all or at least you get a reason.

Originally Posted by Hell Raiser
I have to ask, did you notice this rollback while still in game, or did you have to log out and back in to notice it? kinda worried lol. I have been on all day and haven't logged out. would suck to lose all this progress...
When you guys say "rollback" does that mean you got all your gold back and/or the tickets you had before you used any?
Or do you just mean you lost your points? (which wouldn't really be a rollback?)
Or do you just mean you lost your points? (which wouldn't really be a rollback?)
Originally Posted by Navaros
When you guys say "rollback" does that mean you got all your gold back and/or the tickets you had before you used any?
Or do you just mean you lost your points? (which wouldn't really be a rollback?) |
Hell Raiser
I just logged and everything is still there (Thank god!), not sure why this is happening to some people. Possibly a glitch.
they jsut rolledback AGAIN..everyone getting mad...
Hell Raiser
What districts is this happening in? I have been moving around between several American dists, went to ID4, now in AD2. So far no complaints from anyone.
Originally Posted by Hell Raiser
What districts is this happening in? I have been moving around between several American dists, went to ID4, now in AD2. So far no complaints from anyone.
could it be A-net's way to deal with afker's?
Has anyone reported to Anet yet? I logged out and back in just to check and see if there was a rollback for me and I am still fine
King Kong
I had kinda mini rollback last night! Was helping my brother when my router went down, reset and i ended up back in the sunspear place. Must have gone back about half hour, even had items i had sold to merchant!

The Ernada
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
could it be A-net's way to deal with afker's?
Absolute Eminence
just got rolled back 30 mins ago. money i spent on tickets is back, but title is also rolled back. about 5 hours worth. and i wasn't afk. i was talking. i was trading and switching channels and even continents. so... i don't know what is up. ad.1 when it happened.
I don't know if i should complain becuase when i got back the circle im on has produced +750 tickets in 30 mins.
I don't know if i should complain becuase when i got back the circle im on has produced +750 tickets in 30 mins.
I was actually in the monastery when it happened both times the first time nothing happened to me anyway but to alot of other people it did. So, in my case i decided to buy tickets and hand em out to those who lost theirs not knowing they got their money back, but it was the least i could do. it wasnt much but the second time, i lost all the tickets i had previously bought and i didnt get the money back so i have no clue what happened and what changed from the first time to the second.
I dced after 4 hours. I lost all my tickets I have bought. But I did get back my money, everything I killed off and used in my inventory for space.
no problems here that i've found yet, then again i wasn't afking the ring game tonight either.
Considering the one and only rollback that has ever been done took almost 12 hours, this is definately not a rolback. The entire game has to be shutdown for that to happen.
AFK is dealt with by an automatic logout after 10 hours, not by removing items or titles. That whole notion is, quite frankly, retarded. Where do you come up with this crap?
Anyway, my character has been on the same ring for nine hours without any problem.
AFK is dealt with by an automatic logout after 10 hours, not by removing items or titles. That whole notion is, quite frankly, retarded. Where do you come up with this crap?
Anyway, my character has been on the same ring for nine hours without any problem.
Hell Raiser
The people I have talked to say that these rollbacks follow an err7. This is not a fullgame reset, and I doubt Anet is 'causing it. This sounds more like a problem with err7.
Originally Posted by Hell Raiser
The people I have talked to say that these rollbacks follow an err7. This is not a fullgame reset, and I doubt Anet is 'causing it. This sounds more like a bug in the Disconnections (err7).

whatever im going back to bed, whatever happens, happens..ugh
I got hit with this "roll back" or whatever you want to call it. All of my items, gold, and titles have reverted to what they were about 3 hours or so ago, just before I began playing the rings. Then I was playing rings until I switch from charmed to lucky, used a few ales to the drinking title (which I had only just started, and it went to nothing at all, no track showing, but ales back in my inventory), and then went afk. Come back to see myself in the character selection screen and everything back to what it was 3 hours before, and I was in dist. 26 of shing jea.
Yesterday my guildmates had a wierd connection error during our mission in the wilds, and lagged really badly. They hardly ever have lagging trouble, because unlike me they are on faster than a 56k. I however was doing just fine, in the green.
I have a feeling there might be some problems going on with the servers that haven't been said outright. Whatever this was, character data was rolled back.
EDIT: ..MMkay, so it took me what ..5 minutes to post this. Here I just looked back at my inventory while standing in the corner ring and I have 500+ more tickets than I did before I started writing this. Something is wrong.
Yesterday my guildmates had a wierd connection error during our mission in the wilds, and lagged really badly. They hardly ever have lagging trouble, because unlike me they are on faster than a 56k. I however was doing just fine, in the green.
I have a feeling there might be some problems going on with the servers that haven't been said outright. Whatever this was, character data was rolled back.
EDIT: ..MMkay, so it took me what ..5 minutes to post this. Here I just looked back at my inventory while standing in the corner ring and I have 500+ more tickets than I did before I started writing this. Something is wrong.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by emoxcore
meh a bug that can do rollback?
![]() |
It's probably a case of information not being saved properly, one or more servers messing up, or the infrastructure connecting them.
Pwny Ride
Originally Posted by The Ernada
Why would they punish legitimate AFK gambling when they don't even deal with AFK leeching in places like Fort Aspenwood?
Pwnd by the system

If I understand this correctly, then ANet can initiate selective rollbacks. This means that if they wanted to, after a few minutes of investigation, they could take care of someone who's been hacked/cheated/scammed with a selective rollback of the scammed and the scammer's account.
If they can take the time to "punish" gambling afk'ers, then they can most certainly take the time to take care of some noob who's been cheated.
So, what's more important to ANet, punishing afk'ers or taking care of, in most cases, newer players who've stumbled upon some cheater?
If they can take the time to "punish" gambling afk'ers, then they can most certainly take the time to take care of some noob who's been cheated.
So, what's more important to ANet, punishing afk'ers or taking care of, in most cases, newer players who've stumbled upon some cheater?
Neo Nugget
i doubt this is done by anet.^^
Same thing happened to me. Lost big chunks of progress towards unlucky/lucky title tracks. Gold was returned to character and storage. Items that I had sold out of my inventory were back. Items that I had transfered from one character to another were back in their original spots.

I came back to find myself at the char selection screen. When I got back on my necro I found everything was back to how it had been about an hour before I went to bed (thats when I had drank those last 3 spiked eggnogs and started on the next pile, which are now all back again). Oh well, a little less on my titles then I hoped for this weekend.
El Presidente
I actually had my character selection screen show up while in AD3, though I didn't get any error code...nor was I afk all night (half an hour at the most to eat). I went from 311,722 won at 11 pm CST last night to 311, 527 at the time of rollback...and a loss of over 1,000 tickets...though all the sugar items I'd bought and eaten throughout the night were credited (no, they were not returned either).
I think ANET refers to that type of rollback as "rubber band lag"
i lost 5000 points and 5 hours in this. Oh well just another day in GW