Originally Posted by Compensation
something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc
This implies you had an opportunity cost. What is the opportunity cost of you being AFK? You were clearly doing something else with your time so you can not claim "time" as a loss.
Also, this is considered gambling. If you are in a casino, perhaps on a slot machine, and the machine breaks... you MAY have your cash returned to you. If the machine breaks in your favor? This recently happened, a machine accidentally gave out a jackpot, the man had said jackpot taken away.
You didn't lose out on any gold, because it was returned, correct?
So let's see... You have whatever you had prior to said bug, nothing is "lost" aside from time, but "time" is not an acceptable opportunity cost as you were doing something else while you were AFK.
What exactly are you wanting compensation for then?
So Cherno, while he may have been brief with his comment, it was logical.