2nd Birthday Ideas?
a updated Ladder
a updated Ladder
I like the idea of the aura, customized special weapon green thingo, and special /emote that shows your age. My idea would be maybe different animation of skills cos imo im getting sick of looking at the same thing for casters, maybe somthing like (ele for example) a bigger "boom" of animation for fire skills or maybe for mes makeing it look like that mes char just took ova the targets body or somthing. And all that can only be done/shown by a 2yr old char giving that char to show off his/hers experiance and age.
(would love some opinions on this idea, and especialy a war, cos im stumped on that one)
just thought of something els, maybe a special move for only 2yr old chars thats related to that proph. /skillunlock or somthing?.
and im in great favor of the "NO MINI'S" and "NO TRADABLE ITEM'S, THAT TAKE'S UP INVET SPACE".
(would love some opinions on this idea, and especialy a war, cos im stumped on that one)
just thought of something els, maybe a special move for only 2yr old chars thats related to that proph. /skillunlock or somthing?.
and im in great favor of the "NO MINI'S" and "NO TRADABLE ITEM'S, THAT TAKE'S UP INVET SPACE".
1) Something cosmetic. Maybe a special piece of armor, or a nice cape trim.
2) A big yes to the death reset
3) Delete the /age hours so my wife doesn't know how much I've played!
4) A birthday cake that you can share with your friends
5) A phat! (party hat)
6) No to minipets
7) No to divine aura
Deleted my oldest character, so I'll have to wait a couple extra months.
2) A big yes to the death reset
3) Delete the /age hours so my wife doesn't know how much I've played!
4) A birthday cake that you can share with your friends
5) A phat! (party hat)
6) No to minipets
7) No to divine aura
Deleted my oldest character, so I'll have to wait a couple extra months.

Matthias Umbra
I honestly would like to have some sort of feature that would allow me to change my character's appearance, since I have no desire to delete him since he's quite old, but would at least like to go with a different hair style.
dear anet, for my birthday i would like you to nerf sins! keke
Originally Posted by Deadly SiNs
Hmm, i like the minipets visible in town idea
How bout weapons,shields etc visible as well I think that'd be pretty awesome ^^ |

Perfected Shadow
Not sure if this idea's in there already, have ACCOUNT bdays instead of char bdays. I have several pvp chars that don't benefit from char bdays cause they get deleted or rerolled every now and then. As for a present maybe let 1 char be able to create a gold item with their choice of perfect mods and skin (customized if you don't want wts spam).
Be able to sell 15k armor back for atleast 10k >_<
Anddd more storage
Anddd more storage

kev doppleganger
i just hope they sort out some game stuff like being able to get sunspear title, fixing doa its boring and time consuming,not holding silly weekend events that only apply to a selct few guilds E.G double champ points last weekend only 25 guilds were eligable 1200 rating
what a total waste of time !! plzz gaile sort it out regards a concerned gamer

Originally Posted by Perfected Shadow
Not sure if this idea's in there already, have ACCOUNT bdays instead of char bdays. I have several pvp chars that don't benefit from char bdays cause they get deleted or rerolled every now and then. As for a present maybe let 1 char be able to create a gold item with their choice of perfect mods and skin (customized if you don't want wts spam).
The birthdays would mean a lot less if they were account based rather than character based. Even if we miss out on something cool because of this, at least other people can enjoy it, and will have something really special for a while, before everyone else manages to catch up.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
EDIT: Gaile, not everyone likes minipets. Some people think they take up too much space. Others would prefer something more useful. But here are some more ideas in that line in case the devs are dead-set on minipets.
As for ideas for upcoming birthdays: Perhaps you should do something like yall did with the winterfest tournament, put a guy in the game in most port towns and when you go up you say "Yes, I'm a Two-Year Old". They give you a list of items you may choose from it could be anything from a nice looking item, to a minipet they could choose, or for like a stack of beer and other special goodies. Of course you would only be limited to one but that way you get to choose what you want for your birthday. Isn't that the way it should be?
Sophitia Leafblade
[QUOTE=Gaile Gray]The popular choice for a special second-year birthday gift seems to be a new set of miniatures. So, as we often do, we'd like to ask your ideas about this. What sort of new miniatures that you would like to see in the game? Please post in here and share your ideas. All the comments will be gathered and shared with the designers, so that this coming birthday will be the best ever![QUOTE]
I know alot of people are against more minipets but i love to see some more. But there only one that i really really Really would like to see and thats a Mini Saidra. If You made one of these Anet you would make me very very happy. I doubt you would make one but if did u would restore my faith in the powers that be aka Anet
Keep up the good work Anet
I know alot of people are against more minipets but i love to see some more. But there only one that i really really Really would like to see and thats a Mini Saidra. If You made one of these Anet you would make me very very happy. I doubt you would make one but if did u would restore my faith in the powers that be aka Anet

Keep up the good work Anet
A plain mini-rain beetle!!! Please!!! It doesn't have to have the cool greased lighting style, just a solid colored mini beetle!!!
Originally Posted by SleetDragon
I agree that not everyone likes minipets and it would be a great idea for something new, but the notion that people find them a waste of space is nonsense because you know just aswell as I do because every minipet sells for something, so if they have no use for it they would sell it and buy something more useful.
As for ideas for upcoming birthdays: Perhaps you should do something like yall did with the winterfest tournament, put a guy in the game in most port towns and when you go up you say "Yes, I'm a Two-Year Old". They give you a list of items you may choose from it could be anything from a nice looking item, to a minipet they could choose, or for like a stack of beer and other special goodies. Of course you would only be limited to one but that way you get to choose what you want for your birthday. Isn't that the way it should be? |
Alot of people have had great ideas on what they would like to see for the 2nd birthday gift but stated by Gaile in another post we can only expect to see new mini's come our way but may have a surprise but strongly doubt it because of development constraints on time.
I once again will say this and it will be my last time Please! if your going to give out more mini pets do not make it that one mini is ultra rare and the rest are common maybe give people a choice on which pet they would like to receive that is just my two cents.

Originally Posted by yasmina
The problem is that everyone likes mini pets or most of us do the problem is that a character that has been used for two years tends to to have a heck alot of bag space with all the new armors, weapons, holiday items, upgrade components, dye and now awards and gifts of mini pets it becomes alot to hold on to. Granted you only get one mini but there may be those people that like to collect them and have various ones. I can tell you that some mini's are very hard to sell if they where one of the common ones, yes you can get a great price for a rare and ultra rare pet but how many people either give those up or want to sell them for outrageous prices. I mean given alot of us have saved up gold over the years but there are some things I can see me use it on and others I cant.
Alot of people have had great ideas on what they would like to see for the 2nd birthday gift but stated by Gaile in another post we can only expect to see new mini's come our way but may have a surprise but strongly doubt it because of development constraints on time. I once again will say this and it will be my last time Please! if your going to give out more mini pets do not make it that one mini is ultra rare and the rest are common maybe give people a choice on which pet they would like to receive that is just my two cents. ![]() |
Originally Posted by w00t!
3) Delete the /age hours so my wife doesn't know how much I've played!
Originally Posted by SleetDragon
Well the problem is stated in your first paragraph " People have saved up gold over the years to buy stuff." That is exactly my point if you absolutely need a better item your not gonna take your savings and go splurge on some minipet that is only for looks. They are not worthless simply because of this but , they do seem to make you question "Do I really need it?" If you dont then its a decent amount of money if you sell it and keep adding to your savings. You say its harder to sell the common ones but with paitence it is not an uncommon feat, especially since they added viewing of minipets within towns, which I saw shot prices through the roof even on your more common ones (exception of the pig). People collecting them is a a diffrent point, but when people collect them they usually have a completely diffrent character to store them on. But i guess my last question to ask is. The problem with your "problem" is people may not have "alot" of space across one character especially that of a 2 year old, however if the have all 3 games thats what 8-9 spaces? They can move around alot. I have 4 PVE characters 1 PVP and 3 slots left and I have plenty of room across all the characters together. Now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for those that might not have the other expansions or those that have split accounts. But for the majority space is dictated by your own managment. It can be filled with a bunch of senseless stuff, or just stuff that is required and perhaps some candy canes for DP and a Minipet for fun. However I do agree with your notion thats Gaile has already stated they're giving out minipets so any other ideas are kind of void (great ideas btw). But like you kinda took from me a choice would be nice.
Now most of the stuff I have retained over the course of the years are green weapons from each expansions, armor for different builds since each expansion someone comes up with a new build for some of the harder areas/farming grounds. I also have materials, dyes that I have built up on which exceed the banks capacity which I sold alot to vendors and players but always found that I needed it when a new expansion came out for each one of my characters. I mean I have slots on each of my characters but for me to keep adding to it and getting rid of something else with no hope of bag space or bank space increasing over 2yrs can be a pain. It is great to sit there and say hey I dont need this green weapon and then try to sell it for about 3hrs you give up same goes for a mini pet you can stand in town and keep spamming with no success trust me I have tried and I am not one to sell for high prices.
my wishes:
mini bat
mini spider
mini owl
mini ice imp
mini ruby djinn
... and minipet storage, wardrobe, key ring
mini bat
mini spider
mini owl
mini ice imp
mini ruby djinn
... and minipet storage, wardrobe, key ring
Horseman Of War
Originally Posted by ghostkai
forgot who suggested it (SO many ideas) but please, please PLEASE do NOT give more people divine aura. As someone who bothered to pre ordered the original GW CE i would feel kinda stupid for paying that extra money now wouldn't i? besides, it's kinda cool when i see someone with glowing hands like myself
![]() P.S vote no to minipets! need something special, like that disguises idea, thats awesom-o |
Just for the sake of clarification on my previous idea on the "/age emote"-
each class would get a slightly different lightshow that would be more along the lines of /rank's animal popup... I also have the original gangster CE and agree with you on your lack of excitement over minis.
I mean, anet will only have to do 6 different things this way, as only core classes will be getting their second birthdays for a while... which gives them more time to make each one more awesome.
age title that gives off boss aura when selected
,thats all i'd like.

The Hand Of Death
Speacial skinned weapon that is customized for you character. Get to choose what you want kind of like the endgame green traders.
Originally Posted by yasmina
8-9 spaces or character slots are not alot and only came into play with the nightfall expansion. If you have played from the very start of the game like me you have almost all character slots filled with different each expansions, prophecies alone I have 4 characters ele,mes,monk and necro, then from factions I have both a sin and rit, then with the release of nightfall guess what I have both the classes from that expansion, so where are my slots now unless I pay for additional ones in which I did and have a mule that holding stuff from my first four characters. I can really delete the sin if I wanted to but then you never know when it will be of use or they give something like the b-day gifts out to old characters so she is used as a mule also.
Now most of the stuff I have retained over the course of the years are green weapons from each expansions, armor for different builds since each expansion someone comes up with a new build for some of the harder areas/farming grounds. I also have materials, dyes that I have built up on which exceed the banks capacity which I sold alot to vendors and players but always found that I needed it when a new expansion came out for each one of my characters. I mean I have slots on each of my characters but for me to keep adding to it and getting rid of something else with no hope of bag space or bank space increasing over 2yrs can be a pain. It is great to sit there and say hey I dont need this green weapon and then try to sell it for about 3hrs you give up same goes for a mini pet you can stand in town and keep spamming with no success trust me I have tried and I am not one to sell for high prices. |
Sidheyuna Aetheris
Personally, I'd like a new series of minipets. I think they're fun to have around.
The ones I'd like to see the most in new series:
Mini Djinn (ruby, sapphire, diamond...I don't mind. Just WANT.)
Mini Glint
Mini Lich
Mini Shadow of Fear (the ultimate MM's minipet!)
Mini Skree Singer
Mini Desert Griffon
Mini Stalking Nephtila (mini spider, yay!)
Mini Dolyak Master
Mini Nightmare
Mini Juggernaut
I'd like it if the new series of minipets applied to any character reaching a birthday during this upcoming year, and not only characters celebrating their second year. Mostly for two reasons: I didn't particularly care for a lot of series one, and by "retiring" the first series of minipets it'll revitalize the niche of the game economy that minipet trading occupies, much in the same way that making them viewable in outposts did.
The ones I'd like to see the most in new series:
Mini Djinn (ruby, sapphire, diamond...I don't mind. Just WANT.)
Mini Glint
Mini Lich
Mini Shadow of Fear (the ultimate MM's minipet!)
Mini Skree Singer
Mini Desert Griffon
Mini Stalking Nephtila (mini spider, yay!)
Mini Dolyak Master
Mini Nightmare
Mini Juggernaut
I'd like it if the new series of minipets applied to any character reaching a birthday during this upcoming year, and not only characters celebrating their second year. Mostly for two reasons: I didn't particularly care for a lot of series one, and by "retiring" the first series of minipets it'll revitalize the niche of the game economy that minipet trading occupies, much in the same way that making them viewable in outposts did.
Ethan Redir
A special item that lets you put on a specific disguise anytime you want.
Like a kournan disguise...
Like a kournan disguise...

Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Sidheyuna Aetheris
I'd like it if the new series of minipets applied to any character reaching a birthday during this upcoming year, and not only characters celebrating their second year. Mostly for two reasons: I didn't particularly care for a lot of series one, and by "retiring" the first series of minipets it'll revitalize the niche of the game economy that minipet trading occupies, much in the same way that making them viewable in outposts did.
I definitely believe that someone that has a character that is turning 2 years old should be getting something cooler than someone that's only turning one year old.
It's about dedication to the character,(not account-doh) thats why its should be title(with bos aura when shown
) cause you cant sell it,you have to atleast afk it for 2 years
,now leech that lol! In any case that would really deserve some respect.

Jongo River
I think Title+Mini-pet would make most people happy. Something simple and character locked *and* something tradeable - that's a fair compromise, if you ask me.
Okay, to put the mini-pet craze into perspective, here are my two eurocents.
This may have been suggested before, but I would love to see his happen.
Offer two-year-old characters a one-time* item "imbue", (comparable to what Charsi did in Diablo 2).
Basically, you take any equippable item that exists as a drop in the game (except perhaps Greens, since some have unique skins), you bring it to the imbuer and it is turned into a max damage, golden, req 9, inscribable customized to your character (even for off-hands, though there is no added benefit, of course).
A quick example: every Warrior loves Prophecies' Sickles, but they only exist in very low quantity and non-max versions (save for Victo's Battle Axe).
You happen to find a 5-10 one somewhere, you take it to the imbuer and tada! Perfect and customized to you alone.
(*) I guess you could be offered 2 imbues so you can have a one-hand and an off-hand, or two of each, or an one-hand and a two-handed, or two two-handeds, or whatever you like.
Take any item at all (except perhaps a Green, Crafted or Collector's), very likely a perfect golden that you like a lot, and have it changed into a green.
The name would either be customizable or simply "Player Name's Weapon".
Once again, two items would be even better.
A combination of eurocent 1 and 2 would of course be sheer bliss.
This may have been suggested before, but I would love to see his happen.
Offer two-year-old characters a one-time* item "imbue", (comparable to what Charsi did in Diablo 2).
Basically, you take any equippable item that exists as a drop in the game (except perhaps Greens, since some have unique skins), you bring it to the imbuer and it is turned into a max damage, golden, req 9, inscribable customized to your character (even for off-hands, though there is no added benefit, of course).
A quick example: every Warrior loves Prophecies' Sickles, but they only exist in very low quantity and non-max versions (save for Victo's Battle Axe).
You happen to find a 5-10 one somewhere, you take it to the imbuer and tada! Perfect and customized to you alone.
(*) I guess you could be offered 2 imbues so you can have a one-hand and an off-hand, or two of each, or an one-hand and a two-handed, or two two-handeds, or whatever you like.
Take any item at all (except perhaps a Green, Crafted or Collector's), very likely a perfect golden that you like a lot, and have it changed into a green.
The name would either be customizable or simply "Player Name's Weapon".
Once again, two items would be even better.
A combination of eurocent 1 and 2 would of course be sheer bliss.

Originally Posted by Lagg
Okay, to put the mini-pet craze into perspective, here are my two eurocents.
This may have been suggested before, but I would love to see his happen. (1) Offer two-year-old characters a one-time* item "imbue", (comparable to what Charsi did in Diablo 2). Basically, you take any equippable item that exists as a drop in the game (except perhaps Greens, since some have unique skins), you bring it to the imbuer and it is turned into a max damage, golden, req 9, inscribable customized to your character (even for off-hands, though there is no added benefit, of course). A quick example: every Warrior loves Prophecies' Sickles, but they only exist in very low quantity and non-max versions (save for Victo's Battle Axe). You happen to find a 5-10 one somewhere, you take it to the imbuer and tada! Perfect and customized to you alone. (*) I guess you could be offered 2 imbues so you can have a one-hand and an off-hand, or two of each, or an one-hand and a two-handed, or two two-handeds, or whatever you like. (2) Take any item at all (except perhaps a Green, Crafted or Collector's), very likely a perfect golden that you like a lot, and have it changed into a green. The name would either be customizable or simply "Player Name's Weapon". Once again, two items would be even better. A combination of eurocent 1 and 2 would of course be sheer bliss. ![]() |
This is the best sugestion so far!!

I'm just coming up on my first birthday, on about 4 characters, and have nto got many minipets, i would love to get more,
however i agree with the majority that we shouldn't get new ones for our 2nd birthday, otherwise there would be just too many versions, new ones at festivel events would be cool like the mini pig
However, as there are a few min pets that are not readily avilable, Panda etc, i think that having them as a 2nd birthday present would be cool, I don't know how many folk have 3million to spend on these rare pets but i would love to get my hands on some! These being only available to some in certain regions its only fair to let others have a chance of gettign them.
While i recognize that some would not want this, I think it may be appropriate to let folk have a choice, if you want one of these then you can say that, if others have an idea you are willing to implment, such as storage, then you could have that as option
So a box comes up offereing you storage expansion or one of the exclusive mini pets
however i agree with the majority that we shouldn't get new ones for our 2nd birthday, otherwise there would be just too many versions, new ones at festivel events would be cool like the mini pig
However, as there are a few min pets that are not readily avilable, Panda etc, i think that having them as a 2nd birthday present would be cool, I don't know how many folk have 3million to spend on these rare pets but i would love to get my hands on some! These being only available to some in certain regions its only fair to let others have a chance of gettign them.
While i recognize that some would not want this, I think it may be appropriate to let folk have a choice, if you want one of these then you can say that, if others have an idea you are willing to implment, such as storage, then you could have that as option
So a box comes up offereing you storage expansion or one of the exclusive mini pets
I would like to see possibly 4 new storage slots added as a 2nd birthday present. Far more useful to me than another new pet. But new pets it seems to be so I go for a rock beetle.
Since everyone's suggesting minipets (I've already put in my 3 cents CAD earlier in this thread), I guess I'll through in my mini suggestions:
-(more for the sardelac) How about a minipet trader? Since the first set of minipets now have a player determined market value anyways (even the pigs).
-dwarf (well...kinda mini :P)
-flesh golem (the ones on RoF, not the summonable ones. Those would be larger than the mini giants; I remember attacking the shins of one with my warrior)
-(more for the sardelac) How about a minipet trader? Since the first set of minipets now have a player determined market value anyways (even the pigs).
-dwarf (well...kinda mini :P)
-flesh golem (the ones on RoF, not the summonable ones. Those would be larger than the mini giants; I remember attacking the shins of one with my warrior)
Moa Bird Cultist
*Dons special Riverside Inn Flameproof Suit (tm)*
There appear to be several people who are wont to dismiss other peoples ideas in this thread. I wont name names, but reading through all 20+ pages makes it plainly obvious. Anyway, enough of that, ideas, ideas!
Obviously, a second birthday is going to be something special. Now I wonder exactly how many characters will turn 2 before... lets say August. My gut instinct says not very many, a few thousand at best once you factor in the plain facts, (ie, people deleting original characters, people that quit the game, the farmbot population, etc...)
With that in mind, I think that 2yo characters are deserving of something a bit special. First things first, I'm not going to say no to minipets - frankly because I want a mini-moa and/or a mini-gwen. But I honestly think that to make it truly special, Anet could really splash out on it's long standing citizens.
So, to take the best ideas in my opinion, you'd get:
Nameable equipment with a unique skin - fully inscribable/moddable - (Maybe use the design a weapon entries?
) make it work like the endgame greens for factions/nightfall with respects to acquisition (except the "token" would come out of one of your birthday gifts.)
A minipet - Regardless of what people might say on here, minipets have not killed the economy*/caused infinite storage problems, etc. They were, and still are an excellent addition to the game. So, I'm all for a 'Series 2' (provided it contains the aforementioned
Finally, let us take one NPC/Henchman from anywhere in the game as a hero! That way people can finally get their favourite characters from the game as heroes, (I'm thinking the shing jea henchmen and the two Istan hench that dont appear anywhere else particularly... *CoughKisaiCough*...)
*Reflects the state of the euro servers - ie everything is dirt cheap over here for whatever reason... - a good thing, in my opinion
Anyhow, thats what I'd like to see
There appear to be several people who are wont to dismiss other peoples ideas in this thread. I wont name names, but reading through all 20+ pages makes it plainly obvious. Anyway, enough of that, ideas, ideas!
Obviously, a second birthday is going to be something special. Now I wonder exactly how many characters will turn 2 before... lets say August. My gut instinct says not very many, a few thousand at best once you factor in the plain facts, (ie, people deleting original characters, people that quit the game, the farmbot population, etc...)
With that in mind, I think that 2yo characters are deserving of something a bit special. First things first, I'm not going to say no to minipets - frankly because I want a mini-moa and/or a mini-gwen. But I honestly think that to make it truly special, Anet could really splash out on it's long standing citizens.
So, to take the best ideas in my opinion, you'd get:
Nameable equipment with a unique skin - fully inscribable/moddable - (Maybe use the design a weapon entries?
A minipet - Regardless of what people might say on here, minipets have not killed the economy*/caused infinite storage problems, etc. They were, and still are an excellent addition to the game. So, I'm all for a 'Series 2' (provided it contains the aforementioned

Finally, let us take one NPC/Henchman from anywhere in the game as a hero! That way people can finally get their favourite characters from the game as heroes, (I'm thinking the shing jea henchmen and the two Istan hench that dont appear anywhere else particularly... *CoughKisaiCough*...)
*Reflects the state of the euro servers - ie everything is dirt cheap over here for whatever reason... - a good thing, in my opinion
Anyhow, thats what I'd like to see

Increase my char's level cap for their birthday!!
(Hey, put that flame thrower away, it was just a joke.. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! )
Seriously, I'm against new minipets. I'd rather see something new.
I'd like to see special skin weapons. On your birthday, you receive a max-damage, completely unmodded unique-skinned weapon (inscribable of course) for your char (per proffesion). This doesn't give an advantage to the player, as an unmodded weapon is pretty useless, and an equivalent white max damage weapon is cheap. The skin alone is what gives it value.
The weapon could also be pre-customized to avoid reselling it, but thats debateable.
(Hey, put that flame thrower away, it was just a joke.. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! )

Seriously, I'm against new minipets. I'd rather see something new.
I'd like to see special skin weapons. On your birthday, you receive a max-damage, completely unmodded unique-skinned weapon (inscribable of course) for your char (per proffesion). This doesn't give an advantage to the player, as an unmodded weapon is pretty useless, and an equivalent white max damage weapon is cheap. The skin alone is what gives it value.
The weapon could also be pre-customized to avoid reselling it, but thats debateable.
I vote for a "free weapon/shield/etc.." that could be done from scratch (like the PvP equiment nowadays).
Hash Mama
Originally Posted by Lagg
Okay, to put the mini-pet craze into perspective, here are my two eurocents.
This may have been suggested before, but I would love to see his happen. (1) Offer two-year-old characters a one-time* item "imbue", (comparable to what Charsi did in Diablo 2). Basically, you take any equippable item that exists as a drop in the game (except perhaps Greens, since some have unique skins), you bring it to the imbuer and it is turned into a max damage, golden, req 9, inscribable customized to your character (even for off-hands, though there is no added benefit, of course). A quick example: every Warrior loves Prophecies' Sickles, but they only exist in very low quantity and non-max versions (save for Victo's Battle Axe). You happen to find a 5-10 one somewhere, you take it to the imbuer and tada! Perfect and customized to you alone. (*) I guess you could be offered 2 imbues so you can have a one-hand and an off-hand, or two of each, or an one-hand and a two-handed, or two two-handeds, or whatever you like. (2) Take any item at all (except perhaps a Green, Crafted or Collector's), very likely a perfect golden that you like a lot, and have it changed into a green. The name would either be customizable or simply "Player Name's Weapon". Once again, two items would be even better. A combination of eurocent 1 and 2 would of course be sheer bliss. ![]() |
PS Charsi can only craft a rare weapons or armors, customiser is anya in act V

Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Lagg
Okay, to put the mini-pet craze into perspective, here are my two eurocents.
This may have been suggested before, but I would love to see his happen. (1) Offer two-year-old characters a one-time* item "imbue", (comparable to what Charsi did in Diablo 2). Basically, you take any equippable item that exists as a drop in the game (except perhaps Greens, since some have unique skins), you bring it to the imbuer and it is turned into a max damage, golden, req 9, inscribable customized to your character (even for off-hands, though there is no added benefit, of course). A quick example: every Warrior loves Prophecies' Sickles, but they only exist in very low quantity and non-max versions (save for Victo's Battle Axe). You happen to find a 5-10 one somewhere, you take it to the imbuer and tada! Perfect and customized to you alone. (*) I guess you could be offered 2 imbues so you can have a one-hand and an off-hand, or two of each, or an one-hand and a two-handed, or two two-handeds, or whatever you like. (2) Take any item at all (except perhaps a Green, Crafted or Collector's), very likely a perfect golden that you like a lot, and have it changed into a green. The name would either be customizable or simply "Player Name's Weapon". Once again, two items would be even better. |
You can get weapons and gear anywhere, we need something a bit more unique for our birthdays.
Originally Posted by Hash Mama
PS Charsi can only craft a rare weapons or armors, customiser is anya in act V
Hash Mama
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
In ActI, after you retrieve the Horadric Malice from the monastary, Charsi will imbue something for you. That's what he was talking about. And she doesn't craft weapons, armor she just repairs and sells them. |
She can make u rare helms,boots,armors,gloves or weapons from any white shit u will give her, not something.And i still say ''craft'' couse she is making it same way as u do it in horadric cube using runes, germs and magic items.Anyway does it rly bothers u what we LC sloots are talking about?

Peace and Love
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
You can get weapons and gear anywhere, we need something a bit more unique for our birthdays. |
A weapon of your choice that gets to bear your own name is as unique as it gets.
To many people, mini-pets are seen as a way to make a quick buck. Here you end up with a weapon that is yours and yours alone.
Even the implementation looks easy enough (from my comfy chair), I guess the weapon simply needs a string in its name, such as "<Player Name>'s Ghostly Staff".
Don't really care on what mini pets you make... my character is 21 months old so the 2nd birthday should be coming up. I'm probably just gonna get another crappy white mini devourer again, or fungal wallow, or something just like it. All the minipets look like crap except for the panda which costs like 2 mil anyway. I'd rather have something customized to the character like a birthday hat or something so we dont have to see more.... WTS MINI RUBY DJINN 100K + 5 Ectos.........