PC Gamer Has Landed!
Gaile Gray
Finally, the day we've been awaiting has arrived. We want to confirm that there have been Asura Miniature key registrations, so yes, the magazine has begun to reach players.
Silly Warrior
Question is...where are these players...and how can I steal their copys of the mag so I can scan them in....
Good news, I suppose only a matter of hours now.
Good news, I suppose only a matter of hours now.
You just got tomahawked
Do i smell official announcement from Anet sometime next week?
Do i smell official announcement from Anet sometime next week?
scan those babies!!!!!!!!!1
j/k.........a synopsis with important points would be great, to hold me over until it hits the supermarkets
j/k.........a synopsis with important points would be great, to hold me over until it hits the supermarkets
An actual summary would be nice until I can get my own copy, which should arrive in a day or so.
dead man ivan
This is just quoting from the old thread from a guy who got the magazine(liquid Steel)
Summary: They are abandoning the Campaign format because it required them to reinvent GW completely for every chapter, and it began to feel 'bloated' to them. The Expansion, and increased timeframe, allow them to do what they want to with the game, without worrying about new professions, or pre-lvl20 content BETA for GW2 in 2008 eye of the north HOLIDAY 2007 RELEASE 40 new armor sets, 150 new skills (including 50 pve only), 10 new heroes "extend character development beyond level 20" ~James Phinney~ EOTN will supposedly link GW1 and 2 underground complex of tunnels through all three 'continents' present thus far is revealed. Three acts: Act1 takes you through 18 underground dungeons to help the dwarves defend against 'the fiery Destroyer', eventually taking you to the Asura and Norns (races) Act2 has three story arcs ranging from exploring the Norns, to the Charr homeland, to an Asura resistance of the Destroyer Act3 pits you against the Great Destroyer Far shiverpeaks are Norn Lands, Charr homeland is north of ascalon, Asurans are near Maguuma, Tyrian catacombs stretch across the entire continent presumably GWEN Guild Wars 2 summary in progress, hold tight! LiQuId StEeL is online now Report Bad Post Reply With Quote |
hm, will need to camp out at a bookstore on april 3rd.....I dont subscribe to many magazines since they get demoslished if they get to me in the mail---
though hope some people abridge the info on the forums so that we can have the info sooner.
though hope some people abridge the info on the forums so that we can have the info sooner.
Two things I guess:
1) Underground passages? So this means that EOTN is set in the final part of the Tyria/Elona supercontinent?
2) Any chance of level cap confirmation before the press release?
1) Underground passages? So this means that EOTN is set in the final part of the Tyria/Elona supercontinent?
2) Any chance of level cap confirmation before the press release?
Retribution X
Sweet. I like how GW:EN Is going to hook us up to GW 2.
Thanks A-net for not letting us down!
Thanks A-net for not letting us down!
The Ernada
This is some interesting stuff. And it seems that everything in the Inquiry is true eh?
*awaits for the grumblings about how races or "cute" races will ruin the game*
*awaits for the grumblings about how races or "cute" races will ruin the game*
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES.... oh and yes. Destroyer= The one in the dwarven myths correct?... I guess its off to Sorrows furnace with me.
You just got tomahawked
wow I read that and my excitement faded away very fast. plz say its not so that theyre gonna extend lvl cap past 20. I refuse to play a game where you have to grind for years on end to play high-lvl pvP.
WOOOOwooototototototoooot......im starting to save the 50$
awesome =) ya i'm with retribution how will en link with gw 2.. ohh and gwen eh.. lol.
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dead man ivan
Again quoting from Liquid Steel and keeping this post updated!!
Guild Wars 2 Summary Hundreds of years later, in Tyria... sounds more of a race-reliant struggle. Predominately open worlds, with Instancing as a secondary feature in some areas (not positive on the interpretation). Hundreds of people in the same area, and choices that the population as a whole change the quest structure. PCG gave an example of choosing to rally against a dragon or not. Those that help, gain loot and xp. If the dragon isnt driven away, another 'quest' may trigger, leaving more options for the population. Very cool idea IMO. I'll just take the level cap stuff directly - "Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high [100-plus], or possibly no level cap" Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char. 'Click to move' will be abandonned in favor of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding' destroyable environments? no real world limitations to servers. you pick a 'world', but can switch between the realms. World vs World combat sounds to be a massive scale capture the flag (AB style?) with no minimum or maximum party size. Big-ass raids that can supposedly take place for weeks on end. At the end, the 'world' will be reset, and it will start again it seems. GvG will still be present, as a more balanced form where everyone is on a level playing field. Companions: NPC like heros can join you (like a pet it sounds), and dont count towards your party. Not using this feature lets you be mroe powerful. I think I read somewhere in here that it will be mission-based, but I didn't see it in my quick second-look. As of now, there will be no monthly fees, and no 'campaigns'... mini-expansions, and expansions are hinted at. If I think of something else, I will add it... or someone else can :P |
The continent is for max level characters only.
LiQuId StEeL
Guild Wars 2 Summary Hundreds of years later, in Tyria... sounds more of a race-reliant struggle. Predominately open worlds, with Instancing as a secondary feature in some areas (not positive on the interpretation). Hundreds of people in the same area, and choices that the population as a whole change the quest structure. PCG gave an example of choosing to rally against a dragon or not. Those that help, gain loot and xp. If the dragon isnt driven away, another 'quest' may trigger, leaving more options for the population. Very cool idea IMO. I'll just take the level cap stuff directly - "Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high [100-plus], or possibly no level cap" Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char. 'Click to move' will be abandonned in favor of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding' destroyable environments? no real world limitations to servers. you pick a 'world', but can switch between the realms. World vs World combat sounds to be a massive scale capture the flag (AB style?) with no minimum or maximum party size. Big-ass raids that can supposedly take place for weeks on end. At the end, the 'world' will be reset, and it will start again it seems. GvG will still be present, as a more balanced form where everyone is on a level playing field. Companions: NPC like heros can join you (like a pet it sounds), and dont count towards your party. Not using this feature lets you be mroe powerful. I think I read somewhere in here that it will be mission-based, but I didn't see it in my quick second-look. As of now, there will be no monthly fees, and no 'campaigns'... mini-expansions, and expansions are hinted at. If I think of something else, I will add it... or someone else can :P |

Okay, I'm very intersted in Guild Wars 2.. not so much about the expansion but very much about the new way that zones will be dealt with.. I think it will give the game an ever changing and evolving feel.
'Click to move' will be abandoned in favour of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding'
For real?
That's AWESOME. But it's starting to look like WoW a bit too much imo.
For real?
That's AWESOME. But it's starting to look like WoW a bit too much imo.
Wow...just when my interest in GW was declining, Anet pulled pocket rockets.
Nice job
Nice job

Guild Wars 2 Summary
Hundreds of years later, in Tyria... sounds more of a race-reliant struggle.
Predominately open worlds, with Instancing as a secondary feature in some areas (not positive on the interpretation). Hundreds of people in the same area, and choices that the population as a whole change the quest structure. PCG gave an example of choosing to rally against a dragon or not. Those that help, gain loot and xp. If the dragon isnt driven away, another 'quest' may trigger, leaving more options for the population. Very cool idea IMO.
I'll just take the level cap stuff directly - "Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high [100-plus], or possibly no level cap"
Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char.
'Click to move' will be abandonned in favor of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding'
destroyable environments?
no real world limitations to servers. you pick a 'world', but can switch between the realms.
World vs World combat sounds to be a massive scale capture the flag (AB style?) with no minimum or maximum party size. Big-ass raids that can supposedly take place for weeks on end. At the end, the 'world' will be reset, and it will start again it seems.
GvG will still be present, as a more balanced form where everyone is on a level playing field.
Companions: NPC like heros can join you (like a pet it sounds), and dont count towards your party. Not using this feature lets you be mroe powerful.
I think I read somewhere in here that it will be mission-based, but I didn't see it in my quick second-look.
As of now, there will be no monthly fees, and no 'campaigns'... mini-expansions, and expansions are hinted at.
If I think of something else, I will add it... or someone else can :P
Guild Wars 2 Summary
Hundreds of years later, in Tyria... sounds more of a race-reliant struggle.
Predominately open worlds, with Instancing as a secondary feature in some areas (not positive on the interpretation). Hundreds of people in the same area, and choices that the population as a whole change the quest structure. PCG gave an example of choosing to rally against a dragon or not. Those that help, gain loot and xp. If the dragon isnt driven away, another 'quest' may trigger, leaving more options for the population. Very cool idea IMO.
I'll just take the level cap stuff directly - "Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high [100-plus], or possibly no level cap"
Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char.
'Click to move' will be abandonned in favor of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding'
destroyable environments?
no real world limitations to servers. you pick a 'world', but can switch between the realms.
World vs World combat sounds to be a massive scale capture the flag (AB style?) with no minimum or maximum party size. Big-ass raids that can supposedly take place for weeks on end. At the end, the 'world' will be reset, and it will start again it seems.
GvG will still be present, as a more balanced form where everyone is on a level playing field.
Companions: NPC like heros can join you (like a pet it sounds), and dont count towards your party. Not using this feature lets you be mroe powerful.
I think I read somewhere in here that it will be mission-based, but I didn't see it in my quick second-look.
As of now, there will be no monthly fees, and no 'campaigns'... mini-expansions, and expansions are hinted at.
If I think of something else, I will add it... or someone else can :P
Originally Posted by You just got tomahawked
wow I read that and my excitement faded away very fast. plz say its not so that theyre gonna extend lvl cap past 20. I refuse to play a game where you have to grind for years on end to play high-lvl pvP.
Nkah Sennyt
GW2 is sounding more and more like WoW. I don't like where this is going.
If even half the stuff that Liquid steel posted is true, this could be the most looked forward to expansion to come out yet, it looks immense!
With the level 20 cap going, the soul of GW is dying.
On that alone, I am highly disappointed.
On that alone, I am highly disappointed.
I just hope that we are able to transfer old characters. One thousand hours of being with them has made me quite fond of them.
agree, sounds like Wow or a massive mmorpg... just hope its still free monthly =(
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Kotetsu Rain
I mean come on this is REALLY REALLY close to what was in The Inquirer article.
(refuses to beleive any denies of leaked information from gaile again.)
(refuses to beleive any denies of leaked information from gaile again.)
The Ernada
Hopefully that high level cap/no level cap thing is just something superficial (i.e. no more attribute points after level 20) It sure doesnt extend any enjoyment for me especially since I still have fun with my level 20 characters after all this time.
Gaile Gray
I just chatted with Mike O'Brien, Jeff Strain, and Isaiah Cartwright on the question of PvP. Here is what they said:
There will be two types of PvP in Guild Wars 2:
World PvP will allow you to play characters of any level, using the skills that you have in your possession at that particular time.
Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX.
Roleplaying Characters will gain the opportunity to acquire higher levels. I believe that the magazine refers to a cap of 100 or more. This is an opportunity that players have been requesting over the last couple of years. I know that personally, I like the idea a lot.
There will be two types of PvP in Guild Wars 2:
World PvP will allow you to play characters of any level, using the skills that you have in your possession at that particular time.
Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX.

Roleplaying Characters will gain the opportunity to acquire higher levels. I believe that the magazine refers to a cap of 100 or more. This is an opportunity that players have been requesting over the last couple of years. I know that personally, I like the idea a lot.
True, if levels beyond 20 were merely cosmetic, that would be one thing. Otherwise... Gaile, talk to us please...
Originally Posted by killercroc
agree, sounds like Wow or a massive mmorpg... just hope its still free monthly =(
WoW have been doing this for longer, and therefore no doubt better. Please tell me GW isn't trying to imitate WoW.

Edited to add in the /quote tag I forgot about. :/
I would think that worrying about GW2 is premature. The current GW is very different from the original concept and beta game. I imagine that the same types of changes will occur during the GW2 beta and initial retail period.
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
With the level 20 cap going, the soul of GW is dying.
On that alone, I am highly disappointed. |
doesn't just sound like WoW... sounds like other MMOs with it's on unique touch which is awesome. It sounds like Guild Wars will be doing a lot of new things..
So in a few years people will be playing other MMOs saying "This game is just a rip off of Guild Wars." Anyway hope to see you all there at GW2 Beta~
So in a few years people will be playing other MMOs saying "This game is just a rip off of Guild Wars." Anyway hope to see you all there at GW2 Beta~
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I just chatted with Mike O'Brien, Jeff Strain, and Isaiah Cartwright on the question of PvP. Here is what they said:
There will be two types of PvP in Guild Wars 2: World PvP will allow you to play characters of any level, using the skills that you have in your possession at that particular time. Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX. ![]() |

Gaile Gray: It sounds as if you will be able to transfer your characters over from GW1 to GW2 through "Eye of the North", but can you confirm that for us or what?
The Guild Wars 2 information...hah, eat that, The Ernada! 
GW2 will 99% have a monthy fee, although the article doesn't state it. The current Guild Wars is primarily instanced, which dramatically reduces bandwidth, and thus overall cost. With a consistant world, those advantages dissappear, and thus a monthly fee will be needed.
GW:EotN...I'm not too excited. Still do not like the new races (now can we make topics about them, Mods?)

GW2 will 99% have a monthy fee, although the article doesn't state it. The current Guild Wars is primarily instanced, which dramatically reduces bandwidth, and thus overall cost. With a consistant world, those advantages dissappear, and thus a monthly fee will be needed.
GW:EotN...I'm not too excited. Still do not like the new races (now can we make topics about them, Mods?)
Nkah Sennyt
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX.
![]() |
LiQuId StEeL
Originally Posted by Machinae
WoW have been doing this for longer, and therefore no doubt better. Please tell me GW isn't trying to imitate WoW.
![]() |
They are separate games, don't be stuck in the competitive mindset that GW has to beat WoW