30 Mar 2007 at 06:03 - 1954
My overall opinion so far.
You could say that its frustration or something but still i would like to state some facts.
1:Character transfer
So far we all heard the thing about a no transfer,which is indeed sometimes hard to do,but not imposible.
Anet maybe is considering that a no transfer would be more fair for the new players.
That is practicaly incorect,you cant hope for a better profit by making all the old
players unable to transfer that part of the ego that makes them still play the game.
As i stated earlier i dont care about items-lvl-titles.
The name reserve is something us THE veterans of the game would like.
Its not the lvl 20-50-400 that counts,its that little meathead who took tons of punishment to cover his party members.
Name is something we the old ones recognise (small example the mctiger sisters over grotto).
Since thing havent started yet,we can only sit back and wait on this one.
2:the infamus lvl cap
Now this is a shady section.
You see,the whole thing with lvls etc blah blah,i dont mind the lvl cap and also i dont mind see it raised for gw 2.
There is something that trully ticks me off,and thats something some other games suffer greatly from it.
Thats BOTS,yes you heard correct,the usual annoying bots.
Ooook so far so good,if there was something i liked in gw,was the entire absence of bots till recently.
And heck i still dont mind them much because gw still has the lvl 20 cap,and they are usually on inter districts.
One of the early games i played was lineage,and for sometime it was good,but nowadays despite the crap ncsoft says,theyr servers analogy is 1 bot/3players,so i dont want to see that in gw2.
What the heck we should say about bots when we are gonna have a lvl 100-200-300 cap?
Thats something i dont intend to find out simply because if by release of gw 2,gw 1 is still bot infested ,it would make me expect them in gw 2 as well.
And for gods sake someone go do a clean out on the bot infested areas,yohlon haven-arborstone and various other.
Ohhhh its hard to detect bots (the usual gm responce on various games).
Well DOH!!what you call the train of Mo/Me-Mo/Wr going towards the exit take a turn,touch THE sign saying about the exit,and then head out?
3rd and last section:GW after gw2 release
Now this is something grey as well.
Gray mentioned playing d1 d2 etc.
Some of us around here,we go back ages as gamers.
Particulary what does remain in our memories about blizzard is this,blizzard whenever makes something new,totaly ditches her old games.
d1 i didnt play that much,but heck in d2 i did waste 2 years of my life and enjoyed it.
Now during the production of warcraft 3,the one thing that made me ditch d2 and blizzard entirely was the long waiting for a new patch.
The wait was 1 and a freakin half year.
So far from experience,i can admit that Anet does listen to customers,but still this fear remains.
I certainly dont want to see the same thing happening in gw,waiting another 1-2 years for seeing something new in the game i loved.
And the eyes over north expansion,well frig,i am gonna buy it thats for sure.
But still it makes me feel like i am fed leftovers from the gw 2 table.
I know Anet isnt blizzard,but this somehow feels like going in the same direction.
This is my personal opinion and i am just typing it down here for my own silly reasons.
Lets hope the whole thing,will simply not follow the same destiny as the rest.