[Dev Update] Skill Balances for Early April
ZB only really shined in arenas in the first place, and probably on monk runners too. It was barely gamebreaking. But the nerf is justified.
Seriously though, if skill balances are going to make PVE hard for you then you have other problems.
Seriously though, if skill balances are going to make PVE hard for you then you have other problems.
Originally Posted by Nadia Roark
You're clearly missing the point.
Let me break it down for you. Old RaO wasn't terrifically more powerful than new RaO. The reason it was imba was because it could be chained; and in the course of doing so the user had a permanent speed boost and attack increase. Add to this that it's a SKILL (not a stance!) that can't be removed and you have one ridiculously overpowered melee elite. Now lets look at New RaO. With EW down it has the exact same functionality; and even without EW you can keep it up with high Beast and sparing use of Crushing Blow. I'll consider it "touched" when its functionality is actually altered. The only reason people are considering it "nerfed" is because most of them seem to think that you have to run 12 hammer (you don't) and they drop points out of Beast to accomplish this. High Beast also allows your pet to deal more damage in combat, which clearly exacerbates the situation. Hence, untouched. |
So, for the most part, monks got a nerf (Zealous Benediction was the obvious choice, yes, but it was _required_ to handle the damage inflation), mesmers got a nerf (they have a hard enough time shutting people down as it is, and it's not like they even do damage while at work - Might as well be an interrupt ranger and shut down non-spell skills without having to rely on expensive 10 energy spells too ), and then some skills get damage buffs. |
You have no idea what you're talking about, please stick to PvE...
posted by Gaile Gray Ritualist: · Brutal Weapon: increased damage to 10..25, increased duration to 1..45 seconds. · Consume Soul: decreased recharge time to 2 seconds. · Spirit's Strength: increased damage to 5..35. We wanted to improve a few niche skills in the Ritualist line, and we think we've accomplished that with these changes. Consume Soul is very specific skill, so we reduced its recharge time to make it more effective at removing Spirits from play. The fact that Brutal Weapon cannot stack with Enchantments is a bigger drawback than we'd originally thought, so we gave this skill a slight damage boost and a significant duration increase. Spirit's Strength is a fun, niche skill for some builds, and we wanted to make it more rewarding for players who choose to try something creative and different. |
I’m not shooting the messenger I like the messenger. However I am shooting the author of the changes for missing an important change that has been suggested (requested) over and over again.
There have many many discussions on the forums about this change. In every discussion I have seen the AwL change was in all respects the better choice.
Anguished provides a decent offense, Item, and Spirit Body for powering skills and spells within the channeling line. While moving Bloodsong only weakens (still very weakened) the communing line, and the communing line is already weak form previous unneeded NERF’s.
I say unneeded NERF’s because of the many over powered counters to Spirits and summoned creatures already in the game not used by people (PvP) or monsters (PvE) for some strange reason.
Many Ritualist players have put up with this “change” for the last few months and seriously it does not make sense to have 2 Pain spirits in the same line for PvE or PvP. Instead you moved a vital Communing spirit (only GOD knows why) to channeling for a buff (when there was a better option that made almost all players happy) while weakening the communing line a considerable amount. Communing has become virtually useless with the high cost of spirits that die so fast it was not worth the effort to place them in the skill bar to begin with. Bloodsong allowed for some good communing defense since it allowed for a Spirit Battery to exist with one or two passive defense spirits or spirits form the Summoning line.
As it is now you can still make a decent cannon battery (Channeling + Communing) So moving Bloodsong to channeling does not prevent it’s use. However it does prevent its use when combined with skills from the Summoning Attribute. There is no reason for this removal in comparison to the raw power of the passive offense of a fully loaded Minion Master.
So please ANET please move Bloodsong back to Communing and Anguished was Lingwah to Channeling.
Originally Posted by IMMORTAlMITCH
I don't get why you people complain about mesmers 'being nerfed' so much.
You're not telling me that you're actually using diversion in PvE and 2(!!) extra seconds recharge isn't gonna make it worthless... Diversion is one of the best skills in the game, as spammable as before makes it really strong even in the hands of a bad player. People would just spam it on recharge without thinking about it/timing it. About the soul reaping nerf.. don't form your opinion about it until you've 'seen it in action' PvE is so easy that you could pretty much use a bar of 8 completely random skills and still succeed. |
Lets take a look at the last skill update shall we?
Originally Posted by ANET
Wastrel's Demise: increased casting time to 1 second.. |
Originally Posted by ANET
Energy Surge: reduced area-of-effect to "nearby." Spirtual Pain: functionality changed to: "Target foe takes 15..75 damage. If this Spell hits a Spirit, all nearby foes take 15..75 damage, and this Spell recharges instantly." Mantra of Recovery: decreased Energy cost to 5. Sympathetic Visage: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds, decreased duration to 4..10 seconds. Ancestor's Visage: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds, decreased duration to 4..10 seconds. Illusion of Pain: decreased the amount of healing applied when this Hex ends to 15 per point of degeneration. Unnatural Signet: now does double damage to summoned creatures. Price of Pride: decreased Energy cost to 5, decreased recharge time to 8 seconds, decreased Energy loss to 1..7. Hex Eater Vortex: decreased Energy cost to 10. Mirror of Disenchantment: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds. Simple Thievery: decreased recharge time to 0 seconds. Arcane Larceny: decreased recharge time to 0 seconds. Arcane Thievery: decreased recharge time to 0 seconds. Power Flux: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds. Power Leak: decreased recharge time to 15, decreased Energy loss to 5..20. Power Block: decreased recharge time to 20. Power Leech: decreased recharge time to 10. Panic: Increased casting time to 1 second. |
Now that may not look like much, however it is alot higher than nerfs from the other classes in the update (apart from paragons).
Thankfully this was actually proberly the best update for mesmers yet.
The update before that however:
Originally Posted by ANET
Arcane Languor: increased duration to 1..10 seconds. Distortion: duration now scales with attribute, and you now only lose 2 Energy when this skill triggers. Drain Enchantment: increased recharge time to 30 seconds, decreased Energy gained to 5..20. Echo: increased duration to 30 seconds. Empathy: decreased duration to 5..15 seconds, increased damage to 15..45. Energy Drain: decreased Energy stolen to 2..9. Epidemic: decreased Energy cost to 5 Energy. Ether Signet: decreased recharge time to 60 seconds. Ethereal Burden / Kitah’s Burden: decreased casting time to 1 second. Illusion of Pain: decreased casting time to 1 second. Inspired Hex / Revealed Hex: decreased Energy gained to 4..10. Keystone Signet: decreased casting time to 1 second. Mantra of Recall: decreased Energy gained to 10..25. Overload: decreased recharge time to 3 seconds. Panic: decreased casting time to .25 seconds. Power Return: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds. Psychic Instability: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds. |
However the recent skill updates have been heavenly compared to the god awful older updates.
Let me introduce you to one of them...
Originally Posted by ANET
Epidemic – Decreased casting time to .25 seconds. Guilt – Decreased Energy cost to 5. Hex Breaker – Increased recharge time to 15 seconds. Soothing Images – Increased Energy cost to 15. Energy Drain – Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..10 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds. Energy Tap - Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..7 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds. Diversion – Increased casting time to 3; Increased recharge to 10 seconds. Ether Feast – Decreased Energy stolen to 3, increased Health gained per Energy stolen to 17..47 Signet of Weariness – Increased casting time to 2. Fragility – Decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased recharge to 5; decreased damage to 5..20. Mantra of Persistence – Decreased duration to 30 seconds. Decreased recharge to 15 seconds. |
Slowly mesmers are getting weaker and weaker, as well as there primary getting more useless every update.
You can even see from the updates I showed you that Diversion has ALREADY been nerfed before. Same happened to Mantra Of Recall, Energy Drain and Energy Surge.
I far as I have seen. Mesmers get a nerf EVERY skill update.
I will have to see how the skill nerf's pan out. It seems to me that ele's and necro's have the best of the energy. All the others are at a great disadvantage when it comes to energy, and lets face it energy is the main requirement in this game.
I guess the Dervish may be slightly better to play but why an up close fighter never got proper armour. The Paragon who stands back got the 80 armour.
The Glyph of Lesser Energy cjange should not really make too much of a difference and ele's can get the benefit of slightly more energy savings.
Necro is still the most powerful character to play, if only the Ritualist had the benefit of good energy recovery.
I guess the Dervish may be slightly better to play but why an up close fighter never got proper armour. The Paragon who stands back got the 80 armour.
The Glyph of Lesser Energy cjange should not really make too much of a difference and ele's can get the benefit of slightly more energy savings.
Necro is still the most powerful character to play, if only the Ritualist had the benefit of good energy recovery.
Most of this I agree with. There are 3 nerfs that really upset me however.
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf?
2. Soul Reaping -- not even sure how this is supposed to work but that's the backbone to necros! MM's will die out and my necro is a MM )-:
3. "Watch Yourself" -- again - not overpowered
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf?
2. Soul Reaping -- not even sure how this is supposed to work but that's the backbone to necros! MM's will die out and my necro is a MM )-:
3. "Watch Yourself" -- again - not overpowered
Originally Posted by Siddious
If you think mesmers are 'underpowered' you are clueless...
Just because they aren't 'popular' in PvE doesn't mean they're bad, I never had trouble in PvE with my mesmer (or any character for that matter)
When I heard that mesmers are going to be buffed for pve, I was thinking of finally making a pve mesmer to deck the toon out in some swanky, mesmerizing duds. As such, I stepped into this thread in eager anticipation of some pimpin, radical changes. But whoa! Instead of giving mesmers something like an aoe empathy that the SS necros stole from them, they now get an amazing 10-20 more damage on a 15 sec recharge skill. And another elite to increase spammability of signets one extra time every 20 seconds. Wow. How does that translate into anything significant? Are signet spammers Anet's answer to making pve mesmers a viable option?
Consider some popular uses of signets. Mantra of Inscriptions + Keystone Signet = Roughly 3-4 uses of Signet of Clumsiness in a 20 second period of time. Toss in Signet of Humility in the mix for constant denial of 1 target's elite. Leech Signet + Signet of Disruption for roughly 5 interrupts in that time period. Signet of Disenchantment + Lyssa's Balance can be spammed roughly about 3 times each in the same bracket.
But nothing really synergizes well does it? The way I see it, all these skills do is basically to make the mesmer a minor nuisance for pve mobs while warriors, MMs and such are dishing out the real dps, which is no matter how you paint it, the crux of most pve situations. Maybe there are better ways to synergize signets, but I'm not really motivated to look too hard for them at the moment.
Think about it - Water eles have better snares, Necro's Corrupt Enchanment/Rip Enchantment works pretty efficiently in enchantment removals, SS Necro does the Empathy thing in a more epic scale, Wail of Doom Necro = diversion for attackers, Magebane Shot or Choking Gas Rangers dishe out steady dps along with their interrupts etc. Seems like every Mesmer niche can possibly be filled in with another profession (especially by those dastardy necros - heck, since pve mob don't tend to be especially meticulous in interrupts, you can probably go N/Me with the same Me/x skills for better e-management). Maybe pve mesmers are really just made to prance around in their lingerie armour... Oh, and to look cute firing off their newly enhanced Signet of Clumsiness. How can I ever forget that?
Incentive to make pve mesmer = None at the moment
And the diversion nerf? If people are complaining about the MoR/Diversion spam abuse, well, it was only spammable before because of the reduced energy cost of MoR and Spirit of Failure spam. We already see a nerf in Sof - great - so why don't we just re-nerf MoR and leave diversion alone?
I don't see these changes to the mesmer skill list as being a step in the right direction for "balance".
Consider some popular uses of signets. Mantra of Inscriptions + Keystone Signet = Roughly 3-4 uses of Signet of Clumsiness in a 20 second period of time. Toss in Signet of Humility in the mix for constant denial of 1 target's elite. Leech Signet + Signet of Disruption for roughly 5 interrupts in that time period. Signet of Disenchantment + Lyssa's Balance can be spammed roughly about 3 times each in the same bracket.
But nothing really synergizes well does it? The way I see it, all these skills do is basically to make the mesmer a minor nuisance for pve mobs while warriors, MMs and such are dishing out the real dps, which is no matter how you paint it, the crux of most pve situations. Maybe there are better ways to synergize signets, but I'm not really motivated to look too hard for them at the moment.
Think about it - Water eles have better snares, Necro's Corrupt Enchanment/Rip Enchantment works pretty efficiently in enchantment removals, SS Necro does the Empathy thing in a more epic scale, Wail of Doom Necro = diversion for attackers, Magebane Shot or Choking Gas Rangers dishe out steady dps along with their interrupts etc. Seems like every Mesmer niche can possibly be filled in with another profession (especially by those dastardy necros - heck, since pve mob don't tend to be especially meticulous in interrupts, you can probably go N/Me with the same Me/x skills for better e-management). Maybe pve mesmers are really just made to prance around in their lingerie armour... Oh, and to look cute firing off their newly enhanced Signet of Clumsiness. How can I ever forget that?
Incentive to make pve mesmer = None at the moment
And the diversion nerf? If people are complaining about the MoR/Diversion spam abuse, well, it was only spammable before because of the reduced energy cost of MoR and Spirit of Failure spam. We already see a nerf in Sof - great - so why don't we just re-nerf MoR and leave diversion alone?
I don't see these changes to the mesmer skill list as being a step in the right direction for "balance".
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
And just like that... Otyugh's Cry is no longer the worst skill in the game!
I mean how long could they leave them both lacking.

no one used spirit of failure in conjunction with diversion btw...
Originally Posted by tyche7
Most of this I agree with. There are 3 nerfs that really upset me however.
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf? 2. Soul Reaping -- not even sure how this is supposed to work but that's the backbone to necros! MM's will die out and my necro is a MM )-: 3. "Watch Yourself" -- again - not overpowered *sigh* |
2. Was nered in the wrong way, but it didn't really get more overpowered than soul reaping abbuse
3. Probably isn't. Paragon's having too high of a base armour is the issue imo.
Originally Posted by IMMORTAlMITCH
There's a lot more buff than nerfs in that list and apart from surge and spiritual pain most of those skills have no place in PvE anyway.
If you think mesmers are 'underpowered' you are clueless... Just because they aren't 'popular' in PvE doesn't mean they're bad, I never had trouble in PvE with my mesmer (or any character for that matter) |
The Great Al
Originally Posted by tyche7
Most of this I agree with. There are 3 nerfs that really upset me however.
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf? *sigh* |
Macktar Wang
Originally Posted by tyche7
Most of this I agree with. There are 3 nerfs that really upset me however.
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf? 2. Soul Reaping -- not even sure how this is supposed to work but that's the backbone to necros! MM's will die out and my necro is a MM )-: 3. "Watch Yourself" -- again - not overpowered *sigh* |
2. If this kills your MM build, then you are doing something wrong. I suggest trying this out before screaming "Anet nerfed my build."
3. Watch Yourself didn't get fixed. Shields Up did.
The reason for these adjustments was to promote a more physical and offensive game in PvP. Shields Up was a great skill for passive defense, and being a shout, it cannot be removed. GoLE allowed 2 monks and an E/Mo to chain Aegis indefinitely with no energy problems.
Ss Executioner
Originally Posted by tyche7
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf?
2. Soul Reaping -- not even sure how this is supposed to work but that's the backbone to necros! MM's will die out and my necro is a MM )-: |

3. "Watch Yourself" -- again - not overpowered |
However Watch Yourself! got fixed on the update previous to this one, shields up got nerfed on this one - which... was completely removing any rangers / paragons from gameplay if yuo had say 2 copies of this. Ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Siddious
I never said that Mesmers get more nerfs than buffs. What I did say however is that Mesmers recieve many more nerfs than other classes (apart from recently with the prargon).
What's your point? Mesmer skill balance is delicate, as their skills often dont have as 'clear' purposes as damage or healing spells.
Most mesmer skills will never be used in PvE because shut down isn't really required, this doesn't mean they aren't extremely potent in PvP..
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
3. Probably isn't. Paragon's having too high of a base armour is the issue imo.
Legendary Shiz
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
ZB only really shined in arenas in the first place, and probably on monk runners too. It was barely gamebreaking. But the nerf is justified.
Seriously though, if skill balances are going to make PVE hard for you then you have other problems. |
Originally Posted by Cathode_Reborn
Face it, SR was overpowered but it's still effective. I play my nec often in pve and running low on energy was extremely rare.
Macktar Wang
Originally Posted by Keithark
Are people really wanting paragons to be nerfed even more? I realize most of you are PvP but they are already useless as a req 18 sword in PvE and you want them to be worse?? I made a Paragon when nightfall came out, nerf #1..lots of cussing and then finally figured out a useable build, then nerf #2..my paragon got no more use, nerf #3 found a great use for Paragon..it is a mule. Now with the added storage comming a paragon does not even have a viable use as a mule and there are still posts wanting them nerfed, funny
Master Ketsu
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
yet more pvp imbalance issues becoming pve's problem
predictable |
PvP needs to be balanced, PvE just simply needs to work.
Originally Posted by Macktar Wang
Paragons have the luxury of sitting in the mid-line with the armor of a warrior (AL = 80) and the range of a ranger (AL = 70). I don't see how bringing their armor level down to the level of a ranger would be "class killing." I'm sure he isn't suggesting Paragons to come down to the armor class of a caster (AL = 60).
1. Glyph of lesser energy -- this wasn't overpowered so why the nerf? |
I can't see the change to GoLE actually changing its use in the slightest. All it means now is that Aegis will actually cost energy and i can cast 10e skills without feeling bad about wasting -5e. Only SoR/Aegis are worth running in Prot that cost 15e, if you weren't running those 2 GoLE would always be partially wasted.
So what your saying is that after nerfing all your skills, Anet have finally gone and nerfed your paragon been used as storage?
Wow thats taking the piss.
Either way... can people please stop whining about how the mesmers is continually getting nerfed for PvE and just buy GWEN. The PvE only skills are quite obviously gonna aim to sort this out. With a bit of luck the under-appreciated characters will get the more powerful ones. Probably make Para the strongest char in the game...
Tbh, as far as i see it, a Paragon has 90 AL. Centurions insignia is an almost guaranteed +10 AL, throw on the shield and you have a nice 106 AL against everything. Its just a shame really that nobody has any reason to actually attack you because your next to worthless, anything you can actually do has either been nerfed, can easily be shutdown/interrupted or isn't really noticable.
The only use i saw of a Paragon recently (think it was EW) running a P/Me with Expel Hexes/Mirror of Disenchantment (anti-Aegis i guess) who just spammed Go for the eyes as energy gain.
Now with the added storage comming a paragon does not even have a viable use as a mule and there are still posts wanting them nerfed, funny |
Either way... can people please stop whining about how the mesmers is continually getting nerfed for PvE and just buy GWEN. The PvE only skills are quite obviously gonna aim to sort this out. With a bit of luck the under-appreciated characters will get the more powerful ones. Probably make Para the strongest char in the game...
Tbh, as far as i see it, a Paragon has 90 AL. Centurions insignia is an almost guaranteed +10 AL, throw on the shield and you have a nice 106 AL against everything. Its just a shame really that nobody has any reason to actually attack you because your next to worthless, anything you can actually do has either been nerfed, can easily be shutdown/interrupted or isn't really noticable.
The only use i saw of a Paragon recently (think it was EW) running a P/Me with Expel Hexes/Mirror of Disenchantment (anti-Aegis i guess) who just spammed Go for the eyes as energy gain.
Originally Posted by IMMORTAlMITCH
And they might possibly have gotten more buffs than other characters as well..
What's your point? Mesmer skill balance is delicate, as their skills often dont have as 'clear' purposes as damage or healing spells. Most mesmer skills will never be used in PvE because shut down isn't really required, this doesn't mean they aren't extremely potent in PvP.. |
I would even say that if Diversion was taken out of PVP altogether, Mesmers would die out in PVP.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
2 questions. What pet controls? I don't see any :S
And what pet nerfs? They nerfed the Thumper, not the Beastmaster because that dazed was so stupidly strong. Stop making mountains out of piles of dust. |
What pet nerfs? I was thinking of Disrupting Lunge, actually. It's an awesome skill that has never left my bar. I'd call doubling its recharge time a nerf.
Originally Posted by ChaoticCoyote
You're not right, so feel better!
![]() Seriously, *two* little-used skills get a *minor* nerf, and you're crying in your beer? The two interrupting pet attacks were SLIGHTLY nerfed since they might now be effective. Without pet controls, using a pet interrupt was a crap-shoot at best. What about the *buffs?* Heck, I'm going to love Fluffy the Dune Lizard with his 104 armor (natural 80 + Otyugh's) and 16 damage reduction (Call of Protection). And if you look at past threads, most beatsmasters *wanted* pet controls. And yes, I run at all times with my pet, for 1600 hours of gameplay. |
I must've hit a nerve or something, because I wasn't really complaining THAT much.
All I was saying is that pet controls have been discussed a lot in the past, and my position has always been that, while more control would be nice, I've learned to work with my pet over the last two years, and I'm afraid that if we have more control over them, people will start noticing how incredibly powerful some of the pet skills are.
In that, I was right. The very update which introduces (presumably) pet controls, nerfs two beastmaster skill because of the new controls.
I'm not "crying in my beer", but I'm sure hoping the trend won't continue. I've had a happy couple of years being overlooked by the nerfhammer. ^_^
I'm with you on the Otyugh's Cry, though. That, with CoP will make our pets unblockable, unkillable monsters! Woot!
The nice thing about that combo is that (again, presumably) with the new pet controls, we can actually send our pet in to aggro instead of drawing it ourselves, which will make them incredible PvE tanks.
Originally Posted by Macktar Wang
Paragons have the luxury of sitting in the mid-line with the armor of a warrior (AL = 80) and the range of a ranger (AL = 70). I don't see how bringing their armor level down to the level of a ranger would be "class killing." I'm sure he isn't suggesting Paragons to come down to the armor class of a caster (AL = 60).
they have the luxury of sitting in mid line with al-80 and the range of the ranger yes...but that is what they are doing, sitting because their skills suck so all they can do is live a little longer than the casters who actually get to do a little damage. I do not PvP but from what I read on here, nerfing paragons is due to teams putting several paragons on a team and shouting at each other to the point they cannot be killed ...why will a-net not nerf it properly and say no more than x# of p/X's on a team or make shouts not work on other paragons? Also everyone wants "balance" in PvP but nobody takes a "balanced" team..there are 10 classes and most PvP that I see in observer mode just have like 2 monks and 6 necros or whatever kind of spike they are running. Make it so you can only have 1 of each class per team and balance would be much easier to obtain and skills would not need any nerfing.
In terms of the pressure Disrupting Lunge could put on casters it was ridiculous. From the moment you press it it affects the pets very next strike. So you could quite easily interrupt 3/4s skills if the pets attack was timed right. It was way too spammable, although tbh i think it should've been made identical to Distracting Shot.
Macktar Wang
Originally Posted by Keithark
they have the luxury of sitting in mid line with al-80 and the range of the ranger yes...but that is what they are doing, sitting because their skills suck so all they can do is live a little longer than the casters who actually get to do a little damage. I do not PvP but from what I read on here, nerfing paragons is due to teams putting several paragons on a team and shouting at each other to the point they cannot be killed ...why will a-net not nerf it properly and say no more than x# of p/X's on a team or make shouts not work on other paragons? Also everyone wants "balance" in PvP but nobody takes a "balanced" team..there are 10 classes and most PvP that I see in observer mode just have like 2 monks and 6 necros or whatever kind of spike they are running. Make it so you can only have 1 of each class per team and balance would be much easier to obtain and skills would not need any nerfing.
I am not going to touch that PvP balance part. I'll let the PvP players answer that one.
Originally Posted by Siddious
Also Mesmers always get the crap end of the stick. Deal with it.

Originally Posted by Evilsod
In terms of the pressure Disrupting Lunge could put on casters it was ridiculous. From the moment you press it it affects the pets very next strike. So you could quite easily interrupt 3/4s skills if the pets attack was timed right. It was way too spammable, although tbh i think it should've been made identical to Distracting Shot.
But then, that's my point; Nobody has ever really noticed dedicated Beastmasters. Everyone "knew" that pets sucked, and so nobody complained, and we beastmasters who knew better were very, very happy people. ^_^
Now, everyone pay attention to the shiny, swinging watch...
Pets suck...
Pets suck...
Pets need buffs, not nerfs...
Pets suck...
I don't understand the 'Paragons are useless in PvE' crowd at all. Is that a symptom of people hating physical damage in general, or am I missing something?
The Expel Hexes / Mirror of Disenchantment (and I had a Leech Signet as well) Paragon is one of my favorite Paragon bars. So much raw support power on a guy punching for 40 a hit. I agree with the 'reduce base armor to 70' sentiment, I just look at a Warrior funny when he runs up and starts attacking me.
Until the PvE community looks at skills and mechanics and says 'wow, this is too powerful', about *anything* on their own characters, it's safe to ignore them entirely in balance discussions.
The Expel Hexes / Mirror of Disenchantment (and I had a Leech Signet as well) Paragon is one of my favorite Paragon bars. So much raw support power on a guy punching for 40 a hit. I agree with the 'reduce base armor to 70' sentiment, I just look at a Warrior funny when he runs up and starts attacking me.
Until the PvE community looks at skills and mechanics and says 'wow, this is too powerful', about *anything* on their own characters, it's safe to ignore them entirely in balance discussions.
Master Ketsu
Originally Posted by Keithark
they have the luxury of sitting in mid line with al-80 and the range of the ranger yes...but that is what they are doing, sitting because their skills suck so all they can do is live a little longer than the casters who actually get to do a little damage. I do not PvP but from what I read on here, nerfing paragons is due to teams putting several paragons on a team and shouting at each other to the point they cannot be killed ...why will a-net not nerf it properly and say no more than x# of p/X's on a team or make shouts not work on other paragons? Also everyone wants "balance" in PvP but nobody takes a "balanced" team..there are 10 classes and most PvP that I see in observer mode just have like 2 monks and 6 necros or whatever kind of spike they are running. Make it so you can only have 1 of each class per team and balance would be much easier to obtain and skills would not need any nerfing.
Dont make suggestions for PvP.
Making it so only 1 class per group was allowed would cause mass cookie cutters. Maybe no more then 5 of the same class per team would be ok, but max of 1 would ruin everything.
Originally Posted by IMMORTAlMITCH
no one used spirit of failure in conjunction with diversion btw...
Can't really do that after the nerf of SoF though.
assassin of the god
Originally Posted by Ensign
Until the PvE community looks at skills and mechanics and says 'wow, this is too powerful', about *anything* on their own characters, it's safe to ignore them entirely in balance discussions.
Buffing underused skills are a waste of time. They are underused for a reason.... cos they're shite and no amount of buffing will make us use them.
Nadia Roark
Originally Posted by Legendary Shiz
However, I believe ZB was going to get used a lot more commonly with the nerf of GoLE. Because now monks are left with basically 0 emanagement skills. ZB WAS really strong, but like you said not gamebreaking. Thus, I don't see the reasoning behind nerfing it.
There was something (funny) in there about "diversifying monk elites" which is mystifying to me, since apparently this diversification is to take place by means of nerfing monk energy management. If you want to "Diversify monk elites" a good place to start would be to recognize that 90% of monk elites are complete garbage.
For this reason and a few others I have interpreted the "diversifying of monk elites" to mean "we want monks to run crappy skills." If you want to diversify monk elites (which should probably be done after you expand the viable elite skill options for, say, Rangers and Necros) don't make them worse, make the crappy ones better. RoF is still better than Life Sheath, and skills like Balthazar's Pendulum, Glimmer of Light, and Scribe's Insight have pretty much been trash from day one.
RoA isn't that imbalanced imo, EW has a 60 second recharge and is really easy to kill, it got 'tweaked' in the wrong way though. (Nerf or remove the speedbuff from it and either increase the duration or reduce the energy cost, gives people an incentive to use Run As One too) |
Legendary Shiz
Originally Posted by Evilsod
In terms of the pressure Disrupting Lunge could put on casters it was ridiculous. From the moment you press it it affects the pets very next strike. So you could quite easily interrupt 3/4s skills if the pets attack was timed right. It was way too spammable, although tbh i think it should've been made identical to Distracting Shot.
Originally Posted by Siddious
If they are supposedly 'Extremely Potent', then why is it that Mesmers only use a select few skills like Diversion in PVP but nothing else.
I would even say that if Diversion was taken out of PVP altogether, Mesmers would die out in PVP. |
Maybe I'm not the typical mesmer, but I only added Diversion to my dom build recently with what looked like a recent surge in touchies in AB (title building). I usually run an Illusion/Inspiration build anyhow, which is quite lovely when you want to see an assassin's head explode for no visible reason. So no, Diversion doesn't make the mesmer.
But it does break the touchies...

Honestly Paragons are currently nothing unless tehres a large ammount of them, BUT thats just about it.
Go face a paragon with no other paragons and no monk and pretty much any class will take it down...even by bloody accident.
Face a paragon with a monk, just go for the monk the para is nothing.
Theres a reason ppl think paragons suck, there only use is in multi paragon builds, where if you fixed the Paragon skills affecting other Paragons thered be no damn problem, and they be even WORSE than before.
Go face a paragon with no other paragons and no monk and pretty much any class will take it down...even by bloody accident.
Face a paragon with a monk, just go for the monk the para is nothing.
Theres a reason ppl think paragons suck, there only use is in multi paragon builds, where if you fixed the Paragon skills affecting other Paragons thered be no damn problem, and they be even WORSE than before.