Hard Mode: Discussion
I'd love to see some places in Ascalon packed with level 20 mobs. Flamte Temple Corridor FTW.
Bryant Again
Whoa woot! Gaile announcement!
Next week, eh? /fingerscrossed
Next week, eh? /fingerscrossed
Master Ketsu
If you complete the game with a monk, why should you be allowed into hard mode as a warrior? You could be a good monk but a terrible warrior. |
Seriously, please do not let hard mode be like DoA. Make it more like fighting an semi-decent PvP team.
IWAY Afflicted... B/P Charr...Blood Spike Skales...ZB Margonite Priests...SF Spam Imps...BoA Oni...
For example, an average Skale Blighter skill bar in hard mode-
Spoil Victor (E)
Life Siphon
Well of Blood
Parasitic Bond
Signet of Lost Souls
It will unload Spoil Victor on a high health target, and then proceed to apply -7 degeneration to as many foes as possible while using well of blood whenever a corpse appears. Signet of Lost Souls will be used effectively.
An average Charr Axe Fiend-
Enraging Rush
Eviscerate (E)
Executioner Strike
Agonizing Chop
Lion's Comfort
This axe fiend will actually behave like a PvP'er, charging adrenaline with ER and flail, and then choosing an unenchanted low AL target and unleashing Evisc>Exec>Agonizing Chop.
An average Lava Imp-
Searing Flames (E)
Glowing Gaze
Liquid Flame
Meteor Shower
Glyph of Sacrifice
Fire Attunement
This would make people think twice about fighting imps- It will spam SF, GG, LF, and then use GoS + MS against a tightly clumped group of targets.
About levels- I want them to be lowered. Yes. Lowered. I CERTAINLY would not want to fight a group of level 29 Bladed Aatxes that auto-targets unenchanted squishies, and has an IAS with an Adrenaline Spike Chain. Or a group of level 28 Oni with like 25 dagger mastery with a BoA (Flurry, since BoA Nerf) Sin's Build.
To Sum up what hard mode should be-
Increased Monster AI (Breaks Aggro From Tanks and Autotargets enchanted squishies- Monks/Casters run from melee...Chooses perfect times for skills, such as nuking clumped groups)
Better SkillBars- Let the mob's skillbars work together and be much more effective, somewhat like a PvP team. Increase high damage AoE skills on monsters, and make monster monks somewhat near the level of human monks in skills and usage.
Lowered Levels, or Less- With these insane AI boosts and skill usage, monsters SHOULD NOT come in huge swarms of level 28's. That would make "HARD" mode into "IMPOSSIBLE" Mode.
What hard mode SHOULD NOT BE-
-Hordes and Hordes of Level 28's using Hax0r Ub3r Pwnage Skills, but with the AI of a braindead rat. (Cough Cough* Enraged.)
A perfect example of what Hard Mode should somewhat be like- Remember those level 20 Jade Brotherhood Gangs in Kaineng that seemed to always own you? Remember how they probably wiped your party more than all the mobs in Echovald and Jade Sea combined?
That was because they had an excellent skill set, with armor buffs, huge AoE damage, hex removal, interrupts, and KD's. The Knights had high armor, and used Watch Yourself!, Cyclone Axe, Tripe Chop, and Furious Axe. The Mages used Dragon Stomp, stringing a chain of constant Knockdowns, Wards, and Double Dragon for high AoE spike damage. The mesmers had Expel Hexes, and 2 interrupts. The ritualists were effective healers, and used Ancestors Rage (Another High AoE damage skill) on your party. These puny level 20's made me a lot more scared a lot of level 28 mobs.
This is what all of hard mode should be like.
IWAY Afflicted... B/P Charr...Blood Spike Skales...ZB Margonite Priests...SF Spam Imps...BoA Oni...
For example, an average Skale Blighter skill bar in hard mode-
Spoil Victor (E)
Life Siphon
Well of Blood
Parasitic Bond
Signet of Lost Souls
It will unload Spoil Victor on a high health target, and then proceed to apply -7 degeneration to as many foes as possible while using well of blood whenever a corpse appears. Signet of Lost Souls will be used effectively.
An average Charr Axe Fiend-
Enraging Rush
Eviscerate (E)
Executioner Strike
Agonizing Chop
Lion's Comfort
This axe fiend will actually behave like a PvP'er, charging adrenaline with ER and flail, and then choosing an unenchanted low AL target and unleashing Evisc>Exec>Agonizing Chop.
An average Lava Imp-
Searing Flames (E)
Glowing Gaze
Liquid Flame
Meteor Shower
Glyph of Sacrifice
Fire Attunement
This would make people think twice about fighting imps- It will spam SF, GG, LF, and then use GoS + MS against a tightly clumped group of targets.
About levels- I want them to be lowered. Yes. Lowered. I CERTAINLY would not want to fight a group of level 29 Bladed Aatxes that auto-targets unenchanted squishies, and has an IAS with an Adrenaline Spike Chain. Or a group of level 28 Oni with like 25 dagger mastery with a BoA (Flurry, since BoA Nerf) Sin's Build.
To Sum up what hard mode should be-
Increased Monster AI (Breaks Aggro From Tanks and Autotargets enchanted squishies- Monks/Casters run from melee...Chooses perfect times for skills, such as nuking clumped groups)
Better SkillBars- Let the mob's skillbars work together and be much more effective, somewhat like a PvP team. Increase high damage AoE skills on monsters, and make monster monks somewhat near the level of human monks in skills and usage.
Lowered Levels, or Less- With these insane AI boosts and skill usage, monsters SHOULD NOT come in huge swarms of level 28's. That would make "HARD" mode into "IMPOSSIBLE" Mode.
What hard mode SHOULD NOT BE-
-Hordes and Hordes of Level 28's using Hax0r Ub3r Pwnage Skills, but with the AI of a braindead rat. (Cough Cough* Enraged.)
A perfect example of what Hard Mode should somewhat be like- Remember those level 20 Jade Brotherhood Gangs in Kaineng that seemed to always own you? Remember how they probably wiped your party more than all the mobs in Echovald and Jade Sea combined?
That was because they had an excellent skill set, with armor buffs, huge AoE damage, hex removal, interrupts, and KD's. The Knights had high armor, and used Watch Yourself!, Cyclone Axe, Tripe Chop, and Furious Axe. The Mages used Dragon Stomp, stringing a chain of constant Knockdowns, Wards, and Double Dragon for high AoE spike damage. The mesmers had Expel Hexes, and 2 interrupts. The ritualists were effective healers, and used Ancestors Rage (Another High AoE damage skill) on your party. These puny level 20's made me a lot more scared a lot of level 28 mobs.
This is what all of hard mode should be like.
^^^ Pretty much what Im hoping. Dont forget res sig on the monsters to add bit of annoyance :P (unless you have ranger or mesmer in your team. Yay for team diversity, boo to holy trinity)
Yup. Even the rumor of the jade brotherhood made people pay for kaineng run. However, I found others such as the wardens or naga later on in the game laughable. Shiroken were crushed easily because the monks focused on using spell shield and spell breaker on themselves half the time rather than heal.
Deathless Fate
I believe unlocking hard mode requires beating the campaign, not getting protector title
Problems with tacking on requirements for Hard Mode:
Requirements for hard mode essentially ask the question, "Are you prepared for this?" Are all people that have Protector titles ready for hard mode? No. I'd hope not. What about everyone that has beaten the game ten times? No. What about... "X?" No. Despite any attempts by we, the players, to weed out those of us that we find too low of intelligence to be allowed to participate, there is no equivilent to an IQ test in Guild Wars. Reaching milestones is not the answer. Also consider that in order to bring your Ele, Monk, Necro, etc. to Hard Mode using a Protector title will require you to have masters on every mission with that character. So if you suddenly, at a whim, wish to bring your Necro over, and he has yet to beat every mission at that degree, you won't want to spend the next week "training him up" to be qualified. The cold reality is that requirements will be simple, and low. And that is the fairest way to do it.
Thoughts on Hard Mode's means of progression:
It would make sense, in many respects, that hard mode will begin the game over in some fashion. After all, inevitably, people will find one area with better drops than another area. Would it be fair to allow players to immediately warp to that area and play that hard mode zone exclusively? Or to allow players to skip missions they find too difficult or unrewarding? I suspect that in order to play Hard Mode at say, Droknar Forge, you may likely be required to "unlock" all areas before that location in the storyline. Essentially, if you decide that you hate Maguuma (I do) and want to skip the area in favor of the Shiverpeaks, I can, but I won't be able to play on hard mode until I get through Maguuma. This may also act as that requirement that everyone clamors for: players incapable of playing "with the big dogs" will find themselves at Ascalon City, unable to advance due to the difficulty. Mere speculation, however - it's as likely that hard mode will just be a toggle people throw on to get better loot.
Thoughts on what "Hard Mode" even means:
Yes, it's harder. But will it also be easier? I've heard that monsters will no longer will run from AoE. I've heard Afflicted explosions will be toned down and turned into armor-ignoring damage. These are two examples of how the game can be altered to cater to the casual player that is tired of the game being SIMPLY more difficult, and wants it to be more fun. Perhaps instead of finding more enemies with higher levels we may find very small amounts of enemies with very, very high levels and potent skills. After all, we have no need to run to the next area, having beaten the game. Hard Mode is for the challenge and the rewards, isn't it? Doesn't it make sense that at least some areas will actually DECREASE the number of monsters in favor of creating tactical battles? Mesmers may even see more use here, if we end up fighting single, powerful opponents as opposed to hundreds of disposable morons.
Thoughts on "better drops:"
What does that even mean? Better drops? Does it mean that more items will be max damage at earlier points? Useless. I'd just sell them like I always do. Will more items be rare? Equally useless. Increase the rate a rare drops and you make rares less rare - less valuable. What if they were new skins? I suppose this would create some value, but ultimately, would just create slightly rare items that will devalue the same as any item over time. The practice of farming these items may even split the player base and make finding people to play with slightly more difficult. Make more greens? Even more useless. Greens are often less valuable than rares are, and have become very commonplace, arguably. I recall giving away and even merching greens for about 35 gold as early as a month after Sorrow's Furnace was introduced. Greens may be perfect but they aren't valuable - they're just unique. Maybe "better drops" means that common items will simply merch for more, and salvage for more. I really don't care. The only reason I require money, personally, is for the occasional 15k armor. Obviously Obsidian doesn't mean anything anymore. If just making Hard Mode a place to earn more gold to buy items and armor you find in Normal Mode is all it has to offer, it will exist almost solely for the experience, not the reward. So I'm not sure exactly what Hard Mode will "offer" as far as drops go. The way Guild Wars is set up, items cannot exceed a certain level of "real" value - everything is the same aside from aesthetics. You won't kill a monster and find a sword with a 45-125 damage rating. Swords will always be swords, and you will always be level 20, and will always do the same amount of damage you always have; you will not enhance your player avatar in any way aside from possibly how shiny the device he has in his hand is. The economy is crafted in such a way that creating more of rare materials, or common materials, or gold, will not be of any value to anyone because it will simply water down the system.
Overall, I'm not really certain what Hard Mode purports to bring. My pessimistic side forsees Hard Mode as being a place where elitists gather, and farmers have more reason to cause ANet to overreact and nerf skills that affect PvP, PvE and "HPvE." I see the player base being split in many ways, and the economy stagnating or fluctuating wildly as a result. I anticipate many new updates to skills that don't need fixing, and are only toyed with because players are having too much success and as a result, damage the game in some fashion.
Ultimately, my pessimistic side reminds me that Guild Wars is not a game of overachievers: you cannot and will not be better than another player; everyone is equal; you just look differently, in a minor way. Guild Wars is not a game of rewards: drops are infrequent and very worthless; gold is split apart, large groups of monsters or monsters of higher level do not drop higher level items, and rare drops are not more powerful - they only cost more, and only to the right people.
My optimistic side really only has one thing to say: "It's new. Might as well try it."
Requirements for hard mode essentially ask the question, "Are you prepared for this?" Are all people that have Protector titles ready for hard mode? No. I'd hope not. What about everyone that has beaten the game ten times? No. What about... "X?" No. Despite any attempts by we, the players, to weed out those of us that we find too low of intelligence to be allowed to participate, there is no equivilent to an IQ test in Guild Wars. Reaching milestones is not the answer. Also consider that in order to bring your Ele, Monk, Necro, etc. to Hard Mode using a Protector title will require you to have masters on every mission with that character. So if you suddenly, at a whim, wish to bring your Necro over, and he has yet to beat every mission at that degree, you won't want to spend the next week "training him up" to be qualified. The cold reality is that requirements will be simple, and low. And that is the fairest way to do it.
Thoughts on Hard Mode's means of progression:
It would make sense, in many respects, that hard mode will begin the game over in some fashion. After all, inevitably, people will find one area with better drops than another area. Would it be fair to allow players to immediately warp to that area and play that hard mode zone exclusively? Or to allow players to skip missions they find too difficult or unrewarding? I suspect that in order to play Hard Mode at say, Droknar Forge, you may likely be required to "unlock" all areas before that location in the storyline. Essentially, if you decide that you hate Maguuma (I do) and want to skip the area in favor of the Shiverpeaks, I can, but I won't be able to play on hard mode until I get through Maguuma. This may also act as that requirement that everyone clamors for: players incapable of playing "with the big dogs" will find themselves at Ascalon City, unable to advance due to the difficulty. Mere speculation, however - it's as likely that hard mode will just be a toggle people throw on to get better loot.
Thoughts on what "Hard Mode" even means:
Yes, it's harder. But will it also be easier? I've heard that monsters will no longer will run from AoE. I've heard Afflicted explosions will be toned down and turned into armor-ignoring damage. These are two examples of how the game can be altered to cater to the casual player that is tired of the game being SIMPLY more difficult, and wants it to be more fun. Perhaps instead of finding more enemies with higher levels we may find very small amounts of enemies with very, very high levels and potent skills. After all, we have no need to run to the next area, having beaten the game. Hard Mode is for the challenge and the rewards, isn't it? Doesn't it make sense that at least some areas will actually DECREASE the number of monsters in favor of creating tactical battles? Mesmers may even see more use here, if we end up fighting single, powerful opponents as opposed to hundreds of disposable morons.
Thoughts on "better drops:"
What does that even mean? Better drops? Does it mean that more items will be max damage at earlier points? Useless. I'd just sell them like I always do. Will more items be rare? Equally useless. Increase the rate a rare drops and you make rares less rare - less valuable. What if they were new skins? I suppose this would create some value, but ultimately, would just create slightly rare items that will devalue the same as any item over time. The practice of farming these items may even split the player base and make finding people to play with slightly more difficult. Make more greens? Even more useless. Greens are often less valuable than rares are, and have become very commonplace, arguably. I recall giving away and even merching greens for about 35 gold as early as a month after Sorrow's Furnace was introduced. Greens may be perfect but they aren't valuable - they're just unique. Maybe "better drops" means that common items will simply merch for more, and salvage for more. I really don't care. The only reason I require money, personally, is for the occasional 15k armor. Obviously Obsidian doesn't mean anything anymore. If just making Hard Mode a place to earn more gold to buy items and armor you find in Normal Mode is all it has to offer, it will exist almost solely for the experience, not the reward. So I'm not sure exactly what Hard Mode will "offer" as far as drops go. The way Guild Wars is set up, items cannot exceed a certain level of "real" value - everything is the same aside from aesthetics. You won't kill a monster and find a sword with a 45-125 damage rating. Swords will always be swords, and you will always be level 20, and will always do the same amount of damage you always have; you will not enhance your player avatar in any way aside from possibly how shiny the device he has in his hand is. The economy is crafted in such a way that creating more of rare materials, or common materials, or gold, will not be of any value to anyone because it will simply water down the system.
Overall, I'm not really certain what Hard Mode purports to bring. My pessimistic side forsees Hard Mode as being a place where elitists gather, and farmers have more reason to cause ANet to overreact and nerf skills that affect PvP, PvE and "HPvE." I see the player base being split in many ways, and the economy stagnating or fluctuating wildly as a result. I anticipate many new updates to skills that don't need fixing, and are only toyed with because players are having too much success and as a result, damage the game in some fashion.
Ultimately, my pessimistic side reminds me that Guild Wars is not a game of overachievers: you cannot and will not be better than another player; everyone is equal; you just look differently, in a minor way. Guild Wars is not a game of rewards: drops are infrequent and very worthless; gold is split apart, large groups of monsters or monsters of higher level do not drop higher level items, and rare drops are not more powerful - they only cost more, and only to the right people.
My optimistic side really only has one thing to say: "It's new. Might as well try it."
Gaile said that you cant hench/hero hard mode,youll die... sounds like damn DoA to me. >_>
Originally Posted by BDZeres
I hope that hard mode will not be another DoA. DoA is lame (all you need to do is aggro nuke, repeat - try anything else and you wont make it.)
Kali Magdalene
Originally Posted by MirageMaster
Gaile said that you cant hench/hero hard mode,youll die... sounds like damn DoA to me. >_>
ayame ftw
Originally Posted by Obey The Cat
I would prefer fire islands difficulty.... should be possible with heroes and npc.
Nexus Icon
What I want is a difficulty like the "Duel of the Houses" Kurzick faction quest outside of Brauer Academy.
Intelligently designed skillbars, an equal number of foes in the mob, and all of them level 20, yet they still manage to kick most people's arses.
They don't need cheap environmental effects or ridiculously overpowered monster skills; they just hand you your ass, and do it with style.
They res as soon as one of them dies, they avoid AoE damage, they use wards, they're just pretty damn cool.
But I just know that ANet are going to take the cheap way out with this.
I predict exactly what most people here don't want: hordes of level 28 monsters with ridiculously powerful monster skills, running around in a random patrol pattern in areas that punish just about every action a player performs.
Intelligently designed skillbars, an equal number of foes in the mob, and all of them level 20, yet they still manage to kick most people's arses.
They don't need cheap environmental effects or ridiculously overpowered monster skills; they just hand you your ass, and do it with style.
They res as soon as one of them dies, they avoid AoE damage, they use wards, they're just pretty damn cool.
But I just know that ANet are going to take the cheap way out with this.
I predict exactly what most people here don't want: hordes of level 28 monsters with ridiculously powerful monster skills, running around in a random patrol pattern in areas that punish just about every action a player performs.
"I predict exactly what most people here don't want: hordes of level 28 monsters with ridiculously powerful monster skills, running around in a random patrol pattern in areas that punish just about every action a player performs."
For the love of jeebus... please none of this... please Anet! PLEASE!
For the love of jeebus... please none of this... please Anet! PLEASE!
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
It will be fun fighting high level Charr..I wonder what they will drop..
They're pretty hard, especially as you're limited to a party of 4 from Frontier Gate.
Which makes me wonder whether Hard Mode will be Titan Quests hard.
The Titan quests where hard yeah, especially with the 4-man teams.XD Would be nice to have hard-mode at that kind of level.
Titan Quest FTW! everytime when I did one of those I really enjoyed them. It's hard, but it's quite obvious what you can bring to make it through. I would like hard mode to be about pressure, no dude with a hammer that kills you in 2 blows, that's no pressure, you'll be dead before you feel any pressure at all. make it FoW hard, those were playable with balanced groups, but you had to know what you were doing.
Anybody feel like adding new Elites available for caps only in hard mode would be a fun idea?
Also makes the Skill Hunter tile (after they split it) harder to get.
Also makes the Skill Hunter tile (after they split it) harder to get.
Things I'm looking forward to:
What I don't want to see is, instead of level 1 Mantid Monitors in the Sunqua Vale, they are level 30 Mantid PWNZ0RZ all using Meditation of the Reaper and Enemies Must Die. I don't want to see situations whereby ONLY warriors, monks and elementalists are needed. I know there is a "mesmer buff" coming but I still don't believe that many other classes would be considered "hard mode material" even then, unless for instance, there were monk bosses such as Hard Mode Willa the Unpleasants who required proper focussed shutdown by a mesmer (or equivalent) while the rest of the team pummelled the other foes...I don't believe that would happen however.
I hope the only way to access hard mode is to have completed Protector on the campaign first, to help the quality of Hard Mode PuGs somewhat, although attaining Protector of Cantha is hardly difficult...that plan may prove flawed.
- Level 20 Mantid Monitors in Sunqua Vale
- Hard Mode Kunvie Firewing, Bazzr Dustwing and Wavecrest Stonebreak (ouch!)
- New Toys and "Re-usable" lock picks.
What I don't want to see is, instead of level 1 Mantid Monitors in the Sunqua Vale, they are level 30 Mantid PWNZ0RZ all using Meditation of the Reaper and Enemies Must Die. I don't want to see situations whereby ONLY warriors, monks and elementalists are needed. I know there is a "mesmer buff" coming but I still don't believe that many other classes would be considered "hard mode material" even then, unless for instance, there were monk bosses such as Hard Mode Willa the Unpleasants who required proper focussed shutdown by a mesmer (or equivalent) while the rest of the team pummelled the other foes...I don't believe that would happen however.
I hope the only way to access hard mode is to have completed Protector on the campaign first, to help the quality of Hard Mode PuGs somewhat, although attaining Protector of Cantha is hardly difficult...that plan may prove flawed.
Originally Posted by penguinious
Seriously, please do not let hard mode be like DoA. Make it more like fighting an semi-decent PvP team.
IWAY Afflicted... B/P Charr...Blood Spike Skales...ZB Margonite Priests...SF Spam Imps...BoA Oni... For example, an average Skale Blighter skill bar in hard mode- Spoil Victor (E) Life Siphon Faintheartedness Well of Blood Parasitic Bond Signet of Lost Souls It will unload Spoil Victor on a high health target, and then proceed to apply -7 degeneration to as many foes as possible while using well of blood whenever a corpse appears. Signet of Lost Souls will be used effectively. An average Charr Axe Fiend- Flail Enraging Rush Eviscerate (E) Executioner Strike Agonizing Chop Lion's Comfort This axe fiend will actually behave like a PvP'er, charging adrenaline with ER and flail, and then choosing an unenchanted low AL target and unleashing Evisc>Exec>Agonizing Chop. An average Lava Imp- Searing Flames (E) Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Meteor Shower Glyph of Sacrifice Fire Attunement This would make people think twice about fighting imps- It will spam SF, GG, LF, and then use GoS + MS against a tightly clumped group of targets. About levels- I want them to be lowered. Yes. Lowered. I CERTAINLY would not want to fight a group of level 29 Bladed Aatxes that auto-targets unenchanted squishies, and has an IAS with an Adrenaline Spike Chain. Or a group of level 28 Oni with like 25 dagger mastery with a BoA (Flurry, since BoA Nerf) Sin's Build. To Sum up what hard mode should be- Increased Monster AI (Breaks Aggro From Tanks and Autotargets enchanted squishies- Monks/Casters run from melee...Chooses perfect times for skills, such as nuking clumped groups) Better SkillBars- Let the mob's skillbars work together and be much more effective, somewhat like a PvP team. Increase high damage AoE skills on monsters, and make monster monks somewhat near the level of human monks in skills and usage. Lowered Levels, or Less- With these insane AI boosts and skill usage, monsters SHOULD NOT come in huge swarms of level 28's. That would make "HARD" mode into "IMPOSSIBLE" Mode. What hard mode SHOULD NOT BE- -Hordes and Hordes of Level 28's using Hax0r Ub3r Pwnage Skills, but with the AI of a braindead rat. (Cough Cough* Enraged.) A perfect example of what Hard Mode should somewhat be like- Remember those level 20 Jade Brotherhood Gangs in Kaineng that seemed to always own you? Remember how they probably wiped your party more than all the mobs in Echovald and Jade Sea combined? That was because they had an excellent skill set, with armor buffs, huge AoE damage, hex removal, interrupts, and KD's. The Knights had high armor, and used Watch Yourself!, Cyclone Axe, Tripe Chop, and Furious Axe. The Mages used Dragon Stomp, stringing a chain of constant Knockdowns, Wards, and Double Dragon for high AoE spike damage. The mesmers had Expel Hexes, and 2 interrupts. The ritualists were effective healers, and used Ancestors Rage (Another High AoE damage skill) on your party. These puny level 20's made me a lot more scared a lot of level 28 mobs. This is what all of hard mode should be like. |
Anet will probably put in "hard mode monster skills" but that would make it crap. Skills just need to be thought out more, and coincide with other party members skills.
Sophitia Leafblade
From what ive heard Gaile Gray said Hard most will only require Ascension and it wont require Protector of Tryia.
Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
From what ive heard Gaile Gray said Hard most will only require Ascension and it wont require Protector of Tryia.
Unlike someone said, requiring protector of the campaign in order to access hard mode for that campaign area is a ridiculous idea. In order to have full freedom to use hard mode in any campaign on my 9 PvE characters, I would have to get 27 protector titles. There are in total 59 missions, I'd have to do 59 missions to their full extent 9 times. True, I've got masters and bonuses on some of them... but not at all close to all of them. Some of my characters have done little more than just travel to the other campaigns. Getting full bonuses on around 500 missions just to give my characters full access to hard modes across the world doesn't sound too compelling.
Im hoping for an observer mode of the high end missions in hard mode ^^
I'm hoping for some hardmode drops like weapons, even then Gaile said there wont be any
I believe that the PvE buff for mesmers will come in the PvE-only skills so not to compromise PvP.
I myself am looking forward to HM, with the good and bad it will bring. More than anything i'm looking forward to the new skills. Even if they are crap, I still have SF to burn mobs with. I doubt this however; for them to be PvE-only, I assume they will be too powerful to be PvP viable, hence PvE-only.
I myself am looking forward to HM, with the good and bad it will bring. More than anything i'm looking forward to the new skills. Even if they are crap, I still have SF to burn mobs with. I doubt this however; for them to be PvE-only, I assume they will be too powerful to be PvP viable, hence PvE-only.
Neo Nugget
Originally Posted by Calahan
I'm hoping for some hardmode drops like weapons, even then Gaile said there wont be any
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
Really? I could have sworn they said there were gonna be new drops in hard mode only, what other drops could there be?
Another Felldspar
Originally Posted by onerabbit
![]() |

what im wondering is how quests in the areas will be affected with HM. Will the important enemies be buffed or will the quests change...making harder quests can also = HM. not just better skillbars
and most of all: how will Rotscale be affected....(whole team FoC ownage ftl)
and most of all: how will Rotscale be affected....(whole team FoC ownage ftl)
They will just give each mob 2 healing and 2 prot monks with 2 SF Eles and 2 Obsidian Tanks.
Omega X
Originally Posted by kumarshah
They will just give each mob 2 healing and 2 prot monks with 2 SF Eles and 2 Obsidian Tanks.
Gaile Gray
Here is some information about Hard Mode:
- You must have completed the campaign with at least one character on the account in order to access Hard mode.
- Once you have done that, any other character on the account that is Level 20 (ascension is not required) will also be able to access Hard mode.
- The best players should be able to take on Hard mode with Heroes and Henchmen. We do not guarantee success, but it is doable.
- Henchmen in HM have been buffed to have better armour, items, and their Elites.

when when when

One campaign or all three?
Gehraz, Aidan and Odurra will get an elite in hard mode, but not normal mode?
Or will Devona and the rest get a different elite?
Gehraz, Aidan and Odurra will get an elite in hard mode, but not normal mode?
Or will Devona and the rest get a different elite?
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Keithark
when when when
![]() |

Ok, this week, most likely.

Thank you Gaile!
Cannot wait!
Cannot wait!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
How about "Soon?"
![]() Ok, this week, most likely. ![]() |
or at least tell us if HM will affect UW, FoW, Surrows Furnace ?
Making the hard mode unlock account-based is a very good thing. I was worried we would have to slog each toon through the 'normal' version of missions we'd done half a dozen times before on other characters and didn't want to see again.
Are the hench skills, particularly in Tyria, actually going to be useful this time, or are they still going to have mystifying stuff like the fire ele who screws up aggro (assuming aggro still exists) or the prot monk who blows all her energy in the first five seconds on 3 15-point spells and has no condition or hex removal?
Are the hench skills, particularly in Tyria, actually going to be useful this time, or are they still going to have mystifying stuff like the fire ele who screws up aggro (assuming aggro still exists) or the prot monk who blows all her energy in the first five seconds on 3 15-point spells and has no condition or hex removal?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Here is some information about Hard Mode:
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Any more information? Please? Like the Sunspear/Lightbringer updates or the Mesmer buffs?

You gave the PvPers their updates a few days early...

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*] Henchmen in HM have been buffed to have better armour, items, and their Elites