The Chestrunners Thread



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2007

Brotherhood of the Shadows


4K Treasure Hunter to go 150k Unlucky. Used to CR a little and now im back out of boredom and getting bored with my old routes. Looking forward to pongmei as well as other places/strategies mentioned here. We used to create txtmods of chest spawns and share them. Do you guys do that and have a forum to share the mods?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008


anyone got maps in kurzick areas for the chance at skins like echovalds etc?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Obsidians Overlords [oOgg]


@ System : With the quest "The Alcyon Job", I opened ~400 chest and only drop 2 purple Bo staves and 0 Dragon staves...
Can Dragons be in chest or only on mobs ?

Someone know a good run for Colossal Pick ?

~Duchesse Mortelle.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by MasterShadowkiller View Post
@ System : With the quest "The Alcyon Job", I opened ~400 chest and only drop 2 purple Bo staves and 0 Dragon staves...
Can Dragons be in chest or only on mobs ?

Someone know a good run for Colossal Pick ?

~Duchesse Mortelle.
Colossal pick drop in Pongmei

I got few


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


Originally Posted by View Post
1. Deadly Paradoxon
2. Shadow Form
3. Shroud
4. Dwarven Stability
5. dash
6. Dark escape
7. Charge of Death (not sure if its the name?, the shadow step with selfheal)
8. Anti KD or Neutrality, depending on which area you run at
I've been trying (mostly successfully) this run today and I'm doing ok, but I always die when I get the first chest that's near the cluster of 5 Rot Wollow's and I don't need from the build which skill(s) to use to counter them. Or should I just avoid that chest?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by ShadowbaneX View Post
I've been trying (mostly successfully) this run today and I'm doing ok, but I always die when I get the first chest that's near the cluster of 5 Rot Wollow's and I don't need from the build which skill(s) to use to counter them. Or should I just avoid that chest?
Well, Solution is simple... Load H/H, flag them to run trough that group...

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Not rly...
The run is much faster if you do it alone because dumb H/H heal each other and rezz instead of just die where they should =)

1. The Run WITHOUT quest is crap imo anyway... so do it with one of your characters that has the quest^^
2. If you want to do the run without quest for any reason... you just have to practice a bit. The only dmg you get from those Rot Wallow's is vampiric... so Dark Escape won't help you. better try to run through them with dash and maybe some selfheal shadowstep like "Heart of Shadow" or "Death's Charge" ;-)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


Originally Posted by View Post
Not rly...
The run is much faster if you do it alone because dumb H/H heal each other and rezz instead of just die where they should =)

1. The Run WITHOUT quest is crap imo anyway... so do it with one of your characters that has the quest^^
2. If you want to do the run without quest for any reason... you just have to practice a bit. The only dmg you get from those Rot Wallow's is vampiric... so Dark Escape won't help you. better try to run through them with dash and maybe some selfheal shadowstep like "Heart of Shadow" or "Death's Charge" ;-)

Sorry, I must be missing something, which quest are you refering to? No quests are listed with your map on post 516.

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Originally Posted by ShadowbaneX View Post
Sorry, I must be missing something, which quest are you refering to? No quests are listed with your map on post 516.
maybe you should read a bit more than my post dude
everything was said in the posts after mine...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


Originally Posted by View Post
maybe you should read a bit more than my post dude
everything was said in the posts after mine...
I thought I had, the only quest mentioned was "the Halcyon Job" in Boreas Seabed. I'm talking about the Pongmei Valley run...unless there's another quest/post I'm missing. There only seems to be three quests in Pongmei that effect spawns, City Under Attack, The Convocation, The Count's Daughter. All three of these quests are from the main storyline.

Bill Clinton

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

Originally Posted by Bill Clinton View Post
Hey guys, looking for some advice on the best run to take. My retention rate is 59% (r5 treasure, r2 lucky). I actually couldnt care aless about maxing lucky or unlucky, so runs good for those dont matter to me.

I'm hoping to get 250 chests a day, so a fast run would be great (50 chests or so an hour...)

Oh, and Wisdom is also somewhat important to me. I'd like to have that max sometime but can just buy from other players if push comes to shove.

Which do you recommened?
Quoting myself from earlier.

I decided to do Boreal station runs in normal mode for the title. Apart from a tiny amount of hard mode runs at the start (maybe 50) to see what it was like, I switched to normal mode and stayed there.
Anyway I got the title on the 28th (one month exactly) and thought i'd share my stats with you guys, to help anyone else decide which run they'd like to do. I recorded my titles progress and the amount of gold I got after each stack of picks used.


unlucky 21,532
lucky 109,362
elite treasure hunter 3,706

1 stack later

tragic 68,000
lucky 228,000
elite treasure hunter 4516

1 stack later

wretched 106,088
favored 320,112
master treasure hunter, 5133

1 stack later

wretched 158,888
favoured 476,116
master treasure hunter 6087

1 stack later

wretched 199,918
prosperous 668,112
master treasure hunter 6,865

1 stack later

wretched 241,168
prosperous 737,612
master treasure hunter 7,633

1 stack later

Jinxed 282,418
prosperous 872,112
master treasure hunter 8,421

1 stack later

Jinxed 324,178
prosperous 986,862
master treasure hunter 9,133

1 stack later

jinxed 366,528
golden 1,110,362
master treasure hunter 9,877

39 Picks later

jinxed 373,158
golden 1,131,362
Grand Master treasure hunter, 10,000

*My Wisdom title started at 2,693 and ended at 5,003.
*I never bothered salvaging any mods except for perfect for get me nots, which I had five of in the end (sold for 100k). All the cash I earnt as noted above is pure merchant cash. I chose to do this because I cant stand fart arsing around in Kamadan selling mods and wanted to get the title done.
*In all my runs I had quite a lot of triple chest runs, I would recommened anyone to head past the avalanche even if they already have two chests.
*Out of all of my runs there was only one instance where all three chests spawned around the snow wurms/bridge.

Thats about it, I hope it helped! Good luck to you all.

Ranger Jaap

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007

looking for a build to run Naphui quarter for celestials. i have ranger,mesmer,ele,



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007

France !

Always Asking [Why]


Hi everyone,

I'm in the course of leveling up my treasure hunter/lucky/wisdom titles, not separatly but all of them at a time.

And I need a way with a good Gold spent/time/boredom/quickness ratio.

I'm used to run ( did Poisoned Outcrops a lot of times, snowman folly beforehand, tried ascalon foothills and other 90% chance of finding a chest ).

I have access to every places in Guild wars except a bit in cantha with my warrior. ( i can use my sin or ele toons but i'd rather do it with my warrior )

Anyone has this type of run up the sleeve ? If i'd be to weigh my preferences, i'd do ( on a 100 scale, where 100 is very important ) :
Cheap : 75
Quickness : 66
Boredom : 50
Difficulty : 30

Thanks !


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2009

just got this while doing lucky title


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Does someone have the map of the chest locations for Raisu Palace?

Dogma Blutlust

Dogma Blutlust

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



hey guys

i havent played for over 2 1/2 years now
and here is my question

is it still smart to do cheatruns, or just wasting money?
i there chance for some stable profit?
if so..where? ^_^

im rank 6 treasure and rank 2 lucky..if that counts on profit with lockpicks

thank you

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

You generally won't make a profit by chestrunning. The best you can do is probably sell the unidentified golds (7 for 5k or whatever the going rate is). This means you won't progress in the Wisdom title though, so if you wanted it you'd have to salvage the good mods and sell them.

If your concern is purely for chestrunning for a profit, you're out of luck.

Dogma Blutlust

Dogma Blutlust

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



yeah, thats why i expected, thank you....
id really like to have my title maxed...but since im new again i need some plats

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Canthan Chestruns like Xaquang Skyway & Pongmei Valley usually are worth at least a try!

Selling items unid 7=5k and selling elite tomes will give you back the money for lockpicks ALWAYS!!!... and if you get some good drops you will even earn money. (For example... sell all common req10+ items, ident all r8/9 and any req rare skins).

Sometimes you might lose a few k, sometimes you'll get a few more k....
But It's alway +-0 if you do many runs....


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Originally Posted by View Post
Canthan Chestruns like Xaquang Skyway & Pongmei Valley usually are worth at least a try!

Selling items unid 7=5k and selling elite tomes will give you back the money for lockpicks ALWAYS!!!... and if you get some good drops you will even earn money. (For example... sell all common req10+ items, ident all r8/9 and any req rare skins).

Sometimes you might lose a few k, sometimes you'll get a few more k....
But It's alway +-0 if you do many runs....
I thought Canthan chests weren't "high end". Do you normally run those in HM? I tried doing that and I just ended up burning through picks without much reward. I am sure if you have a ton of picks it might balance out, but if he is just starting out then maybe running lux chests in NM might be better. Fewer golds and no elite tomes, but you can find some decent stuff.

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


I said canthan Chestruns not canthan chests............


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Originally Posted by View Post
I said canthan Chestruns not canthan chests............
Oh, sorry. I misread that. I still prefer the Boreas run you posted a few pages back on NM. Gold drop rate is like 30-40% and I have found a lot of rit runes, which seem to be selling for a nice bit of gold at the rune merchs. It doesn't quite balance out the cost of the run, but its quick and easy and the chance for rarer skins is a plus. I definitely prefer it over running in other areas in HM.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2010

The best low-level chest run that I'm finding is to run from Yak's Bend to Borlis Pass. I am finding one or two chests on each run, and they don't seem to run out, as they do in Sunqua Vale and Ascalon Foothills. After one or two runs in those places, the chests stop spawning.

If you go from Yak's Bend to Borlis Pass, sometimes there aren't any chests, for some reason.

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Originally Posted by vidal View Post
After one or two runs in those places, the chests stop spawning.
no they don't...

There is always the same amount of chests in one area.
they just spawn on different locations....
if the chest you're lookin' for isnt there it has just spawned somewhere else in the area and after 1 or a few runs it'll be there again dude...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2010

If the chests are spawning somewhere else, that kind of makes it an unsuccessful run, so even if you're right, it's a loss of time. Besides, there's no need for you to defend it. It's not "your run".

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


I dont defend any run lol....
I only corrected your sentence cause its just completely false dude ....

Also the Run @ Shing Yea is one of the faster one's.... or at least as fast as those in tyria.
Even if there isnt a chest in every run... it still takes less than 1minute. so it's not a big loss if the chest isnt there in 1 of like 5 runs...
most tyrian lucky only runs are like 3min+...

btw @ MetalBarb:
reached 20k chests a few weeks ago too



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007




Originally Posted by View Post
most tyrian lucky only runs are like 3min+...
False. Sardelac is 1-2min , Ascalon Foothills is 30sec-1min.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2007

for boreal station chest runs is it better to go to the avalanches to see if there is chest there or just restart after the first 1-2 chest? sometimes there are no chests at avalanches



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005



I've been chest running outside leviathan pits, I really like most of the skins that can drop (Outcast staff/shield, jellyfish wand, jade wand/staff/sword, embossed aegis, emblazoned aegis, katanas, dadao swords, oni blade/daggers, etc) Always 3-5 chests a run, however the purple drop rate is horrendous, but my for some reason my retainage rate there is amazing. After, 50 lockpicks I had a record of 11 chests with 1 key(@56% retainage), and another key that opened 8.

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Originally Posted by Tenebrae View Post
False. Sardelac is 1-2min , Ascalon Foothills is 30sec-1min.
i said most not all..........

@_december: only run to first chest you see.... or resign if there is no chest near worms or those rangers.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2009


Gold Trim Guild [gtg]


Hey all, I've skimmed through the most of the pages of this thread and have tried out some of the runs.

I'm a Ranger looking for an HM chest run in NF or EotN that yields about 30 or more chests per hour with decent drops.

I understand that Boreal and Fronis is fastest way to go, but I'm looking to break up the monotony and get more interesting drops.

I tried Mirror Of Lyss but energy denial gets me, also tried Poisoned Outcrops but the snare Hexes get me. Keep in mind I'm doing HM (want Unlucky title first)

Xaquang Skyway was my most succesful, but I'd prefer inscribable drops.

I'm currently running this build:

Dwarven Stability
I Am Unstoppable
Feigned Neutrality
Shadow Sanctuary
Heart of Shadow
Antidote Signet

Thanks all for your input



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Originally Posted by ACWhammy View Post
Hey all, I've skimmed through the most of the pages of this thread and have tried out some of the runs.

I'm a Ranger looking for an HM chest run in NF or EotN that yields about 30 or more chests per hour with decent drops.

I understand that Boreal and Fronis is fastest way to go, but I'm looking to break up the monotony and get more interesting drops.

I tried Mirror Of Lyss but energy denial gets me, also tried Poisoned Outcrops but the snare Hexes get me. Keep in mind I'm doing HM (want Unlucky title first)

Xaquang Skyway was my most succesful, but I'd prefer inscribable drops.

I'm currently running this build:

Dwarven Stability
I Am Unstoppable
Feigned Neutrality
Shadow Sanctuary
Heart of Shadow
Antidote Signet

Thanks all for your input

I know that this build can run Poisoned Outcrop in NM (never bothered to try in HM). I usually only run up to the large open area right after the bridge, since all of the chests that spawn after that area are harder to get and spaced very far apart, which can slow down the run. That usually netted me between 1-3 chests in 1-2 minutes, although you will occasionally get a run with no chests. Lots of inscribables, but nothing great in terms of rare skins. I know posted some good runs a few pages back, but they would only get you uninscribables.

I was under the impression that if you just did all NM chest, you would complete Unlucky by the time you got Grandmaster (see bottom table), so I never bothered to run HM. I figured the extra gold drops and quicker unlucky title weren't worth the cost.


Just looked at your build, I assume you are running A/*. You might be able to drop HoS, AntSig, and IAU and you can swap Hexbreaker, Inspired and Reveal Hex into those slots to deal with snares in the Outcrops. The only conditions you will deal with are burning from Djinn and maybe deep wound, which isn't to bad. Knockdown can be an issue with the Mesas, and SoJ from the Acolytes, but it is not to bad on NM (again I am not sure about HM).

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Originally Posted by Twilno View Post
Just looked at your build, I assume you are running A/*.
you should maybe read his whole post.... he's a Ranger....

Originally Posted by ACWhammy View Post
I tried Mirror Of Lyss but energy denial gets me
thats because your build is baaad =)

try this one... works nearly everywhere:

Shadow Arts: 12
Deadly Arts: 12
Anything you want:3

Shadow Form
Shroud of Distress
Dwarven Stability
Dark Escape
I am unstoppable (ag. knockdown & cripple... )
Death's Charge (for heal and faster movement)
Feigned Neutrality (use it when SF runs out in a big caster group, or if pressure is to strong from martial foes)

I know its all Sin skills.... but it works better than most ranger skills, believe me ;-)

also you could exchangen "I am unstoppable!" for "Deadly Paradox" to keep up SF longer/forever in area's with very strong caster foe's.... but energy managment isnt easy then.

Also you should also run with 3 Any/paragon hero's that have:
"Incoming!" (fast movement & heal... so you won't need your run skills a lot)
"Fall Back!" (fast movement & heal... so you won't need your run skills a lot)
"Can't Touch this!" (against skills like vamp bite, vamp touch, shock)
+ of course 4 Henchman.... I usually take 2Monks, 2 Warriors... but anything else works too.

Aaaaaand also you should have a weapon with +5 Energy +20% ench:
for example:

2handed staff modded: inscr 5^50, Staffhead +5Energy Staffwrapping 20%ench.
Axe or Sword: modded +5energy +20ench... + A shield +30 or +45ench / +10vs anything or -2ench

With that build you can eaaaaasily run in Mirror of Lyss when you got used to the build. it won't take long =)

.................................................. .
Also I'll post you some other run in EotN in a few minutes =)
need to make screenshots of run and so on....

Ok here you go....

1. Run = In Cathedral of Flames. (you will find 1-2 chest on the run. takes ~1:30min)

2. Run = In Grothmar. (you will find 1 chest at the end of the run. takes ~1minute. i had a chest there in ~9/10 runs)...

3. the builds i posted above....

/Edit: I'd do both runs in HM ofc.... NM eotn drops are usually crap =)

Good Luck & Have Fun...
Maybe ill post some other runs later but i dont have a lot time atm.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006




and what drops can we expect any nice ones?

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Hmmm... i personally don't run a lot in Eotn/Elona cause i dont like inscribable items.

But here are some things i got from those runs:
- Darkwing Defender
- Draconic Spear
- Serrated / Ornate Spears
- Lots of Runes (Charr Armor)
- Dragon Spire Staff
- Sephis Axe (pretty often)
- Oaken Aegis
- Crude Shield
- Enameled Shield (only got 2 or 3 so far...)
- Eotn Common Skins...
- Elite Tomes / Upgrades ofc

But well... most skins from Eotn are pretty bad (or at least not worth a lot).... expect some end chest drops ofc ;-)
So you can't expect too much from those runs...
Only posted cause he wanted some runs in eotn =)

like I said like 100 times before here....
IMO canthan runs > any others (expect some tyrian runs like fire ring, or DoA run for eternals/ghostly staves in elona)

Mia Clemons

Mia Clemons

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2009

San Diego

My Girl is a [LUSH]


I dont have a screenshot on this computer but i use my 55 monk to farm outside Senji's Corner in Nahpui Quarter (Explorable Area) in HM. Just use a regular 55 tank. Mo/D is best seeing as there isnt any enchantment removal.

-Prot Spirit
-Mystic Regen
-Shield of Absorption
-Shielding Hands
-Balthazar's Spirit
-I Am Unstoppable (optional) or take a speed skill like Drunken Master if more experienced
-Life Sheath (Optional but recommended for condition removal)
-Blessed Aura

Weapon Set: Normal 55 set--> sword/axe/spear enchanting and -50hp grim cesta.

Typical Drops: Celestrial Weapons, lots of gold armors, etc.
Typical Chest count: 2-4
Time per run: 3-4 minutes depending on how experienced with 55hp.

Route: Start from Senji's Corner and head southeast. follow the left side until you see Am Fah. Chests are randomly placed in the area but most are in the watery parts where the larger mobs are. After circling around the lower part, go to the Shenzun Tunnels exit and rezone/repeat from there.

Note: Am Fah Marksmen have Spike Trap, do not stand next to them. This area has heavy condition degen so Life Sheath is recommended for new chest runners.
P.S. do not try to get any chests near Jade Brotherhood, the mesmers have interupts and ele's have Knock-down.

Usage: Typical 55 usage, make sure to have either SoA or Shielding hands up if you aggro more then 3 or 4 Am Fah assassins/necros. The health regen wont counter the condition degen completely.

Good luck

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


why do you post a 55hp farming build in chestrunners thread dude? thats kinda senseless.....

ALSO... Napui Quarter (explorable) is a rly big area with always 5 chests....
The place where you farm (Am fah) is only a little part of the map.... (with usually 1-2 chests)...
The drops are pretty good (cantha skins like jitte, shinobi, katana are possible) but it takes too long as normal chestrun and because the area is too big the chests dont always spawn near the am fah....
i personally wouldnt recommend that run =)




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2009


Gold Trim Guild [gtg]


Thanks system for the new build, I can actually make it through Mirror of Lyss; the run is okay IMO.

I tried the CoF run and I believe it is the fastest run. Faster than Fronis and Boreal. It's true - it only take 1-1:30 and it yields 2 chests 50% of the time. I timed myself for a half hour and got 30 chests.

Also, I tried getting chests in FoW, I was running down there for literally 5 minutes or more and I didnt see 1 chest to open. Was I doing something wrong?


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Originally Posted by ACWhammy View Post
I tried the CoF run and I believe it is the fastest run. Faster than Fronis and Boreal. It's true - it only take 1-1:30 and it yields 2 chests 50% of the time. I timed myself for a half hour and got 30 chests.
Glad to hear that it works good

Originally Posted by ACWhammy View Post
Also, I tried getting chests in FoW, I was running down there for literally 5 minutes or more and I didnt see 1 chest to open. Was I doing something wrong?
Hmm many chests in fow only spawn while quests are active or when enemies spawn near them....
FoW Chestruns are a waste of time and money imo....

Take to long and drops aren't good too... best drops are chaos axes / shadow shields. and chance to get a good one is pretty low too


Minimized Rook

Minimized Rook

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Shadowlands Terrorists [SiT]


System fan, since u dislike inscribable drops most.
I'm guessing u spent most of your time in Cantha. I'm just curious, do you do the Boreas Seabed run the most often? The RIng of Fire thing in Proph just doesn't seem worth it to me.