Originally Posted by sexyback
Say I'm going for the Treasure Hunter titles...and I start doing Witman's Folly. Should I go NM w/ Shiverpeak keys...NM w/ Lockpicks (R2 Lucky, R1 Treasure Hunter)...or HM w/ Lockpicks? Which would I benefit most from (title-wise).
Normal Mode + Lockpicks: Assume I have no titles at all (Treasure Hunter and Lucky still at 0), but am level 20, so my base lockpick retention is 10%. The NM bonus for 600g chests is 30%, so I have a retention rate of 40% on Shiverpeak chests. This means that out of 100 chests, I retain the lockpick 40 times, meaning I only use 60 lockpicks. This is a cost of 90,000g for 100 chests.
Normal Mode + Keys: Much simpler math here, 100 chests = 60,000g.
Keys are much more efficient on high-end Normal Mode chests until you get a few levels on your titles. If you had level 4 of both TH and Lucky, that would add 12% for TH and 8% for Lucky, giving you a 60% retention on Shiverpeack chests. At this rate, you would only break 40 lockpicks on 100 chests, so you'd be breaking even at 60,000g, the same as using keys.
Of course, this is only if you're focusing on Treasure Hunter alone; if you want to bump up your Lucky title as well, you have to use Lockpicks regardless. One thing you can do is alternate running low-level chests in NM+Lockpicks to quickly build the Lucky title (much better retention rate = cheaper Lucky points) with high-end NM+Keys runs to build your TH title until you've reached the break-even point.