Originally Posted by Gimme Money Plzkthx
Even balanced is a gimmick atm with killcount because you have to run an extraordinarily offensive build.
I have to point out that gimmick builds usually are a build that
1) Everyone and thier little sister run
2) Do a LOT better on some map objectives, but are total crap on the others
(I love losing to a team in UW, only to meet them in unholy temples/sacred temples and roll them 3-0 cause they dont know wtf to do on a relic run, or the case with gimmicks, are unable to keep up with a balanced runner team)
3) More often than not speced only to a couple of the HoH win conditions, and utility skills are added around the team to help get to HoH, but this is usually a waste (see rt spikes on relic runs yea its funny trying to watch a guy with only pious haste get a relic more than 5 ft from the base)
4) I forgot, its not important
Balanced teams on the other hand
1) Lots of people try to run, and fail miserably (free fame ftw)
2) Are prepared to deal with all map objectives everywhere (though some more than others admitedly, while kill count does offer difficulty when we get ganked, its easy enough to run past some spike team that you always see (Thank god for inventing rt spikes, so easy to snare and run past them)
3) Oh, this is important, balanced teams usually arent around to farm UW fame, I'll admit to only playing B-spikes until I quit GW some time ago, and more often than not, if we didnt skip a relic run, it was back to UW for us, gg that sucks. Then again, if we skipped the relic runs, we usually took halls once or twice. (the only motivation really for running Bspike was to take halls)
I love playing relic run on balanced teams, usually my groups get to courtyard before we face a really good gimmick or balanced team, then its hard. (It's easy to tell when someone running a gimmick knows how to play it, then your life is going to suck for the next 10 mins or so)
4) Ah I forgot again, maybe there is no 4
It's probably not too aparant, but the difference between a gimmick team and a balanced team is skill balance, both player skill and skillbar skills. Most balanced teams are forced to take at least 1 AoE character to be able to rack up enough kills on broken tower from farming the noob team. But if you dont see the difference, here is one gaping huge difference.
Gimmick builds require a few skills to work JUST so the rest of the build can be broken and abused
For Example
1) Rt spike ---> no vital weapons up = GG
2) Spiritway --> no EW = no energy = GG
3) SFway -----> no fire attunment = funny GG
4) Fearmeway -> Warrior hate of any kind = gg
Balanced builds will 95% of the time have SOME way of dealing with those teams, between disruption, enchantment removal, water eles, anything. The good gimmick builds spec for contigencies, however these are few and far between and usually arent enough.
Gimmick builds just run with what they got, and hope for the best. usually they have enough dmg/pressure to not even care about it, and kill neway (this is what players call unbalanced, an example would be Type 1 Magic the Gathering, you either play blue control decks with Force of wills, or you play a turn 1 deck and hope they dont counter your spell, with some variations)
/start rant
Skill balances please
Do what you feel like with map objectives
Do something about skips please.