Originally Posted by Kaleban
...Perhaps its just me, but everytime lately ANet decides to actually "fix" something, they end up screwing up three or four other things that weren't fixed in the process!...
Have you ever tried writing a fairly complicated piece of software?
You can change one tiny thing to fix an error, and it has major knock on effects you dont expect. It doesnt matter how skilled a programmer you are, you can predict the unexpected. Programming isnt like clicking your fingers and fixing every little issue.
It really annoys me, when people dont appreciate how hard it is to write softeware and they think its a walk in the park. And im sorry, but who cares whether you got a green drop or not from doing 20 solo runs at a boss.
You are aware that the drop rate on greens is very small!! You could do 100 runs and not get a single drop, and then on the 101st run you do.
Its just bad luck, get over it!!! I played through the whole of NF and didnt get one single green drop, and considering there are dozens of greens in that game, the odds say I should have got atleast 1!
While I got loads of greens in Tryia and the odd few in cantha!
But do you see me winging about it? Nope! Just save up and buy the green from someone, like I did for Ragos!
Not getting greens isnt a side effect of bad programming! If anything its a sign that it works, because greens are meant to be hard to drop and you do realise there is anti-farming code that reduces your drop rate if you re-do an area?
If you're going to re-run an area 20 times, do you not think it will kick in?
And the green drop rate doesnt increase just because its HM! I have guardian of Tyria and from all the HM missions I did there, I only got around 10 golds max! the odd tome and the odd lock-pick. Just get used to it and god forbid anyone play there game purely for fun of missions and quests.