Gaile: Umm James I need to talk to you
James: Whhhaaa...
Gaile: The PvE skills when are they coming out
James: GW:Ennn I think.. I'm sorry I need my cup of coffee
Gaile: What's that in your hand

Gaile: I meant the other ones we were gonna introduce in Hard mode
James: Talk to Ben
Gaile: Ok
Ben: Ya I'm afraid I think it's going to take another month
Gaile: But that's what you said last month
Ben: Umm ya there were some delays because we need to design mini-pets because the players would be really upset....
Gaile: ....That's also what you said last month
Ben: Look just tell the fans that it'll take a while ok
Gaile: But....I...promised
Ben: Go do that please
Gaile: They'll kill me because...
Ben: No they love you your Gaile Gray ^_^

Ben: ...why are you looking at me like that
Gaile: BBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *raises plunger in the air*
If you don't know that's from check out this game ^_^