May 24th Update has arrived




Join Date: May 2005



All I'm going to say is ANet fails with the rewards point system. It should be an account unlock and not limited to chars or individual slots. That defeats the purpose of having a PvP char. I was once again thinking about getting a PvP, but once again ANet finds a way to convince me otherwise.

PvE chars FTW.

Originally Posted by Feminist Terrorist
Yo, Anet, my ele's face is still effed up. When will that get fixed? :/
Or how about my warrior's hair in the "far" model? Adding new armor is great, but what would also be great is for you guys to fix some of the graphics glitches some of us have sent multiple CS tickets in about.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

Originally Posted by manitoba1073
actually you did need to be in range. the only effect it had on the economy was the lower of prices of zod weapons and allowing alot of ppl to make some money. But if you say thats bad lol
When I say out of range I dont mean off the map Im sayin in their face. At least witha 55 monk you have the possiblity of dying from not paying attention, not putting up your enchants in time. With this there was nothing like that. Brainless easy, quick. Having thousands of player being able to create so much gold so easily is what causes inflation.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Woo Anet, nice job.



Join Date: Mar 2007

Faction of War [ARES]

I see that all tats you currently have loose their radient insignias??????

Yet all my other armor has them on there??? why Tats loose the insigs and not all armor?

I just bought like 30 radient insigs... they will be very profitable soon...



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Malangyar
I understand that PvE players are locked in place. But isn't that one of the points of PvE? To build up a character? That isn't the point of PvP.
I agree. Thats why i dont understand why they (PVP) need vanity skins. Get it?

Its a useless gesture to give a bulldozer a shiny paintjob.

If Anet really wants to reward PvPers for their efforts with vanity items (which i think is dumb), they need to give them PVP-ONLY weapons/armors that make them stand out thats unlockable.

Giving them weapons/armor that PvE has access to already is kind of like getting hand-me downs.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Gaming Continuum [GCon]


Originally Posted by Destinyy
I see that all tats you currently have loose their radient insignias??????

Yet all my other armor has them on there??? why Tats loose the insigs and not all armor?

I just bought like 30 radient insigs... they will be very profitable soon...
Not all tattoos lose their radiant insignias my monk still has his. I think the max armor tattoos keep theirs and only the lower level ones lose them so as to prevent those that bought a bunch of them from making a profit on their new found radiant insignias that cost them practically nothing.

Jack Keaton

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007



I'm glad some good cases have been argued I agree with alot of the ideas towards the pvp system.
The silver platter arguement was rather rude before tossing a statement like that try waiting for every waking tournament yourself giving up time with friends to make the timer for HvH and getting some points for an unlock or (purchase) yourself.
Its already intensely hard to get the amount needed if they just made them unlocks it would be fair. Like the one said your not going to see pvp players in the pve environment why would the matter concern you?
While on that topic seriusly this getting your minty flavored gum satisfaction over harm to other players game type is getting old I've read many examples of that attitude from 1-15 this should be a 2 way fun game not slapshots at the other. I do both and have a fairly equal amount of both sides like 5-9 protectors and all unlocks for pvp myself.
Coming to a close if Anet intended to make such a useless feature then I won't take part in it I hope you guys can convince them otherwise I'll be in pve just like the others turned away from pvp, give em a good fight on the matter later.

Moloch Vein

Moloch Vein

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007

Reactive Hexing Sucks



Originally Posted by Malangyar
No it isn't good enough because the way it has been implemented is just stupid. PvP has always been about unlocking things and then being able to flexibly put them together in different ways to...well fight PvP. The downside of this is the restriction of not being able to explore the GW world and fight monsters with the PvP items. So, new skins in PvP would not have an effect on the PvE areas, because the PvP characters won't be able to go there anyway. As a matter of fact I'm having a hard time understanding why you would complain about PvP getting a feature? I wouldn't complain if PvE suddenly got new weapons or areas. Really, I wouldn't. In fact, if the new areas contained lvl 60 monsters that were impossible to kill I would be right up beside you on the barricades.

This is how those who play PvP feel about the reward system. It has been implemented in the most inflexible way possible, not at all in accordance with the way PvP works.
As a matter of fact... I don't care if PvP gets new features. In fact, I'm glad it does - anything that enhances the game in any way is good.

What does puzzle me, however, is the whining from the PvP "l33ts" (and that is said in a way as sarcastic as possible) who previously told all of us who play extensive PvE that we should "get over" a nerf that hit the primary attribute of a core class, effectively making dozens of previously viable builds, even skills, outdated, effectively also destroying the flavor of the class. Now they get a cookie, it's not good enough, and suddenly they start a bitchfest? Nothing has been made worse in any way.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I can illustrate the philosophy behind this with a simple image:


Why do you suppose people painted their fighter jets like this? After all, they were very competitive and should only care about the insides of their war machine, right?
Well actually. The pilot never takes care of the airplane. On the ground, the airplane belongs to the ground crew.

Also, unique paintings and markings on airplanes are functional. They help identify friend from foe during combat as well as specific pilots and squadrons.

The picture you put up is of the Flying Tigers, a very specific marking and very rememberable. They would be equivalent to your guild cape and name and guild name



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by lyra_song
Well actually. The pilot never takes care of the airplane. On the ground, the airplane belongs to the ground crew.

Also, unique paintings and markings on airplanes are functional. They help identify friend from foe during combat as well as specific pilots and squadrons.

The picture you put up is of the Flying Tigers, a very specific marking and very rememberable. They would be equivalent to your guild cape and name and guild name
And the ones who specifically had pin-up girls painted on thier craft? Surely they also personalized the inside of their planes - what functionality does that carry? They do that still to this day. People like to personalize things. That is my point. What does it matter if it attributes to functionality or not?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
And the ones who specifically had pin-up girls painted on thier craft? Surely they also personalized the inside of their planes - what functionality does that carry? They do that still to this day. People like to personalize things. That is my point. What does it matter if it attributes to functionality or not?
PvP isnt about personalization. Its about competition. If you wanna personalize, make a PvE character, make your little barbie doll and dress it up, give it a little story, take pretty pictures, whatever.

If you wanna personalize your PvP, bring your PvE char into PvP. Top end PvPers use PvE characters all the time.

If you dont have access to PvE...well...heres the thing.

What this ATS "destructible" rewards brings to the game, is a way for PvP-ONLY accounts access to stuff they were never meant to, things they didnt even really pay for . But the price they pay is that they cannot reroll that character, making their pvp only chars essentially just like PvE characters.

SO if they made PvP ATS reward skins unlockable, they better let PvE characters access to PvP unlocked stuff, since that would only be fair.

so im starting to ramble.....

To sum me up:

ATS rewards that are destroyable are stupid but im ok with it.

ATS rewards that are unlockable would piss me off, unless Anet allows PvE characters access to unlocked PvP skills, which would even it out.




Join Date: May 2005



PvP isnt about personalization. Its about competition.
But characters are about personalization. That's what you aren't seeing.

To be quite honest, a lot of the pvp skins are ugly or of lesser attractiveness.

I think an arguement can be made that not all skins should be available to pvp chars, but I think that if someone unlocks a new skin it should be for the account.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by lyra_song
PvP isnt about personalization. Its about competition. If you wanna personalize, make a PvE character, make your little barbie doll and dress it up, give it a little story, take pretty pictures, whatever.

If you wanna personalize your PvP, bring your PvE char into PvP. Top end PvPers use PvE characters all the time.
So you would rather there not be any personalization in PvP whatsoever? No male/female characters, no different looking armor sets, no dyes - none of that? Because you either allow personalization (and any levels therein) or you don't.

Guild Wars PvP is not chess - not every pawn has to look like every other pawn. If it did, I would guarantee a dramatic decrease in players, no matter how intense the action is. Simply put - people like to personalize, and those same people don't necessarily want to go all the way through a game type they don't want to play to be allowed to do so. I mainly PvE (with a little RA and AB), and I don't blame them one bit.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

ManitobaShipyards Refit and Repair Station

(SFC)Star Fleet Command,(TDE)The Daggerfall elite,(SOoM)Secret order of Magi

Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Pray tell, how does supply and demand not apply?
So... supply and demand doesn't apply, but if supply goes up because of farming, prices drop. Right.
Only if there is heavy farming and high enough drop rate then it will come down. Look at colossal swords and that just to see what i mean. Before HM there was only 2 spots to get them. Now theres about 10 or so spots and the heavy farming is the only thing that brought there prices down. Now if there wasnt inscriptions on them then i bet anyone could have gotten a junk one before real cheap.

Originally Posted by Creeping Carl
Get over it already. They fixed an obviously broken farming spot and you had your time to take advantage of it. Just be thankful you got something out of it. Stop crying and whining about it in every post that you make. Heck you even made a thread about it that got closed.
Get over it, I dont think so. I dont cry and whine in every post I make. The thread that was closed was a hell of alot more relevent than some that are still open. By that I mean that some people wasnt gonna like the hidden nerf compared to threads that are I hate 55 i cant 55 and noone else should or threads like I cant make 100k+ anymore cause to many people are farming it and the prices are dropping so it needs a nerf threads. But I will take cheese with that whine if you think Im whining while you are enjoying the soylent green that Anerf is feeding.

Originally Posted by Saelfaer
did you actually READ the update notes?
it was totally no stealth update because they specificaly told us they removed drops from those creatures
Actually it wasnt on the wikki notes it was added after the fact that Anerf was caught with there pants down.

Originally Posted by lyra_song
Question, does any monster who sacs themselves to death give you loot? YES!The monsters should drop loot/xp, but not sac on spirits (Basically they wouldnt see spirits as enough threats to kill themselves, or prioritize only certain spirits)
I aggree with you Lyra, but some people just dont understand that point.

Originally Posted by Inde
Any insult to an individual or the community as a whole will be deleted. Please keep your posts on-topic and contributing.
Sorry there Indy %^&*(#^@%#*#() quicker than the RED ENGINES GORE for you couldnt resist that part. Seems like some people dont understand what you mean.

Originally Posted by SotiCoto
You mean the ones who would go "OhNoez! I can't sell my weapon for 100k + Million Ectos any moar!"... hmm?I'm getting no reading on the Careometer... nothing at all. Inscriptions on weapons would lower weapon prices and effectively bring in more customers as a result.... closing the gap between the incredibly rich and the incredibly poor.
Insignias on armour on the other hand is just going to make it stupidly expensive to get the insignias you want for armour-sets... make the whole process unfeasible to anyone without the ridiculous amounts of cash necessary to get five Radiant Insignias (just one example)... and further wedge open the monetary divide.
It isn't technically the addition of insignia armour that I object to so much as the removal of armour sets with existing bonuses at fixed prices. Unless something can be done to fix the prices of insignias.... this can spell only doom.
I aggree with your first part about OH NOEZ some people really need a heavy slapping for that.However no inscriptions would not lower prices it would actually bring the prices up as have been stated before. I wont discuss Inscriptions anymore as now I have become a wait and seer and when It happens I will be the first to come back here and post an I TOLD YOU SO thread again.

Originally Posted by Masseur
For the Urgoz exploit. To fix it, maybe they can have the vampires go after anything in the area, not just the spirits. And not give up so easily once they started after you. Be a little smarter about what they suicide up against? Since you are not killing them, you shouldn't get the experience obviously (unlike traps where you are killing, so bad analogy someone had on an earlier post). But having them drop nothing isn't the answer either. Maybe limit the drops to the fangs, so the collector isn't worthless in House.
Actually it was a perfect analogy. As traps are an indirect way just like the spirits were an indirect way of killing them. Plus it effects other places as I have said not just the vamps. Try using the catapults or crushers in places and you wont get exp or drops from using them either.

Originally Posted by MarlinBackna
I love the fact that people are using Anet's arguement of "give the masses the best stuff" to complain about the Urgoz farming nerf and how they can't farm zodiacs/greens....Do you see that a flood of zodiac/greens weapons on the market results in their price going down?? It happened to colossal scimitar, almost all golds and is close to happening to the elemental sword....something needs to be 1337, otherwise everyone is boring....
In terms of the Radiant Insigs, realize that ALL armor pieces across all three campaigns drop insignias now, so just imagine how many radiants will come on the market now.
Actually you did see there prices dropping because of people were able to get them easier. Just like colossals However Anerf in there so called infinite wisdom had already saw fit to make all things give to masses, now they are back tracking on it. Though I dont care if you cant get 100k+ for them. It made it reasonable for people to get them.

THAT IS FLAT OUT WRONG.NOTEthe initial posted here information was from WIKI not the update page.
i checked the update page to verify what was posted and the update page did not have the update yet.the WIKI......did i say ......WIKI.......was advance information for the curious instead of making them wait for the full final write up.
there was no update/change on the update page.
the WIKI was corrected
No you were wrong it was NOT on Wikki either. As said before it wasnt added till Anerf got caught on it.

Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
When I say out of range I dont mean off the map Im sayin in their face. At least witha 55 monk you have the possiblity of dying from not paying attention, not putting up your enchants in time. With this there was nothing like that. Brainless easy, quick. Having thousands of player being able to create so much gold so easily is what causes inflation.
Funny I must have been seeing things with there 1-hit instakill skills, must have been all in my head. So silly of me. It wasnt causing inflation it was allowing players of all kinds to actually get a little extra gp. as i said 9k an hour isnt that much

i am not really impressed unless you are joining the landing party for the first time and have a red tunic instead of the regular
Hey cut Age some slack. we just promoted him to yellow shirt not that long ago.

Originally Posted by Winterclaw
But characters are about personalization. That's what you aren't seeing.To be quite honest, a lot of the pvp skins are ugly or of lesser attractiveness.I think an arguement can be made that not all skins should be available to pvp chars, but I think that if someone unlocks a new skin it should be for the account.
No I doubt you are seeing it. PvP chars are disposable plain and simple. What good is personalization if you are gonna delete the character 5000 times. This actually makes your Chars much better. However not sure if this is impletemented or not but yes you should be able to modify your armors and weapons like PvE chars without deleting them and remaking them. So if a PvPer can tell me if thats not the case now just let me know as its been along time since I created a PvP only character. Thus making the rewards that much better.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

"Fancy Armor

You need to purchase 50 pieces of Basic Armor before you have acces to Fancy Armor."

Is that character based or account based?

E.g: I buy 50 normal armor getting access to fancy armor. Then I delete all my PvP characters and create a new one. Does he have access to the fancy armors?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

ManitobaShipyards Refit and Repair Station

(SFC)Star Fleet Command,(TDE)The Daggerfall elite,(SOoM)Secret order of Magi

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray

That wasn't a "farm" and that wasn't a "run." That was pretty much an exploit, and yes, it's been closed. You can get the full update notes here. (We have asked the Web Team to post up the missing line, because we have no intention of engaging in any "stealth updates" but that one was added later and didn't make the list. We hope to have it in place as soon as we can reach someone.)

Relayed to QA, and thank you.
just for those that still didnt think it was a stealth nerf and was all along in the wikki notes.

and because im not yet done with this.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Despite the cleverness of someone figuring out how to cheese Urgoz -- and I'll sure "cheese" instead of "exploit" if you prefer -- it was not practical to leave that little "something" in place. Sure some of you like the loopholes. Sure some of you don't like getting stopped from a fountain of income for just about zero effort. Pennies from heaven and all that. But despite comments to the contrary, those were ill-gotten gains, far in excess of that intended, far over what you could or should realistically earn in any given period of time.if any one of you can say that you truly believe "That was the way that was intended to work, we're playing the game with mechanics that did not require another look and did not require fixing" then I'm afaid I'm going to have to disagree. Or call you delusional. Your choice.
Edit: We are not against farming. We've lifted the blooming anti-farming code! We're against leaving in place an error that resulted in those capitalizing upon it gaining undeserved income, putting a hit on those who did not know of the "something" or chose not to use it.
So if you guys at Anerf are this adament agaisnt people gaining so called undeserved income and that from zero effort, When you gonna fix the AFKers in fort aspenwood, that litterally get all for nothing.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


League of Extraordinary Explorers [LOST] (my one man guild)


Originally Posted by Gaile
Sure some of you don't like getting stopped from a fountain of income for just about zero effort. Pennies from heaven and all that. But despite comments to the contrary, those were ill-gotten gains...
I agree with Manitoba, this is exactly the same as those pesky leechers in Aspenwood. I fail to see how leeching is not an "ill-gotten gain" as you say, since it has been going on for so long, you guys have acknowledged it and still done nothing about it.

One could also claim that farming Urgoz didn't hurt other players directly (I'm not going into Zodiac item prices falling here, since 90% of those drops were merch fodder) but leeching sure does! If you saw fit to "fix" this exploit, surely you can fix leeching as well.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


League of Extraordinary Explorers [LOST] (my one man guild)


About the reward system: someone posted in GWO that a PvE equivalent would be that your armor bought in Prophecies would vanish the moment you step in Cantha or Elona. Which would be really stupid. And oddly enough, stupid is the word this reward system being character-based on PvP toons seems, even from a PvE standpoint.

Why can't the rewards be for all the PvP characters your account makes, eh?

Every time i lag

Every time i lag


Join Date: Jan 2007


Murder Death Sadists Of Doom [MDSD]


finaly insig upgrade xD



Join Date: Mar 2007

Faction of War [ARES]

Originally Posted by greendc27
Not all tattoos lose their radiant insignias my monk still has his. I think the max armor tattoos keep theirs and only the lower level ones lose them so as to prevent those that bought a bunch of them from making a profit on their new found radiant insignias that cost them practically nothing.
Thanks my man!!! First good answer I have all day...

It's perfectly understandable now, pity the reason I bought low end tats was cos armor didn't matter... Oh well, those new tats at Droks are nice, so will go get them



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Official Wiki
Fancy Armor
You need to purchase 50 pieces of Basic Armor before you have access to Fancy Armor.
Is that character based or account based?

E.g: I buy 50 Basic Armor pieces. Now I have access to Fancy Armor. Do all the other PvP charakters on my account have access to the Fancy Armor too? What about deleted and recreated charakters?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
So you would rather there not be any personalization in PvP whatsoever? No male/female characters, no different looking armor sets, no dyes - none of that? Because you either allow personalization (and any levels therein) or you don't.

Guild Wars PvP is not chess - not every pawn has to look like every other pawn. If it did, I would guarantee a dramatic decrease in players, no matter how intense the action is. Simply put - people like to personalize, and those same people don't necessarily want to go all the way through a game type they don't want to play to be allowed to do so. I mainly PvE (with a little RA and AB), and I don't blame them one bit.
Actually my arguement is that PvP-chars had too much personalization already. :P They can change primaries, change names, change armor, change weapons, change looks, all at an instant. While PvErs take forever.


If you shun one part of the game, and hate it to the point of not playing it, why should you be given the content in it?

If so, then PvE characters should be allowed to gain prestige PvP things through PvP without having to set foot in the Battle Isle. ie: High end PvE bosses give rank/glad/points/etc.

I think it would be a safe generalization that, People who mainly PvP and dislike PvE altogether are the ones who play PvP-only characters and use balthazar faction instead of buying/capturing skills or try to play as little PvE as possible.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Shadows of Hope [SoH] - Guild Leader

Originally Posted by fabiola
Item Updates

Armor Insignias and Bonuses
Players can now obtain armor insignias from all campaigns. Profession-restricted insignias will only drop in campaigns in which characters of that profession can be created.
Crafted armor in Prophecies and Factions now supports insignias. The insignia bonuses are meant to replace the previous inherent armor bonuses and require several additional changes:
From this point onward, armor pieces newly crafted in these campaigns will not have inherent bonuses. The crafting costs of these armor pieces have been reduced accordingly.
All existing level 20 armor from these campaigns now have insignias in place of their inherent bonuses. Please note that the bonuses on these armor sets have not been altered. The only change is that these bonuses now come from insignias.
All existing lower-level armor pieces from these campaigns now support insignias but have had their inherent bonuses removed.
Numerous armor sets have been renamed to avoid redundancy with insignia names.
Lower-level collector armor pieces from Prophecies and Factions now support insignias. Level 20 collector armor does not.

Ascended Armor Changes and Additions
The following changes were made to Ascended armor sets:
The armor sets crafted in Droknar's Forge have been divided between the two armorers in a more organized fashion.
Several Ascended armor sets have been renamed to avoid naming conflicts with the corresponding level 20 armor sets.
A new "Labyrinthine" tattoo set has been added for Monks at Marhan's Grotto.
In Prophecies, Mesmer, Monk, Necromancer, Ranger, and Warrior headgear may now be crafted with a variety of attribute bonus options.
Existing Lieutenant's Helms crafted in Prophecies now have a +1 Tactics bonus in addition to a Lieutenant's Insignia.
Many of these armor changes I don't like. First of all, not all armor sets have had their price and material consumption reduced to compensate for the loss of inherent effects. Secondly, the basic "no inherent effect" armor sets should've been the only sets changed to make inscribable. Lastly, those of us who were in the process of completing an expensive armor set (like the Monk's tattoo armor) now have to spend extra money for the proper insignias to reclaim the bonus effect we wanted. All that needed to be done was to make the basic sets say "Inscription: None," but instead every set has become basic. Bad move.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by lyra_song
If you shun one part of the game, and hate it to the point of not playing it, why should you be given the content in it?
And I say: Why not? Honestly, I don't play PvE for the skins and the personalization of it, I play it because I enjoy it. If you play solely for the visual appearance of your avatar, I pity you.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


Tiny Fluffy Bunnies [CUTE]


I make this print screen more then 1 years ago....nothing happen in this time.Plzz make something .....don`t waste your time...i want to play this game not to stay hours to try to sell my weapons.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
And I say: Why not? Honestly, I don't play PvE for the skins and the personalization of it, I play it because I enjoy it. If you play solely for the visual appearance of your avatar, I pity you.
What's wrong with people playing differently to your style of play? What wrong is there in someone finding enjoyment in something they can see and contemplate? Since when are we forced to play according to your style?

This is a free world, people make their own goals to achieve. If they think that playing PvE for the nth time is boring, can you blame them? If they think that title is nothing more than a grindfrest, can you blame them? If they think that it is cool to look different from the others avatars and add their personal touch to it, is that your problem?

It's all about personalities and their preferences. If you enjoy playing the game your way, good for you. But, if you think that people should enjoy the game your way, and that you have to go as far as "to pity them", then, you won't mind if I pity your narrowmindedness.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by boko
What's wrong with people playing differently to your style of play? What wrong is there in someone finding enjoyment in something they can see and contemplate? Since when are we forced to play according to your style?

This is a free world, people make their own goals to achieve. If they think that playing PvE for the nth time is boring, can you blame them? If they think that title is nothing more than a grindfrest, can you blame them? If they think that it is cool to look different from the others avatars and add their personal touch to it, is that your problem?

It's all about personalities and their preferences. If you enjoy playing the game your way, good for you. But, if you think that people should enjoy the game your way, and that you have to go as far as "to pity them", then, you won't mind if I pity your narrowmindedness.
Umm, that's exactly what I'm saying. I think you misread me. Lyra doesn't want PvPers to get different skins because she feels they should have to play PvE for that.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

16 pages; on GWonline they have 55 pages just about the PvP reward.

PvP players that want to get the 15k PvE skins, should have to put in a lot of effort, ergo no unlock.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK

Rite Of Passage [RP]


Great update Anet. However can I have my 15k Ascalon armour back please? This 'Elite Charr Hide' stuff smells funny. How can any self respecting like myself wammo proudly run around shouting "For Ascalon!" without the appropriate attire?

...Yeah, the new name sucks... ^_^

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jan 2006


yeah, well i like most of the new names(mainly the flameforged and stuff like that) but Going from Knights to Elite Templar?Blah i like knights better, they should have renamed the insignias, but other than that me likey

Jack Keaton

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007



I think the vast majority of you are forgetting a similar case and you might forget we adapted from.
When Factions first came out all the experienced players before hand were upset about new comers leveling to 20 in a weeks time where as before hand they had to spend about a month or more to hit 20. I was in the crowd that had spent a month or more before it was released and had mixed feelings on that fact. But today I can get my 6-8th pve into the real action alot faster and I enjoy being able to.
You may find yourself if your a pvper who makes pve to get skins for fighting in the arenas perhaps not now but later down the road enjoying the possibility of unlocking skins for future characters in pvp without having to go through what you may have not wanted to in pve now and in the past.
Coming to a close I have to ask does everyone in the future have to follow your foot steps or can we have a different experience for skins in pvp?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Critical Chop [cC]


You may find yourself if your a pvper who makes pve to get skins for fighting in the arenas perhaps not now but later down the road enjoying the possibility of unlocking skins for future characters in pvp without having to go through what you may have not wanted to in pve now and in the past.
Coming to a close I have to ask does everyone in the future have to follow your foot steps or can we have a different experience for skins in pvp?

Do you think its EASY?

Do you think they made REWARD POINTS to be EASY to GET?

NO they didnt make them EASY!





Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK

Rite Of Passage [RP]


I actually think Templar armour is a good name. Has some historical relevance (Templars being the most notoriously badass' Knights during the crusades and all...).
However by own grievance 'Charr Hide' just ruins the feeling of patriotism . Ascalon may be in tatters, a shoadow of it's former self, but I'll wear the armour proudly as my character was born there! For Ascalon!! Or I guess now it'll be 'For Charr Hide!!'^_^

Moloch Vein

Moloch Vein

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007

Reactive Hexing Sucks



You do understand that the name implies you killed the charr, flayed him and made an armor out of him, right? ;p

Jack Keaton

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007



Originally Posted by stuntharley
Do you think its EASY?

Do you think they made REWARD POINTS to be EASY to GET?

NO they didnt make them EASY!


Perhaps if you went back and read my posts from before you might understand its already not easy and that I do not mind the elite Reward Point trade ins already all I am saying is it should be unlockable even if they have to make the required points 10 fold and that I DO PVP quite often.
If you take a look around while your at it the top players like 1-100 do not even find it usefull for them the only ones that like it are the pve ones that go out and get themselves some flashy skin to show off in pvp and do not want anyone but people who do what they do the same access!



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Umm, that's exactly what I'm saying. I think you misread me. Lyra doesn't want PvPers to get different skins because she feels they should have to play PvE for that.
Yes i do feel that way. However, Anet's implementation of skins that are destroyed if you delete the character is a reasonable compromise for me.


I dont like the idea of unlocking skins.

I feel that vanity items and the whole idea of building up a character and customizing belongs in the PvE/RPG side of the game.

PvP characters skip the whole process of Lvl 1-20, buying/capping skills, getting armor, and getting weapons.

These are all part of building up your character.

PvP and PvE characters get these things instantly because they NEED it to be functional in combat.

Because they need it, they should have access to it and thats fair to me.


Vanity skins you do not need. They are an optional and grindful goals in PvE, and now PvP.

Because you do not need them, they should not be easy to get, and the idea of unlocking it, making it a permanent addition to your account, it doesnt seem right to me.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by lyra_song
Yes i do feel that way. However, Anet's implementation of skins that are destroyed if you delete the character is a reasonable compromise for me.


I dont like the idea of unlocking skins.

I feel that vanity items and the whole idea of building up a character and customizing belongs in the PvE/RPG side of the game.

PvP characters skip the whole process of Lvl 1-20, buying/capping skills, getting armor, and getting weapons.

These are all part of building up your character.

PvP and PvE characters get these things instantly because they NEED it to be functional in combat.

Because they need it, they should have access to it and thats fair to me.


Vanity skins you do not need. They are an optional and grindful goals in PvE, and now PvP.

Because you do not need them, they should not be easy to get, and the idea of unlocking it, making it a permanent addition to your account, it doesnt seem right to me.
I can agree with this pretty much, Kinda defeats the purpose of using pve chars in pvp anymore in a sense. Really this will only make pvp'ers get an upperhand and pve'ers are getting chumped. (Cause anet favors pvp more since its a pvp game?: So the story goes, who knows.) But its rather unnecessary.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Runners of Fury


Originally Posted by lyra_song
Actually my arguement is that PvP-chars had too much personalization already. :P They can change primaries, change names, change armor, change weapons, change looks, all at an instant. While PvErs take forever.


If you shun one part of the game, and hate it to the point of not playing it, why should you be given the content in it?

If so, then PvE characters should be allowed to gain prestige PvP things through PvP without having to set foot in the Battle Isle. ie: High end PvE bosses give rank/glad/points/etc.

I think it would be a safe generalization that, People who mainly PvP and dislike PvE altogether are the ones who play PvP-only characters and use balthazar faction instead of buying/capturing skills or try to play as little PvE as possible.
gw is already like 90% pvp...
i can care less cuz i can play both sides..but i pity the pvers

they gettin merked left and right...

i completely agree on your pvp point..why should we get the benefits of pve?
dpo pvers get pvp benefits? do they get faction for killin ai bots?

yea gj anet


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Runners of Fury


Originally Posted by Jack Keaton
I think the vast majority of you are forgetting a similar case and you might forget we adapted from.
When Factions first came out all the experienced players before hand were upset about new comers leveling to 20 in a weeks time where as before hand they had to spend about a month or more to hit 20. I was in the crowd that had spent a month or more before it was released and had mixed feelings on that fact. But today I can get my 6-8th pve into the real action alot faster and I enjoy being able to.
You may find yourself if your a pvper who makes pve to get skins for fighting in the arenas perhaps not now but later down the road enjoying the possibility of unlocking skins for future characters in pvp without having to go through what you may have not wanted to in pve now and in the past.
Coming to a close I have to ask does everyone in the future have to follow your foot steps or can we have a different experience for skins in pvp?
jack but those things were needed..the faction ppl HAD to get to lvl 20 asap becuase the prophies people who are coming to cantha was lvl 20 and inorder for the "newcommers" to be fitted in they had to reach lvl20 fast...

the item skins have absolutly NOTHING to do in pvp


i hate pve and love pvp.. but still i find it unjust to bum pvers like this


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


All in all I think this was a good update. It's great to have insignas on older armor, especially kinds that weren't practical before but still looked cool.

The pvp skins don't really affect me, but I think it's stupid to have skins unlocked for the whole account unless pvers can get pvp unlocks too (not counting heroes).

The Urgoz's nerf was well deserved. Sure, you managed to find a loophole and make some cash. It wasn't a whole lot, but it was pretty mindless and didn't require much effort. 9k an hour with a few gold drops here and there is probably about what you'd make playing through missions in hard mode, not counting chests. Idk about you, but creating a bunch of spirits and watching tv is a BIT easier than playing through the game with a normal party.

From what I've seen, there are 2 things Anet wants to avoid when it comes to farming; getting something too fast, and getting something too easily. The glitch at the beginning of the game where you could keep ascending (50k exp every time) was a way of getting experience that was just too fast compared to the other ways. The original 55 monk in the UW was just too easy compared to almost any other farming build. The gains aren't nearly as much, but the principle is the same. Instead of saying what an injustice it is, pat yourself on the back for finding a loophole Anet didn't see, and go look for another one.