25 May 2007 at 14:29 - 230
Good job Anet. I'll go into what I liked, and what I don't know enough about.
1) Armor. Awesome. People who had FoW before the insignia set was added are not screwed anymore. People who own 15k Grotto armor, 15k Luxon, etc. now have more options.
2) Urgoz. Good idea to nerf it, but poorly done. I used it, it was helping my Monk get Wisdom title points. I expected the nerf to be done, as the run was so easy, a blind, deaf, mute, drunk monkey sleeping with its hands tied behind its back could do it while eating Frosted Flakes with no spoon. I expected the monsters to no longer target spirits, not give no xp or loot. As mentioned, even a level change could have been effective.
3) /help. Haven't used it yet, but am aware of it. A very nice feature, and one that will be a great help for new players. I just hope the 'official' wiki gets as good as the 'unofficial' one is.
4) PvP rewards. I don't do much PvP, and am not sure how the reward setup works. From what I have read, it does sound mostly useless. As the ability to get these skins in PvE is not 'easy', I don't think it should be 'easy' for PvP folks either. However, making it last for people who delete and recreate characters would be nice. I would expect this to require HUGE amounts of the points, or a mix of faction and reward points, but make it last for those who get them, but recreate characters.
5) TRADE!!!! I am happy with most of the farming changes. Loot scaling originally sucked, but has now been made worthwhile. Lockpicks are great as well. However, Anet has stated they want people to find rare items, and sell them to other players - not sell large amounts of junk to the merchant. However, there is no (none, zilch, nada, zero- I could continue) method available to make these trades they want to happen. Spamming WTS is long, boring, and unproductive, and even if you have an item and price someone would want and pay - they will be in a different city, on a different server, or in a different time zone. If weapon inscriptions are planned for an update, it had better be AFTER a trade system is added. The [P]arty option is anice start, but it hardly makes a difference. Not many use it, and it still limits who can see what you are selling. I have 1 character simply for storage. I have another with nothing but items to sell. I have sold 5 items since Hard Mode was added, yet have a character maxed out, and 1 box of storage filled, and other characters with 2-3 items. We need a way to find the people who will buy our stuff. When I log onto the game, I want to play. I do not want to sit in Lions Arch trying to sell stuff for 4 hours to find 1 person who buys 1 item.