Originally Posted by Gaia_Hunter
The most dissapointing thing about this game is:
- white items= gold coins from merch
- blue items= gold coins from merch
- purple items= gold coins from merch
- gold items = 99.9% gold coins from merch
Yay a item drop! No just a gold coin from merch...
If your only goal in the game is to sell items to players for lots of gold... then yes, you will see this. If you are about actually using the weapons, then no, you won't.
I have Max purples, just like I have Max golds. Characters and Heroes using them the same way, and generally don't complain that I don't have the "leetest" weapon. (And typically the only thing the enemy says is "ow!"
I also like the way people say that max stats are so easy in this game.
No they arent.
Well, to respond to the anecdotal with anecdotal... I have no problems obtaining a max weapon. Usually a good 40% of my weapon drops are max, of course, a max AND inscribable, is a little rarer, but that's why we have Nightfall Treasure Chests.
Max stats in this game are a max damage weapon, with a perfect damage mod (15^50, 15%-10, 15%-5, the situational mods 15% while in stance/enchantment or the +energy mod) with a rare skin.
So what "stat" are we altering with a rare skin, vs. a common skin? Do your PvE (or PvP) enemies run away from you (generic) when they see that Crystalline Sword or Chaos Axe? "Oh crap! He has an expensive weapon, run for your life!" ?
You're being very vague to push your point.
What is a stat? Is it only things that alter your actual game mechanics (typical usage)? If so, the skin doesn't matter. Are we talking about the weapon itself, or mods too? The weapon is still physically (as physical as a game item can be) the same weapon if it has X Mod or Y Mod or not Mod.
Does it cease being a "Short Sword" without its fortitude mod?
What happens if you have a Max Mod, but it isn't the "financially desirable" one? (as in Vampiric vs. Sundering)
In at least the experience I've encountered thus far, a Max Stat weapon simply refers to its damage range (15-22 for instance) and if it is non-inscribable, it's inherent mod. As such you can have a "Max Felblade" or a "Max Short Sword."
A 15-22 short sword with 15^50 inst max stats. A 15-22 fellblade with 15^50 is max stats.
Mechanically, they both perform as a max stat weapon.