Being a mesmer, I find Mystic Regen is very easy to counter (Backfire, Rend Enchants via necro secondary, then degen and laugh) and I do it all the time, so I wouldn't say it needs a nerf. But I for one am tired of seeing the floods of E/Ds and N/Ds in AB and knowing
exactly how to kill them in 3 seconds without a second thought. It's not overpowered, it's boring.
Originally Posted by tankity tank
Putting mystic regen into mysticism is a bad idea. Currently if you play dervish you need to triple spec (myst, scythe & earth) to use mystic regen.
Moving mystic regen over to mysticism would stop cross classes from using the skill entirely and would allow dervishes to dual spec (scythe & myst only) thus giving them an unintended boost to all of the other skills on their bar. Basically that idea is lose-lose.
Fix mystic regen some other way, like giving it an actual recharge or cast time.
If I had to choose, I'd still rather the dervish get boosted than the hordes of mindless cookie cutters while playing AB. But I do think someone's idea of making it work with only dervish enchantments is far better.