In a cutscene, every time the minions attack people or the ranger stands around casually with their pet sticking through them.
That cutscene in early Factions where the guard impales the "TERRIBLY wrooooong!" guy on a stick. Oh my god, such good times. XD
Originally Posted by D8tura
there was the time where there was a bug where the green dragon in the sanctum cay mission kept rez-ing and then died rez and died after we killed him (clearly a bug that was happening) We laughed a good fifteen minutes watching him die over and over again
I've gotten that too! It was hilarious. I don't even know how long we sat and watched that damn thing die, go "SKREEEE" get up, die, go "SKREEEEE", get up... Some had alcohol on them, so we sat and watched the dragon fall over a million times while our teammates announced that they were the king of the world or about to be sick. Shame we didn't get morale/XP for the repeated deaths. By the time the thing was done, I could've been level 20.
I've seen people ask for runs to Sactum Gay, try to sell the Scat Eater, and announce that they're trading their rare gold celestial pig mini for a crummy little djinn.
I don't have screenies, but I often show up in a major outpost just in time to hear things like, "...and that's when I decided it was time to laminate my nipples!" I can't even count the number of times I've been like "I came in at the WRONG time on that one o_O" I never have this happen anywhere but LA. Kaineng is pure sale and Spamadan is, well.
But LA's full of freaks.
Speaking of LA...