Originally Posted by Karlos
May I ask a question?
Why are the moderators allowing this public trial of certain players and guilds to continue?
Back when the trade window bug was introduced, some people posted screen shots of certain people and the moderators removed them and said that it was against forum policy. Is this no longer correct?
Well, lets not be too sanctimonious here, the guilds and players came here themselves saying they were banned or their guildies were banned which is a different proposition from being accused by other players of wrongdoing but you do have a point about the pics being posted with names in it.
But also I think the victimisation of [OhNo] is pretty harsh, the people on these forums cannot prove they have done anything so they shouldn't be taking matters into their own hands. If Anet has proof that's their business not a guru users. To people saying that only the guild leader of [OhNo] should be posting, why do you say that? If I was banned unfairly i'd be on these forums complaining about it, why shouldn't these people? They all registered at the same time to post because they all got banned around the same time and they're seeking a place to get themselves heard. It's not coincidence or conspiracy they all joined guru at the time of their bans to complain, it's entirely reasonable and logical.
Well, what do you expect people to do or say? If you (you as in they, not you personally) come here claiming you are banned without cause, nota bene on a forum where they cannot intervene for you or assist you in anyway with removing said ban, right after certain people who were proven to have 1250 AoT's in their inventory come here protesting how innocent they are.
Is [OhNo] treated harshly? Perhaps but its also the case that they are inviting such treatment on themselves, claiming innocence here isnt going to matter one iota, Anet wont take any action because you posted here. Anyone can claim to be innocent and some do so even when there's clear evidence to the contrary, people tend to get a bit sceptical about such claims especially on the Internet