Do people never bother grouping together anymore?
I never take PuG's because if they start talking to me I get frusterated b/c 99% of the time I'm talking like crazy in Guild/Alliance chat. Also, I go afk a lot to do favor's for parents(against my will t('.'t) ), and ppl get angry sometimes, so I choose just to bypass the entire situation. I also prefer having the freedom of being able to tell my henchys what to do, for strategic reasons.
PUG is ok if u think HM is still too easy and u wanna some more random challenge to yer mission.
"Let's see.. monk with raise?"
"Will they spam for free drops in the middle of the fight ?"
"Will they attack the right mobs? "
IMO, i henched most of the game since Propheties, u can actually finish missions on the first try if u dont bother with those silly PUGs
"Let's see.. monk with raise?"
"Will they spam for free drops in the middle of the fight ?"
"Will they attack the right mobs? "
IMO, i henched most of the game since Propheties, u can actually finish missions on the first try if u dont bother with those silly PUGs
Originally Posted by Kinn
I mean it only took me about 20 mins to find a pug that ended up obliterating Gate of Madness, and I've had similar success in loads of other supposedly "hard" missions.
That said, I've seen some real stupid skillbars, but that's what the kick button is for, right? |

The attitude you bring to your PuG has a LOT to say about how successful you're going to be. If you're polite and helpful, you'll do well. Many times, the players with the dumb toolbars simply have never had anyone take a couple minutes to teach them a better way. I find educating people, rather than abusing them, works like a champ, and makes for a largish group of people I can call upon at need when my guild is busy.
Originally Posted by Metanoia
Maybe it's just a difference of perspective... Since I'm only ever PUGing for the sake of PUGing, rather than trying to get something done. I guess I'm more inclined to perceive new players fumbling about the map as cute rather than frustrating.
Players insisting on bringing nature's renewal even though we have 2 dervishes, a necro, and a prot monk in our team = head->desk
imo :<
I'm one of those players who completely deck out my heroes. With the addition of the GWEN heroes, there are now duplicates of each primary class to choose from.
This allows me to set up for instance: Acolyte Sousuke as a Fire Nuker, Zed as an Air, Vekk as an Earth, etc etc, and completely rune/insignia their gear and equip them with the best possible weapon configuration, so I can simply choose which build I need.
Also, after the time that I have spent adjusting my skill sets for each type of build, my heroes play as closely as possible to the way that I want them to.
Also, since I have decided to focus on a single main character to play, using my heroes gives me a taste of "playing" those builds as well. I never enjoyed the role of healing and a well set up monk hero, customized to my taste, fills this need perfectly.
This allows me to set up for instance: Acolyte Sousuke as a Fire Nuker, Zed as an Air, Vekk as an Earth, etc etc, and completely rune/insignia their gear and equip them with the best possible weapon configuration, so I can simply choose which build I need.
Also, after the time that I have spent adjusting my skill sets for each type of build, my heroes play as closely as possible to the way that I want them to.
Also, since I have decided to focus on a single main character to play, using my heroes gives me a taste of "playing" those builds as well. I never enjoyed the role of healing and a well set up monk hero, customized to my taste, fills this need perfectly.
Sparks Dawnbringer
Yep I enjoy going alone. I like to go with one or 2 people and use heros. Eight people running around each trying to acomplish their individual goals is not my idea of fun. I do Pug sometimes but less and less often.
It's beyond redundant by now, but yes, I too find PUGs to be a waste of time. And it's mainly because everyone wants to be the prima donna. I don't give too much credence to the theory that those who PUG are bad players, but it has certainly been my experience that they are the worst behaved. I really don't see this improving, because the players who still, after two years, depend on random PUGs are those who haven't managed to find a good guild or make a single friend in-game.
Goeth Lucien
Almost without exception, I use heroes/hunches exclusively for all missions/quests/dungeons whenever feasible (areas such as DoA, the Deep, and Urgoz exempted). This is because doing so affords several key advantages:
1) I’ll have a reasonably high probability of successfully completing it on the first try.
2) I’ll actually be able to get into a group, because as we’re all aware, rangers/paras/mesmers/ritualists are just plain useless…
3) I can generally complete it at my own pace, taking random breaks when I need to and giving me time to just stand there and gawk at all the fantastic scenery.
4) I can actually “get into the moment” of a quest or mission, ruminating on all the reasons why I’m about to kill/rescue/protect/spy on/deliver/speak with so and so. In short, I get to enjoy the experience.
This is much more difficult with PUGs, who more often than not, don’t share the same motivations for playing the game. Comments like “GO GO GO!!!” and “so how much longer? I gotta eat soon” really tend to spoil my mood. It’s too reminiscent of the people that used to obtain complete walkthroughs for text adventure games (yeah, I’m THAT old), blindly typing in the answers without even bothering to read the content. Uh, I mean why bother?
That said, I actually DO enjoy participating in PUGs, but only after I’ve completed a particular mission or quest. Success is no longer an important criteria, so I’m free to enjoy the PUG experience in all its glory. It’s so much easier to see the humor in bad decisions or behavior when you no longer have a vested interest in the outcome. It’s also enjoyable to have a conversation with real people (I’ve tried talking to my heroes, but the “No one hears you” comment really ruins it for me). And on rare occasions, you end meeting someone you like well enough to add to your friends list.
1) I’ll have a reasonably high probability of successfully completing it on the first try.
2) I’ll actually be able to get into a group, because as we’re all aware, rangers/paras/mesmers/ritualists are just plain useless…
3) I can generally complete it at my own pace, taking random breaks when I need to and giving me time to just stand there and gawk at all the fantastic scenery.
4) I can actually “get into the moment” of a quest or mission, ruminating on all the reasons why I’m about to kill/rescue/protect/spy on/deliver/speak with so and so. In short, I get to enjoy the experience.
This is much more difficult with PUGs, who more often than not, don’t share the same motivations for playing the game. Comments like “GO GO GO!!!” and “so how much longer? I gotta eat soon” really tend to spoil my mood. It’s too reminiscent of the people that used to obtain complete walkthroughs for text adventure games (yeah, I’m THAT old), blindly typing in the answers without even bothering to read the content. Uh, I mean why bother?
That said, I actually DO enjoy participating in PUGs, but only after I’ve completed a particular mission or quest. Success is no longer an important criteria, so I’m free to enjoy the PUG experience in all its glory. It’s so much easier to see the humor in bad decisions or behavior when you no longer have a vested interest in the outcome. It’s also enjoyable to have a conversation with real people (I’ve tried talking to my heroes, but the “No one hears you” comment really ruins it for me). And on rare occasions, you end meeting someone you like well enough to add to your friends list.
henchman/heroes > 95% of pugs in this game. Why the hell would i ever want to pug again unless making a pug with friends?
I play through the games with two of my friends. We're usually all in the same room playing, and I find it far more enjoyable than teaming up with random people. I still PUG sometimes, usually when we have no idea how to complete a mission, or for those later missions were Heroes just aren't good enough, such as the Gate of Madness.
Frankly, most players are just far too immature or really suck at the game. I don't pretend to be the best player ever, but some of the guys you meet out there really make you slap your forehead. Look at a mission like Thunderhead Keep for example, that can be completed very easily just with henchmen. But when you try to PUG it you have a whole team of people telling you to do it "their way" and you end up with people running all over the map like headless chickens, until you're all dead.
One of the reasons I play Guild Wars is because I CAN play it myself, or with a small group of friends. The whole "well play a single player game" argument doesn't really hold up, as no other RPG always you to do that, at least not as well.
Frankly, most players are just far too immature or really suck at the game. I don't pretend to be the best player ever, but some of the guys you meet out there really make you slap your forehead. Look at a mission like Thunderhead Keep for example, that can be completed very easily just with henchmen. But when you try to PUG it you have a whole team of people telling you to do it "their way" and you end up with people running all over the map like headless chickens, until you're all dead.
One of the reasons I play Guild Wars is because I CAN play it myself, or with a small group of friends. The whole "well play a single player game" argument doesn't really hold up, as no other RPG always you to do that, at least not as well.
Ill give you a great reason why alliance/guild/hero/hench are better than pugs. Monk raising minions, enough said.
Mister Overhill
OK, I'll be the oddball of the block. I play for the challenge, period. I've been in the game since beta, and once or twice through any GW campaign and its just another arcade shooter if you play it alone. I can't even pass it on to my grandkids (a couple of them have it anyway).
Unless I'm helping out one or more of my kids or grandkids, and filling in the blanks with heroes, I PUG all the way. My healing monk got her three protector titles a long time ago and I still run her through some of the harder missions in each campaign, just to help random groups out. Now that's the kind of challenge I like, and it's never the same game twice. I've gotten a hell of a lot of compliments and thanks, and the occasional ugliness, so what, I just disregard it.
Same with my other classes. It's harder to get into a group, and the success rate is not as high, but that's OK. When I get bored, I've got lots to do, including a shelfload of other games.
Unless I'm helping out one or more of my kids or grandkids, and filling in the blanks with heroes, I PUG all the way. My healing monk got her three protector titles a long time ago and I still run her through some of the harder missions in each campaign, just to help random groups out. Now that's the kind of challenge I like, and it's never the same game twice. I've gotten a hell of a lot of compliments and thanks, and the occasional ugliness, so what, I just disregard it.
Same with my other classes. It's harder to get into a group, and the success rate is not as high, but that's OK. When I get bored, I've got lots to do, including a shelfload of other games.

Why should people? I mean ive had a few good pugs but most of the time it's either rude bad players or people that disco or get disco'ed because they have bad internet. Waste of my time....
I love puging but if it's full of players like ive described above then like I said it's a waste of my time.
The spirit of GW is puging though I remember back in the beta and after joining a group and people were fun, non elitest and generally not rude...ahhh the good ol days.
I love puging but if it's full of players like ive described above then like I said it's a waste of my time.
The spirit of GW is puging though I remember back in the beta and after joining a group and people were fun, non elitest and generally not rude...ahhh the good ol days.
Mr. Undisclosed
Henchs and heroes everytime for me
Sometimes I just feel like watching TV or making something to eat and to be honest pick up groups don't really appreciate that. Also with heroes I can set them up with the build I want, I'm not the best player around but I know what a good build and a bad build are + I can avoid criticism on my own build.
Originally Posted by lunksunkunk
I like the human experience more w/ online games, but i gotta admit, w/ the pugs around lately, i dont think im ever going to play w/ humans unless it is absolutely a requirement like "The Deep", "DoA" and such. With the pugs back when prophecies was the only campaign, pugs were ALOT better. Nowadays, i got shadow-form eles throwing sliver armor on and aggro every single group in sight only to drag the monsters to us instead and have him die after one hit when shadow form expired. Then that dipshit will ask why do we keep wiping and letting him die? Hell piss off the monks w/ insults and then the monks ragequit and were left w/ a dumbass who doesnt know the first thing about "TEAM" work.
When it comes right down to it if I am in some sadomasichistic mood...I will certainly grab a PUG...they are guaranteed to stress me out, piss me off, and totally ruin a GAME made for relaxation.
On the other hand it seems logical that those griping that they can't find any PUG's
a)want to only be leader. (how many different ppl have to be spamming LFG, geez...hook up ppl)
b)Can't handle doing it without a group to carry them.
c)Want to display their uberness!!! (BTW, I love the fact that the Charr rank emote, made me die laughing)
d)Have no GW friends, or piss poor guilds/alliances.
Oh and just a hint...DEMANDING that everyone ping their builds is a sure fire way to make sure no one teams up with you again...had someone do that to me the other day on my monk and was rather rude about it, so I dropped mending in my bar with a rez sig, nothing else, and pinged that. Needless to say I was called noob and booted. Hahahahahaha, finished the mission with my trusty Herohenchies, popped back into town and there they were still LF Monk for Masters.
Happy Hunting all and good luck on the PUG thing.
I don’t use pick up groups often because I’m new to the game. For some reason, not knowing what’s going to happen next in a mission is considered a mortal sin.
The overall attitude in most online games is “win or log off,”
Call me noob, newbie, or whatever. It is not the end of the world when you lose. Just try again.
On another note, I wonder if they can create a district for the purpose of PUG’s? They’ll be no henchmen around and your heroes will be disabled. It’s just a thought.
Also, I have to agree with Tempy. It really does feel good to finish a mission (after being called a noob) by yourself and then return to the town to laugh at those who were too elite to accept you.
The overall attitude in most online games is “win or log off,”
Call me noob, newbie, or whatever. It is not the end of the world when you lose. Just try again.
On another note, I wonder if they can create a district for the purpose of PUG’s? They’ll be no henchmen around and your heroes will be disabled. It’s just a thought.
Also, I have to agree with Tempy. It really does feel good to finish a mission (after being called a noob) by yourself and then return to the town to laugh at those who were too elite to accept you.
When GW went live I played really late at night (morning) and with the unpopular Mesmer and Necro. Because of this, it was hard to find ppl outside of the friends that introduced me to the game. When groups were found however, they was obviously less effective than with hench alone (and hench were pretty terrible at the time).
Because the PvE was so straightforward, I put the blame on lack of coordination back then. After all, if weak A.I. with crappy builds could focus fire, kill something, and repeat, ftw, why couldn't a group of real, intelligent(?), random people with random builds, random playstyles, and random experience do the same thing, if not better?
And I still place the blame on lack of coordination today as well, with inexperience holding a light share. When ppl have defined roles and you call targets before anyone engages, I find pugs to be much more reliable, but more importantly, successful and entertaining without the massochistic factor, if that's even a word.
Because the PvE was so straightforward, I put the blame on lack of coordination back then. After all, if weak A.I. with crappy builds could focus fire, kill something, and repeat, ftw, why couldn't a group of real, intelligent(?), random people with random builds, random playstyles, and random experience do the same thing, if not better?
And I still place the blame on lack of coordination today as well, with inexperience holding a light share. When ppl have defined roles and you call targets before anyone engages, I find pugs to be much more reliable, but more importantly, successful and entertaining without the massochistic factor, if that's even a word.
I tend to steer clear of pugs that are "Go Go Go Go GO" when you have told them you're setting up your skill bar.
I also went pugging for my guildies the other day we picked up a ele with 3 skills Flare, SS And...... Animate Bone Fiend it's rather silly pugs these days.
I also went pugging for my guildies the other day we picked up a ele with 3 skills Flare, SS And...... Animate Bone Fiend it's rather silly pugs these days.
Axe Wielding Dame
I will say that during the GWEN weekend event I did travel through the main quests and some side-kickers with guildies. After all that was done we went our seperate ways to try out dungeons and farm Norn/Dwarf points. I rather like going solo with the AI group because it seems like they pay better attention and they target what I target thus getting the kill that much sooner. They also don't aggro that much as long as I remember to flag them.
My Typical AI farming/questing/mission group in GW:EN:
All in all...if I need actual players I call upon my guildies or alliance members. They're pretty good at missions and other various things on Guild Wars. Having Vent is helpful also for those more difficult levels (and I can keep up those interesting conversations without having the downside of a PUG).
My Typical AI farming/questing/mission group in GW:EN:
- Tahlkora- WoH
- Dunkoro-Protection Life Sheath or ZB
- Koss- Conjure Flame fighter
- Mehnlo-Heal LoD
- Cynn- Mind blaster for pesky Ice Golems
- Devona-Hammer knockdowns
- Talon Silverwing- Crippler Bleeder
All in all...if I need actual players I call upon my guildies or alliance members. They're pretty good at missions and other various things on Guild Wars. Having Vent is helpful also for those more difficult levels (and I can keep up those interesting conversations without having the downside of a PUG).
IDK... I think the problem is that heroes and henchmen train the average pug person bad habits...
They really do not pay attention to radar or chat,
They are often too quick to run off and lerroy a massive group and expect the others to do the same, when thats just nuts...
The concept of pulling has been lost to Heroway strategies...
And they are too used to havening all the NPCs focus on them and them alone, and not care about themselves. where as a full party group tends to be more balanced in that they can take care of themselves a little when in a pinch, and have a way to do some dmg themselves, and at least 1 way to help another themselves... Not being too Dependant on others is the key to a good PUG member.
Now with alliances and Guild parties you can focus up priorities again... because one would hope that those groups will know how to work together at least a little bit. and have some kind of voice chat software that makes parties 300% more fun to participate in. Teamspeak and Vent are prob the most common ones out there now, and just about any guild or alliance worth while has one to use for playing games...
They really do not pay attention to radar or chat,
They are often too quick to run off and lerroy a massive group and expect the others to do the same, when thats just nuts...
The concept of pulling has been lost to Heroway strategies...
And they are too used to havening all the NPCs focus on them and them alone, and not care about themselves. where as a full party group tends to be more balanced in that they can take care of themselves a little when in a pinch, and have a way to do some dmg themselves, and at least 1 way to help another themselves... Not being too Dependant on others is the key to a good PUG member.
Now with alliances and Guild parties you can focus up priorities again... because one would hope that those groups will know how to work together at least a little bit. and have some kind of voice chat software that makes parties 300% more fun to participate in. Teamspeak and Vent are prob the most common ones out there now, and just about any guild or alliance worth while has one to use for playing games...
Problem is that there is nothing in the game design that offers any advantage of being in a player only party versus a H+H party.
If you have tried to be a raid leader for a 40 man party in a dungeon, and used an insane amount of time to reach the endboss to get the last piece of elite armor for everyone in your guild, you would know what makes the difference.
I wont like that in GW though, but just a little something, that would make player only partys more attractive, would be nice.
If you have tried to be a raid leader for a 40 man party in a dungeon, and used an insane amount of time to reach the endboss to get the last piece of elite armor for everyone in your guild, you would know what makes the difference.
I wont like that in GW though, but just a little something, that would make player only partys more attractive, would be nice.
Lady Lozza
To be honest the idea of pugging it horrifies me. In 2.5 years I've had some very, very bad experiences in pugs - I've also had some horrible guild based experiences. (Please note these experiences were not had with the guild I'm currently in). But it has been the pugs in which I've been the "help hand" that have put me off the most. Mostly when I help, I play monk, so maybe some of you are already seeing the problems.
In my experience 60% of players don't listen, so statistically that's 5-6 team members in an 8 player team - unless you get lucky. People draw too much aggro, they don't let the tank tank, monks refuse to heal those who have been rude, or simply because they have randomly decided they don't like the player, the tank doesn't understand the concept of holding aggro, players don't kite - the list goes on. And the moment you suggest something that might improve team dynamics or help with the success of the mission someone rage quits.
Or it could be like my Ruins of Surmia experience, I'm helping a friend through and decided to take some pugs, only to have one player abuse me the whole time after I draw on the map showing which way and where the pop-ups are. The torrent of abuse started with "Don't think just because you're lvl20 you know more than us..." Followed soon after by "15k Armour doesn't mean you know how to play..." I'd suggested neither of these things were the case. But then there were things like, "My warrior farms solo outside Droks. He had FoW armour, which makes you a noob..."
Oh I didn't quit. I really, really wanted to. I didn't because I don't, but I did find something better to do when the same player decided I also had to help them through Nolani as well.
In my experience 60% of players don't listen, so statistically that's 5-6 team members in an 8 player team - unless you get lucky. People draw too much aggro, they don't let the tank tank, monks refuse to heal those who have been rude, or simply because they have randomly decided they don't like the player, the tank doesn't understand the concept of holding aggro, players don't kite - the list goes on. And the moment you suggest something that might improve team dynamics or help with the success of the mission someone rage quits.
Or it could be like my Ruins of Surmia experience, I'm helping a friend through and decided to take some pugs, only to have one player abuse me the whole time after I draw on the map showing which way and where the pop-ups are. The torrent of abuse started with "Don't think just because you're lvl20 you know more than us..." Followed soon after by "15k Armour doesn't mean you know how to play..." I'd suggested neither of these things were the case. But then there were things like, "My warrior farms solo outside Droks. He had FoW armour, which makes you a noob..."
Oh I didn't quit. I really, really wanted to. I didn't because I don't, but I did find something better to do when the same player decided I also had to help them through Nolani as well.
I used to party up with Randoms and a good friend who introduced me to GW and it was great for a while. We tended to act as a monking pair and cover half the team each, it was a shame that it seamed only our monks got used as thats all were asked for.
We've had some great fun and a good laugh with random people but there has been a creeping rot setting in, it got to the point where over voice coms we'd be placing bets on the first person to leave.
Now my GW playing friend hasn't been on for a month as he's moved in to a house without a broadband enabled phone line and I played the entire GW:EN preview with henchies and newly aquired Heros (i don't have NF).
TBH the thing that puts me off the most now is the attitude of a great many players, I'd love to do the Sorrows Furnace missions but people only want to farm, I'd like to potter about the underworld but I have no idea what a barrager is, what a touch thingie is, hell, I dont even know what PUG stands for! The games gone abbreviation mad! Sorry that should be abbrv. mad
Usually when I ask I get an awful lot of unhelpful comments and the odd "noob" thrown at me, it's not really an atmosphere that breeds a sense of camaraderie.
We've had some great fun and a good laugh with random people but there has been a creeping rot setting in, it got to the point where over voice coms we'd be placing bets on the first person to leave.
Now my GW playing friend hasn't been on for a month as he's moved in to a house without a broadband enabled phone line and I played the entire GW:EN preview with henchies and newly aquired Heros (i don't have NF).
TBH the thing that puts me off the most now is the attitude of a great many players, I'd love to do the Sorrows Furnace missions but people only want to farm, I'd like to potter about the underworld but I have no idea what a barrager is, what a touch thingie is, hell, I dont even know what PUG stands for! The games gone abbreviation mad! Sorry that should be abbrv. mad

Usually when I ask I get an awful lot of unhelpful comments and the odd "noob" thrown at me, it's not really an atmosphere that breeds a sense of camaraderie.
PUGS :- comprised of rude, beligerant and the downrite sensless, who usually do it their own way, which is usually the wrong way.
Heroes/Henchmen:- they dont shout at you when you **** up.
They usually do everything you want them too without asking you why (though i have noticed olias likes to aggro Jotun this weekend, or more precisely anything that moves)
They don't get hacked off when you decide to leave the game for 30 mins due to some crisis/meal/rest that you suddenly need to take
They come fully equiped and with decent build that tend to work
I gave up on pugs over a year ago, and on guilds 5 months ago, it seems to be the general way of the game now, I only play with others in PvP now, and that reminds me half the time of why i dont pug in PvE,
Heroes/Henchmen:- they dont shout at you when you **** up.
They usually do everything you want them too without asking you why (though i have noticed olias likes to aggro Jotun this weekend, or more precisely anything that moves)
They don't get hacked off when you decide to leave the game for 30 mins due to some crisis/meal/rest that you suddenly need to take
They come fully equiped and with decent build that tend to work
I gave up on pugs over a year ago, and on guilds 5 months ago, it seems to be the general way of the game now, I only play with others in PvP now, and that reminds me half the time of why i dont pug in PvE,
Originally Posted by WinterSnowblind
I still PUG sometimes, usually when we have no idea how to complete a mission, or for those later missions were Heroes just aren't good enough, such as the Gate of Madness.
Originally Posted by Goeth Lucien
2) I’ll actually be able to get into a group, because as we’re all aware, rangers/paras/mesmers/ritualists are just plain useless…
Yes, ever since NF came out, heroes have always outclassed pugs imo. I've completed every mission with heroes/henchies and have done exceedingly well in each. Only time I'll ever have another human party with me is if I'll ever need another person's heroes that may have the correct skills i need for a very effective party, a nearly invincible party if I'm on my paragon. I only really rely on about a handful of other people to ever party with if I feel the need for more effective vanquishing. Pugs are usually just outright unreliable, and whenever someone dies, they feel the need to blame/flame another person even though it never occurred to them to have any form of self-heals or to even wait for the rest of the party. Incompetence, immaturity, and impatience are what usually comes along with pugs and all of which i cannot stand to tolerate.
Heroes+Henchies > PuGs!
I can't stand people who go AFK in the middle of a mission and have some lame excuse like their phone rang or someone's at the door. Last week we had someone who went AFK and after we all died, he/she didn't respond to our messages so we left and went back to town than I got into a new group and guess what? This same person joined the party....catch my drift? Obviously they were there but didn't want to do any of the work so therefore this is why I never PuG anymore. Plus with H+H no one in the team argues or /ragequits in the middle of a quest or mission.
I can't stand people who go AFK in the middle of a mission and have some lame excuse like their phone rang or someone's at the door. Last week we had someone who went AFK and after we all died, he/she didn't respond to our messages so we left and went back to town than I got into a new group and guess what? This same person joined the party....catch my drift? Obviously they were there but didn't want to do any of the work so therefore this is why I never PuG anymore. Plus with H+H no one in the team argues or /ragequits in the middle of a quest or mission.

Here's something I haven't seen touched on too much yet: PUGs take a long time to set up usually. Even for a mission with people looking for a PUG you are going to be spending at least as much time trying to find a group or get that one last human monk as you are going to spend in the mission.
So lots of time plus unpredictable results means fewer PUGs for me.
It'd be nice if I could take 7 heros into HA so I could work on my title a little... I'd probably do just as poorly as I normally do there.
While I'm wishing, it'd also be nice if there was a PUG title you simply couldn't grind your way through but had to play well in a PUG to get... that'd make things more predictable at least.
So lots of time plus unpredictable results means fewer PUGs for me.
It'd be nice if I could take 7 heros into HA so I could work on my title a little... I'd probably do just as poorly as I normally do there.
While I'm wishing, it'd also be nice if there was a PUG title you simply couldn't grind your way through but had to play well in a PUG to get... that'd make things more predictable at least.
I really prefer playing with other people (even if they are merely competent), but the number of idiots who will draw male genitalia on the map during the entire time they are in your party, rush headlong into mobs without any semblance of strategy, ignore directions, etc., etc. makes me somewhat glad that there are heroes and henchmen.
So basically, I have mixed feelings. Back in the day, before heroes and improved henchmen AI, PUGs were the way to go, and more often than not most PUGs were good enough to get the job done. There were a few that were amazing, everyone got along well and had great chemistry. There were also a few that crashed and burned. You take the good with the bad. For me, I would still rather play in a PUG than with H + H.
So basically, I have mixed feelings. Back in the day, before heroes and improved henchmen AI, PUGs were the way to go, and more often than not most PUGs were good enough to get the job done. There were a few that were amazing, everyone got along well and had great chemistry. There were also a few that crashed and burned. You take the good with the bad. For me, I would still rather play in a PUG than with H + H.
but the number of idiots who will draw male genitalia on the map during the entire time they are in your party |
I joined many competent PuG's this week-end and we completed many quests, my favorite being the not so hard ''masters difficulty'' Cold Vengance. That was really an awesome dungeon =D
Those mini-map artists wannabes should just die; in general I don't pug because I can pve with a friend or 2, and heroes are quicker to be set than finding people, but I still always pug for fow, and I do understand why some people don't like to pug. When people are asked to ping their bars, I kinda think it's better this way, because you get the chance to correct a few skills that might not be good for the group, and prevent some serious mistakes (blinding flash on a monk bar, ranger minion master, warrior with ether feast, and so on). And let's face it, there are still a lot of new players there, a lot of unexperienced players, and yeah, some sucky ones as well. Another reason I don't pug often is that some people would rather have a third nuker than a mesmer.
I did Cold Vengeance in a PuG, the monks entered into the dungeon at 15% and 30% DP. . .about 2minutes into the dungeon both monks were at 60% DP. . .then things got worse.
MO/N monks were packing BR and Well of Power as elite.
As is oft quoted, every time a W/MO used Mending; he just pile drived another nail into the PuG coffin.
MO/N monks were packing BR and Well of Power as elite.
As is oft quoted, every time a W/MO used Mending; he just pile drived another nail into the PuG coffin.
Heros and Hench > majority of players. If I want a conversation I will talk with my guildies on vent.
I'll give the same response I always do when this topic come up - Just because people aren't playing with you, it doesn't mean they're not playing with each other.
Find yourself a social guild and you'll always have people to play with.
Find yourself a social guild and you'll always have people to play with.
heroes don't quit get your benefit from titles, don't call you a noob, etc but its more boring being alone.
With 2 months i didn't play, I still have more than 4000 hours playing time.
First of all, the reason why people play with hero's/hench, is basiclly their Ego.
MG guys its a game, some are new, some are experrienced....but we all had to learn.
A game is made to enyoi..not to pick on people or calling them names...There are no dumb people, only less experienced. The only dumb people are those with them attitude.
I've beaten all ofthe three games now. Wel, most of the time I help people who are alone and ignored with their quests or missions...just for fun. And for me thier gratittude is much more rewarding then, showing off with titles (autofarmed), or a leeched Fow.
I remember a time where people sat down in a cicle, for hours, in Lion Arch having fun, telling jokes,......Thats all over.
All i hear now in towns is , WTS, WTB, 100k 30 ecto's, ....Noob, go with the hench...I'll report ye...recruting....Pro-runner, pro farmer(omg)
Is that having fun?...
Everone makes mistakes, even the best.And even if you think your the best,remember, you are playing a game.Its not a crappy job.
I have a daughter of 10 who has her own account, she play's for more then a year now; beaten all three games.
With her assasin she does allot AB, wel ,...most of the time she kickes all those pro's to the four corners of the map.
So in the future beware of child assas.....
First of all, the reason why people play with hero's/hench, is basiclly their Ego.
MG guys its a game, some are new, some are experrienced....but we all had to learn.
A game is made to enyoi..not to pick on people or calling them names...There are no dumb people, only less experienced. The only dumb people are those with them attitude.
I've beaten all ofthe three games now. Wel, most of the time I help people who are alone and ignored with their quests or missions...just for fun. And for me thier gratittude is much more rewarding then, showing off with titles (autofarmed), or a leeched Fow.
I remember a time where people sat down in a cicle, for hours, in Lion Arch having fun, telling jokes,......Thats all over.
All i hear now in towns is , WTS, WTB, 100k 30 ecto's, ....Noob, go with the hench...I'll report ye...recruting....Pro-runner, pro farmer(omg)

Is that having fun?...
Everone makes mistakes, even the best.And even if you think your the best,remember, you are playing a game.Its not a crappy job.
I have a daughter of 10 who has her own account, she play's for more then a year now; beaten all three games.
With her assasin she does allot AB, wel ,...most of the time she kickes all those pro's to the four corners of the map.

So in the future beware of child assas.....
Pwny Ride
Directed at the original post~
For something such as a preview weekend, with such limited time alot of people have, i have no intentions of partying with anyone who will hinder me in any way shape or form. This may change for me when the game is fully released, but most likely not.
There is just a surplus of totally clueless people now (i mean come on, look at all the festivals and those questions
For something such as a preview weekend, with such limited time alot of people have, i have no intentions of partying with anyone who will hinder me in any way shape or form. This may change for me when the game is fully released, but most likely not.
There is just a surplus of totally clueless people now (i mean come on, look at all the festivals and those questions

Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by DDryss
...First of all, the reason why people play with hero's/hench, is basiclly their Ego......
-can go AFK
-no insults/rude behavior
-no ragequit
-party is set up quick
-party is set up to synergize, not to antagonize
-no anti-team behavior (overaggroing due silly personal decisions (i wanna open that chest NOW)
I wonder where the blown up ego comes in, you are not stating that you are better because you go H&H, you just have some advantages that suit your needs.
Originally Posted by DDryss
First of all, the reason why people play with hero's/hench, is basiclly their Ego.
Originally Posted by DDryss
I've beaten all ofthe three games now. Wel, most of the time I help people who are alone and ignored with their quests or missions...just for fun. And for me thier gratittude is much more rewarding then, showing off with titles (autofarmed), or a leeched Fow.
Originally Posted by DDryss
I remember a time where people sat down in a cicle, for hours, in Lion Arch having fun, telling jokes,......Thats all over.
Originally Posted by DDryss
All i hear now in towns is , WTS, WTB, 100k 30 ecto's, ....Noob, go with the hench...I'll report ye...recruting....Pro-runner, pro farmer(omg)
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Maybe some people like selling and trading, and they might find that fun so what's to stop them?