End of Days: The retiring of your characters
Ruby Lightheart
Ruby (ranger), after a long and strange journey, is restored to her "normal" self and is finaly united with her one true love Eryxx.
Amethyst (paragon) finally marries Kuuhl, the son of Eryxx and Ruby.
The Starsprint family after years of trials is reunited and Ruby reconciles with her birth father.
The Starsprints travel frequently back to Tyria over the years and generations and its the great grandson of Amethyst and Kuuhl whom answers the call to return to Tyria (in GW2)
Amethyst (paragon) finally marries Kuuhl, the son of Eryxx and Ruby.
The Starsprint family after years of trials is reunited and Ruby reconciles with her birth father.
The Starsprints travel frequently back to Tyria over the years and generations and its the great grandson of Amethyst and Kuuhl whom answers the call to return to Tyria (in GW2)
Selerious Taren (Ranger):
After his life of Heroism he settles down and Marries Selena Victora who gives birth to a baby boy Sephin. Heartbroken over the death of his wife he moves into the hills of Kessex peak to raise his son in the ways of the Hunter.
Selena Victora (elementalist):
Marries Selerious and gives birth but killed be a thief in Lions Arch, avenged by Selerious before he left to live in Kessex Peak.
Arelia Taren (Ritualist):
Left the group to look for her father (half father to Selerious and Ariel) in her native land of Cantha. After chasing his trail for many years she returns to Shing Jea Island and dies after running a small school for Ritualists for many years.
Ariel Taren (Mesmer):
Became a semi successful entertainer in Lions Arch and elsewhere after its destruction, supported Selerious and his Son
Isabell Victora (Paragon):
The second of the Victora siblings returned to Elona and became a commander of a strike force. Lost her life in the Second Undead invasion.
Merrin Victora (Warrior):
Merrin stayed close to Selerious and Selena after their many trails. After Selena was killed she left with Selerious to live in Kessex peak, eventually married Selerious then gave birth to a baby girl Arkadey
Artemis Mausolus (Monk) & Teilia Morganis (Ranger):
The two left the group and set out on their own, Serving as mercenaries in the Ascalon Armies. Survived long enough to produce a baby boy, Aretim.
After his life of Heroism he settles down and Marries Selena Victora who gives birth to a baby boy Sephin. Heartbroken over the death of his wife he moves into the hills of Kessex peak to raise his son in the ways of the Hunter.
Selena Victora (elementalist):
Marries Selerious and gives birth but killed be a thief in Lions Arch, avenged by Selerious before he left to live in Kessex Peak.
Arelia Taren (Ritualist):
Left the group to look for her father (half father to Selerious and Ariel) in her native land of Cantha. After chasing his trail for many years she returns to Shing Jea Island and dies after running a small school for Ritualists for many years.
Ariel Taren (Mesmer):
Became a semi successful entertainer in Lions Arch and elsewhere after its destruction, supported Selerious and his Son
Isabell Victora (Paragon):
The second of the Victora siblings returned to Elona and became a commander of a strike force. Lost her life in the Second Undead invasion.
Merrin Victora (Warrior):
Merrin stayed close to Selerious and Selena after their many trails. After Selena was killed she left with Selerious to live in Kessex peak, eventually married Selerious then gave birth to a baby girl Arkadey
Artemis Mausolus (Monk) & Teilia Morganis (Ranger):
The two left the group and set out on their own, Serving as mercenaries in the Ascalon Armies. Survived long enough to produce a baby boy, Aretim.
General Marzaq
Originally Posted by Torino Cowell
Cantha enjoyed many happy years as time went by , thanks to the heroics of Elemental Hara . Hara , a born luxon lead many battles against the kurzicks , fighting them as far back as he could , nearly taking control of House Zu Heltzer at 1 stage . He soon replaced Elder Rhea as Luxon commander , and the luxons enjoyed many happy years , until 1127 .
Emporer Usoku successor to Kisu, took a firm hold of his nation. He raised the Canthan military, spending millions in gold to arm his troops, and then swept the countryside. He soon took armies of such force that the luxons couldn't hold . Luxons and Kurzicks allied , in an attempt to hold them back , but it wasn't enough , and Hara and Count zu heltzer went into exile , in a place known as " the deep". they set about trying to think of ways to kill the emporer , if they could kill Shiro , if the lich could fall at haras hands , if abaddons fell at a fireball and the great destroyer was halted , surely an emporer wouldn't be too much trouble . they knew what they had to do , they needed a way to Kamadan , and with the recent Tidal wave hitting Lions Arch and the rise of the kingdom of orr , it would be an unwise descision to go there , they seeked the help of the order of Whispers . it was hard escaping Cantha , they killed many along the way , doing deeds that would be unforgivable under normal circumstances , but there was nothing normal about a dictator in charge of everything . but through money , blackmail and killing they made their way to the marketplace .the exiled , the drunks were around , the secruity was tight , they would not manage here . so they went slightly south of the marketplace , just slightly north of Nahpui Quarter . Hara found a small boat , which they would attempt to sail the ocean in . the journey was rocky , the boat flooded and many fell ill during the journey . however , in the end they made it , and Hara made contact with the former organisation which helped him take down abaddon . they appeared busy , with Palawa Joko on the loose again , but agreed to help . the journey back to cantha was uneventful , a few strong winds but nothing to stop them . and spirits were high , they had many of the order of whispers with them , many luxons and many kurzicks to take down an emporer. they arrived in Kaineng docks , which was suprisingly quiet. soon enough , Kaineng Centre was stormed and Raisu palace was being breached. the people were killed for crimes against cantha , it was brutal , bloodthirsty what happened , but it was for the greater good , it had to happen . the imperial sanctum was soon metres away and there sat the emporer , with many rituals binding him to life . in a desperate attempt to kill him , Hara ran in , ending his life and that of the emporer . |
Carnage Runner- After the end of all things he will rediscover himself as not only a warrior, but the warrior. He will become feverishly mad with hate towards all beings that stand in his way. Cleaving his way through anything in his path he will find his revenge on those who caused him trouble. His ultimate goal, to destroy all enemies and take over the world. I believe he wont have too much trouble doing this. After this epic journey is completed he will join Rastigan in the Fissure of Woe where the two of them will slay endless armies of shadow and chaos legionaires alike.
Originally Posted by General Marzaq
In your dreams traitor.
I'd certainly advise, while making these stories, leaving the big villains (Palawa, Usoku) more or less alone - sure, interact with them, but don't go claiming your character is going to kill them. Having relatively low-key stories may seem unheroic, but they're also likely to still fit canon when the full story comes out in GW2 (or expansions) - but claiming that you killed one of the 'big names' is immediately going to create a continuity violation when the 'official' history is released and the target wasn't killed - or at least, not killed in that way - after all.
Hyper Cutter
Fang of Pyre (warrior) - She married a Norn and established a homestead in the Far Shiverpeaks. Her descendants occupied the place until ousted by the minions of Primordus (not without a fight!)...
Kurenai (ranger)- After many long years of work towards improving Kaineng City, Kurenai decides she doesn't like where Usoku is leading Cantha and speaks out against him publicly. This results in, among other things, she and her family being exiled from Cantha. She lived out the rest of her life in Kryta...
Irugu Falcaris (dervish)- Even after Elona fell to Joko, Irugu continued to resist (a fight her descendants do their best to continue). She struck down numerous corrupted Sunspears and countless Undead, but eventually the odds caught up to her. Calling on the gods for aid, she went out in a literal blaze of glory, leaving nothing but her scythe behind. The scythe stands there still, for none dare touch it...
Kurenai (ranger)- After many long years of work towards improving Kaineng City, Kurenai decides she doesn't like where Usoku is leading Cantha and speaks out against him publicly. This results in, among other things, she and her family being exiled from Cantha. She lived out the rest of her life in Kryta...
Irugu Falcaris (dervish)- Even after Elona fell to Joko, Irugu continued to resist (a fight her descendants do their best to continue). She struck down numerous corrupted Sunspears and countless Undead, but eventually the odds caught up to her. Calling on the gods for aid, she went out in a literal blaze of glory, leaving nothing but her scythe behind. The scythe stands there still, for none dare touch it...
After the fall of The Great Destroyer, Marcus Macsumo continued to roam the world. He visited every continent, struggling to find sense, order or purpose. Eventually, having accomplished so many fantastic feats that he became a 'God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals', he realised the futility of such struggles. And yet at the same time their necessity.
He retired to the Maguuma Jungle, where he had always felt most at home, to meditate upon this dichotomy. After several years he ended up near Ventari's Grove, where he settled into such deep meditation that he became as the rock of the area. Every few decades or so he would stir, gathering enough sustenance to maintain his dramatically reduced metabolism through another generation. Nobody thought anything of the 'moss covered boulder' he had become, apart from those few who saw him at times when he was awake...... and they were never believed.
Many years later Marcus Macsumo stirred once more. He realised he had far surpassed his alotted time in this world and that even he was not immortal. As he prepared himself for his last sleep, he discovered that he could still be surprised. This time by a small creature, that somehow made him think of a tree, gazing intently at him. After the initial, somewhat unusual conversation, they became firm friends and thus Marcus' last days were not spent in his incredible meditation. But instead in laughter and storytelling, passing on tales of the world he had known.
Months later, as his friend planted trees on the spot where he had passed, a new legend was born. This Sylvari, who had not yet chosen a name, knew beyond doubt, that their future led to this Eye of the North and to see what had become of Marcus Macsumo's world.
He retired to the Maguuma Jungle, where he had always felt most at home, to meditate upon this dichotomy. After several years he ended up near Ventari's Grove, where he settled into such deep meditation that he became as the rock of the area. Every few decades or so he would stir, gathering enough sustenance to maintain his dramatically reduced metabolism through another generation. Nobody thought anything of the 'moss covered boulder' he had become, apart from those few who saw him at times when he was awake...... and they were never believed.
Many years later Marcus Macsumo stirred once more. He realised he had far surpassed his alotted time in this world and that even he was not immortal. As he prepared himself for his last sleep, he discovered that he could still be surprised. This time by a small creature, that somehow made him think of a tree, gazing intently at him. After the initial, somewhat unusual conversation, they became firm friends and thus Marcus' last days were not spent in his incredible meditation. But instead in laughter and storytelling, passing on tales of the world he had known.
Months later, as his friend planted trees on the spot where he had passed, a new legend was born. This Sylvari, who had not yet chosen a name, knew beyond doubt, that their future led to this Eye of the North and to see what had become of Marcus Macsumo's world.
Lord Of Spear
Tsk tsk lol i find everyone taste differ from mine. Me Lord Of Spear
P/R i shall reach my old age still looking for my pet shadow. *sigh* forgets to put charm skill on
hmmm well Spear will spend the rest of his life figuring out why paragons have wings but cannot fly. i will be testing my flight at shiver peaks and over random cliffs. willing to work with any bokahs or asuran to build a glider to glide over the beautiful world of gw. so wish me luck. if i ever find shadow i would put an extra seat for him. sigh hes must be old now getting lost all the time.
P/R i shall reach my old age still looking for my pet shadow. *sigh* forgets to put charm skill on

Lord Merdock: after saving Tyria twice, the mighty Lord Merdock wanted to find out how his fiery dragon sword worked. he took it to the Asura, but five of
them were killed when they didn't realize it was actually hot. he left the lands grumbling about the clumsiness of some Asura. next he went to the far shiverpeaks, positive that the norn would know. But instead of knowing how it worked they promptly went on a hunt and got killed. very frustrated and grief stricken, he went to a tall peak and threw his sword into the snow far below. He then chose a more peaceful path and became a gym trainer in lions arch, were stayed for the rest of his days, and married a beautiful retired elementalist, and gave birth to a boy which they named Taran . Little did he know that his sword drifted into Drakkar lake and after 250 years thawed it enough that the Drakkar escaped. but thats another story.....
them were killed when they didn't realize it was actually hot. he left the lands grumbling about the clumsiness of some Asura. next he went to the far shiverpeaks, positive that the norn would know. But instead of knowing how it worked they promptly went on a hunt and got killed. very frustrated and grief stricken, he went to a tall peak and threw his sword into the snow far below. He then chose a more peaceful path and became a gym trainer in lions arch, were stayed for the rest of his days, and married a beautiful retired elementalist, and gave birth to a boy which they named Taran . Little did he know that his sword drifted into Drakkar lake and after 250 years thawed it enough that the Drakkar escaped. but thats another story.....

Salene Shadowmere ~ Rt/x
After her visions at the Eye of the North and her defeat of the Destroyer General in the Central Transfer Chamber, Salene became restless, knowing that a far greater threat exists and is on its way. She took up residence at the Eye spending most of her waking hours in deep meditation in front of the scrying pool, desperately trying to unravel the nature of the threat.
Eventually she made pilgrimages to the great seers and spirits of the world in an attempt to gain more insight on the matter. Her death came when communing with Kuunavang at the Harvest Temple, Salene was struck with a powerful vision, a violent halucination it seemed, the ritualist's dying screams told of a world wracked by destruction and hatred greater than any witnessed in her time. Devastating beasts rising from the earth, laying waste to entire cities at a time, mutating and corrupting those in their path.
Kuunavang related what she had heard and felt from her death to all who would listen. This eventually became known as the Shadowmere Prophecy.
Angel The Wraith ~ N/x
Cold and Cunning as always Angel continued her quest for power even after defeating some of the most powerful creatures of her time. Eventually she began recruiting for her own personal cause. Taking after her former master Verata, Angel established a necromantic cult, in a very unlikely and inhospitible place, directly along the border of seared Ascalon and the Charr homelands. With such heroes as Livia, and the reveared Master of Whispers answering to Angel's cause, the cult quickly became one of the most powerful and well connected necromantic cults ever established. A terrifying citidel-fortress was erected by the cult and no determined assault by any faction ever succeeded in breaching it.
Angel's death came at the hands of her most favored pupil, just as Angel had killed her master. She was laid to rest in a hidden crypt below the citadel and to this day no intruder has escaped the gaurdians of her tomb.
After her visions at the Eye of the North and her defeat of the Destroyer General in the Central Transfer Chamber, Salene became restless, knowing that a far greater threat exists and is on its way. She took up residence at the Eye spending most of her waking hours in deep meditation in front of the scrying pool, desperately trying to unravel the nature of the threat.
Eventually she made pilgrimages to the great seers and spirits of the world in an attempt to gain more insight on the matter. Her death came when communing with Kuunavang at the Harvest Temple, Salene was struck with a powerful vision, a violent halucination it seemed, the ritualist's dying screams told of a world wracked by destruction and hatred greater than any witnessed in her time. Devastating beasts rising from the earth, laying waste to entire cities at a time, mutating and corrupting those in their path.
Kuunavang related what she had heard and felt from her death to all who would listen. This eventually became known as the Shadowmere Prophecy.
Angel The Wraith ~ N/x
Cold and Cunning as always Angel continued her quest for power even after defeating some of the most powerful creatures of her time. Eventually she began recruiting for her own personal cause. Taking after her former master Verata, Angel established a necromantic cult, in a very unlikely and inhospitible place, directly along the border of seared Ascalon and the Charr homelands. With such heroes as Livia, and the reveared Master of Whispers answering to Angel's cause, the cult quickly became one of the most powerful and well connected necromantic cults ever established. A terrifying citidel-fortress was erected by the cult and no determined assault by any faction ever succeeded in breaching it.
Angel's death came at the hands of her most favored pupil, just as Angel had killed her master. She was laid to rest in a hidden crypt below the citadel and to this day no intruder has escaped the gaurdians of her tomb.
My monk would retire from fighting and go live in Ventari's treehugger place. There she would have some babies with one of the other pacifists so i can have a Sylvari that is her descendant.
Ischuros Alsmbane, after countless adventures, eventually settled down in Vabbi. Born in the shadow of the Shiverpeaks, he was called to arms when the Searing destroyed Ascalon. Before that he was a scribe, charting the history of Ascalon. He took up the staff and became a necromancer of great distinction. He battled the Lich, and defeated Shiro, he overcame gods. Taking command of the Sunspears after Kormir's vocation, he fought in many great battles. Rewarded by the gods for his service, he retired to the Library in Vabbi, and began work on his Magnus Opus, 'The Great Crisis: The History and Adventures of the Rebellion of Abbadon'. He eventually died, at the age of 83, leaving a legacy as one of the greatest heroes of his age.
His brother, Castor of Sparta, became a career soldier, and fought alongside his brother against the Lich and Shiro. He declined teh invitation to Elona, and instead settle among the Kurzicks, earning the title 'Spartan' for his heroic exploits against the Luxons. He married a Kurzick Monk, Arelia Khan, called Healer Khan, because of her impressive powers of... healing. They begat many, who begat more in turn, and so the Almsbanes lived on into the new age, battling alongside the Kurzicks, and the Canthans, then fleeing to Lion's Arch.
Pyra Pula, an elementalist from Elona, obeyed her orders and defeated Abbadon. She stayed with her leader, Ischuros, and they died together, leaving one heir.
Fionn Almsbane, cousin of Castor and Ischuros, was sent to Shing Jea to train there. He became an adventurer and a mercenary, fighting with both of his more famous cousins. He became famous for his exploits, and settled in Maguuma, becoming friendly with the Centaurs, and earning their respect.
The Almsbane clan was scattered, but when they are needed, the descendants of the greatest Ascalonian family will unite, and they will fight.
His brother, Castor of Sparta, became a career soldier, and fought alongside his brother against the Lich and Shiro. He declined teh invitation to Elona, and instead settle among the Kurzicks, earning the title 'Spartan' for his heroic exploits against the Luxons. He married a Kurzick Monk, Arelia Khan, called Healer Khan, because of her impressive powers of... healing. They begat many, who begat more in turn, and so the Almsbanes lived on into the new age, battling alongside the Kurzicks, and the Canthans, then fleeing to Lion's Arch.
Pyra Pula, an elementalist from Elona, obeyed her orders and defeated Abbadon. She stayed with her leader, Ischuros, and they died together, leaving one heir.
Fionn Almsbane, cousin of Castor and Ischuros, was sent to Shing Jea to train there. He became an adventurer and a mercenary, fighting with both of his more famous cousins. He became famous for his exploits, and settled in Maguuma, becoming friendly with the Centaurs, and earning their respect.
The Almsbane clan was scattered, but when they are needed, the descendants of the greatest Ascalonian family will unite, and they will fight.
Theo Godscythe
These are mine:
Chris Soulburn(My current main, although Theo Godscythe is not far behind):
After defeating the Great Destroyer Chris Soulburn will continue to hunt down evil. After years of many adventures he will come to the conclusion that even Necromancers, who on a daily basis commune with Death, must feel Grenth’s icy touch. Knowing that there is still much evil to destroy he will seek out a way to lengthen his life. After more years of searching he will come across a large portion of the Charr army which is marching toward Ascalon, summing forth an undead army of his own he will kill hundreds. After all are dead he decides that if he cannot live forever at least he will leave his mark on the world. Before his minions are spent he commands them to pile the Char's bodies in a pattern he came across during his research. Calling fourth Grenth's might he drained all the souls out of the Charr creating a great Well of Power fueled by hundreds of souls he falls into a magical sleep and his undead army is left, also empowered by the spent souls, to protect his masters body until he one day awakes.
Theo Godscythe(My 30k exp from Legendary Survivor Dervish):
After spending a few years hunting evil with Chris, Theo returns to Elona to become the Spearmarshal of the Sunspears. Although fallen from their former glory he attempts to once again make the Sunspears a force to be reckon with. When the Undead King Plawa Joko sends his forces to once again attack Elona, Theo gathers all the remaining Sunspears and attacks him. However they are outnumbered and the Sunspears, which are quickly slaughtered, all raise again on the opposite side. Calling fourth Balthazar, Dwayna and Melandru he achieves a new form becoming the holy warriors of these gods he fights the undead killing dozens with a single strike. Fearing Theo’s new found power the Undead King orders all his Elementalist minions to encase Theo in stone. And there he is left helpless, although the Gods continue to protect him eventually Theo’s humanity is destroyed leaving behind an Eternal who's only drive is to destroy everything that opposes Balthazar’s holy might, Dwayna’s healing touch and Melandru's natural purity.
Rin Medicalart (My little Monk), Kylen Sunblaze(My not so little Nuker):
Having been together through many difficult times Rin and Kylen go to he Echovald Forest and Jade Sea to get both factions to come together. After a decade they negotiate a feeble but binding agreement between both factions. Although a time of peace follow it is short-lived since the new Emperor begins to amass and army to crush the once warring factions. Staying behind to hold of the attack Rin and Kylen fight with all their might. Until a fateful arrow pierces Rin’s side and she drops to the harden ground. Filled with rage Kylen bends the naturally magical forest ground the nearby jade of the sea, he crates towering Elementals made of both his and Rin’s soul and the Jade and Stone that carries the soul of the Luxons and the Kursicks who for centuries fought over it. The Elementals drive away the Emperor’s forces but cannot help the broken factions since they break apart once they get too far from where Rin and Kylen died. For centuries to come these elementals will evolve and reproduce, (haven’t thought how yet , but I am working on ideas, post some if you like ) they care for what is left of the forest and what little of the sea lies within their reach. Although they are bound to their creator’s deathbed who knows eventually they might be able to escape.
I am still working on what happens to my Warrior (Kael Darkblade) and my Paragon (Tyris Sunspear)
Didn't know there was a thread like this (yes I'AM A NEWBIE) so I started my own thread, anyway if you guys want to Copy/Paste your stories to my thread it would rock (am not tring to steal post from this thread though, wouldn't want anyone thinking bad of me one day after Registering >.>)
This is what happens a houndred years after my all my characters disappear, I'll add more later:
A hundred years later the Sylvari begging to awake, among the first of is day-dreaming Sylvari called Silvia, due to her ignorance she begins to wonder outside the safety of her forest home. For years she travels endlessly encountering many creatures who have never encountered her race, and due to the awakening of so many evil creatures in the last 150 years fear she might destroy them. She accidently wonders into an Asuran outpost where the Asuran greet her with surprising modesty sharing their knowledge and trying to explain why she feels so lost, they even escort her to an Asuran Gate which takes he directly to the Echovald Forest, although they warn her of the majestic Elementals which ward the forest. As soon as she steps through the gate it is as if her whole mind awakens she begins to feel all the life in the forest and what is left of the souls of Kylen and Rin. Drawn as if by a magnet she runs toward their graves where the Elementals tell her the sad story of Rin and Kylen and how their creator’s soul is quickly degrading and will soon be gone. Being as empathetic as she is she promises she will help them be break their bonds. After six months of studying Kylen’s (and Rin’s) grave she comes to the conclusion that the soul is being used to power the Elementals and since it no longer has a body it cannot regain the energy used. Quickly she uses her Nature Magic and asks Melandru herself to help her. As soon as she prays to her Motherly God a gigantic tree with the torso of a woman begins to grow. “I will grant you the power you require” says Melandru,”but I cannot grantee that you will not suffer from using it...” Accepting Melandru’s gift the young Sylvari removes the seal Kylen placed on his grave and absorbs their souls. As soon as the souls are removed all the Elementals begging to fall apart, thinking that she has killed the same race she was attempting to save she begins to cry, but as she touches the jade and stone which used to be an Elemental it is reformed. Suddenly all around her the Elementals begging to raise.”You have done well child, since you absorbed the souls of those who defended this forest now part of them resides in you.”As the tree begins to disappear Melandru says,”Now that you have found what had driven you sicne your birth do not be afraid of feeling lost, I have been waiting for you to awake, your destiny will lead you to travel to the Desolation. There you will find a great shard of stone using your new found powers you will release the one who has been trapped within for decades. Theo was once a great human defending those who could not defend themselves however the coward know as Pawla Joko imprisoned him fearing he might destroy him. Although I have been able to sustain his body he has lost what made him human. I ask you to help him regain his humanity, together you will face many battles to come some will seem impossible but do not fear you will persevere.” After saying goodbye to the Elementals she tells them that although they are free to roam the world as they wish the farther they become from the forest the more human they will become. Once again they thank her and they tell her that if they are needed all she has to do is to ask and they will come to aid her.
Silvia Leafguard (My non-existing Ranger who might be born soon just to make this story make sense and reserve my Sylvari’s name)
Coming to the sad conclusion that war between the Kursicks and Luxons cannot be stopped, no matter what Rin and Kylen say, Silvia retires to Ventari’s Sanctuary where she becomes attached to the strange seedling. Many years later as her life comes to an end like Ronan before her she asks Ventari to burry her next to the tree. As her body erodes her soul is absorbed by the trees roots. Only Melandru knows what her future will hold...
Chris Soulburn(My current main, although Theo Godscythe is not far behind):
After defeating the Great Destroyer Chris Soulburn will continue to hunt down evil. After years of many adventures he will come to the conclusion that even Necromancers, who on a daily basis commune with Death, must feel Grenth’s icy touch. Knowing that there is still much evil to destroy he will seek out a way to lengthen his life. After more years of searching he will come across a large portion of the Charr army which is marching toward Ascalon, summing forth an undead army of his own he will kill hundreds. After all are dead he decides that if he cannot live forever at least he will leave his mark on the world. Before his minions are spent he commands them to pile the Char's bodies in a pattern he came across during his research. Calling fourth Grenth's might he drained all the souls out of the Charr creating a great Well of Power fueled by hundreds of souls he falls into a magical sleep and his undead army is left, also empowered by the spent souls, to protect his masters body until he one day awakes.
Theo Godscythe(My 30k exp from Legendary Survivor Dervish):
After spending a few years hunting evil with Chris, Theo returns to Elona to become the Spearmarshal of the Sunspears. Although fallen from their former glory he attempts to once again make the Sunspears a force to be reckon with. When the Undead King Plawa Joko sends his forces to once again attack Elona, Theo gathers all the remaining Sunspears and attacks him. However they are outnumbered and the Sunspears, which are quickly slaughtered, all raise again on the opposite side. Calling fourth Balthazar, Dwayna and Melandru he achieves a new form becoming the holy warriors of these gods he fights the undead killing dozens with a single strike. Fearing Theo’s new found power the Undead King orders all his Elementalist minions to encase Theo in stone. And there he is left helpless, although the Gods continue to protect him eventually Theo’s humanity is destroyed leaving behind an Eternal who's only drive is to destroy everything that opposes Balthazar’s holy might, Dwayna’s healing touch and Melandru's natural purity.
Rin Medicalart (My little Monk), Kylen Sunblaze(My not so little Nuker):
Having been together through many difficult times Rin and Kylen go to he Echovald Forest and Jade Sea to get both factions to come together. After a decade they negotiate a feeble but binding agreement between both factions. Although a time of peace follow it is short-lived since the new Emperor begins to amass and army to crush the once warring factions. Staying behind to hold of the attack Rin and Kylen fight with all their might. Until a fateful arrow pierces Rin’s side and she drops to the harden ground. Filled with rage Kylen bends the naturally magical forest ground the nearby jade of the sea, he crates towering Elementals made of both his and Rin’s soul and the Jade and Stone that carries the soul of the Luxons and the Kursicks who for centuries fought over it. The Elementals drive away the Emperor’s forces but cannot help the broken factions since they break apart once they get too far from where Rin and Kylen died. For centuries to come these elementals will evolve and reproduce, (haven’t thought how yet , but I am working on ideas, post some if you like ) they care for what is left of the forest and what little of the sea lies within their reach. Although they are bound to their creator’s deathbed who knows eventually they might be able to escape.
I am still working on what happens to my Warrior (Kael Darkblade) and my Paragon (Tyris Sunspear)
Didn't know there was a thread like this (yes I'AM A NEWBIE) so I started my own thread, anyway if you guys want to Copy/Paste your stories to my thread it would rock (am not tring to steal post from this thread though, wouldn't want anyone thinking bad of me one day after Registering >.>)
This is what happens a houndred years after my all my characters disappear, I'll add more later:
A hundred years later the Sylvari begging to awake, among the first of is day-dreaming Sylvari called Silvia, due to her ignorance she begins to wonder outside the safety of her forest home. For years she travels endlessly encountering many creatures who have never encountered her race, and due to the awakening of so many evil creatures in the last 150 years fear she might destroy them. She accidently wonders into an Asuran outpost where the Asuran greet her with surprising modesty sharing their knowledge and trying to explain why she feels so lost, they even escort her to an Asuran Gate which takes he directly to the Echovald Forest, although they warn her of the majestic Elementals which ward the forest. As soon as she steps through the gate it is as if her whole mind awakens she begins to feel all the life in the forest and what is left of the souls of Kylen and Rin. Drawn as if by a magnet she runs toward their graves where the Elementals tell her the sad story of Rin and Kylen and how their creator’s soul is quickly degrading and will soon be gone. Being as empathetic as she is she promises she will help them be break their bonds. After six months of studying Kylen’s (and Rin’s) grave she comes to the conclusion that the soul is being used to power the Elementals and since it no longer has a body it cannot regain the energy used. Quickly she uses her Nature Magic and asks Melandru herself to help her. As soon as she prays to her Motherly God a gigantic tree with the torso of a woman begins to grow. “I will grant you the power you require” says Melandru,”but I cannot grantee that you will not suffer from using it...” Accepting Melandru’s gift the young Sylvari removes the seal Kylen placed on his grave and absorbs their souls. As soon as the souls are removed all the Elementals begging to fall apart, thinking that she has killed the same race she was attempting to save she begins to cry, but as she touches the jade and stone which used to be an Elemental it is reformed. Suddenly all around her the Elementals begging to raise.”You have done well child, since you absorbed the souls of those who defended this forest now part of them resides in you.”As the tree begins to disappear Melandru says,”Now that you have found what had driven you sicne your birth do not be afraid of feeling lost, I have been waiting for you to awake, your destiny will lead you to travel to the Desolation. There you will find a great shard of stone using your new found powers you will release the one who has been trapped within for decades. Theo was once a great human defending those who could not defend themselves however the coward know as Pawla Joko imprisoned him fearing he might destroy him. Although I have been able to sustain his body he has lost what made him human. I ask you to help him regain his humanity, together you will face many battles to come some will seem impossible but do not fear you will persevere.” After saying goodbye to the Elementals she tells them that although they are free to roam the world as they wish the farther they become from the forest the more human they will become. Once again they thank her and they tell her that if they are needed all she has to do is to ask and they will come to aid her.
Silvia Leafguard (My non-existing Ranger who might be born soon just to make this story make sense and reserve my Sylvari’s name)
Coming to the sad conclusion that war between the Kursicks and Luxons cannot be stopped, no matter what Rin and Kylen say, Silvia retires to Ventari’s Sanctuary where she becomes attached to the strange seedling. Many years later as her life comes to an end like Ronan before her she asks Ventari to burry her next to the tree. As her body erodes her soul is absorbed by the trees roots. Only Melandru knows what her future will hold...
Assasin Penguin.
After defeating the great destroy, Assasin Penguin he was to return to the life he should of had. Assasin Penguin went to master Togo to become an assassin but his training was halted by the Lich,Shiro,Abbadon and the destroyer! As his enemies lay dead, he took on payed jobs as a hitman and mercenary.
I (changing to first person) went to master Togo in tahnnakai temple, 2 years after the Great Destroyers death with great turmoil. Simple assassination was not cutting it for me, and I longed to leave a stain on the world. Vizu had told me to becareful of power, but I knew she paled in comparison to my strength, even when she was alive. Master Togo, suggested research and I took his advice. I spent 3 years studying ancient history of lore and how to be remembered. As I finished my 4400th book something at the back of my mind was restless. Something I had read earlier on was coming back to me. The following days were calm until I was called by Emperor Kisu himself to check on the frontline of the luxon and kurzick war. It was not a war that I came to however, but an invasion, both sides were working together as Dragon's emerged. I and my comrades Zenmai and Dunkoro slay them all. Glint appeared and warned me of private matters leading into the future. She did not know the details, but she knew of old evil resurfacing in 200 years. This made me remember what I had read, I drew to conclusions of the dragon I had seen after the Great destroyer. Old magic was coming back >.>
Assasin Penguin spent 30 years of his life working rangers,dervishes,monks,ritualists and necromancers to find a way to perserve himself until that time.
No one knows if he succeeded or not as he disappeared one day.
Heartless shot, (ranger)
his true name Shiro Shot, went back to the underground. The last contact he had with the outside world was, a message to Emperor Kisu. The message said, said Assasin Penguin to the frontlines of the luxon and kurzick feud.
He was never heard from again.
No but in all seriousness, I really wish out characters did not have to die.
It pisses me off to know that, my character SAVED RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin Cantha
and his descendants are ruled by some freaking snob.
I should've just hold togo back and let Kisu die.
After defeating the great destroy, Assasin Penguin he was to return to the life he should of had. Assasin Penguin went to master Togo to become an assassin but his training was halted by the Lich,Shiro,Abbadon and the destroyer! As his enemies lay dead, he took on payed jobs as a hitman and mercenary.
I (changing to first person) went to master Togo in tahnnakai temple, 2 years after the Great Destroyers death with great turmoil. Simple assassination was not cutting it for me, and I longed to leave a stain on the world. Vizu had told me to becareful of power, but I knew she paled in comparison to my strength, even when she was alive. Master Togo, suggested research and I took his advice. I spent 3 years studying ancient history of lore and how to be remembered. As I finished my 4400th book something at the back of my mind was restless. Something I had read earlier on was coming back to me. The following days were calm until I was called by Emperor Kisu himself to check on the frontline of the luxon and kurzick war. It was not a war that I came to however, but an invasion, both sides were working together as Dragon's emerged. I and my comrades Zenmai and Dunkoro slay them all. Glint appeared and warned me of private matters leading into the future. She did not know the details, but she knew of old evil resurfacing in 200 years. This made me remember what I had read, I drew to conclusions of the dragon I had seen after the Great destroyer. Old magic was coming back >.>
Assasin Penguin spent 30 years of his life working rangers,dervishes,monks,ritualists and necromancers to find a way to perserve himself until that time.
No one knows if he succeeded or not as he disappeared one day.
Heartless shot, (ranger)
his true name Shiro Shot, went back to the underground. The last contact he had with the outside world was, a message to Emperor Kisu. The message said, said Assasin Penguin to the frontlines of the luxon and kurzick feud.
He was never heard from again.
No but in all seriousness, I really wish out characters did not have to die.
It pisses me off to know that, my character SAVED RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin Cantha
and his descendants are ruled by some freaking snob.
I should've just hold togo back and let Kisu die.
Some Guru Named Kai
After defeating the Great Destroyer and saving the world (again
) Kai Obscura thought of returning to Ascalon to live a peaceful life. But the thrill of the fight was too overwhelming to bare, so he went off to challenge those all around the around with elemental might!
Until deep in Norn territory, he challenged a small... white... rabbit...
He has yet to be heard from ever since.

Until deep in Norn territory, he challenged a small... white... rabbit...
He has yet to be heard from ever since.

I'll bite.
Lawri Citizen (ele): After many years as a "Collector of Unneeded Treasures" (farming) she retired in wealth to the.. lets say "less beat up" areas of Lions arch. killed in the tidal wave from Orr's rising.
Fear Lanfear (dervish): died fighting pawla joko on the outskirts of Gandara, Moon fortress, during the last stages of Joko's takeover
Birgette Silverbo (ranger): retired and became a hunter/trapper stationed out of Doomlore shrine. saved a charr adolescent from execution for the crimes of its parents. acted as older Sister, and educated the charr in the bow.
Minion of Tahkisis (necro) obsessed with eternal life, she entered lichdom and traveled north, into unexplored territory to continue to learn about death
Mistress Rania (Sin): initially agreeable to the new Canthn rule, she had a falling out after her home community south of house Zu heltzer was razed for treason. acted as a counter agent till her death at enemy hands.
Alyx Vance Ftw (ritualist): help with canthas "Underground Railroad" to help kurziks and luxons escape Cantha. eventually left herself when there escape point (a small undocumented village on the south tip of cantha) was put under siege. ship's destination unknown, and her fate blurred by the mists of time.
Lady F A I L E (warrior): Joins the Norn in there hunting games. becomes fairly well accepted for a human. becomes a regular participant in the alemoot. dies of old age.
Teh Bug (monk): Joins the asurans in there quest for perfection. is granted access to the Central transfer chamber to study the magical construct within. dies under mysterious circumstances. found under the great carving with puncture marks across his torso. damage too severe for resurrection.
hope it wasn't too lame
Lawri Citizen (ele): After many years as a "Collector of Unneeded Treasures" (farming) she retired in wealth to the.. lets say "less beat up" areas of Lions arch. killed in the tidal wave from Orr's rising.
Fear Lanfear (dervish): died fighting pawla joko on the outskirts of Gandara, Moon fortress, during the last stages of Joko's takeover
Birgette Silverbo (ranger): retired and became a hunter/trapper stationed out of Doomlore shrine. saved a charr adolescent from execution for the crimes of its parents. acted as older Sister, and educated the charr in the bow.
Minion of Tahkisis (necro) obsessed with eternal life, she entered lichdom and traveled north, into unexplored territory to continue to learn about death
Mistress Rania (Sin): initially agreeable to the new Canthn rule, she had a falling out after her home community south of house Zu heltzer was razed for treason. acted as a counter agent till her death at enemy hands.
Alyx Vance Ftw (ritualist): help with canthas "Underground Railroad" to help kurziks and luxons escape Cantha. eventually left herself when there escape point (a small undocumented village on the south tip of cantha) was put under siege. ship's destination unknown, and her fate blurred by the mists of time.
Lady F A I L E (warrior): Joins the Norn in there hunting games. becomes fairly well accepted for a human. becomes a regular participant in the alemoot. dies of old age.
Teh Bug (monk): Joins the asurans in there quest for perfection. is granted access to the Central transfer chamber to study the magical construct within. dies under mysterious circumstances. found under the great carving with puncture marks across his torso. damage too severe for resurrection.
hope it wasn't too lame

Theo Godscythe
So you read the Wheel of Time too...
I'm reading it myself, do you have any idea where to find the last book?
Nice stories by the way.
HEHEHEH my future Sylvari will be based on 3 of my current characters, although she cannot be considered a "descendant".
I'm reading it myself, do you have any idea where to find the last book?
Nice stories by the way.
Originally Posted by Novalon
Of course, based on the whole inheritance idea, one sweet thing would be a character that is based on several of your characters. Like my Male Warrior would hook up with my female Ranger, Assassin, Necro, Paragon, Ele, or Dervish.
Pluto Way: After years of chasing people around and trying to keep them alive, decides, "I'm too old for this shit." Retires from combat and becomes a priest of Balthazar, to help those who would continue the battles in her stead. Killed by some disgruntled UAX dude.
Goat Fighting Style: Killed in battle. Noobs forgot to res.
Goat Fighting Style: Killed in battle. Noobs forgot to res.
Moonlit Azure
I would make the greatest bow in all of Guild Wars.
-Bury it in the ground
-Plant a tree near it that serves as a marker a monument to me, the greatest ranger who lived(
), and melandru.
-Once my new ranger 150 years laters comes about he will dig up the bow and be all powerful.
After that Ill just randomly roam the forest, giving knowledge to whoever seek it.(name what show thats from!)
-Bury it in the ground
-Plant a tree near it that serves as a marker a monument to me, the greatest ranger who lived(

-Once my new ranger 150 years laters comes about he will dig up the bow and be all powerful.

After that Ill just randomly roam the forest, giving knowledge to whoever seek it.(name what show thats from!)
Lil Ferk
Have u seen my pants
An ascolonian recruit that dies fighting the charr never to be seen again..
Lil Ferk
After saving Tyria, Cantha, Elona, and Tyria again Lil Ferk seeks out to find more challenges after being beaten up by Kormir for just asking to put in a good word to the other gods Lil Ferk seeks out new adventures going on a boat with all his guildy friends he finds a "The New World" finding strange things later known as horses, beavers, etc he names this new "Utopia" and names it Antarctica after beating up a guildy for wanting to name it "America" his lust for power makes him crazy soon finding a "Fountain of Youth" he harnesses this power and becomes crazy never to be seen again
250 years later Lil Ferk is sighted again soon they discover the Ancient Dragons were mere pets to this antagonist they discover his history and defeat him with his true weakness......Mice!
An ascolonian recruit that dies fighting the charr never to be seen again..
Lil Ferk
After saving Tyria, Cantha, Elona, and Tyria again Lil Ferk seeks out to find more challenges after being beaten up by Kormir for just asking to put in a good word to the other gods Lil Ferk seeks out new adventures going on a boat with all his guildy friends he finds a "The New World" finding strange things later known as horses, beavers, etc he names this new "Utopia" and names it Antarctica after beating up a guildy for wanting to name it "America" his lust for power makes him crazy soon finding a "Fountain of Youth" he harnesses this power and becomes crazy never to be seen again
250 years later Lil Ferk is sighted again soon they discover the Ancient Dragons were mere pets to this antagonist they discover his history and defeat him with his true weakness......Mice!
Roderick Bravehart
My main char.
Roderick Bravehart never dies.
Roderick searches the world for an ancient library, not satisfied with how the world has turned out. He finally finds his answer in the lands far to the south of the Echovald forest and becomes a lich. For the history books tell only of a glamourous funeral to a much-loved warrior, Roderick lives on. Unseen.
He becomes one of the main rebels against the Charr during their destruction of Ascalon. And when that time of ultimate destruction arises, he spreads his dark wings and takes to the skies. He watches silently until his time comes once again.
Roderick Bravehart never dies.
Roderick searches the world for an ancient library, not satisfied with how the world has turned out. He finally finds his answer in the lands far to the south of the Echovald forest and becomes a lich. For the history books tell only of a glamourous funeral to a much-loved warrior, Roderick lives on. Unseen.
He becomes one of the main rebels against the Charr during their destruction of Ascalon. And when that time of ultimate destruction arises, he spreads his dark wings and takes to the skies. He watches silently until his time comes once again.
Ingram of Haz, One of the last surviving members of the tribe of Haz of the land of Orr. Know of this land you may from long history past, as the city that sunk into the Sea of Sorrows of a long forgotten world of Tyria. After years of fighting, Ingram and many of his remaining clan defeated the Great Destroyer within the far northern Lands of the Norn and ventured forth into the Asuran gate system in the far forgotten reaches of the Central Transfer Chamber.
They emerged from the gate in a great temple under the sea. In an effort to restore Orr and restore their lost civilizations trapped within the Mists, Ingram tampered with the lost Arcane Arts sealed beneath the temple of Arah. Upon learning the secret to restore Orr the crystal of Arah exploded and stirred the great dragons across Tyria. The Asuran gate was destroyed and the mists engulfed the party leaving them trapped, with no hope of returning the way they came. In the end Dwyana showed mercy on the tribe of Haz, but Grenth, still angry with the unlocking of protected magics and arcane arts, tricked the goddess of light and sent them on a fools quest to find the lost Asurna gate buried in the Domain of Anguish and acquire the gem of Primordus to activate the gate. Ingram of Haz diligent to return to Tryia hastily and blindly Thrust the crystal into the gate, and the power serge resulted in a tremendous explosion. A great voice boomed throughout the mists from the portal.
"Ever since I was a hatchling, I looked into the vortex. That's when it choose me, the drumming, the call to WAR!!! Behold the return of the age of Dragons!!! So Tyrians, Basically, Um... End of the World. HERE COME THE DRUMS!!!!"
Ingram badly injured. Both limbs lost, and horribly scared took what was left of his party and stepped through the gate and vanished.
"And so it came to pass that the human race, fell. And Tyria was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion, as master of all, and I thought it good." Primordus, 105 AoD (Ascension of Dragons).
They emerged 2000 years later but at a loss as to where the gate had lead them in this unfamiliar land. Beyond the legends of Utopia this new realm existed on the other side of the parties knowledge of the world. Ingram emerged a broken man in Paragon City. The Leader of a twisted clan Dr Morbius found him and rebuilt him, gave him cybernetic arms and legs, bade him recover and learn his way in this new world of Heroes and Villains. He journeys even now looking for his way back to the Mists to lead his way home. For surely if there was a way too Paragon City from the Mists there must be a way back. But until that way is discovered, his legacy remains lost. If Grenth sent him there to be rid of him and his troubles, may he send others of his world in the same way? However that is not the most pressing question of the day... The real question is, what is Ingram willing to do to return home? Will his path remain that of virtue, or will he turn to the darker side of his nature once more, in order to fulfill his lost destiny? And who or what will lay in his path? For this future shows little history of his time. Indeed their history begins with the death of the great dragon Primordus and the racial massacre and turmoil that followed. Humans emerged from this battle victorious, but forever changed.
Ingram of Haz is a lost soul, tortured and broken with the knowledge that their adventuring destroyed the world they knew, but his quest to return to his own time and correct their wrongs continues. Perhaps one day the great gate systems combined with the power of the Ouroboros technology; He may find a way to return to his world once more. The menders of Ouroboros of this time protect this knowledge with great care for fear of destroying the timeline and wiping them from existence. But ultimately Ingram of Haz and his clan is not from this time, and find their ways and beliefs somewhat insulting that this godless culture is what is left of their human legacy. Their desire to return home and save their world is overwhelming. But will they be a force for Good or Evil? Or is their returning what saves the human race in the end? And returns Tyria to the will of the gods? Only time will tell.
They emerged from the gate in a great temple under the sea. In an effort to restore Orr and restore their lost civilizations trapped within the Mists, Ingram tampered with the lost Arcane Arts sealed beneath the temple of Arah. Upon learning the secret to restore Orr the crystal of Arah exploded and stirred the great dragons across Tyria. The Asuran gate was destroyed and the mists engulfed the party leaving them trapped, with no hope of returning the way they came. In the end Dwyana showed mercy on the tribe of Haz, but Grenth, still angry with the unlocking of protected magics and arcane arts, tricked the goddess of light and sent them on a fools quest to find the lost Asurna gate buried in the Domain of Anguish and acquire the gem of Primordus to activate the gate. Ingram of Haz diligent to return to Tryia hastily and blindly Thrust the crystal into the gate, and the power serge resulted in a tremendous explosion. A great voice boomed throughout the mists from the portal.
"Ever since I was a hatchling, I looked into the vortex. That's when it choose me, the drumming, the call to WAR!!! Behold the return of the age of Dragons!!! So Tyrians, Basically, Um... End of the World. HERE COME THE DRUMS!!!!"
Ingram badly injured. Both limbs lost, and horribly scared took what was left of his party and stepped through the gate and vanished.
"And so it came to pass that the human race, fell. And Tyria was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion, as master of all, and I thought it good." Primordus, 105 AoD (Ascension of Dragons).
They emerged 2000 years later but at a loss as to where the gate had lead them in this unfamiliar land. Beyond the legends of Utopia this new realm existed on the other side of the parties knowledge of the world. Ingram emerged a broken man in Paragon City. The Leader of a twisted clan Dr Morbius found him and rebuilt him, gave him cybernetic arms and legs, bade him recover and learn his way in this new world of Heroes and Villains. He journeys even now looking for his way back to the Mists to lead his way home. For surely if there was a way too Paragon City from the Mists there must be a way back. But until that way is discovered, his legacy remains lost. If Grenth sent him there to be rid of him and his troubles, may he send others of his world in the same way? However that is not the most pressing question of the day... The real question is, what is Ingram willing to do to return home? Will his path remain that of virtue, or will he turn to the darker side of his nature once more, in order to fulfill his lost destiny? And who or what will lay in his path? For this future shows little history of his time. Indeed their history begins with the death of the great dragon Primordus and the racial massacre and turmoil that followed. Humans emerged from this battle victorious, but forever changed.
Ingram of Haz is a lost soul, tortured and broken with the knowledge that their adventuring destroyed the world they knew, but his quest to return to his own time and correct their wrongs continues. Perhaps one day the great gate systems combined with the power of the Ouroboros technology; He may find a way to return to his world once more. The menders of Ouroboros of this time protect this knowledge with great care for fear of destroying the timeline and wiping them from existence. But ultimately Ingram of Haz and his clan is not from this time, and find their ways and beliefs somewhat insulting that this godless culture is what is left of their human legacy. Their desire to return home and save their world is overwhelming. But will they be a force for Good or Evil? Or is their returning what saves the human race in the end? And returns Tyria to the will of the gods? Only time will tell.
Originally Posted by Theo Godscythe
So you read the Wheel of Time too...
I'm reading it myself, do you have any idea where to find the last book? Nice stories by the way. |

Yeah Wheel of Time is a brilliant series. Sadly Robert Jordan lost his fight against the rare disease he had. It is a great shame, I remember reading a statement on his official site, only a few months ago it seems, where he was so upbeat and determined. He talked about the many projects he had in that wonderful mind of his, which can never be enjoyed by his many fans now.
Fortunately for WoT fans, he was determined enough that the last book was almost finished. Some of it is rough draft and some only an outline of what was to happen. The ending apparently was pre-ordained before he even wrote the first book. So hopefully we will soon hear news of the finished article.
It is a great loss to the realm of Fantasy fiction, but he left a wonderful legacy that will be enjoyed for many generations I am sure.
My own 'stories' of my characters, fall far short of such a benchmark, but I will add more soon.
Fortunately for WoT fans, he was determined enough that the last book was almost finished. Some of it is rough draft and some only an outline of what was to happen. The ending apparently was pre-ordained before he even wrote the first book. So hopefully we will soon hear news of the finished article.
It is a great loss to the realm of Fantasy fiction, but he left a wonderful legacy that will be enjoyed for many generations I am sure.
My own 'stories' of my characters, fall far short of such a benchmark, but I will add more soon.
Theo Godscythe
I don't think any of our stories are as good as his, he really was brilliant. I stumbled upon the series a few month back and I was automatically hooked, it's really intresting.
My dervish Abasi Isong will retire to tyria and join a small group of Sunspear that are station in Loin Arch acting as a teacher to any1 wishing to join. After a few years a call from Elona Sunspear asking for help fighting with Joko new army he answers the cry for help rembering the Motto: Never fight alone. After year of fighting with the last remaining armys of sunspear he dies after the new leader of the elona sunspear inforces a scorched earth policy to stop Joko from making more undead.
Originally Posted by mcsumo
Yeah Wheel of Time is a brilliant series. Sadly Robert Jordan lost his fight against the rare disease he had. It is a great shame, I remember reading a statement on his official site, only a few months ago it seems, where he was so upbeat and determined. He talked about the many projects he had in that wonderful mind of his, which can never be enjoyed by his many fans now.
Fortunately for WoT fans, he was determined enough that the last book was almost finished. Some of it is rough draft and some only an outline of what was to happen. The ending apparently was pre-ordained before he even wrote the first book. So hopefully we will soon hear news of the finished article. It is a great loss to the realm of Fantasy fiction, but he left a wonderful legacy that will be enjoyed for many generations I am sure. My own 'stories' of my characters, fall far short of such a benchmark, but I will add more soon. |

Koda Kumi
With the wings of a lich in her bags, scars from the fight with a Canthan blademaster over her face, and the blood of a thousand hekets on her ancient guise, young Kumi decided to pick up an entirely different art. The scythe shaped in the form of a large, slim claw, which had always been her favorite instrument of death, had to be given away to the next generation of warriors to protect these lands. Even her companions received a warm good-bye so she could think only about her bright future.
Koda Kumi became a singer who became well-known throughout Cantha. The songs 'Heat' about the most memorable people in the warmest places of Vabbi and 'Believe' about the struggle she had against a creature twenty times and big as she was, far away from civilisation, could be heard at many a tavern. But what really made her famous was the performance she held for a band of 3 adventurers - a warrior, assassin, and an eccentric ritualist - who were setting off for Fire Island Chain to investigate. Kumi really wanted to go with them, but the Canthan people would miss her cheerful chants and beautiful ballads more than the air they breathed. Moved by those words, she decided to stay.
But one stay, she stepped on the feet of a tengu, who slit her throat.
Koda Kumi became a singer who became well-known throughout Cantha. The songs 'Heat' about the most memorable people in the warmest places of Vabbi and 'Believe' about the struggle she had against a creature twenty times and big as she was, far away from civilisation, could be heard at many a tavern. But what really made her famous was the performance she held for a band of 3 adventurers - a warrior, assassin, and an eccentric ritualist - who were setting off for Fire Island Chain to investigate. Kumi really wanted to go with them, but the Canthan people would miss her cheerful chants and beautiful ballads more than the air they breathed. Moved by those words, she decided to stay.
But one stay, she stepped on the feet of a tengu, who slit her throat.
Sheena Inverse
Seeing this thread inspired my to put down in the form of words the stories of my toons as I always imagined them. However I realized that in order for you to understand where they went you would have to know where they came from thus I wrote the backstory as well... After several days I now have a small book ><
To big to post so I'll give you the ends put into one liners with as little story as possible lol, all my toons ends center around the last battle for ascalon city. The first 4 are sisters from ascalon
Bloodrayne: dies in the final battle of ascalon city, desparately looking for her younger sister armitage after miscasting a warp spell on her that she had been researching.
Armitage: wakes up several days after final battle for ascalon city badly injured but alive, being cared for by a young refugee who found her several miles from the now dead city. eventually marries him, has several children, years later with her husband dead and (she thinks) all her children slain by charr, goes to join the dead in ascalon city.
Inverse: does not participate in final battle of ascalon city was in shing jea monastary at the time, marries a young canthan elementalist, has 3 kids, dies in her 60s, accidental cremation due to her natural bond to fire elemental magic.
La Mithra: outlives all her sisters, was in elona at time of final battle for ascalon city, returns after hearing of battle but never finds any of her sisters, thinks they are all dead, spends 60+ years afterward with the norn hunting and tracking is well respected and has many friends among them, however never marries, no kids, dies alone at age 98. Possibly leaves behind her stormbow for me to find in gw2???? 0_<
Kagome: fights in final battle of ascalon city, succumbed to greif over the loss of her childhood friend Kikashi, cries holding her body till Aldeburns reanimation spell steals away her soul.
Kikashi: vowed to fight alongside her childhood friend Kagome, took an arrow to protect her, right in the neck, blead to death in kagomes arms.
*edit* removed deleted toon, and changed some wording.
To big to post so I'll give you the ends put into one liners with as little story as possible lol, all my toons ends center around the last battle for ascalon city. The first 4 are sisters from ascalon
Bloodrayne: dies in the final battle of ascalon city, desparately looking for her younger sister armitage after miscasting a warp spell on her that she had been researching.
Armitage: wakes up several days after final battle for ascalon city badly injured but alive, being cared for by a young refugee who found her several miles from the now dead city. eventually marries him, has several children, years later with her husband dead and (she thinks) all her children slain by charr, goes to join the dead in ascalon city.
Inverse: does not participate in final battle of ascalon city was in shing jea monastary at the time, marries a young canthan elementalist, has 3 kids, dies in her 60s, accidental cremation due to her natural bond to fire elemental magic.
La Mithra: outlives all her sisters, was in elona at time of final battle for ascalon city, returns after hearing of battle but never finds any of her sisters, thinks they are all dead, spends 60+ years afterward with the norn hunting and tracking is well respected and has many friends among them, however never marries, no kids, dies alone at age 98. Possibly leaves behind her stormbow for me to find in gw2???? 0_<
Kagome: fights in final battle of ascalon city, succumbed to greif over the loss of her childhood friend Kikashi, cries holding her body till Aldeburns reanimation spell steals away her soul.
Kikashi: vowed to fight alongside her childhood friend Kagome, took an arrow to protect her, right in the neck, blead to death in kagomes arms.
*edit* removed deleted toon, and changed some wording.
Bestian Trueflight
Although the Charr rule most of the remnants of ascalon, there are still a few pockets of resistance. The Ebon Hunt, a splinter-guild of the shattered Ebon Vanguard, patrolled the charr homelands and northern ascalon, using sniper teams of rangers to assassinate key Charr. Amongst the best of them were Bestian Trueflight and his brother-in-arms Forrest Phoenix (my friend's ranger). Bestian used to have a caring and accepting heart, and once believed peace was possible with the charr. that is, until they captured and slaughtered his tiger Azure. Now the man barely talks to anyone save Forrest, no objective in life save to cause as much pain to the Charr as possible. Eventually, in a mission gone wrong, Bestian and Forrest were cornered. Surrender never even crossing their minds, they used their final arrows to kill each other, defiant to the last breath.
Legend tells of the charr annhialating anything that crossed their path, being as bloodthirsty as the most vicious of abbadon's minions and as relentless as the afflicted. But there are some places even charr do not step. After the undead queen murukai was dispatched by the heroes of legend, an old and wizened elementalist moved in and set up residence. The mage's spells made the old defenses of the cathederal seem barely lukewarm, and kept all charr warbands at bay for dozens of years. Eventually, a warband went in with hopes of valour and fame. Two days later, the charred (no pun intended) skeleton of the leader was found outside the entrance, with nothing but the words "I eat Charr" inscribed onto the skull. It is not known whether the crazed elementalist still lives, or whether his power seeped into the very stone, but the catherderal's traps still burn with a searing flame, a warning to the charr that no matter how powerful one is, there is always one who can kill it.
There have always been opposites in this world. Black and White, Good and Bad, Yin and Yang - Monk and Necromancer. For all of their young lives, Leaf Greydawn and Vultorr Skarrj bickered and fought. When Leaf aided Kurzick refugees, he was attacked for nothing but spite by a Luxon army, led by the laughing Vultorr. As both rose in rank, their battles escalated, and eventually the two met at Fort Aspenwood, both seriously wounding each other. They both raised their staves, ready to deal the final blow, when war trumpets of a different kind sounded from the north. The imperial army charged down the hill, cutting down luxon and kurzick alike, forcing friend and foe to band together for survival. Stonehealer Greydawn and Admiral Skarrj looked each other in the eye for the first time in years, formed an unspoken truce, and turned to face the kaineng forces. Rallying behind them, both nations organised themselves and pushed back the enemy force, Greydawn and Skarrj at the front. Despite their victory, however, both heroes fell to the emperor's assassins, more unneeded casualties in a senseless war.
The higher you are, the further you fall. When Palawa Joko's army rolled south over vabbi, they caught spearmarshal Winter Stormcry and her bodyguard unawares. Her guard were slaughtered and raised in mockeries of their living forms, whilst Winter was brought before Joko himself. In a matter of hours she had gone from the ultimate bastion of order and good to a naked, defenseless wreck of an assassin. Joko offered her one way out, however - to forsake everything she'd fought for, and join him as his main assassin. With no other choice, she agreed. With a cry, she felt a searing pain at the back of her head, and saw that her ivory-white hair had turned jet black. Looking into the water she saw her eyes had changed blood red and her once beautiful face was now hideous to behold. But she felt stronger, faster...and she liked it. Within a month, she had murdered her best friends in the sunspears, becoming more and more corrupt with each kill. She still "lives" (for wont of a better word) to this day, serving Joko with twisted joy and pleasure.
Legend tells of the charr annhialating anything that crossed their path, being as bloodthirsty as the most vicious of abbadon's minions and as relentless as the afflicted. But there are some places even charr do not step. After the undead queen murukai was dispatched by the heroes of legend, an old and wizened elementalist moved in and set up residence. The mage's spells made the old defenses of the cathederal seem barely lukewarm, and kept all charr warbands at bay for dozens of years. Eventually, a warband went in with hopes of valour and fame. Two days later, the charred (no pun intended) skeleton of the leader was found outside the entrance, with nothing but the words "I eat Charr" inscribed onto the skull. It is not known whether the crazed elementalist still lives, or whether his power seeped into the very stone, but the catherderal's traps still burn with a searing flame, a warning to the charr that no matter how powerful one is, there is always one who can kill it.
There have always been opposites in this world. Black and White, Good and Bad, Yin and Yang - Monk and Necromancer. For all of their young lives, Leaf Greydawn and Vultorr Skarrj bickered and fought. When Leaf aided Kurzick refugees, he was attacked for nothing but spite by a Luxon army, led by the laughing Vultorr. As both rose in rank, their battles escalated, and eventually the two met at Fort Aspenwood, both seriously wounding each other. They both raised their staves, ready to deal the final blow, when war trumpets of a different kind sounded from the north. The imperial army charged down the hill, cutting down luxon and kurzick alike, forcing friend and foe to band together for survival. Stonehealer Greydawn and Admiral Skarrj looked each other in the eye for the first time in years, formed an unspoken truce, and turned to face the kaineng forces. Rallying behind them, both nations organised themselves and pushed back the enemy force, Greydawn and Skarrj at the front. Despite their victory, however, both heroes fell to the emperor's assassins, more unneeded casualties in a senseless war.
The higher you are, the further you fall. When Palawa Joko's army rolled south over vabbi, they caught spearmarshal Winter Stormcry and her bodyguard unawares. Her guard were slaughtered and raised in mockeries of their living forms, whilst Winter was brought before Joko himself. In a matter of hours she had gone from the ultimate bastion of order and good to a naked, defenseless wreck of an assassin. Joko offered her one way out, however - to forsake everything she'd fought for, and join him as his main assassin. With no other choice, she agreed. With a cry, she felt a searing pain at the back of her head, and saw that her ivory-white hair had turned jet black. Looking into the water she saw her eyes had changed blood red and her once beautiful face was now hideous to behold. But she felt stronger, faster...and she liked it. Within a month, she had murdered her best friends in the sunspears, becoming more and more corrupt with each kill. She still "lives" (for wont of a better word) to this day, serving Joko with twisted joy and pleasure.
Born to Mes
Mistress Ayameko (Mesmer): After saving Tyria, Cantha, Elona, and Defeating the destroyers will go on to reenact her journey in several plays where she plays as herself. Her other occupation will be the same as her old one by going around dominating the surviving members of the White Mantel, Jade Brotherhood, Am Fah, Kurzicks, Luxons, and Kournans. The only difference this time around is that they will be paying for her service willingly instead of in blood. She will eventually become rich and famous. Then she will become the target of a Charr Stalker who shoots her in the head and then sits down to read the WoW game manual.
After protecting the world and destroying gods I went back to my Homeland, Istan. I became the leader of a squad of powerful Sunspears whom I trained in the way of the spear and the way of the sword. After hearing about a large Kurzick (Allied with Tengu) up-rising I take my soldiers to Cavalon where we ally the Luxons. We then vow to protect Cavalon what ever the cost. We fight for three days straight, earning recognition even from our enemies. As the days pass we start to loose members of the team. Slowly our numbers dwindle. Being one of the last few remaining I summon all my strength and the last few of us charge into battle. We fight with honor and manage to destroy our enemies morale. As the remains of the Kurzick army reach Cavalon they are met by Heroes from all over the world who are protecting the Luxons. I rest in peace knowing that I held off the oncoming armies long enough for Allies to save my second home. My belongings were put on display in the Hall Of Monuments for all to see and many years after the Dragons uprising a young Hero finds the ruins and using my Equipment, once again, saves the world.
I will start with my necromancer, then monk, assassin and finally dervish.
Katherine is gonna have her first child very soon (tommorrow RPwise ^^) and she will spend most of her time exploring and caring for the little one till her death in 1096 at about the age of 44. Dont know why she dies yet, that is something I have yet to figure out.
Mariko will most likely live for a good while longer than Katherine, taking up the Guild's leadership role after Katherine's death. She will handle most everything from inside the Hall, much like she already does now. I think Katherine's death might finally make her forgive herself for her past and finally get rid of all her anger. She also will be the one to teach Katherine's Granddaughter, Daphne, how to be a monk until the age of 69.
Chou's life will probably consist of fighting after the events in GWEN. She will probably end up doing mercenary contracts for the Kurzicks and help Jongrath (my RL boyfriend's assassin) with any missions he needs work with. After that I am not sure, I know she will probably get married at somepoint unlike Mariko and Nedaa, but I have yet to work out the kinks in her story. I know though that one of her decendents is gonna marry Daphne but I have yet to work that out.
Nedaa lives for the longest time out of all of them till the ripe old age of 81. Her life of helping in Elona takes a turn for the worst when a tragic death leaves young Daphne motherless and Nedaa ends up caring for little Daphne at the age of 47. She becomes Daphne's young mother who inspires Daphne to do the best she can and to become a great healer and leader for the guild. Nedaa also teaches Daphne the secrets of how she can foretell future events so that the next generation will know her secrets.
That's all I have so far, I might wanna save this so I can keep it on file. ^^
Katherine is gonna have her first child very soon (tommorrow RPwise ^^) and she will spend most of her time exploring and caring for the little one till her death in 1096 at about the age of 44. Dont know why she dies yet, that is something I have yet to figure out.
Mariko will most likely live for a good while longer than Katherine, taking up the Guild's leadership role after Katherine's death. She will handle most everything from inside the Hall, much like she already does now. I think Katherine's death might finally make her forgive herself for her past and finally get rid of all her anger. She also will be the one to teach Katherine's Granddaughter, Daphne, how to be a monk until the age of 69.
Chou's life will probably consist of fighting after the events in GWEN. She will probably end up doing mercenary contracts for the Kurzicks and help Jongrath (my RL boyfriend's assassin) with any missions he needs work with. After that I am not sure, I know she will probably get married at somepoint unlike Mariko and Nedaa, but I have yet to work out the kinks in her story. I know though that one of her decendents is gonna marry Daphne but I have yet to work that out.
Nedaa lives for the longest time out of all of them till the ripe old age of 81. Her life of helping in Elona takes a turn for the worst when a tragic death leaves young Daphne motherless and Nedaa ends up caring for little Daphne at the age of 47. She becomes Daphne's young mother who inspires Daphne to do the best she can and to become a great healer and leader for the guild. Nedaa also teaches Daphne the secrets of how she can foretell future events so that the next generation will know her secrets.
That's all I have so far, I might wanna save this so I can keep it on file. ^^
Touketsu Hasu
My necromancer, Touketsu Hasu, devotes his life to the service of Grenth and to expand upon his dark powers. Over the years he becomes stronger and stronger, leading armies of minions to destroy his enemies and using Curses/Blood Magic to obliterate the bodies of those who oppose him. Eventually, this immense dark power overwhelms his human body and his soul, now unbound from the shackles of humanity, goes to the Underworld where he further develops upon his abilities under the direct service of Grenth.
Angelic Upstart
Although my two main chars are alive and well, i would expect thier future reads a little like this,
Andromeda Spirit, Warrior, Years of fighting on three continents, have left Andromeda an andrenaline juinkie, longing for the rush of battle, he farmed solo in out of the way places, against massive mobs.
Whereabouts unknown - last seen in Dreadnoughts Drift,after drinking a large quantity of hard iron cider and dwarven ale, charging naked into a large group of stone summit, with his trusty vampiric fellblade, repeatedly using healing signet and frenzy, whilst shouting...Leeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrooy.........
Combat Sloth ,Monk -Trod the same grounds as Andromeda, soon after the war against the destroyers, he formed a successful farming partnership with a necromancer, they worked together extensively together in the UW and Fissure Of Woe before going into semi retirement to continue his study.
Last seen in Rin in the final hours, before it fell, trying to maintain enchantments on a warrior, being overwhelmed.by Charr, currently listed as M.I.A ....
Andromeda Spirit, Warrior, Years of fighting on three continents, have left Andromeda an andrenaline juinkie, longing for the rush of battle, he farmed solo in out of the way places, against massive mobs.
Whereabouts unknown - last seen in Dreadnoughts Drift,after drinking a large quantity of hard iron cider and dwarven ale, charging naked into a large group of stone summit, with his trusty vampiric fellblade, repeatedly using healing signet and frenzy, whilst shouting...Leeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrooy.........
Combat Sloth ,Monk -Trod the same grounds as Andromeda, soon after the war against the destroyers, he formed a successful farming partnership with a necromancer, they worked together extensively together in the UW and Fissure Of Woe before going into semi retirement to continue his study.
Last seen in Rin in the final hours, before it fell, trying to maintain enchantments on a warrior, being overwhelmed.by Charr, currently listed as M.I.A ....
Mark Nevermiss
Mark Nevermiss, conscious that his best years have passed by and sensing the winds of change stirring all around his homeland of Cantha, knew that divided and plagued by the senseless attrition war between Kurzick and Luxon, who could never be persuaded to see the light, his beloved Cantha thus stood no chance to endure.
Thus it occurred to him to advise the new Canthan emperor, Usoku, who held him in great favor for both to his great services to the empire in the past and his friendship with his father, that change was an absolute necessity.
Mark was one of the imperial generals that swept south through both Kurzick and Luxon lands to finally quell the unrest and unify the land.
He never lived to see the outcome of his designs though, having been assassinated by a shadowy Luxon terrorist called Husam Addin [my sin] who was subsequently caught and executed.
My Tyrian ranger, Dryad Evergreen, settled down in the forests of Arbor Bay caring for the trees and creatures of that area. Her fate is unknown but rumor has it that she is still seen wandering around in that area virtually unchanged by the passage of time.
Of my necromancer, Shirin Nightwind, not much is known either. Whats last known about her is that she wandered off from her friends in the depths of the Slaver's Exile after the defeat of Duncan the Black. She was heard by her friends mumbling to herself about something fascinating awaiting for her in the depths and was never seen or heard of again after that.
My mesmer kate Lightfeather got married to my elementalist Valakas Antharas and settled down in a mountainous retreat to the south of the Echovald forest. They had 3 children, and their descendants live in that area even today.
My monk, Faith Lightfeather, returned home to Shing Jea Island, and spent the rest of her days in peaceful meditation at the monastery.
My dervish, Laith Ben Muhareb, could never settle down. He spent the remainder of his days a wanderer. In the company of Kahmu they first went on pilgrimage to the Crystal Desert seeking divine guidance and from there on an endless path. It is said they became known mystics and philosophers.
My paragon, Andrea Lightfeather became a general in the Kournan army. She died at old age in the fight against the sweeping invasion of the undead.
My warrior Siren Blackcrow remained in the Eye of the North in the company of her new friends in the Ebon Vanguard. She terrorized the charr homelands for decades to come. Little did she suspect that her actions although helped bring down the Shaman caste, they also contributed to the success of the warbands led by Pyre Fierceshot to establish a new charr way of life, which was not altogether what she had in mind. The Charr today, oddly, hold her memory in high regard thinking [mistakingly] that she championed their cause.
Finally we come to my ritualist, Sparactus Antharas. He was experimenting on a new ritual one day when something went wrong and he went into a coma. Apparently his spirit was caught in the limbo between the mists and the living world. His situation hasn't changed over the many decades that have passed since then. His body is kept by the Norn in a safe place in the lowest level of Frostmaw's Burrow's.
Thus it occurred to him to advise the new Canthan emperor, Usoku, who held him in great favor for both to his great services to the empire in the past and his friendship with his father, that change was an absolute necessity.
Mark was one of the imperial generals that swept south through both Kurzick and Luxon lands to finally quell the unrest and unify the land.
He never lived to see the outcome of his designs though, having been assassinated by a shadowy Luxon terrorist called Husam Addin [my sin] who was subsequently caught and executed.
My Tyrian ranger, Dryad Evergreen, settled down in the forests of Arbor Bay caring for the trees and creatures of that area. Her fate is unknown but rumor has it that she is still seen wandering around in that area virtually unchanged by the passage of time.
Of my necromancer, Shirin Nightwind, not much is known either. Whats last known about her is that she wandered off from her friends in the depths of the Slaver's Exile after the defeat of Duncan the Black. She was heard by her friends mumbling to herself about something fascinating awaiting for her in the depths and was never seen or heard of again after that.
My mesmer kate Lightfeather got married to my elementalist Valakas Antharas and settled down in a mountainous retreat to the south of the Echovald forest. They had 3 children, and their descendants live in that area even today.
My monk, Faith Lightfeather, returned home to Shing Jea Island, and spent the rest of her days in peaceful meditation at the monastery.
My dervish, Laith Ben Muhareb, could never settle down. He spent the remainder of his days a wanderer. In the company of Kahmu they first went on pilgrimage to the Crystal Desert seeking divine guidance and from there on an endless path. It is said they became known mystics and philosophers.
My paragon, Andrea Lightfeather became a general in the Kournan army. She died at old age in the fight against the sweeping invasion of the undead.
My warrior Siren Blackcrow remained in the Eye of the North in the company of her new friends in the Ebon Vanguard. She terrorized the charr homelands for decades to come. Little did she suspect that her actions although helped bring down the Shaman caste, they also contributed to the success of the warbands led by Pyre Fierceshot to establish a new charr way of life, which was not altogether what she had in mind. The Charr today, oddly, hold her memory in high regard thinking [mistakingly] that she championed their cause.
Finally we come to my ritualist, Sparactus Antharas. He was experimenting on a new ritual one day when something went wrong and he went into a coma. Apparently his spirit was caught in the limbo between the mists and the living world. His situation hasn't changed over the many decades that have passed since then. His body is kept by the Norn in a safe place in the lowest level of Frostmaw's Burrow's.
Originally Posted by Senrath
All of my characters will most likely vanish mysteriously, leaving nothing, but their descendants, behind.
I have a sneaking suspicion that my mesmer, Alice, will not only vanish mysteriously...but she will somehow be thrown 250 years into the future! In an attempt to fit in with changed society, she will masquerade as one of her lost descendants and live off her legendary fame. What wondrous adventures she will have!
Vicks the Vice. Warrior. Died attempting to plunder... erm... to "treasure hunt" the hall of heroes. His funeral was attended solely by grieving debt collectors.
Khali Yori. Necromancer. Discovered in the shower with slashed wrists and the message "Blood is Power" smeared on the tiles.
Disciple Teryl. Dervish. Tripped on his robes. Into Sorrow's Furnace. Nothing was recovered.
Cionne Veilspire. Elementalist. Kicked in the head by a Dolyak. Was never the same again.
Leuce Carmentia. Paragon. Lung cancer.
Lord Fancywrists. Ritualist. Arrested for trafficking narcotics disguised as ashes within his urns.
Seven Four. Monk. Fell into a coma after consuming copious amounts of "Blue Drink" while competing for the Sweet Tooth title. Posthumous examinations revealed type two diabetes.
Estmund Dallenmire. Mesmer. Bludgeoned to death by angry mob. Said the wrong words in the wrong tavern to the wrong Norn.
Fei Yen Zhi. Assassin. Didn't see that last crusher.
Genie Blue Jean. Ranger. Eaten by rabbits.
Khali Yori. Necromancer. Discovered in the shower with slashed wrists and the message "Blood is Power" smeared on the tiles.
Disciple Teryl. Dervish. Tripped on his robes. Into Sorrow's Furnace. Nothing was recovered.
Cionne Veilspire. Elementalist. Kicked in the head by a Dolyak. Was never the same again.
Leuce Carmentia. Paragon. Lung cancer.
Lord Fancywrists. Ritualist. Arrested for trafficking narcotics disguised as ashes within his urns.
Seven Four. Monk. Fell into a coma after consuming copious amounts of "Blue Drink" while competing for the Sweet Tooth title. Posthumous examinations revealed type two diabetes.
Estmund Dallenmire. Mesmer. Bludgeoned to death by angry mob. Said the wrong words in the wrong tavern to the wrong Norn.
Fei Yen Zhi. Assassin. Didn't see that last crusher.
Genie Blue Jean. Ranger. Eaten by rabbits.
Veteran Shot
Veteran Shot (Ranger): He leaves one day heading north from Sifhalla, and is never heard from again. He lives out the rest of his days in the harsh shiverpeaks, until he dies of old age.
Arcane Awakening (Elementalist): He atempts to improve upon the golem designs of the Asura. He is killed during an explosion caused by Vekk during one of their experiments.
Zarro the Just (Warrior): One night he goes home drunk in his home at Drok's Forge. He is stabbed in the night by paid assassins from a highly anti-human dwarf.
Arcane Awakening (Elementalist): He atempts to improve upon the golem designs of the Asura. He is killed during an explosion caused by Vekk during one of their experiments.
Zarro the Just (Warrior): One night he goes home drunk in his home at Drok's Forge. He is stabbed in the night by paid assassins from a highly anti-human dwarf.
Eldin The Lurker (Tyrian Ranger): Will rejoin his Ascalonian comrades in the Ascalon Settlement in Kryta, where he will continue to defend his people. As time passes he begins to turn docile. Later on at the age of 70, when society is run by the stupid kids who grew up listening to rap, and hell breaks loose, he takes up his arms against the epic Ettin Invasion of 1116 AE - and dies in the process. He killed many Ettins though, and gold sup-vigor'd pauldrons littered the fields. The people of Kryta would never go hungry again.
Mistress Shiaris (Tyrian Wammo): Joined the Ebon Vanguard and continued a life of undying assault upon the Charr. She would rise through the ranks and soon become a Lieutenant General of the Vanguard. The vanguard would fall into confusion as many decided she should take the place of the now-aging Langmarr as head of the vanguard. One of Langmarr's loyalists sends a knife through Shiaris's back.
Deszelmic Thickwick (Tyrian Mesmer): Uses his riches (I wish) to retire to a life of peaceful aristocracy and indulgence. Eats too many chocolates and gets a heart attack - his mansion is so large that by the time the monks reach his chamber, he's already gone.
Zhuaxnu Na Su (Canthan Ritualist): Begins delving into herblore and becomes a Shing Jea apothecary. Goes on to save many lives in a terrible plague, and finally figure out an ear-unclogging remedy that WORKS. Dies peacefully in his sleep.
Zurai Gossa (Elonian Dervish): After defeating Abaddon and escaping the hellish Realm of Torment, the dervish quickly forgets about the horiffic things he witnessed in the Torment. However, 19 later, he begins having nightmares about the Torment Demons, the Margonites, and even Abaddon himself - even though the Gods themselves had stated that Abaddon's very essence had been destroyed and he was no more. In an attempt to quell these nightmares, he returns to the Realm of Torment alone to vanquish any remaining demons. Never seen again. Some say his spirit remains in the Realm of Torment to this day, making sure no demon ever arises again.
Mistress Shiaris (Tyrian Wammo): Joined the Ebon Vanguard and continued a life of undying assault upon the Charr. She would rise through the ranks and soon become a Lieutenant General of the Vanguard. The vanguard would fall into confusion as many decided she should take the place of the now-aging Langmarr as head of the vanguard. One of Langmarr's loyalists sends a knife through Shiaris's back.
Deszelmic Thickwick (Tyrian Mesmer): Uses his riches (I wish) to retire to a life of peaceful aristocracy and indulgence. Eats too many chocolates and gets a heart attack - his mansion is so large that by the time the monks reach his chamber, he's already gone.
Zhuaxnu Na Su (Canthan Ritualist): Begins delving into herblore and becomes a Shing Jea apothecary. Goes on to save many lives in a terrible plague, and finally figure out an ear-unclogging remedy that WORKS. Dies peacefully in his sleep.
Zurai Gossa (Elonian Dervish): After defeating Abaddon and escaping the hellish Realm of Torment, the dervish quickly forgets about the horiffic things he witnessed in the Torment. However, 19 later, he begins having nightmares about the Torment Demons, the Margonites, and even Abaddon himself - even though the Gods themselves had stated that Abaddon's very essence had been destroyed and he was no more. In an attempt to quell these nightmares, he returns to the Realm of Torment alone to vanquish any remaining demons. Never seen again. Some say his spirit remains in the Realm of Torment to this day, making sure no demon ever arises again.