Dishonorable Combatant System = Mega Fail * 10^10
Malice Black
Mending whammos?!
Everyone blames mending whammo's...I haven't seen one in a good year+..
Everyone blames mending whammo's...I haven't seen one in a good year+..
Originally Posted by X Cytherea X
this Bust(4) guy sums up exactly how i feel about the current state of RA. i feel your pain, man. i feel your pain.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Mending whammos?!
Everyone blames mending whammo's...I haven't seen one in a good year+.. |

solutions are never simple, always have problems, but heres my solution anyway to maybe stop abuse of reporting in RA due to noobs, hax, shining ppl on etc
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill.
*waiting for inevitable stupid replies of "what if some drunk pinhead decides to join as an escape ranger and just run circles, or a geo ele that stands there using stone daggers to no effect blah blah?" and so and and so on as they do*
just like the common cold, there are too many different things that ease the problem, but nothing will ever solve it.....
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill.
*waiting for inevitable stupid replies of "what if some drunk pinhead decides to join as an escape ranger and just run circles, or a geo ele that stands there using stone daggers to no effect blah blah?" and so and and so on as they do*
just like the common cold, there are too many different things that ease the problem, but nothing will ever solve it.....
Originally Posted by viscus
solutions are never simple, always have problems, but heres my solution anyway to maybe stop abuse of reporting in RA due to noobs, hax, shining ppl on etc
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill. *waiting for inevitable stupid replies of "what if some drunk pinhead decides to join as an escape ranger and just run circles, or a geo ele that stands there using stone daggers to no effect blah blah?" and so and and so on as they do* just like the common cold, there are too many different things that ease the problem, but nothing will ever solve it..... |
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Mending whammos?!
Everyone blames mending whammo's...I haven't seen one in a good year+.. |
During that i met:
1x Mending Wammo
1x Life Bond Wammo
1x Live Viraciously Wammo
I am expecting to see one of each maintained monk enchantement on wammo put to serious use.
Played some more AB last night and you can tell the /report functionality has been turned off. Multiple folks with bannable names that were compounding it with sexist/racist/ugly jokes. More then a handful of afkers and leavers.
Even if the /report didn't really "do" anything, I think the threat of it kept a lot of ugliness out of AB this past weekend.
Even if the /report didn't really "do" anything, I think the threat of it kept a lot of ugliness out of AB this past weekend.
Originally Posted by bobrath
Even if the /report didn't really "do" anything, I think the threat of it kept a lot of ugliness out of AB this past weekend.
Just to add another (positive) remark...
I was ABing all weekend (prob 40-50 matches total), and I didnt see a single leecher on our team. A few people were reported during the games, some obviously because people didn't like their builds etc, but the point is that generally only one person would report, which means that the report is ineffectual anyway and those people only bought themselves dhc points. I only saw one instance of a person being reported by multiple people, and that was on the other team so chances are it was an actual leecher since it was well into the game.
I was actually surprised that there wasnt more BS reporting going on, but people were actually behaving themselves. And for what its worth most of the people actually in the ABs were enjoying the new system
I'd just like to stress the "not a single leecher" part.. Even if you still loose matches to the inevitable idiots, atleast you arent loosing because half your team isnt there.
I was ABing all weekend (prob 40-50 matches total), and I didnt see a single leecher on our team. A few people were reported during the games, some obviously because people didn't like their builds etc, but the point is that generally only one person would report, which means that the report is ineffectual anyway and those people only bought themselves dhc points. I only saw one instance of a person being reported by multiple people, and that was on the other team so chances are it was an actual leecher since it was well into the game.
I was actually surprised that there wasnt more BS reporting going on, but people were actually behaving themselves. And for what its worth most of the people actually in the ABs were enjoying the new system

I'd just like to stress the "not a single leecher" part.. Even if you still loose matches to the inevitable idiots, atleast you arent loosing because half your team isnt there.
Master Ketsu
I am expecting to see one of each maintained monk enchantement on wammo put to serious use. |
funniest Wammo I ever saw used -> [skill]Unyielding Aura[/skill]. go go go.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I sympathise, but I think this comes down to the usual thing of "its better to be doing something, then nothing!"
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
That is bullshit! If doing something hurts the playerbase more than the thing you want to stop, then it is better to not do anything.
Originally Posted by viscus
solutions are never simple, always have problems, but heres my solution anyway to maybe stop abuse of reporting in RA due to noobs, hax, shining ppl on etc
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill. |
Master Ketsu
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill. |
RA is fine staying random.
ok so i did some ra today from my break due to excessive uncontrollable raging.
the beginning of my gaming i played monk. almost all my groups i had a 2 monk then 2 other char group( whom were always something like shutdown mesmer and debiliating shot ranger, or wamo + heal rit) so my groups didn't go to well. Alot of stalling... i think in 3 games it took me about 20 minutes to get through... big waste of time since i ended up dying somehow on round 4 i believe during that run. just a bunch of wasted time really... no one willing to leave, with /resign taking way to long. getting alot of rage when i would deliberately kill myself so that we could end the game, and about 2-3 stalemates... because no one would leave, worthless run...
then i played war it seemed all the monks disapeared, so my games generally consisted of me, a war or so and some others, always having somone in the team who would make the battle WAY more slow than it should have been. being called a noob many times for frenzying so i could die, being called a noob being the first one into battle, being called this , and that blah blah... u know how those go? where u do something, and the nub thinks its hella nub so he calls u noob and then tells u he has x amt of hours or so, and how u havnt learned nething from how many 10x hours to his u have, and then he puts u on ignore list when u finally start to argue to him urself? well i get some of those from ppl who rage at me for raging at ppl for wasting my time and making a game 8 or 12 minutes long instead of 30 seconds to acouple minutes.
the beginning of my gaming i played monk. almost all my groups i had a 2 monk then 2 other char group( whom were always something like shutdown mesmer and debiliating shot ranger, or wamo + heal rit) so my groups didn't go to well. Alot of stalling... i think in 3 games it took me about 20 minutes to get through... big waste of time since i ended up dying somehow on round 4 i believe during that run. just a bunch of wasted time really... no one willing to leave, with /resign taking way to long. getting alot of rage when i would deliberately kill myself so that we could end the game, and about 2-3 stalemates... because no one would leave, worthless run...
then i played war it seemed all the monks disapeared, so my games generally consisted of me, a war or so and some others, always having somone in the team who would make the battle WAY more slow than it should have been. being called a noob many times for frenzying so i could die, being called a noob being the first one into battle, being called this , and that blah blah... u know how those go? where u do something, and the nub thinks its hella nub so he calls u noob and then tells u he has x amt of hours or so, and how u havnt learned nething from how many 10x hours to his u have, and then he puts u on ignore list when u finally start to argue to him urself? well i get some of those from ppl who rage at me for raging at ppl for wasting my time and making a game 8 or 12 minutes long instead of 30 seconds to acouple minutes.
Originally Posted by Master Ketsu
Succor wammo's are actually not that terrible. Of course, you rarely see them.
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
well i get some of those from ppl who rage at me for raging at ppl for wasting my time and making a game 8 or 12 minutes long instead of 30 seconds to acouple minutes.
cthulhu reborn
Originally Posted by Havre Fras
"Due to your cowardice or selfish conduct"? So i'm a coward if I leave after i've lost or if none of my team connects?
That description is a big pile of steaming shite! |
Originally Posted by cthulhu reborn
And so is your requires someone to report you to get minus points so if none of your team connects who is gonna report you?
Originally Posted by viscus
since most ppl seem to insist skill is most valuable in RA, then why not implement code into it that will force players with glad lvl 0-2 together, lvl 3-5, 5-7 and so on? at least that way you will know for sure you are playing with ppl of moreorless equal skill.
Originally Posted by glountz
ToP PvPers shoukd be able to leave mending whammos when and where they want. They are above the PVE scrubs. They have a bigger e-peen, you know. That give them the right to piss off mending whammos. This Dishonor system screw their leaving-leeching-jackassing rights, earned from their hard work on the ladder.
RA is supposed to be an introductory/experimental playground for the newcomers or some builds, not a place where you would expect to win 100% of the time, there are arenas for that.
So jumping in expecting a guaranteed win is stupid, that's the random factor. People like Bust (4) that just for the sake of QQ'ing enter the arena, deserve that temporary ban. You give your best, if is not enough you try again, if you want your team mates build's to be good, go to TA, that's it
The DCS can work with regular updates and fine tuning. Certain things that GW.exe can easily identify are:
1) deliberate / early desertions
2) idling / leeching (no movement, idle for more that 5+ minutes)
3) frequent over-use of /report
4) triggering the profanity filter multiple times
One other suggestion:
5) Possibly limit /report usage to once per 10 minutes (to minimize report spammers)
#1 and #2 are easily identified, so GW should have no problems handing out dishonor points to these folks (lag-outs with reconnects will not merrit dishonor points though). #3 is a pretty strong indicator of someone abusing /report (there aren't that many sociopaths playing GW), and these individuals should be hit with a multi-day temp-ban just to make a point (or perma-ban if they just can't get the message). The /report command can take log snap shots, and those who use /report very frequently should be audited for possible /report abuse banning. Those found repeatedly submitting false /reports can also have the /report command disabled termporarily or permanently depending on the offender's persistence. #4 can be bypassed, but it's better than nothing. #5 is another option for minimizing /report spam abuse.
Just food for thought...
1) deliberate / early desertions
2) idling / leeching (no movement, idle for more that 5+ minutes)
3) frequent over-use of /report
4) triggering the profanity filter multiple times
One other suggestion:
5) Possibly limit /report usage to once per 10 minutes (to minimize report spammers)
#1 and #2 are easily identified, so GW should have no problems handing out dishonor points to these folks (lag-outs with reconnects will not merrit dishonor points though). #3 is a pretty strong indicator of someone abusing /report (there aren't that many sociopaths playing GW), and these individuals should be hit with a multi-day temp-ban just to make a point (or perma-ban if they just can't get the message). The /report command can take log snap shots, and those who use /report very frequently should be audited for possible /report abuse banning. Those found repeatedly submitting false /reports can also have the /report command disabled termporarily or permanently depending on the offender's persistence. #4 can be bypassed, but it's better than nothing. #5 is another option for minimizing /report spam abuse.
Just food for thought...
Guildmaster Cain
Well the idea was good, the implementation was not.
Give them some time to work out all the issues. After all they are there to make out GW lifes more enjoyable.
Just look back at the updates weve been given the last few years. Inscriptions, customizable henchies, special weekend and more.
Give them some time to work out all the issues. After all they are there to make out GW lifes more enjoyable.
Just look back at the updates weve been given the last few years. Inscriptions, customizable henchies, special weekend and more.
i havn't had the feeling to even bother doing ra lately anymore...
RA just reminded me of CSS days when I would just log on to any server, have quick fun without repercussions, and just log out and find another one if there was a hacker on CT team or some shiz like that. PvP in this game takes too long nowadays.
Lord Sojar
/report lacasner for comparing CSS to GW... BURN IN THE FIRES OF BAN!
freaky naughty
Dude I'm with Malice on this one. I've never seen someone report for telling them that POF is anti -melee and I'm a fort aspenwood freak. You probably left the part where you cussed him out at one point.
I got dishoronable because i left a RA team and there was a 55hp in! What am I suppose to do? Wait 3 hours? Hellz nah!
Originally Posted by lacasner
RA just reminded me of CSS days when I would just log on to any server, have quick fun without repercussions, and just log out and find another one if there was a hacker on CT team or some shiz like that. PvP in this game takes too long nowadays.
Join a game, nobody leaves, fight to the death.
Old RA was join a game, 2 of your team leaves, and you die in 2 seconds.
If the previous situation is your idea of "quick fun" then you have a point.
If you were one of the two that left, then that isn't quick fun, that is being an ass.
Originally Posted by Banane-O-Man
I got dishoronable because i left a RA team and there was a 55hp in! What am I suppose to do? Wait 3 hours? Hellz nah!
Originally Posted by Banane-O-Man
I got dishoronable because i left a RA team and there was a 55hp in! What am I suppose to do? Wait 3 hours? Hellz nah!
If only there existed some way of killing them.... If only there were at least one skill in entire game that could counter their sheer invincibility.... If only 55s weren't able to solo entire game, start to finish, in hard mode PvE, or in top-tier PvP.
After all, remember when a team of 8 55s won the world championships, since they could not be killed? Or when they held the halls for 17 days straight? Or that TA team of 4 55s that are still playing, with 11534 consecutive wins?
Originally Posted by Antheus
55.... The invinci monk.
If only there existed some way of killing them.... If only there were at least one skill in entire game that could counter their sheer invincibility.... If only 55s weren't able to solo entire game, start to finish, in hard mode PvE, or in top-tier PvP. After all, remember when a team of 8 55s won the world championships, since they could not be killed? Or when they held the halls for 17 days straight? Or that TA team of 4 55s that are still playing, with 11534 consecutive wins? |
Despite all the gloom and doom in this thread, I haven't had any problems with the new system yet. I can actually play something other than my monk for once in RA...
Originally Posted by Antheus
55.... The invinci monk.
If only there existed some way of killing them.... If only there were at least one skill in entire game that could counter their sheer invincibility.... If only 55s weren't able to solo entire game, start to finish, in hard mode PvE, or in top-tier PvP. After all, remember when a team of 8 55s won the world championships, since they could not be killed? Or when they held the halls for 17 days straight? Or that TA team of 4 55s that are still playing, with 11534 consecutive wins? |
at some point this post goes beyond sarcasm into the realms of and outstandingly funny post.
At least i hope thats the intention, becuase if any fo its true i think i would despair
i think the old thing about so many leavers is way hyped out. i played ra ALOT... alot... and i know that not everygame somone left in the start. sure u might get the ocasional one, where somone leaves which always ends up having everyone leave, but at least then u COULD leave if u were doomed in that sort of way.
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
i think the old thing about so many leavers is way hyped out. i played ra ALOT... alot... and i know that not everygame somone left in the start. sure u might get the ocasional one, where somone leaves which always ends up having everyone leave, but at least then u COULD leave if u were doomed in that sort of way.
I don't understand how people can support leaving. You are wasting other peoples time for your own profit.
That would be about the same as stealing 50g from someone every minute by hitting the spacebar, and somehow trying to justify it by saying that they were noobs and were going to waste it anyway.
You probably would be upset if they changed the bug that caused this, because you lose your free gold that you was getting at other peoples expense.
I just don't understand how people can support chain leaving unless they were the chain leavers themselves.
Originally Posted by Omniclasm
I don't understand how people can support leaving. You are wasting other peoples time for your own profit. |
Originally Posted by Omniclasm
I just don't understand how people can support chain leaving unless they were the chain leavers themselves.
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
A leaver would argue, that the others are wasting his time.
You go to Random Arenas, you should expect random skill levels and builds.
If you do not expect, and refused to play with, lower skill leveled people, and people with poor builds, then that is your own problem and you should sort it out. Maybe the time-out that you get from dishonor points will give you time to sort your head out.
False dilemma. |

as i said, i play(ed) ra alot. i dont mind playing with nubz, but i do mind when something is completely wasting my time. As I generally play monk i normally have the potential to win 10. if you get a monk a monk a heal rit and a wamo melee( o the poor nooby wamo, lets all waste our time so that he can learn how to play better =((( ) then ur screwed. Ur going to waste ur time and ur other team's time. Of course this is just a more hyped up version of what normally happens, u do find groups that are just a big scrwed up random bunch of no dmg dealers ALOT.
im not an exploiter -.- dont compare me to one.
i might as well critize each line you said:
" i don't understand how people can support leaving. you are wasting other's peoples time for your own profit"
Um no, leaving saves you time, it saves the other teams time. Lets look at it this way. one member knows the teams going to fail(some groups u just KNOW) he leaves. what happened before? chain leave. it saved ur teams time and the other teams time. Even by the slight chance ur team would have won, of course it most likely would have been a long and tiresome match. of course with the infamous 3-4 monk team, then ur just plain wasting alot of time for everyone to begin with even though u have a garentee win.
for ur little 50g idea... well, what if i were to say, i did take 50g from each person just by pressing a space bar... well i take 50g each time, then it comes to the next person's turn. they lose 50g, but then they have an opportunity to gain 5k the next time just by pressing shift. Sometimes losing is gaining. therefore, if the bug got fixed was stopped then, sure it would cripple the person with the 50g spamming, but would also cripple the person with the 5k gold spam(non-stolen) just because both go hand in hand.
"i dont understand how people can support chain leaving unless they were chain leavers themselves"
i know what u were trying to get at even though u completely said this phrase wrong. what the quote u have right now says to me is that chain leaving is bad. when your entire team chain leaves your going to 1v4 is that it? lol, thats no good. but i think ur trying to say "unless they were the "leaver" that started the chain themself. Of course i already stated some matches you know when the match is going to be fruitless on both sides, by leaving u save ur team and ur opponents alot of time. however, I rarely(raging gets the better of me sometimes) leave in the beginning of a match because my team arnt r3 champions(or decent players in general). I leave when there is no point to go into a match that is a huge waste of time.
im not an exploiter -.- dont compare me to one.
i might as well critize each line you said:
" i don't understand how people can support leaving. you are wasting other's peoples time for your own profit"
Um no, leaving saves you time, it saves the other teams time. Lets look at it this way. one member knows the teams going to fail(some groups u just KNOW) he leaves. what happened before? chain leave. it saved ur teams time and the other teams time. Even by the slight chance ur team would have won, of course it most likely would have been a long and tiresome match. of course with the infamous 3-4 monk team, then ur just plain wasting alot of time for everyone to begin with even though u have a garentee win.
for ur little 50g idea... well, what if i were to say, i did take 50g from each person just by pressing a space bar... well i take 50g each time, then it comes to the next person's turn. they lose 50g, but then they have an opportunity to gain 5k the next time just by pressing shift. Sometimes losing is gaining. therefore, if the bug got fixed was stopped then, sure it would cripple the person with the 50g spamming, but would also cripple the person with the 5k gold spam(non-stolen) just because both go hand in hand.
"i dont understand how people can support chain leaving unless they were chain leavers themselves"
i know what u were trying to get at even though u completely said this phrase wrong. what the quote u have right now says to me is that chain leaving is bad. when your entire team chain leaves your going to 1v4 is that it? lol, thats no good. but i think ur trying to say "unless they were the "leaver" that started the chain themself. Of course i already stated some matches you know when the match is going to be fruitless on both sides, by leaving u save ur team and ur opponents alot of time. however, I rarely(raging gets the better of me sometimes) leave in the beginning of a match because my team arnt r3 champions(or decent players in general). I leave when there is no point to go into a match that is a huge waste of time.
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
"i dont understand how people can support chain leaving unless they were chain leavers themselves"
i know what u were trying to get at even though u completely said this phrase wrong. what the quote u have right now says to me is that chain leaving is bad. when your entire team chain leaves your going to 1v4 is that it? lol, thats no good. but i think ur trying to say "unless they were the "leaver" that started the chain themself. Of course i already stated some matches you know when the match is going to be fruitless on both sides, by leaving u save ur team and ur opponents alot of time. however, I rarely(raging gets the better of me sometimes) leave in the beginning of a match because my team arnt r3 champions(or decent players in general). I leave when there is no point to go into a match that is a huge waste of time. |
But yeah. Getting a team with 3 healers is a whole lot more rare than getting a team with 1-2 leavers in the old system. It does happen, and it is a shame when that does happen, but is it really that bad? I mean ok, you will have to wait a few minutes until you can start your next game. Now, waiting for 2-3 minutes probably sounds stupid, and it might even be a waste of time. However, I see having to waste 2-3 minutes very rarely, a whole lot better than wasting 1-2 minutes every other battle.
If I happen to decide to do RA, and decide that for once I would like to play something besides a monk, because after all, the game is about having fun, not grinding glad points. Then at least 50% of the games would have a leaver or two, pretty much ruining any enjoyment that could be gotten.
Now with the current system, hardly anyone will leave. Very few people leaving means that there is a much higher chance that I will get to have fun in a decent battle. Will I get glad points as fast as I would by cycling through teams because of leavers? Probably not. I will however, get to spend more time in a battle than I would leaving 2v4's 50% of the time.
Win or Lose I don't really give a damn. If it is a decent, fun fight, but my team loses, I don't really care. The game is about fun. 2v4's are not fun. When 50% of the games end up being a 2v4, then Random Arenas are not fun.
Edit: I'm tired and none of this makes sense, so sue me or something I guess.
Um no, leaving saves you time, it saves the other teams time. Lets look at it this way. one member knows the teams going to fail(some groups u just KNOW) he leaves. what happened before? chain leave. it saved ur teams time and the other teams time. Even by the slight chance ur team would have won, of course it most likely would have been a long and tiresome match. of course with the infamous 3-4 monk team, then ur just plain wasting alot of time for everyone to begin with even though u have a garentee win. |
Team Arena - you choose your own team.
i dont mind playing with nubz |
I rarely(raging gets the better of me sometimes) leave in the beginning of a match because my team arnt r3 champions(or decent players in general). I leave when there is no point to go into a match that is a huge waste of time. |
u do find groups that are just a big scrwed up random bunch of no dmg dealers ALOT. |
Originally Posted by Antheus
55.... The invinci monk.
If only there existed some way of killing them.... If only there were at least one skill in entire game that could counter their sheer invincibility.... If only 55s weren't able to solo entire game, start to finish, in hard mode PvE, or in top-tier PvP. After all, remember when a team of 8 55s won the world championships, since they could not be killed? Or when they held the halls for 17 days straight? Or that TA team of 4 55s that are still playing, with 11534 consecutive wins? |
Everyone turned round to look at me..
"Errrr.. it's nothing honest!"