Originally Posted by Racthoh
Because (Soldier's Fury) attacking 8% faster than Aggressive Refrain and not having access to Cruel Spear is the best way to deal damage.
Originally Posted by Ensign
So you're saying that you think Paragons should be bad?
Well, you've exactly proven my point.
Aggressive Refrain is supposedly the only thing that makes Paragons good, and we all know that it's way too easy to keep it up permanently with no drawbacks other than the initial 25e investment, which you do pre-battle, even in PvP.
If that's the only thing that makes them good, then yes, they should be made worse.
Of course the whole profession needs a rebalance (and quite a few skills made more powerful), but that doesn't mean an obviously overpowered skill like AR shouldn't be nerfed.
There should be no such thing as a "free" IAS.
Warriors don't have a single free IAS either (Frenzy causes double damage, Flail makes you move slower, BoA burns your adrenaline, Flurry lessens your damage, etc.). Even the Warrior's Elite IAS Soldier's Stance is terrible compared to the Paragon's Elite IAS Soldier's Fury.
The only argument I could see used as an excuse for a free IAS is that Spears can never hit multiple foes.
AR needed a nerf. An elegant nerf. It got a hack job.
Just like the Rit spike skills first got that exhaustion nonsense and were then given a proper balance, I still hope AR will get a better fix. Whether simply an inherent -20 Armor penalty (which I think is also pointless) or a lessening in damage, anything will be better than applying the same condition over and over again. It's pointless and it's broken.
Either that or they'll reduce AR's duration to something silly like Hasty Refrain, in which case it will become useless to almost everyone.
I still stand by what I said: make it akin to Flurry. Heck, even give it a full 33% attack speed increase. As long as it lowers your damage, ArenaNet will fulfill its goal of not having it on every single Paragon out there.
And it will remain an excellent IAS for support Paras.
Which absolutely rule in PvE.
I rest my case.