Treasure Hunter
Pogrim The Crusader
I'm new to these forums and I am sure this has been talked about but please feel free to comment again...Why aren't the treasure hunter/wisdom titles account-wide? No one in their right mind would ever attempt to max these titles more than 1 time, and even one time is extremely costly and time consuming. The treasure hunter title (of the 2) should at least be account-wide because you cannot 'buy' chests or have someone else open them for you. Also, lockpicks used on chests count towards TWO account-wide titles. This just makes no sense to me. It forces me to only buy picks and
'treasure hunt' with one character because i don't see a point of going for it with anyone else. So what if the extra salvaging bonus is account-wide too, it is for lucky, why not for treasure hunter. I just give all my items to my one character to salvage right now and it is kind of inconvenient. What are your thoughts???
'treasure hunt' with one character because i don't see a point of going for it with anyone else. So what if the extra salvaging bonus is account-wide too, it is for lucky, why not for treasure hunter. I just give all my items to my one character to salvage right now and it is kind of inconvenient. What are your thoughts???
Because your level 1 hasn't opened 10k chests, therefore does not deserve to display a title saying that he has o.O
any keys coasting 600g trader sell price counts towards title
not sure why it isnt account wide, then again if you hunt now and they make it account wide you've spent the same amount of time (except if you've maxed it)
not sure why it isnt account wide, then again if you hunt now and they make it account wide you've spent the same amount of time (except if you've maxed it)
Pogrim The Crusader
Originally Posted by Skuld
Because your level 1 hasn't opened 10k chests, therefore does not deserve to display a title saying that he has o.O
you completely missed my point. I've opened 1800 chests with my primary character and i'm saying that should be account wide because there is absolutely no reason to achieve the title more than once.
Originally Posted by Pogrim The Crusader
I've opened 1800 chests with my primary character and i'm saying that should be account wide because there is absolutely no reason to achieve the title more than once.
Because maxable titles shouldn't be account wide. Besides, the only account based titles are the PvP related ones, and lucky/unlucky.
Pogrim The Crusader
Other maxable titles have clear benefits that only that character can use, which makes sense that it wouldnt be account wide. Treasure hunter can indirectly be used by all characters so why not allow all characters to participate to achieve one title.
Yeah, it's stupid. Those titles should be account wide. Having them character based is disrupting gameplay ("wait a minute, i have to put my rares into storage and id them on my other char, brb") and forces the player to concentrate on one character alone ("yes, i could bring my monk, but i want to open more chests on my warrior..").
Why shouldn't a lvl1 character have a benefit, that the player has worked for? You can create a new char, powerlevel to lvl20 and benefit from kurzick/luxon skills that the new character never worked for!
Why can characters enter hardmode, when they haven't completed the game?
Why can a pvp-monk display a hero title, that the player iway'ed with his warrior? Why not make pvp-titles profession wide and not account wide?
Your idea resurfaces every week, since the title benefit was added with NF's release. Anet is too stubborn to listen.
Why shouldn't a lvl1 character have a benefit, that the player has worked for? You can create a new char, powerlevel to lvl20 and benefit from kurzick/luxon skills that the new character never worked for!
Why can characters enter hardmode, when they haven't completed the game?
Why can a pvp-monk display a hero title, that the player iway'ed with his warrior? Why not make pvp-titles profession wide and not account wide?
Your idea resurfaces every week, since the title benefit was added with NF's release. Anet is too stubborn to listen.
Originally Posted by Skuld
Because your level 1 hasn't opened 10k chests, therefore does not deserve to display a title saying that he has o.O
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Other than the fact that it provides some in game benefits to the level 1 character he's referring to...
I'm afraid I'm not convinced that these titles shouldn't be account-based. If they wanted to rescale it so maxing it out would take more effort, I'd understand that. As it stands, I'm probably not the only one who only buys keys and lockpicks, and only IDs golds on one character.
Originally Posted by smrandom
A level one is unlikely to have AFK farmed lucky/unlucky points or FFF'd Kurz/Lux faction for hours on end either, but they get to display a title.

Because Treasure Hunter and wisdom both give useful in-game effects. Lucky has same effect (but for chest opening) and is account wide. Salvaging is useful too
why don't we make ALL titles account based ? like cartographer? well one guy has been there so why not let all have it? or vanquishing 1 guy has done it so all should be able to show it, right?
it's just stupid to make it account based
it's just stupid to make it account based
Zeek Aran
I made like.. three threads complaining about this and asking for suggestions. It's the only pair of titles I think that should be made accountwide, as it's too much of an inconvenience and forces people to play one char over others solely for title-wh0ring,
Don Zardeone
I want to open chests while adventuring with my mesmer but I don't because he doesn't have high enough title. My warrior has all the keys and lockpicks and he hogs them.
This limit is making me have less fun =(
This limit is making me have less fun =(
Because they keep grinders grinding and whiners whining.
These titles would be reasonable if they were account-wide. But at current numbers, they are just absurd.
The official explanation had something to do with roleplaying and consistency and things. Apparently, it doesn't fit into the lore or something to have such title account-wide.
Mah, whatever.
These titles would be reasonable if they were account-wide. But at current numbers, they are just absurd.
The official explanation had something to do with roleplaying and consistency and things. Apparently, it doesn't fit into the lore or something to have such title account-wide.
Mah, whatever.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Antheus
Because they keep grinders grinding and whiners whining.
These titles would be reasonable if they were account-wide. But at current numbers, they are just absurd. The official explanation had something to do with roleplaying and consistency and things. Apparently, it doesn't fit into the lore or something to have such title account-wide. Mah, whatever. |
I have over 2k chests opened as of right now on my monk and I really don't think it should be account wide. I consider it to be one of the most prestigious titles you can get because of the time and patience it takes. It's already clear enough that through the HoM they expect you to focus one character, anyway.
Originally Posted by booooYA
I consider it to be one of the most prestigious titles you can get because of the time and patience it takes.
Originally Posted by booooYA
I have over 2k chests opened as of right now on my monk and I really don't think it should be account wide. I consider it to be one of the most prestigious titles you can get because of the time and patience it takes. It's already clear enough that through the HoM they expect you to focus one character, anyway.
Pogrim The Crusader
Originally Posted by booooYA
I have over 2k chests opened as of right now on my monk and I really don't think it should be account wide. I consider it to be one of the most prestigious titles you can get because of the time and patience it takes. It's already clear enough that through the HoM they expect you to focus one character, anyway.
Making this title account wide would barely reduce the amount of time to farm the still have to go out and open the chests and if you arent doing that on your farmer then you are losing time working on someone else. Instead of losing this time you would be using the time to work on another character as well at the title. It wouldn't matter which character you farmed with and the amount of time you spent farming would be the same. Think about 10k chests on one guy, or on the whole account. If you do it on one guy it means you spent a ton of time working one character, if you do 10k account wide that same amount of time (which is enormous) is spread out amongst all of your characters. It would be just as prestigious and would remain one of the hardest titles to obtain.
Don Zardeone
I want to get the title but doing so requires me to pick one out of 10 professions and play that one for ever.
What would ease the pain a bit is something like this:
For every chest you open, all other characters receive 0.5 points towards the title. (If you can only do integers then double the title max and make each chest give 2 points for your char and one for the others)
This doesn't hurt roleplaying. Your char kind of tells the other chars where to find a treasure.
Or just make it accountwide. Right now, those who buy charslots and/or have multiple pve chars have to pick one char to give keys and lockpicks to while the other chars have to leave chests behind.
Getting treasure hunter max title on oen char may be prestigeous but it comes at the cost of not being able to use or even play other chars.
Opening chests is a fun gamble that shouldn't be limited to only one char because of the fear of wasting gold on other chars.
What would ease the pain a bit is something like this:
For every chest you open, all other characters receive 0.5 points towards the title. (If you can only do integers then double the title max and make each chest give 2 points for your char and one for the others)
This doesn't hurt roleplaying. Your char kind of tells the other chars where to find a treasure.
Or just make it accountwide. Right now, those who buy charslots and/or have multiple pve chars have to pick one char to give keys and lockpicks to while the other chars have to leave chests behind.
Getting treasure hunter max title on oen char may be prestigeous but it comes at the cost of not being able to use or even play other chars.
Opening chests is a fun gamble that shouldn't be limited to only one char because of the fear of wasting gold on other chars.
Do we have to get a thread about this every few days because some scrubs want titles cheapened... Close imo.
I already maxed treasure (12,000 and counting). You are ALLOWED to open those chests on more than one char .. so please stop acting like you are forced to only open on one. If the cost is a concern you can't afford to get the title anyway so dumbing it down won't help. Please leave one of the few titles that can't be cheated or Ebayed alone. I maxed that one because it MEANT something. Can't cheat it or buy it .. you have to run it.
And changing it to account based would cheapen it how? It still can't be "cheated or ebayed," you still have to find 10,000 chests so it isn't being "dumbed down." I'll admit I don't have the title, probably never will even come close, but to say, "I did it this way, everyone else has to also" is kind of selfish.
My general guess is that there needs to be some titles that are "hard" to get. As of right now pretty much all of the really hard to get titles are account wide, except for these two.
After that I would assume that it also carries into how the title is accrued. Most of the account wide titles are PvP based which only makes sense - not only is it personal (account) skill but generally a PvP character is fairly short lived. In those two cases it is a number that makes most sense to be an individual tract as it is an achievement done by long term characters.
Other than that - dunno. Lucky/unlucky really should follow the pattern of being single character based but isn't, I would even say that the Gamer title is accrued individually too.
Of course most of us want the Wisdom/Treasure Hunter to become global, but then those global titles becoming individual would also make sense - both ways are internally consistent. As is I mostly guess that they felt they needed to choose one or two "hard" titles to be individual and simply choose those two - the only reason they chose those two is that *something* has to be chosen and nothing above that (well, maybe personal preference but that is also fairly random).
At this point it I doubt it is going to change that drastically - too many would complain and the idea has been floated long enough that they are aware of it. About the only change I would like to see (and can realistically expect to see) is lesser ranks of it added to the HOM due to how hard it is to get. I find it MUCH easier to get my Luxon tract to "count" than either one of those titles. In fact, they are the two most difficult titles (by far) to get to count in your HOM. I do not mind a few titles harder to get in there, but the difference there is quite extreme - KOABD is easier to get to count.
After that I would assume that it also carries into how the title is accrued. Most of the account wide titles are PvP based which only makes sense - not only is it personal (account) skill but generally a PvP character is fairly short lived. In those two cases it is a number that makes most sense to be an individual tract as it is an achievement done by long term characters.
Other than that - dunno. Lucky/unlucky really should follow the pattern of being single character based but isn't, I would even say that the Gamer title is accrued individually too.
Of course most of us want the Wisdom/Treasure Hunter to become global, but then those global titles becoming individual would also make sense - both ways are internally consistent. As is I mostly guess that they felt they needed to choose one or two "hard" titles to be individual and simply choose those two - the only reason they chose those two is that *something* has to be chosen and nothing above that (well, maybe personal preference but that is also fairly random).
At this point it I doubt it is going to change that drastically - too many would complain and the idea has been floated long enough that they are aware of it. About the only change I would like to see (and can realistically expect to see) is lesser ranks of it added to the HOM due to how hard it is to get. I find it MUCH easier to get my Luxon tract to "count" than either one of those titles. In fact, they are the two most difficult titles (by far) to get to count in your HOM. I do not mind a few titles harder to get in there, but the difference there is quite extreme - KOABD is easier to get to count.
Originally Posted by leprekan
I already maxed treasure (12,000 and counting). You are ALLOWED to open those chests on more than one char .. so please stop acting like you are forced to only open on one. If the cost is a concern you can't afford to get the title anyway so dumbing it down won't help. Please leave one of the few titles that can't be cheated or Ebayed alone. I maxed that one because it MEANT something. Can't cheat it or buy it .. you have to run it.
And no, I don't think it should be account wide as much as account wide might be convenient it does diminish the achievement of the character in question.
wu is me
don't you get banned for ebaying?
and blah this topic has come up too many times lol
for more flame AND fishes see:
and blah this topic has come up too many times lol
for more flame AND fishes see:
You should, yeah
Originally Posted by lg5000
Out of curiosity, how did you do it financially? I tend to loose money when I buy keys. You say it can't be ebayed or cheated.. I agree, you still have to go out and open the chests, though it could technically be ebayed due to lack of ingame gold on a character.
And no, I don't think it should be account wide as much as account wide might be convenient it does diminish the achievement of the character in question. |
Simple .. been on the leading edge of every money making trend that has come and gone in the game during the last 30 months.
Think it is safe to say that not many Ebayers would put the time in to get title .. 36 an hour is about top speed with merching and iding included. The Ebayers tend to be the ones running around with wisdom maxed and still working on treasure.
Agreed with OP.
Treasure Hunter and Wisdom tracks should be account-wide.... and there is a very simple reason for this:
Different classes farm in different areas. My 55 monk takes some spots... my Rit takes others.... my Necro others again.
While my Assassin (main) is a perfectly good chest-runner (eternal Shadow Form).... that doesn't mean that chests don't spawn where my farming characters DO their farms. I'd LIKE to open them.... since they might give me more of whatever I'm farming for (I come across loads while farming Jade Brotherhood with my monk)... BUT, it'd basically be a waste of a good lockpick since it won't count toward the high Treasure Hunter title on my Assassin.
As such... many many potential looting chests get cast aside and forgotten because I have to do all my chesting on one character as doing it with any other isn't cost-efficient.
And given how stupidly long the process and expensive the cost it is to get the Treasure Hunter and Wisdom titles up, the very notion of doing that on multiple characters is beyond ridiculous.
Treasure Hunter and Wisdom tracks should be account-wide.... and there is a very simple reason for this:
Different classes farm in different areas. My 55 monk takes some spots... my Rit takes others.... my Necro others again.
While my Assassin (main) is a perfectly good chest-runner (eternal Shadow Form).... that doesn't mean that chests don't spawn where my farming characters DO their farms. I'd LIKE to open them.... since they might give me more of whatever I'm farming for (I come across loads while farming Jade Brotherhood with my monk)... BUT, it'd basically be a waste of a good lockpick since it won't count toward the high Treasure Hunter title on my Assassin.
As such... many many potential looting chests get cast aside and forgotten because I have to do all my chesting on one character as doing it with any other isn't cost-efficient.
And given how stupidly long the process and expensive the cost it is to get the Treasure Hunter and Wisdom titles up, the very notion of doing that on multiple characters is beyond ridiculous.
Pogrim The Crusader
Making it account wide would not take away from the 'prestigue' or difficulty in achieving the title. the NET time spent getting it would be the same.
Originally Posted by Pogrim The Crusader
Making it account wide would not take away from the 'prestigue' or difficulty in achieving the title. the NET time spent getting it would be the same.
Nobody would do anything any different.
Or at least I'm not aware of anyone patient and rich enough to get those titles on MORE than one character.
Pogrim The Crusader
That's exactly my point. No One would ever go for this title more than once, kind of like any of the PvP titles if they were all only character based. Raise your hand if you would go for the max faction or hero or gladiator title more than once.
Originally Posted by seut
You can create a new char, powerlevel to lvl20 and benefit from kurzick/luxon skills that the new character never worked for!
Why can characters enter hardmode, when they haven't completed the game? Why can a pvp-monk display a hero title, that the player iway'ed with his warrior? Why not make pvp-titles profession wide and not account wide? |
Treasure hunter and wisdom don't give any skill advantage to a specific character, just a higher chance to keep salvaged items.
There no reasonable drawback in making them account based.
a lvl 1 with 10000 opened chests/id'd items is considered BS but it's ok to have a lvl 1 gladiator one *rolleyes*
oh well, my bad, i forgot .... a comparison between grand pvp titles and mere pve content.. silly me
oh well, my bad, i forgot .... a comparison between grand pvp titles and mere pve content.. silly me

Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Witchblade
a lvl 1 with 10000 opened chests/id'd items is considered BS but it's ok to have a lvl 1 gladiator one *rolleyes*
oh well, my bad, i forgot .... a comparison between grand pvp titles and mere pve content.. silly me ![]() |
Someone said the only advantage was increased salvage... they forgot lockpick retains. If someone has a problem with lockpick retain % on a level 1 character, they should remember they don't have access to hardmode, or, unless they were ran through the game, any chest worth using a pick on. Also, they don't get the level % increase. So far, there's no reason I've seen to keep it for a single character unless we weren't supposed to use the character slots given to us, or buy more. I must say... playing my warrior is getting REALLY boring...
if the concern is having the % bonus from the titles at lvl 1:
1) like you said, no HM
2) most people willing that change see the title itself not the % gain
3) if there is a problem with that, which i doubt, make the title effect work only on ascended characters. (btw, i had no idea there were High-end chests in low levels areas^^)
Besides, @those who already maxed it out and are afraid of getting their hard work ruined: this WONT make it any cheaper, you still have to open the same number of chests, use the same keys and run them
Asking for ease is not making it easy -.-
1) like you said, no HM
2) most people willing that change see the title itself not the % gain
3) if there is a problem with that, which i doubt, make the title effect work only on ascended characters. (btw, i had no idea there were High-end chests in low levels areas^^)
Besides, @those who already maxed it out and are afraid of getting their hard work ruined: this WONT make it any cheaper, you still have to open the same number of chests, use the same keys and run them

Asking for ease is not making it easy -.-
Actually, no one is asking to ease the title, only to make it sensibly designed ...
Totally agree with OP.
I play multiple characters, but on my principal one, I have played 600 hours and never walked past a high end chest leaving it unopened. I'm now on 475 chests opened. I haven't specifically gone on chest runs but have spent almost all my time in areas with 600g chests or in Hard Mode (and I'm a Vanquisher).
If it takes 600 hours to open 475 chests in Normal gameplay then that's potentially 12,000 hours to reach level 10, which is absurd.
Some people claim to have maxed this title and now jealously want to preserve their superiority. I have some problems with this. First of all, how the hell did you max it in the first place? In all explorable areas these days, whether on the 3 continents, GW:EN or Hard Mode, chests only start to spawn in numbers after you have killed a certain volume of enemies. This has been the case for some time so how are we supposed to ‘run’ them. Incidentally I used to go on FoW chest runs but recently I tried many times, sitting around in ToA trying to get groups together and it seems no-one does this any more.
So how/where are these chests being run? People asking for this title to be less ridiculous (do not read easy) to obtain are being portrayed as lazy, wanting a free title. Seriously, I’ve tried to come up with my own chest farming strategies, I have searched on both wikis and many forums and I cannot find a repeatable run to power level this title. I have Sunspear and Lightbringer top ranks, and I am not a person who is afraid to grind a title, but for crying out loud give us a method of doing it.
I am developing treasure hunter on 4 characters, and they are on around 475, 240, 150 and 130 chests opened respectively. What would be really better is if these were assimilated into an account-level title where my account had opened 1100 chests. It’s still *me* opening the chests, just like it’s *me* playing the Alliance Battles (doesn’t matter which character) and they all get to use the PvE Skills. The same applies to Luck, which has an in-game benefit. There is a massive inconsistency here, lockpick retain is a factor of two titles, one Character-based and another Account-based. This should be fixed.
I get as sick of people saying “not this topic again, close the thread” as those people get of reading it. Seriously, go away and read another thread if it offends you.
By the way, I am not asking for Wisdom to be account-based, as it effectively already is. You can switch all the items to one character and ID. I don’t mind having one specific ‘salvager’. In any case the value of this is now degraded massively due to the cheap availability of Perfect Salvage Kits.
One last point – money is not a problem and should not be a problem to obtain the keys to keep the title building. Personally, as I open the chests in normal gameplay, I make enough cash from completing the quests and missions and getting the standard drops. I am also set up as a trader on GWOnline traders and have made over 200k selling Weapons, Tomes and Mods over the last 3 months. This stuff might have gained me 5-10k at the merchant. I hate selling stuff in Kamadan too, it’s a case of knowing when you can dip in and get 10k for an Elite tome or whether something is going to take longer than ten minutes to sell.
So, I am not complaining about the cost of this title, I am not afraid of grinding for it (if it were possible) and I am not asking for Wisdom to be changed. I just think that it’s a bad inconsistency with Luck and Allegiance titles, and also that Treasure Hunter itself might well take 12000 hours to max (and that’s never walking past a chest).
People complained/fed back (or ‘whined’) about Gladiator, another ridiculous title, for a while and then A-Net fixed it intelligently. A-Net do listen and I think it’s quite realistic and reasonable to hope they may fix it, perhaps in the way we’re suggesting. Another way might be to give us a ‘triple treasure hunter point weekend’ or something similar. But come on, at least give us a chance to get a decent rank up. No-one expects a title for fee, but at the moment it’s like climbing Everest without equipment.
I play multiple characters, but on my principal one, I have played 600 hours and never walked past a high end chest leaving it unopened. I'm now on 475 chests opened. I haven't specifically gone on chest runs but have spent almost all my time in areas with 600g chests or in Hard Mode (and I'm a Vanquisher).
If it takes 600 hours to open 475 chests in Normal gameplay then that's potentially 12,000 hours to reach level 10, which is absurd.
Some people claim to have maxed this title and now jealously want to preserve their superiority. I have some problems with this. First of all, how the hell did you max it in the first place? In all explorable areas these days, whether on the 3 continents, GW:EN or Hard Mode, chests only start to spawn in numbers after you have killed a certain volume of enemies. This has been the case for some time so how are we supposed to ‘run’ them. Incidentally I used to go on FoW chest runs but recently I tried many times, sitting around in ToA trying to get groups together and it seems no-one does this any more.
So how/where are these chests being run? People asking for this title to be less ridiculous (do not read easy) to obtain are being portrayed as lazy, wanting a free title. Seriously, I’ve tried to come up with my own chest farming strategies, I have searched on both wikis and many forums and I cannot find a repeatable run to power level this title. I have Sunspear and Lightbringer top ranks, and I am not a person who is afraid to grind a title, but for crying out loud give us a method of doing it.
I am developing treasure hunter on 4 characters, and they are on around 475, 240, 150 and 130 chests opened respectively. What would be really better is if these were assimilated into an account-level title where my account had opened 1100 chests. It’s still *me* opening the chests, just like it’s *me* playing the Alliance Battles (doesn’t matter which character) and they all get to use the PvE Skills. The same applies to Luck, which has an in-game benefit. There is a massive inconsistency here, lockpick retain is a factor of two titles, one Character-based and another Account-based. This should be fixed.
I get as sick of people saying “not this topic again, close the thread” as those people get of reading it. Seriously, go away and read another thread if it offends you.
By the way, I am not asking for Wisdom to be account-based, as it effectively already is. You can switch all the items to one character and ID. I don’t mind having one specific ‘salvager’. In any case the value of this is now degraded massively due to the cheap availability of Perfect Salvage Kits.
One last point – money is not a problem and should not be a problem to obtain the keys to keep the title building. Personally, as I open the chests in normal gameplay, I make enough cash from completing the quests and missions and getting the standard drops. I am also set up as a trader on GWOnline traders and have made over 200k selling Weapons, Tomes and Mods over the last 3 months. This stuff might have gained me 5-10k at the merchant. I hate selling stuff in Kamadan too, it’s a case of knowing when you can dip in and get 10k for an Elite tome or whether something is going to take longer than ten minutes to sell.
So, I am not complaining about the cost of this title, I am not afraid of grinding for it (if it were possible) and I am not asking for Wisdom to be changed. I just think that it’s a bad inconsistency with Luck and Allegiance titles, and also that Treasure Hunter itself might well take 12000 hours to max (and that’s never walking past a chest).
People complained/fed back (or ‘whined’) about Gladiator, another ridiculous title, for a while and then A-Net fixed it intelligently. A-Net do listen and I think it’s quite realistic and reasonable to hope they may fix it, perhaps in the way we’re suggesting. Another way might be to give us a ‘triple treasure hunter point weekend’ or something similar. But come on, at least give us a chance to get a decent rank up. No-one expects a title for fee, but at the moment it’s like climbing Everest without equipment.
But guys.Then the level 1 players can salvage the gold items from the beginning treasure chests and we all know how OMFGOVRPWRD! that would be.
And we can't forget that they'd be able to retain their lockpicks for Hardmode!At level 1 too!They'd be able to make a fortune in a matter of minutes!
And we can't forget that they'd be able to retain their lockpicks for Hardmode!At level 1 too!They'd be able to make a fortune in a matter of minutes!