Who here uses PvX WiKi builds?
You know how there's always those players who have LOTS of trouble with a zone, and post about it? Like the EOTN section of guru, how they can never beat something, or they barely beat it? And they ALWAYS complain about how hard it is, and then other people join in and agree, when in fact it ISN'T hard?
THAT is who uses PvX wiki. Those people.
THAT is who uses PvX wiki. Those people.
Every build that can be invented – has already been invented.
Originally Posted by Age
Who uses it or get most their build from there a.All the Time,b.Some What,c.Only Research,d.Never
For the heroes of classes I rarely play they normally run something from there.
For classes I play quite a bit I mostly use my own builds but I would say that looking through PvX Wiki the vast vast majority of them are named builds or a named build + variant (I always find it interesting to notice that something I came up on my own is a "cookie cutter" build). Sometimes I will notice a build that I had never really thought of and will give them a whirl - since there are a few classes that I rarely play I am not terribly familiar with their skills for use as a secondary. Though I normally change them to better suit my needs.
About the only thing I pretty much take carbon copy from them is farming builds. More often than not those are highly specific in both build *and* run leaving little room to play around. If they make the "good" or "great" category chances are they *are* that and I just use them, though if I make a change I think works better I use it. I also use the farming forum here in the same way.
I see no reason to re-invent the wheel nor do I see any particular reason to throw out a good idea because it is on a web page someplace. While I certainly understand why some enjoy re-inventing the wheel (I sure do sometimes, though I see it as no better or worse than copying it) I find the latter to be stupid.
When I stepped in PvX Wiki first thing I said was no no this place ain't for me, better use guru forums.
- Ganni
- Ganni
Ha ha, this would be funny if it weren't so self-serving. Shortest memories in the world! I remember how upset people were when the Wiki banished builds, so upset that the PVXWiki was started to replace it.
Of course I use PVXWiki builds. I may not stick with the build, but I'll certainly try it. I'm not such an idiot that I refuse to learn from other people.
I'm a very good cook. That doesn't mean I don't consult recipe books or chat with other people who cook to get their ideas and input.
Of course I use PVXWiki builds. I may not stick with the build, but I'll certainly try it. I'm not such an idiot that I refuse to learn from other people.
I'm a very good cook. That doesn't mean I don't consult recipe books or chat with other people who cook to get their ideas and input.
Ivan Aidrann
I often use a build from pvxwiki for farming, and usually slightly change it to fit my taste. Thats pretty much it though. Have made a few farming builds of my own, none very successful, at least not compared to some given on wiki
Have tried a build or two for general pve, but i find that i need to use something i built myself. For comfortability, since i basically use a different build for each area i go to.
Besides... cookie-cutting... grr
Have tried a build or two for general pve, but i find that i need to use something i built myself. For comfortability, since i basically use a different build for each area i go to.
Besides... cookie-cutting... grr

Originally Posted by unienaule
twelve characters
I look at them for the foundation for skillbars of professions I don't play much, ie anything that is not a Warrior, Necromancer or Elementalist
Yeah, I use PvXwiki a lot.
I use it for the hero builds because I'm not too familiar with build of other professions. Also, I've been using PvXwiki as source of idea's to get a better synergy of the skills I use. The wiki simply has inventive combinations that I would not have thought of myself.
I use it for the hero builds because I'm not too familiar with build of other professions. Also, I've been using PvXwiki as source of idea's to get a better synergy of the skills I use. The wiki simply has inventive combinations that I would not have thought of myself.
I like using skillbars that work, so I tend to stay away from PvX.
I usually have guru for help on builds, why look at wiki when there's people here that alweays want to help out?
I always steal yesitsrob's builds.
While many builds there are a little obsolete or not as efficient, I think they are useful for new players and people playing a new profession.
Anyone with an understanding of the game will know quite quickly if a build works or not, and will be able to modify them to their own playing style.
Efficient or not, some of the quirky builds can be fun to play for a while, in a "i didn't think of that..." way.
Builds seen in some threads here are definitely more current (to the nerfs) and efficient, but still, I seldom use any build wholesale. Play style > absolute efficiency.
Anyone with an understanding of the game will know quite quickly if a build works or not, and will be able to modify them to their own playing style.
Efficient or not, some of the quirky builds can be fun to play for a while, in a "i didn't think of that..." way.
Builds seen in some threads here are definitely more current (to the nerfs) and efficient, but still, I seldom use any build wholesale. Play style > absolute efficiency.
I will look up builds on PvX wiki occasionally when I don't have anything better to use.... but I ALWAYS end up making improvements to the build posted.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I will look up builds on PvX wiki occasionally when I don't have anything better to use.... but I ALWAYS end up making improvements to the build posted.
^ Yeah. I've never play a Dervish or a Ritualist but sometime I fanncy bringing Razah/Xandra or Kahmu/Melonni when I play, then I would look up PVX for their basic build. But then I would ask my guildies who plays those classes to see what they think of the builds and such.
Komes I
I couldnt bother more than to make builds on my own. I mean it maybe fun for some of you guys but i just FAIL at it because i once made a build (February 2006 15 days of playing) for R/Me and some of the skills were: Power Shot, Distracting Shot, Conjure Phatasm, Eather Fest and Backfire. Could have i done it more wrong?
I use then for farming occasionally but i prefer to look on guru.
For General PvE builds, I go there so I can get a general idea of what I'd like to use, and change the skills to suit my style.
Farming I use their builds sometimes...
Heroes... I'm not really an expert on taking advantage of the AI so I use it :P
Running... Very rare for me to use it...
PvP, I use slightly different bars from the ones posted there. Like my own version of a B-Surge Ele :P
Farming I use their builds sometimes...
Heroes... I'm not really an expert on taking advantage of the AI so I use it :P
Running... Very rare for me to use it...
PvP, I use slightly different bars from the ones posted there. Like my own version of a B-Surge Ele :P
Auron of Neon
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I will look up builds on PvX wiki occasionally when I don't have anything better to use.... but I ALWAYS end up making improvements to the build posted.
But srsly, it's always good for a laugh, which I guess would be C.
Originally Posted by fenix
You know how there's always those players who have LOTS of trouble with a zone, and post about it? Like the EOTN section of guru, how they can never beat something, or they barely beat it? And they ALWAYS complain about how hard it is, and then other people join in and agree, when in fact it ISN'T hard?
THAT is who uses PvX wiki. Those people. |
Anyway, then there's this other friend, who used GWiki religiously (back before the builds were erased and PvX was created), copying each build to see how they all worked. He was invited to several different guilds, and went on many runs through FoW/UW, Urgoz, and finally DoA. He then moved through various PvP arenas, and even GvG'd a few times. Everyone commended him for being one of the best rangers they've ever played with - not a single build he played with was original. Eventually he did begin to tweak the builds and make his own.
I watched all of this happen while I already had a good understanding of GW and most of the classes. I was always there if they had questions, too. Now, my point is, the very nature of GW PvE means all you really have to do is copy a build and fly through it. The ones that have the most trouble are going to be those who have no guidance at all, and don't actively seek it. PvX Wiki is perfectly fine for 99.9% of PvE, and 100% for those who are smart enough to change out a skill or two depending on what they are going up against.
PvP is a different story, but once you dive into it, you will meet people who are more than willing to help, and guilds with their own resources for build ideas/suggestions. PvX Wiki probably doesn't help too much here, and I wouldn't really suggest it if that's what you're wanting to do. Maybe AB builds, those are okay.
Really, experience is the best teacher. Just think of PvX as a mildly retarded tutor.
I get PvX builds then tweak to fit my playing style. I've come up with some interesting builds that way...and reading how everything works together gets me looking around for other combos aside from PvX.
I use it for both research and to play around with a build and try it sometimes. Often times I don't run with a PvX build because most are so specific at what they do and I prefer my own made up builds that I feel are usually a more generic build that works in most situations. Although, I do like to visit PvX to see what's out there and maybe go with something and tweak it a little. Often times I've been unable to use these builds though because I haven't gotten the skills that a lot of them require.
As a side note, I find it funny to read people's responses about how PvX builds are garbage and their own self made builds are superior. Well, perhaps you're all right, but I can't begin to tell you how many builds I've seen people ping in game that they claimed were "superior" when in fact they turned out to be complete SH#T.
Oh well, who cares anyway? It's just a game and as long as everyone has fun then that's cool with me.
As a side note, I find it funny to read people's responses about how PvX builds are garbage and their own self made builds are superior. Well, perhaps you're all right, but I can't begin to tell you how many builds I've seen people ping in game that they claimed were "superior" when in fact they turned out to be complete SH#T.

Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I will look up builds on PvX wiki occasionally when I don't have anything better to use.... but I ALWAYS end up making improvements to the build posted.
The problem with Obs mode is that you only get builds for GvG and HA, some of which can be changed for other arena useage, but some cannot be. Obs mode is better used to study what's currently popular in the meta-game.
And what is so bad about so called "cookie cutters", I mean, they get used a lot, because they are the best, and those that want to win use only the best they can find, that's a fact. People who go around saying "Im being different/Diverse/unique" because they're using a less than very good build are idiots as far as I care. Being diverse by changing skills in your bar to be effective in a certain area is perfectly fine, but some people thing that being unique is a good reason to play bad builds, and they need to see the light.
I myself use wiki for inspiration and ideas, and I do watch some Obs mode as well, to get the jist on what I may run into and need to counter.
Originally Posted by Shuuda
That's pretty much sums it up.
The problem with Obs mode is that you only get builds for GvG and HA, some of which can be changed for other arena useage, but some cannot be. Obs mode is better used to study what's currently popular in the meta-game. And what is so bad about so called "cookie cutters", I mean, they get used a lot, because they are the best, and those that want to win use only the best they can find, that's a fact. People who go around saying "Im being different/Diverse/unique" because they're using a less than very good build are idiots as far as I care. Being diverse by changing skills in your bar to be effective in a certain area is perfectly fine, but some people thing that being unique is a good reason to play bad builds, and they need to see the light. I myself use wiki for inspiration and ideas, and I do watch some Obs mode as well, to get the jist on what I may run into and need to counter. |
the 55 [insert class here] was very original when they first came out. but now its not even considered interesting anymore.
dont feel no pain
Research, looking out for nooks XD
I am always looking for a new build and trying out different combinations of skills. So rather than using PvX to get a build I use it as a reference tool to see how other people relate skills to one another. I usually end up thinking, "Hey those skills look ok together but what if I use this instead." Sometimes I like to pick an Elite and make a build around that skill. I do this because, being a necro as my main character for so long I have grown REALLY bored with SS, MM, and BiP builds. I have come up with quite a few really nice builds as well as some miserable failures (but at least I recognize them as such). What I find ironic is a build I posted on GwWiki several months was marked for deletion not 10 minutes after I posted for "not having synergy" is the same build I used to get Leg. Protector, Leg. Guardian, beat GW:EN and rip through Glint's Challenge. After that I pretty much lost faith in any of the so called "synergy" that comes from PvX.
I've used it for reference when someone refers to a build by shorthand or a nickname & I don't know wth they're talking about. Other than that, no, I haven't used it.
Sir Green Aluminum
This game relies on builds, it makes sense to go to a build wiki for info if you need it. In build wars you need builds, isn't the ZB build in there? I think I got it from there, altered two skills and started being an overpowered RA monk. I mean you have to test the builds you get from there and think which build is bad or good but how many builds do you see in the stasisgame I mean metagame? Hand full of builds in use so there's not going to be much in the wiki that's useful or not nerfed.
This isn't release day, build individuality gets you nothing now except /kicks out of parties. Now that there is observer mode people can see what skills you're using. When you target someone you can see in detail what their skill does and everything.
This isn't release day, build individuality gets you nothing now except /kicks out of parties. Now that there is observer mode people can see what skills you're using. When you target someone you can see in detail what their skill does and everything.
They are good build templates, I love using them.
Sometimes for farming builds.
Hero build research.
I'll use a wiki build every once in a while if I want to play a different build as a change of pace, but I never use it skill-for-skill.
I only took a build or two for farming, but some builds are kinda good but ppl bring some skills that make the build crap. So I kinda just change some skills and make it better lol.
I end up making improvments to every build I see on their lol.
I end up making improvments to every build I see on their lol.
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by Issac
I only took a build or two for farming, but some builds are kinda good but ppl bring some skills that make the build crap. So I kinda just change some skills and make it better lol.
I end up making improvments to every build I see on their lol. |
I'd like to see you try.
I'm not proud. I'll look on pvx wiki for new ideas, inspiration; but I never use a build just as it is presented. Also, look at the variants for each build. They are intended as starting points for a build, not "cookie cutter."
People who won't use a build simply out of arrogance or are creative to their own detriment make me sick. Ever wonder why these brilliantly creative ideas never caught on?
Then again, thanks to these same people who try and reinvent the wheel, those who run proven builds win iPods and video cards.
People who won't use a build simply out of arrogance or are creative to their own detriment make me sick. Ever wonder why these brilliantly creative ideas never caught on?
Then again, thanks to these same people who try and reinvent the wheel, those who run proven builds win iPods and video cards.
I'd use that noodle fan.
I look at the builds, but I never use them. I get more fun making my own.
I wish more PUGs would at least look at PvX Wiki. Some of the builds I've seen actual players using were horrible. I'd much rather have players running cookie cutters, rather than gobbledy goop. My Warrior, Elementalist, Necromancer, and Dervish have their own home-brew builds, but my Monk and Ritualist use a PvX wiki build, Assassin uses a modded PvX wiki build, and my poor Paragon has some gobbledy goop with TNTF at the end.