Costume Brawl! Opinions?
So costume brawl is now out and people have had some time to experience it.
What do you guys think? Is it fun? boring? lame? etc...
Personally I think that the idea of it was a good one. Set skill bars are kind of like the sealed deck tournaments and basically whoever has better tactics and uses the skills better will win. However, some of the skill bars are a bit....yea...
The monk bar is a bit lame but I guess its to balance things out. If a team had a ZB prot monk they would completely roll a team that didn't (assuming player skill is the same). It's kind of meh for the monks but I guess its understandable.
Warrior, Ranger, Eles, Dervs have good skill bars. Necros Mesmers Rits have pretty decent ones although I'm not sure if a degen necro is the best for this type of arena. The Sin can only spike someone to about half hp so meh...Monks got shafted pretty hard on the skill bar but I guess its understandable.
What do you guys think? Is it fun? boring? lame? etc...
Personally I think that the idea of it was a good one. Set skill bars are kind of like the sealed deck tournaments and basically whoever has better tactics and uses the skills better will win. However, some of the skill bars are a bit....yea...
The monk bar is a bit lame but I guess its to balance things out. If a team had a ZB prot monk they would completely roll a team that didn't (assuming player skill is the same). It's kind of meh for the monks but I guess its understandable.
Warrior, Ranger, Eles, Dervs have good skill bars. Necros Mesmers Rits have pretty decent ones although I'm not sure if a degen necro is the best for this type of arena. The Sin can only spike someone to about half hp so meh...Monks got shafted pretty hard on the skill bar but I guess its understandable.
King Kong
I dont mind it, just got 9 wins in a roll, but started to get boring after the 2nd win
What if they just made the monk bar a pure smiting one?
totally imbalanced but that was expected using game skills
Diddy bow
Shrine capping makes it suck for me, games fell a tad over long too

The rewards suck, but it was pretty fun for a while.
Really Terrible.
Just looking at the Build's Show this was well.
Also:The fact that the new arena's are for Hero Battles.Which no one cares about.
Just looking at the Build's Show this was well.
Also:The fact that the new arena's are for Hero Battles.Which no one cares about.
1 word
The builds are about what you'd expect, nothin too fancy, but nothin too awful... Except that is for the monk bar. wtf is that supposed to be?
Aera Lure
Hmm. Some of the builds are pretty bad, especially the monks. I do suppose its to balance for a team that maybe does not have a monk, but in that case, it should be pure smite, as was said. Rewards are pretty bad too, at least, in and of themselves they are no encouragement to play.
I was interested in it until I researched it out a bit. Now, not so much. I might try one round though just so I have done it. Wish they could have done better, as at least the idea had merit.
I was interested in it until I researched it out a bit. Now, not so much. I might try one round though just so I have done it. Wish they could have done better, as at least the idea had merit.
The monk build is supposed to be bad IMO. After all... this is Halloween, not a love fest of healing and happiness.
Die well, have fun.
Die well, have fun.
Didn't enjoy it, but I'm not a fan of PVP anyway.
The monk bar is horrible, the ritualist not that great either and as a result of that the elementalist one completely shuts down warriors. I mean, I had a team with a monk and a ritualist and fought one elementalist, didn't hit anything in the whole match. Will only get worse when people figure out the monk is indeed horrible and stop using it.
So short summary, typical Anet. Could have been great, turns out horrible.
So short summary, typical Anet. Could have been great, turns out horrible.
Seef II
12 expertise on the ranger one makes me cry.
Zoey Raine
I liked it at first...but after a couple of runs it got be bleh..
I love it, even the crap monk.
The mesmer build was great considering it countered what was nearly on every build and could do its own shatter enchant,energy surge,energy burn spike and hat 3 interupts.
Healing breeze alone would be bad. Non-max healing breeze even worse. But combined with smite, it's a disaster.
Ranger, warrior, ele and dervish have somewhat decent builds. At least they work as they're supposed to.
Necro build is quite cool, not really for killing, but melee shutdown is always nice.
It's fun the first few times, then the fixed builds get really boring.
Ranger, warrior, ele and dervish have somewhat decent builds. At least they work as they're supposed to.
Necro build is quite cool, not really for killing, but melee shutdown is always nice.
It's fun the first few times, then the fixed builds get really boring.
Bowstring Badass
Wow... Just wow.
Tiny Killer
I think it is a fun diversion. I just finished 10 wins with my rit. Not a great skill set, but it worked. Great? No. Fun for a few goes? Yes.
Unlucky Slayer
I liked it. Was fun to play a PvP Domination Mesmer. 4 wins then got beat by a better team. Was fun.
I guess they didn't gave the monks a good bar because of the posibility to have a party of only monks.
And it would be better for matches to end quicker without the monks healing, since the faster the battles go the more prizes some people are going to win.
Rubbish, in my honest opinion. The shrine capping is just.. ehh... The concept is pretty cool; switching places with our fave henchies/heros. But the delivery was what killed it for me.
Faction is good for unlocking more hero skills tough.
Oh yes, i forgot : Everyone posting here has unlocked everything already.
Oh yes, i forgot : Everyone posting here has unlocked everything already.
Give the monks some healing.
Give the necromancers Lingering Curse.
Then we can have some fun : )
Give the necromancers Lingering Curse.
Then we can have some fun : )
I think it's quite fun, Fast easy way to earn balth faction
The team with the most skilled rangers and assassins wins, pretty much. No other class matters unless both these are absent.
I don't like it. What are the rewards anyway? I never managed to win because the rest of my team leeroyed in and got Bane Signet spiked.
street peddler
had a nice streak of wins playing on my paragon
I've been reading in local chat a lot of people complaining about how the warrior build sucks because it can't tank or how rangers would rather have barrage -_-. Someone write a guide to costume brawl please. <_<
Also you guys have a point...the rewards really suck for the 5 minutes you have to spend in one match.
Also you guys have a point...the rewards really suck for the 5 minutes you have to spend in one match.
Fun to play with AoD assa.
The numbers of people retards who don't have any idea how to play is amazing... Numbers of leavers and leechers too.
The guy who decided to give D Melandru- icwutudidthar
The numbers of people retards who don't have any idea how to play is amazing... Numbers of leavers and leechers too.
The guy who decided to give D Melandru- icwutudidthar
Stormlord Alex
The builds are kinda myeh-ish...
But given the general calibre of PvE player in GW, I'm kinda glad that they're preset
Besides, the Necro build is kinda fun when you get the hang of it, keeping tabs on the AoD sin with Strip Enchant iz gud.
But given the general calibre of PvE player in GW, I'm kinda glad that they're preset

Besides, the Necro build is kinda fun when you get the hang of it, keeping tabs on the AoD sin with Strip Enchant iz gud.
I don't really like it. If it was just kill each other, not shrine capping, then I'd like it more.
the Puppeteer
eles owns all there
Originally Posted by Shikaru
I've been reading in local chat a lot of people complaining about how the warrior build sucks because it can't tank or how rangers would rather have barrage -_-. Someone write a guide to costume brawl please. <_<
Also you guys have a point...the rewards really suck for the 5 minutes you have to spend in one match. |
plus rewards suck arse,builds suck ass(at least 70% of them.)
and what they did with the monks i dont know,the SF build is really bad...just...really bad...
the sin build,wth.maybe anet havent though falling spider>falling lotus.
the derv build:they ever heard of e-management?i could swear youll be down to 0 energy with 2 10E skills and AoM.
enfeeble is a big "wtf" to me with necros.
ranger+para+war builds are only ones with a half decent skill-set which could be made miles better
rit build:mend body and soul....forgot spirit light.
and reward doesnt even cut 5 mins worth.
Depending on the class you are playing it's more or less fun.
Only problems I've had with it are leavers and people who stay grayed out for the entire match and never show up.
Only problems I've had with it are leavers and people who stay grayed out for the entire match and never show up.
It's fun for half an hour, after that it gets a bit repetitive really.
Onarik Amrak
I thought it was rather fun.
7pts per win is kinda lame considering how long it takes.
And I can't use the trick-or-treat in the outpost for some reason.
7pts per win is kinda lame considering how long it takes.
And I can't use the trick-or-treat in the outpost for some reason.
Squishy ftw
I enjoyed it
Lukas FTW lol, his bar is even quite good (cripslash)