Costume Brawl! Opinions?
I actually logged on to try it out. Got 8 consecutive wins before I realized it's just glorified RA with less idiots, and takes way too much time.
But I did get a taste of GW:EN music. Not too shabby.
But I did get a taste of GW:EN music. Not too shabby.
Blessed Winds
Heh, I figured there'd already be loads of complaints in this forum.
If you guys know that ANet's obviously not going to give you a ginormous gift of effort, why are you still disappointed?
I didn't expect anything big, but I appreciate them for going through the effort of actually putting up a mini-game.
I agree though, some of the builds suck. A team full of Antons basically wins against anything.
If you guys know that ANet's obviously not going to give you a ginormous gift of effort, why are you still disappointed?
I didn't expect anything big, but I appreciate them for going through the effort of actually putting up a mini-game.
I agree though, some of the builds suck. A team full of Antons basically wins against anything.
it was pretty fun
still have yet to try it but i hear the mesmer is killer
i just tire dthis with my main character, mesmer, and from my perspective it was fun, but then i was runnign about killing most things half the time. the other half i was running away from two or three deciding i was a bigger threat than some of the other players.
seem cool will have to try with some other professions, but the mesmer bar is fantastic!
seem cool will have to try with some other professions, but the mesmer bar is fantastic!
Fun /sarcasm
Originally Posted by undeadgun
crippling slash will do the bleeding job there
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I joined to try it out a bit, but ended up with 39 consecutive wins on my first try.. We were being forced to stop because Guild Wars got an update and the timer got stuck at 00:00..
Also, i played as monk, and found the monk bar not that bad. It does quite some damage and has the ability to keep you alive for some time as well.
Also, i played as monk, and found the monk bar not that bad. It does quite some damage and has the ability to keep you alive for some time as well.

Originally Posted by Blessed Winds
A team full of Antons basically wins against anything.
Tried it a couple of times as my necro
The build was quite good based around reapers mark life leech so was a blood build
Opposition I was up against seemed to be a monk and a mesmer and warriors managed to kill the monk and a warrior but that was it.
The opposition warriors were great and wiped my team again and again.
With no run skill no slow or cripple skills I was dead meat against warriors.
Maybe I will enjoy it more with another character class
The build was quite good based around reapers mark life leech so was a blood build
Opposition I was up against seemed to be a monk and a mesmer and warriors managed to kill the monk and a warrior but that was it.
The opposition warriors were great and wiped my team again and again.
With no run skill no slow or cripple skills I was dead meat against warriors.
Maybe I will enjoy it more with another character class
I think the monk build works really well against the prebuilts we were faced against. Mix of damage and minor healing.
Why play Costume Brawl; with generic skillbars, random parties, a high quit rate, and crappy rewards... When you could play Alliance Battles; with your own skillbars, pre-formed parties (with less quitters), and actual rewards?
I don't understand what Areanet was getting at, I find it a stale Alliance Battle knock-off with a bad, Random-Arena-like aftertaste.
I don't understand what Areanet was getting at, I find it a stale Alliance Battle knock-off with a bad, Random-Arena-like aftertaste.
Just more reason why Hero battles should have at least been random arena maps.
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Why play Costume Brawl; with generic skillbars, random parties, a high quit rate, and crappy rewards... When you could play Alliance Battles; with your own skillbars, pre-formed parties (with less quitters), and actual rewards?
Great great point!
I tried it with all of the professions. My three favorite to be were Assassin, Mesmer and Dervish in that order. They were both fun and strong with thier builds. Some of the builds were a let down (I understand the monk not being heal/prot and keeping the game mostly damage, but what is up with the poor synergy of skills?), and some of the attribute point distribution was a little lame (why do rangers and sins not get 14 in a weapon? Pretty poor way at balancing it out if you have to give some professions less attribute points than others), but overall I wasn't too bothered by that stuff.
What disappointed me were the shrines. I want to PvP, not chase people around a map while they cap shrines. Really lame idea there and they are the reason I won't be playing the Costume Brawl as much as I was hoping to. At least I have Thorn's visits to look forward to
What disappointed me were the shrines. I want to PvP, not chase people around a map while they cap shrines. Really lame idea there and they are the reason I won't be playing the Costume Brawl as much as I was hoping to. At least I have Thorn's visits to look forward to

This game mode is just sort of a suck up version of AB with RA theme to it and you got to love those people who camp in the opposite team spawn point...
I actually enjoyed playing the monk. Once you get past the "wtf is this bar?" reaction, and just try to deal with what you have, it's pretty fun. Nice practice in switching between foes and teammates, and not actually that bad at keeping people up, provided they kite when they realize they're in danger.
Yeah, I know, big "provided." But if you're lucky enough to get on a team that understands what's going on, it's fun.
Yeah, I know, big "provided." But if you're lucky enough to get on a team that understands what's going on, it's fun.
All i had to do was look at the monk build to know this was yet another disappointing event game from arenanet.
it was ok, got a few wins..........BUT---half of the time my whole team wouldnt load, so we had 3 people vs 5. We would die quickly, same thing happened to one of our opposing teams...we were quickly able to grab all the flags and run to their rez shrine and pick them off as they came in 
Not sure what's up with the loads, but 3 vs 5 isnt very fun.
Found that my ele was the best set up (also played monk-bleh, necro-worst, warrior-meh, and rit-2nd best choice.....plan on tryin out my mesmer next).

Not sure what's up with the loads, but 3 vs 5 isnt very fun.
Found that my ele was the best set up (also played monk-bleh, necro-worst, warrior-meh, and rit-2nd best choice.....plan on tryin out my mesmer next).
[skill]Crippling Slash[/skill]
Is this wrong description?
Supposed to cause bleeding? How long? (not able to log on right now)
Is this wrong description?
Supposed to cause bleeding? How long? (not able to log on right now)
Yeah, it's supposed to cause bleeding too.
Additionally, click the card instead of hovering over it.
Additionally, click the card instead of hovering over it.
Lord Natural
I played it for a half hour earlier and had fun. I really think there should be a permenant mini-game of this or something close to it where bars are set and it all comes down to strategy.
Originally Posted by mrmango
I hate how people don't know how to cap. This isn't PVE or RA, it's AB/HB-style costume brawl. And yea, the builds... <<
With all the complaints about the randomly assigned ally teams in AB, I can't see how ANET would think that randomising the entire team was a good idea. Especially when they force builds that people aren't used to.
So in my only match I had one person who didn't load, me with a skillbar I had no clue what to do with, a team who split up at the start to do their own thing and all in an arena where I had no clue what the victory condition was. We got pushed back into our base and lost a mere 3 minutes into the match.
At least the other event arenas have an NPC in the outpost who outlines the basic objectives so we don't have to work them out while playing.
N E D M, those have been a bit outdated for a while... you need to check the wiki for their current stats.
*Empathizes with BR over the first and last parts.
You can get the just of the skillbar just by looking at it for a minute or two before you enter. I don't like how some of them are arragned though. Mesmers and monks in particular. I don't like the sassi's bar because one screwup or block and 3 skill slots are useless until the first reloads. It works when it does, and when it doesn't you are up a creak without a canoe.
QFT. I don't like HB on there but once you start using it, it is actually servicable in the enviroment.
Originally Posted by Bilateralrope
So in my only match I had one person who didn't load, me with a skillbar I had no clue what to do with, a team who split up at the start to do their own thing and all in an arena where I had no clue what the victory condition was.
You can get the just of the skillbar just by looking at it for a minute or two before you enter. I don't like how some of them are arragned though. Mesmers and monks in particular. I don't like the sassi's bar because one screwup or block and 3 skill slots are useless until the first reloads. It works when it does, and when it doesn't you are up a creak without a canoe.
Originally Posted by Beqxter
I actually enjoyed playing the monk. Once you get past the "wtf is this bar?" reaction, and just try to deal with what you have, it's pretty fun.
Spawn camping SUCKS.. Needs some protection from that... Like in AB at least...
Hyper Cutter
I'm amused that the player versions of certain characters (namely Mhenlo) have the same emotes as the NPC versions...
It's pretty fun for a short while, but gets boring after a few games.
Not balanced. Monks suck, Dervish and Eles Ownz, sins, like always, completely ownz at ganking.
In short, it could have been better, really.
In short, it could have been better, really.
Ironically, unlike in RA, now people are leaving if they have a monk...
Gave it a spin this morning ...
* Easy access to max weapon /if you are dirt poor or if you neglected some character big time./
* Interesting idea of pvp with ONLY premades. Its kinda like sealed deck, but a bit wrose. I really do want to replace some skills with something more decent. sealed deck with some 10-20 skills you can swap in and out of your build would be cool.
* Preview of new HB areas /i hope those are new hb maps./
* Game is basically decided by winner of first bigger scirmage since it puts them several points ahead losing team. Similar, if oponent team get their stuff together and mob-cap shrines, they win
* slow loaders make you fight in 3 vs 5 quite often
* there is no reall spawn camp protection.
* Easy access to max weapon /if you are dirt poor or if you neglected some character big time./
* Interesting idea of pvp with ONLY premades. Its kinda like sealed deck, but a bit wrose. I really do want to replace some skills with something more decent. sealed deck with some 10-20 skills you can swap in and out of your build would be cool.
* Preview of new HB areas /i hope those are new hb maps./
* Game is basically decided by winner of first bigger scirmage since it puts them several points ahead losing team. Similar, if oponent team get their stuff together and mob-cap shrines, they win
* slow loaders make you fight in 3 vs 5 quite often
* there is no reall spawn camp protection.
This is the test of a new design concept.
Imagine if the monks had more healing power in this random environment. 1 Monk on your team = win. This is true for RA, and it would be true here.
They are testing new forms of casual PvP for GW2. They might also be testing reducing the dominance of the healer class monk. Remember, GW2 is going to have LARGE instances, and as it seems less or no heroes and henchies.
So they try to give every class some healing, and greatly reduce the healing of the monks. What our Costume Brawl monks are lacking are MARTIAL ARTS.
The monk class can no longer be the supreme healer, evolved through immense power creep, that it is in GW1.
You can of course say this or that class has better skills, but often it is not taking other classes in context. We have pretty much rock-paper-scissors in this arena, for the good and the worse of this system.
Imagine if the monks had more healing power in this random environment. 1 Monk on your team = win. This is true for RA, and it would be true here.
They are testing new forms of casual PvP for GW2. They might also be testing reducing the dominance of the healer class monk. Remember, GW2 is going to have LARGE instances, and as it seems less or no heroes and henchies.
So they try to give every class some healing, and greatly reduce the healing of the monks. What our Costume Brawl monks are lacking are MARTIAL ARTS.
The monk class can no longer be the supreme healer, evolved through immense power creep, that it is in GW1.
You can of course say this or that class has better skills, but often it is not taking other classes in context. We have pretty much rock-paper-scissors in this arena, for the good and the worse of this system.
Good point ... test of enviroment where self heals and prevention is important and where there is no dedicated healer.
maybe GW2 PvE wont be that bad ... without healer there would be no heal/tank/nuke, but i am sure that peope would still find closest aproximation /if monk and rt healing capabilities were nuked, you would have groups shouting for "lfg imbue health dervish, no scythe noobs."/
maybe GW2 PvE wont be that bad ... without healer there would be no heal/tank/nuke, but i am sure that peope would still find closest aproximation /if monk and rt healing capabilities were nuked, you would have groups shouting for "lfg imbue health dervish, no scythe noobs."/
It would be great if I wasn't having lag spikes every minute, only managed to finish one game...
Originally Posted by Longasc
This is the test of a new design concept.
Imagine if the monks had more healing power in this random environment. 1 Monk on your team = win. This is true for RA, and it would be true here. |
You guys are crazy, the monk bar is bad? It's the perfect monk bar for this type of game. Even healing breeze is good for this build. Imo it's my favorite bar of all of them. Nothing kills you alone, and if you use it right even 3 at a time won't kill you. l2p
Now the only thing left to do is cap shrines and stick with your party and call lonewolves. KD them with SoJ so your party can catch him, fun fun fun.
Now the only thing left to do is cap shrines and stick with your party and call lonewolves. KD them with SoJ so your party can catch him, fun fun fun.
it's actually hard to kill these monks, even with that bar.
assassins have very good utility with the AoD - makes capping so much easier. shame nobody knows how to use it.
necro degen is a bit too strong vs certain chars that lack direct self heal, and they have enchant control for AoD, good thing.
eles are just hilarious, SF, awesome speed boost, BLIND, anet failed on these.
dervs are actually pretty bad..?
cripslash is good, it's one of better bars also.
rangers are just lol. i can't believe they put 6 (i think?) skills of the core BA bar on it.
mesmers are plain crap. go figure.
havn't tested rits, but i remember them to be fairly useless?
same about paragons, although fall back is nice if you have a good team.
overall..meh, players ruin this game. nobody ever loads in time, nobody has a clue what to do..people can sync, and a monk with a ranger is basically unstopable.
nice little idea overall though.
assassins have very good utility with the AoD - makes capping so much easier. shame nobody knows how to use it.
necro degen is a bit too strong vs certain chars that lack direct self heal, and they have enchant control for AoD, good thing.
eles are just hilarious, SF, awesome speed boost, BLIND, anet failed on these.
dervs are actually pretty bad..?
cripslash is good, it's one of better bars also.
rangers are just lol. i can't believe they put 6 (i think?) skills of the core BA bar on it.
mesmers are plain crap. go figure.
havn't tested rits, but i remember them to be fairly useless?
same about paragons, although fall back is nice if you have a good team.
overall..meh, players ruin this game. nobody ever loads in time, nobody has a clue what to do..people can sync, and a monk with a ranger is basically unstopable.
nice little idea overall though.
pumpkin pie
Once again a wonderful game for the holiday. thanks arena net.
btw I think the costume brawl proofs there's no need for a healer in a randomly selected pvp game of 4 people.
a lot of fun!
when you see a shrine CAP IT. its not there for decorations purposes. start getting your opponents out of play only when you have done the capping. Off couse dropping your opponents makes you points but cap gives you more. !! CAP !
ps: read your skill bar before hitting the "enter battle" button. surely the skills are put there for a reasons.
PS again STEAM !!
btw I think the costume brawl proofs there's no need for a healer in a randomly selected pvp game of 4 people.

when you see a shrine CAP IT. its not there for decorations purposes. start getting your opponents out of play only when you have done the capping. Off couse dropping your opponents makes you points but cap gives you more. !! CAP !
ps: read your skill bar before hitting the "enter battle" button. surely the skills are put there for a reasons.
PS again STEAM !!
Originally Posted by Mokone
it's actually hard to kill these monks, even with that bar.
assassins have very good utility with the AoD - makes capping so much easier. shame nobody knows how to use it. necro degen is a bit too strong vs certain chars that lack direct self heal, and they have enchant control for AoD, good thing. eles are just hilarious, SF, awesome speed boost, BLIND, anet failed on these. dervs are actually pretty bad..? cripslash is good, it's one of better bars also. rangers are just lol. i can't believe they put 6 (i think?) skills of the core BA bar on it. mesmers are plain crap. go figure. havn't tested rits, but i remember them to be fairly useless? same about paragons, although fall back is nice if you have a good team. overall..meh, players ruin this game. nobody ever loads in time, nobody has a clue what to do..people can sync, and a monk with a ranger is basically unstopable. nice little idea overall though. |
Had a great time with my cripslash devona. won about 15 streaks, 2/3 splitting is the key

Originally Posted by netniwk
Had a great time with my cripslash devona. won about 15 streaks, 2/3 splitting is the key
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