Originally Posted by Equaliser
I am currently in a guild with very few activity players so I have plenty of experience with PuG groups.
In my experience people who think they are great and show it seldom displayed their skills when in missions. They would usually die after couple of encounters then blame the tank for no tanking or the monk for not healing then leave. Your group will then be forced to resign or continue without them.
Whereas you can generally compete a mission with newbies who are welling to learn. It may take more time giving them instructions but they generally get the job done.
So I have to say attitude certainly beat aptitude.
i only have 2 other active members in my guild, so i have alot of PuG experience as well, and IMO, there is more to it, then the arrogant and the nOOb, as a matter a fact, I think i see a mixture of the two more often than not, for example, im sure youve teamed with someone who is not only arrogant and wont listen, but also sucks too, its happen too many times, where someone draws a line on the map, and some dude aggros a group and then has the nerve to run back to us with the group...one time it was monk who did this, give that food for thought. as for the pro player being arrogant, luckily, i havent really run into those yet, most of the good players ive teamed with have nice attitudes. but there is just one proffession i refuse to use in a PuG, that is the monk...it is just not right. they need to remove monks from guild wars for GW2, that is the worst profession in the game for PuGs...it should not exist. ive gotten in too many fights, i just hate when a warrior runs into aggro, dies in 3 hits, and then calls me the n00b...