Please Anet, look at those listed up free MMORPG's, they consist of certain impressions, that look very good, not to say just awesome and would be cool, if GW2 would look and work later in a similar, when not even better way of quality.
First One:
EVAN Online < Developers Site (Korean)
What is so special about this Game, why I say, Anet should take it for Inspiration ?
The Attacks and Moves of the Characters in the Game look just very cool and martial, something, what we can absolutely don't can say about the battle System of Guild Wars 1, against the Battle System of Evan, that of GW looks simple somewhat of boring, lame and slow without any action, that you could fall asleep, really as if childs play with toy soldiers, so looks GW's battle system.
I really hope, this will change with Guild Wars to, give us ACTION !! and give GW2 a battle System, that reminds on martial Action-RPG's, where the Characters can use the environment and the movements, like jumps, rolls, blocking attacks (defensive stance) in strategic maneuvers to battle against your foes, together with impressive lookign stylish attack skills, which skill effects will look much more impressive, than the skill effects look in GW, also with better Sound Effects, fitting to them.
Evan Online is just a F2P-MMORPG in Beta State, but the battle system looks so what better, then the one of GW..should give imo to think ...if I would be Dev of GW
And it's also the Character-Design...I hope really the Warriors in GW2 will look more like those Sword Man in EVAN Online.. not so overfilled with big bad ass Armors, which let them all look like heavy armored tanks only with uber big necks, arms and legs, like bodyguards.
Warriors should look like agile fighters and should not look like heavy armored look Paladins and Knights maybe, but not simple Warriors.
Also their "Rogues" look in kind of gameplay much better, then our Assassins in GW1 do, also they can use Stealth Techniques.
next game is:
Prius Online (also known before as Anima Online)
What is so special about Prius Online ?
its the absolute surprising awesome graphics...this insane high grade of details of the environment is sooooooooo beautiful
(what you see there at the camp fire is the Character Selection Screen)
This high grade of details of the Character Design, together with good enlighting, that lets them look more real
Also, wonderful camera play, 360° camera,, you have ever the control around your character
epic battles betwen gigantic monsters and your summons
even fighting self against problem, when your character is agile and swift enough - just jump at it, climb it and hit it at its weakest point XD, and end your attack with a stylish jump off ^^
next game: Rohan Online
whats so special about it ?
again the character design, environemental graphics and the character design
here you can especially see, how much armored maximum should warriors look in that Paladin of this video with our warriors in GW.
Does this look, like an overarmored tank bear, like that, what we have in GW ? No, it doesn't, this here in rohan looks like a very well proportioned Warriors, with enough armor on, but not TOO MUCH. And why ? because the body proportion of those warriors is just CORRECT
here also some nice gameplay
where you see some nice things, like BOW'S with visualized STRINGSs and visualized Arrow Skill effects, that look quite awesome, when you really see, how the arrows hit your foe.
Or a nice feature for mage classes of any sort, that you HEAR your character spelling, when they cats their magic spells, its awesome, when you hear from your characters then soem sort of a magical language with that they cast their spells
Also u see there some nice concepts for future new professions, like the Templar, which fights with Maces (1H hammers and morningstars also) and Priests, which should have in GW2 the fuctionality of monks, which can then become a martial arts class, that fights with bare fists and feet (claws) or with 2H battle staffs, or nunchakus and the power of Chi, some kind of Shaolin should be the Monk in GW2 and should have been from the start on, monks are only wannabe priests, their natural lies in their martial arts and not in praying to god and being a healing class.
However, just a bit inspiration providing, in hope GW2 will become similar maybe through it in a positive own way