Remove the Timer from Soul Reaping
The timer is still a rather clunky solution, however, my necro is just fine for energy; I still highly value SR even in its current state. For balance, it's good as it is.
So yeah, /notsigned
So yeah, /notsigned
I Will Heal You Ally
After all SR nerf was because of spirits... not that that era is over bring it back
After all SR nerf was because of spirits... not that that era is over bring it back
/signed for remove SR timer.
Because there is no need of it anymore, beside if SR was alright before the spirits thing, it should be ok to restore it now the way it was.
Because there is no need of it anymore, beside if SR was alright before the spirits thing, it should be ok to restore it now the way it was.
Soul reaping is still amazing in pve, it's fine, stop crying.
I can live with the current state, but...
3 in 15 is a clumsy bandaid... and I hate such bandaids. Like pets without proper corpses.
3 in 15 is a clumsy bandaid... and I hate such bandaids. Like pets without proper corpses.
yes plz remove it .
If the timer on SR is removed, one or more of the following must be done:
- Make Animate Bone Minions 25e and >10r.
- Make minions give no energy.
+1 for removing the timer, and, +1 on the wtf about the pet bodies
and seriously im tired of fun pve builds getting screwed over cause someone in PVP found soem exploit that ONLY works in pvp. Sometimes i wish pvp and pve were two seperate games
and seriously im tired of fun pve builds getting screwed over cause someone in PVP found soem exploit that ONLY works in pvp. Sometimes i wish pvp and pve were two seperate games
Old SR & no limits for minions or give us a PvE elite skill for that, 20+ Minions Necro FTW
Old SR & no limits for minions or give us a PvE elite skill for that, 20+ Minions Necro FTW
The timer is still required to address the problem of unbounded energy gains in PvE.
Originally Posted by cellardweller
The timer is still required to address the problem of unbounded energy gains in PvE.
/unsigned |
If they dropped the cost of some necro skills and gave us attunements then you'd have a point, but in this case you dont, as the timer was brought in purely for PvP, which obviously didn't work else they wouldnt have stopped the energy from spirits so
I'm with ya' comrades, take that timer out.
12345 characters
12345 characters
While I pretty much agree that SR still provides a pretty good amount of energy in PvE, I would absolutely love to see the bloody timer removed.
Originally Posted by full moon blaster
Take a simple skill chain used in both PvE and PvP, Awaken the Blood / Arcane Echo / Spiteful Spirit, 10+15+15=40 energy. My setup gives me a total of 50 energy, that's a pretty big pool, but those three skills don't leave me with enough to chain my next Spiteful Spirit cast, and then when that's off, you can't cast another cover hex or additional curse for further damage. Our pool gets drained very fast to be an effective contributor to a team build.

Originally Posted by Blackhawk
What problems that then? mobs been complaining then have they?
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
If they dropped the cost of some necro skills and gave us attunements then you'd have a point, but in this case you dont,
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
as the timer was brought in purely for PvP, which obviously didn't work else they wouldnt have stopped the energy from spirits so
Originally Posted by cellardweller
Go back to the discussions at the time of the SR nerf and you'll find statements by Gaile to the contrary. The timer mechanism was aimed addressing SR's degenerative behaviour in both PvP and PvE.
2. Regardless of whether "degenerative behaviour in PvE" mattered then, it clearly does not matter now. Now we've got P/W's spamming Save Yourselves and There's Nothing to Fear with huge uptime; we've got Ursan teams tearing through Mallyx like he's a pre-searing skale. The original SR was NOTHING compared to the PvE-only skills that have come after it. If a-net ever cared about "PvE balance," it's beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-mallet obvious that they don't any more. You may disagree with that decision, but it's perfectly clear that that's the decision they made. So, please, don't go insisting that Soul Reaping should continue to get the shaft for the sake of preventing "degenerative behaviour in PvE" while there's Ursan teams running amok.
/signed for remove SR timer
(I'm really not sure that heaven or hell have a door that only opens to let souls in at certain times! lol)
/signed for reverting back pets to leave corpse
(Because.. if something of flesh dies... ummmm... it leaves a corpse right?)
(I'm really not sure that heaven or hell have a door that only opens to let souls in at certain times! lol)
/signed for reverting back pets to leave corpse
(Because.. if something of flesh dies... ummmm... it leaves a corpse right?)
Originally Posted by Chthon
1. I have a very strong suspicion that whatever was said about PvE at the time was mere pretext to diffuse the angry mob.
2. Regardless of whether "degenerative behaviour in PvE" mattered then, it clearly does not matter now. Now we've got P/W's spamming Save Yourselves and There's Nothing to Fear with huge uptime; we've got Ursan teams tearing through Mallyx like he's a pre-searing skale. The original SR was NOTHING compared to the PvE-only skills that have come after it. If a-net ever cared about "PvE balance," it's beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-mallet obvious that they don't any more. You may disagree with that decision, but it's perfectly clear that that's the decision they made. So, please, don't go insisting that Soul Reaping should continue to get the shaft for the sake of preventing "degenerative behaviour in PvE" while there's Ursan teams running amok. |
The solution to these problems is to correct imbalanced PvE skills like they did with SoL and Intensity. Re-breaking SR doesn't address these issues at all.

Originally Posted by cellardweller
Go back to the discussions at the time of the SR nerf and you'll find statements by Gaile to the contrary. The timer mechanism was aimed addressing SR's degenerative behaviour in both PvP and PvE.
Lets Get to Healing
Remover timer, please. The reason for its implementation is gone, so it doesn't need to exist any longer.
If not that, add a "Minion Interface", at the VERY least.
If not that, add a "Minion Interface", at the VERY least.
Red Sonya
Originally Posted by darkdreamr
Soul Reaping is arguably the best primary attribute in the game already. I have to say I disagree that Anet should remove the timer. Besides, it doesn't matter now. It won't be used in PvP because things don't die reliably enough. In PvE, Necros are already good. No need to give them infinite energy so they can spam 15 energy spells like they're free.
I think removing the timer would be nice, but only if they make it so all summoned creature do not give energy.
The original solution from the players was to remove the energy benefit you get with soul reaping from spirits, now that Anet's finally done that after a few months maybe they should remove the pointless timer?
With energy gain from spirits gone there's really no need for the timer. SR is only really good in PvE, stuff in PvP (except in AB) doesn't die that often for SR to be imbalanced.
With energy gain from spirits gone there's really no need for the timer. SR is only really good in PvE, stuff in PvP (except in AB) doesn't die that often for SR to be imbalanced.
Curse You
Originally Posted by lavenbb
I think removing the timer would be nice, but only if they make it so all summoned creature do not give energy.
Originally Posted by lavenbb
I think removing the timer would be nice, but only if they make it so all summoned creature do not give energy.
Getting soul reaping off your own minions is 100% vital to every minion master build out there. You'd pretty much destroy necromancer's signature "thing" if you did that. Someone in the necromancer forums said they'd quit GW for good if a-net did such I think, and I think that would be totally justified.
Now, eliminating soul reaping from other people's minions might be worth considering.
However, as long as Jagged Bones keeps that garbage recharge time, there's no need. One (or two) minion(s) per body, plus one minion every 15 sec via JB is not enough to build the sort of infinite energy engine that causes problems like spiritway.
Sum, for now, this point is moot. In the extremely unlikely case that JB gets unnerfed, then maybe it might be time to look at restricting SR to your own minions. In NO CASE should SR from your own minions go away.
/Signed, come on guys stop hurting the necros! We hurt ourselves! /sacrifice
Sergeant of Marines
Originally Posted by Jamison0071
/Signed, come on guys stop hurting the necros! We hurt ourselves! /sacrifice
I would have to say /notsigned...
Everyclass has to have E-Management, why not the Necros?
Originally Posted by Chthon
Now, eliminating soul reaping from other people's minions might be worth considering.
Originally Posted by Sergeant of Marines
That was funny, but anyways...
I would have to say /notsigned... Everyclass has to have E-Management, why not the Necros? |
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
Remover timer, please. The reason for its implementation is gone, so it doesn't need to exist any longer.
If not that, add a "Minion Interface", at the VERY least. |
So, as of now, there's a pretty popular three-necro hero build that people use to clear hard mode, because of soul reaping, and you're saying that soul reaping needs to get better? I don't quite follow.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by unienaule
So, as of now, there's a pretty popular three-necro hero build that people use to clear hard mode, because of soul reaping, and you're saying that soul reaping needs to get better? I don't quite follow.
/notsigned The timer needs to stay otherwise it might start getting exploited in pvp again. how you may ask? simple through pets and minions (not from the pets from other dead bodies) it's not that hard to imagine entire teams going /r with charm and comfort animal just to make the pets die and than res them 2 secs later only to have them die and get resed over and over just to give necros energy. I can already see some people posting up an argument against this "than just don't target the pets" and this is true to some extent but AOE (IE splinter weapon, eles,) will almost make sure that at least one pet gets killed in a match. Secondly if a few players die people will use bone minions (AKA animate SR fodder) and get 6-8 of these minions running around giving free energy to the necros once they die. I know a lot of you might reply to this saying "but that's not happening yet" and that is true but if theres one thing I've learned from playing GW its just how creative the player base is and that they may find some way to abuse SR if the timer gets removed and we have yet another SR fiasco. Besides It's not as if SR is a worthless primary attribute with the timer. I mean seriously guys at 9 SR thats 27 energy every 15 seconds and if thats not enough you also have sig of lost souls, GOLE, and the entire inspiration Mesmer line to work with if you need more E-management. But thats just my $0.02 (sorry for the wall of text)
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Lobo_the_great
/notsigned The timer needs to stay otherwise it might start getting exploited in pvp again. how you may ask? simple through pets and minions (not from the pets from other dead bodies) it's not that hard to imagine entire teams going /r with charm and comfort animal just to make the pets die and than res them 2 secs later only to have them die and get resed over and over just to give necros energy. I can already see some people posting up an argument against this "than just don't target the pets" and this is true to some extent but AOE (IE splinter weapon, eles,) will almost make sure that at least one pet gets killed in a match. Secondly if a few players die people will use bone minions (AKA animate SR fodder) and get 6-8 of these minions running around giving free energy to the necros once they die. I know a lot of you might reply to this saying "but that's not happening yet" and that is true but if theres one thing I've learned from playing GW its just how creative the player base is and that they may find some way to abuse SR if the timer gets removed and we have yet another SR fiasco. Besides It's not as if SR is a worthless primary attribute with the timer. I mean seriously guys at 9 SR thats 27 energy every 15 seconds and if thats not enough you also have sig of lost souls, GOLE, and the entire inspiration Mesmer line to work with if you need more E-management. But thats just my $0.02 (sorry for the wall of text)
Sadly I don't think they will remove the timer.
I've always thought they should have removed the sr from spirits when they first nerfed sr and look what they are doing removing it a YEAR LATER.
Goes to show how much anet listens to pver'ers or care.
If SR doesn't get reverted back then I won't be supporting guildwars 2 because i know that this is how they listen, and they don't to pver'ers and it sucks.
To all the people that say necros never used e managment i sure as hell did before the nerf, it's called wait till something dies. And usually i get all my energy back at the end of the battle which sucks but that's how things pan out when things decide to die.
I'm so tired of pvp people think they are so high and mighty.
Get off your high horse pver'ers want things too.
SOls works kinda like energy drain you use it and then o wait its to late because the monster is already dead or i'll push it to soon. UGH.
And on the topic of tombs of prime evil kings I've played topk a lot and find that half way through people will leave. If you doing a balanced build that doesn't really work but if you do a b/p build and you have a good mm every single pet corpse counts. and at least it's still do able.
Sadly I don't think they will remove the timer.
I've always thought they should have removed the sr from spirits when they first nerfed sr and look what they are doing removing it a YEAR LATER.
Goes to show how much anet listens to pver'ers or care.
If SR doesn't get reverted back then I won't be supporting guildwars 2 because i know that this is how they listen, and they don't to pver'ers and it sucks.
To all the people that say necros never used e managment i sure as hell did before the nerf, it's called wait till something dies. And usually i get all my energy back at the end of the battle which sucks but that's how things pan out when things decide to die.
I'm so tired of pvp people think they are so high and mighty.
Get off your high horse pver'ers want things too.
SOls works kinda like energy drain you use it and then o wait its to late because the monster is already dead or i'll push it to soon. UGH.
And on the topic of tombs of prime evil kings I've played topk a lot and find that half way through people will leave. If you doing a balanced build that doesn't really work but if you do a b/p build and you have a good mm every single pet corpse counts. and at least it's still do able.
Curse You
Originally Posted by Sergeant of Marines
I would have to say /notsigned...
Everyclass has to have E-Management, why not the Necros? |
Originally Posted by Lobo_the_great
/notsigned The timer needs to stay otherwise it might start getting exploited in pvp again. how you may ask? simple through pets and minions (not from the pets from other dead bodies) it's not that hard to imagine entire teams going /r with charm and comfort animal just to make the pets die and than res them 2 secs later only to have them die and get resed over and over just to give necros energy. I can already see some people posting up an argument against this "than just don't target the pets" and this is true to some extent but AOE (IE splinter weapon, eles,) will almost make sure that at least one pet gets killed in a match. Secondly if a few players die people will use bone minions (AKA animate SR fodder) and get 6-8 of these minions running around giving free energy to the necros once they die. I know a lot of you might reply to this saying "but that's not happening yet" and that is true but if theres one thing I've learned from playing GW its just how creative the player base is and that they may find some way to abuse SR if the timer gets removed and we have yet another SR fiasco. Besides It's not as if SR is a worthless primary attribute with the timer. I mean seriously guys at 9 SR thats 27 energy every 15 seconds and if thats not enough you also have sig of lost souls, GOLE, and the entire inspiration Mesmer line to work with if you need more E-management. But thats just my $0.02 (sorry for the wall of text)
Even if you did have a whole team of people doing that, the best you could hope for would be 6 pets (very unlikely), and each person would have to sacrifice 2 skill slots. The most possible energy would then be (assuming 13 SR) 68 (78 - 10 energy to revive pet). However, it is very unlikely that all 6 pets will die at the same time, and since your skills then get disabled for 10 seconds, you might as well have just waited 10 seconds for your energy to regen a little.
I would like to say A-Net is ran by smart people. I really do. I mean, they draw in all these players and once the money is in their hands, they screw the majority of them (I could be wrong, but from my observations, there is a lot more PvE'ers than those who PvP).
But they're not smart. In fact, they are very stupid. They lack hindsight, and it is that which will drive their company to the ground in a few years. Here's what I mean: look at all these PvE skills. Look at all the PvE content. From conception, to development, to release, PvE is their main focus. But what happens in the maintenance portion of the game? It's primarily PvP driven. Few of the changes made has had PvE in mind. Perhaps they think that once all the PvE'ers are done with the content, they'll automatically jump over to PvP? No, that's not how it works. Still, A-Net modify things from skills, to core game mechanics in order to appease the PvP crowd mostly. In a more recent example, SR nerfs. If they had any hindsight of the things to come, they would've just removed SR gain from spirits off the bat. But they didn't. They took their sweet time to see their mistake. Now, all we're left with is a muddled garbage Necros call a primary attribute.
Even more so would be to upset such a large portion of their player base now is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Why now, you say? With the release of Guild Wars 2, there will be a major discontinuity between the games. For some, the 2 things combined will be enough for a player such as myself to not purchase the game. With less PvE'ers (and before I continue, I want to state that I do not condone or participate in the act of online gold buying... as if the games weren't enough money...), there will be less demand for online gold sellers. Less accounts bought means less revenue in their pockets. Like it or not, it's obvious bots account for a good percent of those "3 millions copies sold."
I personally didn't play Necro too much, and even less after the initial SR nerf. But to see such an atrocity, I just can't keep my 2 cents to myself. However, I will not be signing this. Instead I hope they keep this. Simply to infuriate all of those who have been affected negatively by it. Perhaps by the time Guild Wars 2 hits the shelves, A-Net will realize their grave error. They'll wish they can change things like they can now, but by then it will be too late.
But they're not smart. In fact, they are very stupid. They lack hindsight, and it is that which will drive their company to the ground in a few years. Here's what I mean: look at all these PvE skills. Look at all the PvE content. From conception, to development, to release, PvE is their main focus. But what happens in the maintenance portion of the game? It's primarily PvP driven. Few of the changes made has had PvE in mind. Perhaps they think that once all the PvE'ers are done with the content, they'll automatically jump over to PvP? No, that's not how it works. Still, A-Net modify things from skills, to core game mechanics in order to appease the PvP crowd mostly. In a more recent example, SR nerfs. If they had any hindsight of the things to come, they would've just removed SR gain from spirits off the bat. But they didn't. They took their sweet time to see their mistake. Now, all we're left with is a muddled garbage Necros call a primary attribute.
Even more so would be to upset such a large portion of their player base now is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Why now, you say? With the release of Guild Wars 2, there will be a major discontinuity between the games. For some, the 2 things combined will be enough for a player such as myself to not purchase the game. With less PvE'ers (and before I continue, I want to state that I do not condone or participate in the act of online gold buying... as if the games weren't enough money...), there will be less demand for online gold sellers. Less accounts bought means less revenue in their pockets. Like it or not, it's obvious bots account for a good percent of those "3 millions copies sold."
I personally didn't play Necro too much, and even less after the initial SR nerf. But to see such an atrocity, I just can't keep my 2 cents to myself. However, I will not be signing this. Instead I hope they keep this. Simply to infuriate all of those who have been affected negatively by it. Perhaps by the time Guild Wars 2 hits the shelves, A-Net will realize their grave error. They'll wish they can change things like they can now, but by then it will be too late.
If you need more than 30 energy ontop of natural regen and minor e-management every 15 seconds, then you need to tone your bar down a bit and make it more energy friendly. You shouldn't be able to spam 25e skills fueled by an army of minions dying.
If you need more than 30 energy ontop of natural regen and minor e-management every 15 seconds, then you need to tone your bar down a bit and make it more energy friendly. You shouldn't be able to spam 25e skills fueled by an army of minions dying.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by Sergeant of Marines
Everyclass has to have E-Management, why not the Necros?