What is the most pathetic scamming attempt that you encountered?
runnning to kaineng center 500g! can't believe its not been mentioned...
In LA about 2 months ago there was 2 people I assume they were in the same alliance, as there tags were different.
Person 1: Is spamming every 30-45 secs "WTT my bone dragon or kunnavaang for XXX green item, don't whisper me just open trade window"
Person 2: as fast as they can spam: "Wts XXX green item for YYk"
the xxx green item was worth 30-40k and being sold for 50-60k,or more, buy person 2.
person 1 is set to away status and will never open a trade window. the green item changed at about 5 spams from person 1. person 2 followed suit.
BTW I never bought the item and attempted the trade but others sure did. lol
Person 1: Is spamming every 30-45 secs "WTT my bone dragon or kunnavaang for XXX green item, don't whisper me just open trade window"
Person 2: as fast as they can spam: "Wts XXX green item for YYk"
the xxx green item was worth 30-40k and being sold for 50-60k,or more, buy person 2.
person 1 is set to away status and will never open a trade window. the green item changed at about 5 spams from person 1. person 2 followed suit.
BTW I never bought the item and attempted the trade but others sure did. lol
Bryant Again
Oh man I just remembered when people would impersonate Guru mods, saying you'd be banned if you didn't send an e-mail to suchandsuch@hotmail.com. Nice try guys.
On my way through pre-searing, I decided to gate-monkey for the perma-pre people a bit so that I could buy some tapestry shreds off those perma-pre people, now that there's a use for them.
I get this one guy who wouldn't pay. After I opened the gate, he zoned us into the northlands and ran off without opening trade. I asked "you're going to rip me off, aren't you?" Silence. Pretty pathetic, scamming someone out of 50g.
What's more pathetic is that he didn't even get away with it. After 10 sec or so of no reply from him, I just walked back through the zone border and mapped out, leaving him stuck south of the gate.
I get this one guy who wouldn't pay. After I opened the gate, he zoned us into the northlands and ran off without opening trade. I asked "you're going to rip me off, aren't you?" Silence. Pretty pathetic, scamming someone out of 50g.
What's more pathetic is that he didn't even get away with it. After 10 sec or so of no reply from him, I just walked back through the zone border and mapped out, leaving him stuck south of the gate.
Originally Posted by snikerz
I was selling a tormented shield.
This person asked to go outside, soon as I spawned outside the person had cast [wiki]recall[/wiki] on me, and they requested that I drop my high end item on the floor while I was far far away so they could see it. |

Last week I was selling a shield for 1k. The shield wasn't great, but it was probably worth around 4-5k. I just wanted a quick sale and didn't feel like sitting in town for hours selling it. It was a nice skin.
I got a buyer and they put 1g in the trade window. Geez, you're already getting a bargain yet you feel the need to try and scam too. These are the people that I wish would just find a different game to play.
I got a buyer and they put 1g in the trade window. Geez, you're already getting a bargain yet you feel the need to try and scam too. These are the people that I wish would just find a different game to play.
Originally Posted by Squishy ftw
I said tomeS, like.. multiple tomes. I think it were 3 elite necros and 2 elite monks. So no, I didnt scam myself
![]() |
Brian the Gladiator
Males that play on female elementalist characters in pre-searing Ascalon that say, "Giving lap dances for 100g - Pm or self invite"
Need I say more...
Need I say more...
Nemo the Capitalist
Originally Posted by Kamara
Was selling a Mini Lich in Kamadan a few weeks ago and a D/A pm'd me saying he's interested. Invited me to team and refused to talk to me about the sale 'til I accepted.
Me: Hi. <amount I was selling it for> okay? Them: I've heard these have been duped and I want to do a test to make sure it's the real thing. Me: Uh, okay? O_o Them: We need to go outside, I'll make sure I'm far enough away from you and you'll drop it, then I can do the test ![]() Me: Uh... How about no. Them: OMG DUPER DUPER!!!! I'm going to report you for duping! Unless of course you sell it to me for <half price> Me: ... Them: OMG YOU REALLY ARE A DUPER Me: How about I report you for scamming instead? *blissful silence as they log out* I mean, really now *rolls eyes* |
Im really glad idont come across retards like that
One guy tried to sell me Gray Dye and Ink as black dye and claimed that if you mix them together you get black dye.
Also, "wts req7 sundering IDS"
Also, "wts req7 sundering IDS"
Originally Posted by Brian the Gladiator
Males that play on female elementalist characters in pre-searing Ascalon that say, "Giving lap dances for 100g - Pm or self invite"
Need I say more... |
anyway, it's more like a joke though no? I would love to know who actually paid for one.
Musei Karasu
Originally Posted by flubber
are you tugging on our middle legs?
I've been messaged and traded countless times saying "Giving out trade bans free of charge!" due to excessive local trading messages.
Some people have rocks for brains...
Some people have rocks for brains...
Scam = any item being sold for more than 100k. 'Nuff said.
Blanche Neige
I remember when i was a newbie and just got out of pre searing someone tried to scam me (speaking with no proper english too, a little dificuilt to me to understand that), also it's a common lame scam in a virtual pet website too.
he: hiya, If u giv me 100k i will get you sum leet titles!
me: whats a leet title? how does the ''leet title'' thing works?
he: u knowe,a thingy 2 show off, u know, 2 show ur teh 1337ist.
its easy, u give meh sum 100k an ur pass, then i will get sum leet titles 2 u, ther very rare.
me: no thanks. i do not even have 100k, i'm not going to give you my password because i don't want you to steal my account and i prefer to get one of those ''leet titles'' by myself.
he: u will regret if u let this offer get out!!1111! noob! noob! noob! noob! noob! noob!......
And then he continued to disturb me about forabout 20 minutes until i rage quited of getting tired of it, i was just a newbie, but the only thing i regret is of not knowing there was an ignore list where i could have added him and i could have took a screenshot and report him to anet.
he: hiya, If u giv me 100k i will get you sum leet titles!
me: whats a leet title? how does the ''leet title'' thing works?
he: u knowe,a thingy 2 show off, u know, 2 show ur teh 1337ist.
its easy, u give meh sum 100k an ur pass, then i will get sum leet titles 2 u, ther very rare.
me: no thanks. i do not even have 100k, i'm not going to give you my password because i don't want you to steal my account and i prefer to get one of those ''leet titles'' by myself.
he: u will regret if u let this offer get out!!1111! noob! noob! noob! noob! noob! noob!......
And then he continued to disturb me about forabout 20 minutes until i rage quited of getting tired of it, i was just a newbie, but the only thing i regret is of not knowing there was an ignore list where i could have added him and i could have took a screenshot and report him to anet.
Originally Posted by bryann380
Scam = any item being sold for more than 100k. 'Nuff said.
Originally Posted by Catrion-Leyt
Werd. I never have, nor will I ever start, to buy an item for more than 100k. Main reason for this is that I never have, nor will I ever start, to see 100k.

Socrates The Mauler
Nobody mentioned the thirsty river scam. thats where the scammer gets you to drop an item right inside riverside mission while he is way ahead of you out of sight. When you drop, he activates the cut scene and runs back to your item while you stand around.
Actually had somebody try that one on me. Claimed he could duplicate my fow armor.
In KC I saw 2 guys: 1st guy is selling wintersday gifts for 100k, claiming there is a kunnivang mini inside. 2nd guy goes along with it, typing in chat "OMG! I got a dragon mini it works!"
I did get scammed out of 1 black dye. Dude offered 7gold instead of 7K. I'm thankfull I didn't lose more than that.
Actually had somebody try that one on me. Claimed he could duplicate my fow armor.
In KC I saw 2 guys: 1st guy is selling wintersday gifts for 100k, claiming there is a kunnivang mini inside. 2nd guy goes along with it, typing in chat "OMG! I got a dragon mini it works!"
I did get scammed out of 1 black dye. Dude offered 7gold instead of 7K. I'm thankfull I didn't lose more than that.
I had someone try to scam themselves...
I'm also guilty of making the 1k 5gold mistake. In my head I think I'm paying 1.5k, so in the trade I put 1 & 5. Thankfully I always notice straight away and correct the error.
I'm very cautious in trades. If someone changes their offer in trade I cancel the trade and start again (hence the cancelled trade in the screenshot). You just never know when the next trade bug is going to appear.
I'm also guilty of making the 1k 5gold mistake. In my head I think I'm paying 1.5k, so in the trade I put 1 & 5. Thankfully I always notice straight away and correct the error.
I'm very cautious in trades. If someone changes their offer in trade I cancel the trade and start again (hence the cancelled trade in the screenshot). You just never know when the next trade bug is going to appear.
Chik N Nuggets
^very nice!! good job dude
Feminist Terrorist
Originally Posted by Socrates The Mauler
Nobody mentioned the riverside province scam. thats where the scammer gets you to drop an item right inside riverside mission while he is way ahead of you out of sight. When you drop, he activates the cut scene and runs back to your item while you stand around.
Sol Deathgard
Originally Posted by electrofish
How is that a scam? meeting the person in rl is never part of the package anyway, and you will get your lap dance... you can accuse them of being a bad actor though, but not a scam imo
anyway, it's more like a joke though no? I would love to know who actually paid for one. |
Snow Bunny
I said WTB 200 ecto
guy opens trade and puts up 250 mursaat tokens
guy opens trade and puts up 250 mursaat tokens

Socrates The Mauler
Thirsty river scam relies on you not knowing whats going to happen. Scammer tells you to stand at mission start and drop your loot, while he goes up next to ghostly hero NPC "To prove its not a scam". Soon as you drop the item he talks to npc, pulling you up there with him. He runs back to get your item cause you still trying to figure out WTF just happened.
Originally Posted by Feminist Terrorist
How is that even possible? If one person's viewing the cut scene, everyone is. Right?
Same thing used to be done in Dunes of Despair mission. Talk to the ghostly after beating the mesmer boss... bah... group gets teleported.
Most pathetic scamm attemt....
probably when a guy tryed to tell me his item was a new introduced invisible weapon, i then said, "would you take 30 Invisible Gold? they are new and are worth 10 platnum each". Guy says "OMG, Rippof, no way!"
probably when a guy tryed to tell me his item was a new introduced invisible weapon, i then said, "would you take 30 Invisible Gold? they are new and are worth 10 platnum each". Guy says "OMG, Rippof, no way!"
Me: "WTB bolts of Damask"
Scammer: "I have some for u"
Me: "cool, how much u want for it?"
Scammer "<insert current going rate here>"
Me: "ill buy it"
*trade commences*
Me: "This isn't Damask it's bolts of Linen"
Scammer: "I fail"
Me: "So...do you have Damask then?"
Scammer: *silence*
Scammer: "I have some for u"
Me: "cool, how much u want for it?"
Scammer "<insert current going rate here>"
Me: "ill buy it"
*trade commences*
Me: "This isn't Damask it's bolts of Linen"
Scammer: "I fail"
Me: "So...do you have Damask then?"
Scammer: *silence*
pumpkin pie
all scammers are pathetic. its a game, if any are here, listen to this: try playing the game and stop ruining other peoples fun.
all scammers are pathetic. its a game, if any are here, listen to this: try playing the game and stop ruining other peoples fun.
Already been posted but here goes:
Wish Swiftdeath
Originally Posted by DFrost
Already been posted but here goes:
Originally Posted by fenix
The countless people who tried to get me to drop my Torment Shields when I was selling them, to make sure they were 'real'. lol.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
btw: your average scammer no longer needs to be assassin secodnary, thanks to existance of wonderfull pve skills: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Ebon_Escape
My experience: A guy wants to buy my Kuunavang for 75 sapphires, which would have been around 150k @ 2k each if I recall right.
Obviously I was on alert, and indeed he offered 75 "heart of ice" quest items.
I took a screenie, reported him, and 1 week later the image of the ice and heart of ice got changed. I hope the guy got a huge ban.
I was with my friend, he was running me to Sanctum Cay while I was on my level 4 with Elite Templar (lol....I was bored.).
Anyway, my friend wanted to take people so that he can make some money. Some guy wanted to come so we took him. Along the way he kept saying that he would pay half at ToA and half at Sanctum. We got to ToA, and the guy kept cancelling the trade, saying he'll pay half at ToA.
...We were there. But he kept acting like a freakin' retard. So, my friend ignored it and just kept him along, and said he should pay at this other town...forgot what it was called, but it was on the coast.
In the zone near the town, my friend said for the guy to pay there, or he wouldn't go anywhere. The guy kept cencelling the trade, so my friend just decided to abandon the guy at the town.
It's a shame that there are so many retards in the world. My 9 year old neighbor who plays Runescape comes up with better scams than this.
Anyway, my friend wanted to take people so that he can make some money. Some guy wanted to come so we took him. Along the way he kept saying that he would pay half at ToA and half at Sanctum. We got to ToA, and the guy kept cancelling the trade, saying he'll pay half at ToA.
...We were there. But he kept acting like a freakin' retard. So, my friend ignored it and just kept him along, and said he should pay at this other town...forgot what it was called, but it was on the coast.
In the zone near the town, my friend said for the guy to pay there, or he wouldn't go anywhere. The guy kept cencelling the trade, so my friend just decided to abandon the guy at the town.
It's a shame that there are so many retards in the world. My 9 year old neighbor who plays Runescape comes up with better scams than this.

Musei Karasu
Originally Posted by R A N D O M
runnning to kaineng center 500g! can't believe its not been mentioned...
I still don't understand how people can bring themselves to do that. It takes almost as much time to map travel to kaineng as it does run from the marketplace.
I saw someone the other day who wasn't just advertising 500g runs to kaineng..oh, no: these were Pro 500g runs to kaineng.
I saw someone the other day who wasn't just advertising 500g runs to kaineng..oh, no: these were Pro 500g runs to kaineng.
Originally Posted by DDL
I still don't understand how people can bring themselves to do that. It takes almost as much time to map travel to kaineng as it does run from the marketplace.
I saw someone the other day who wasn't just advertising 500g runs to kaineng..oh, no: these were Pro 500g runs to kaineng. O_o |
Didn't happen to me, but happened to my b/f. Not a major deal, but the person was horribly irritating.
He sells stacks of materials for reasonable prices (that is to say, many people buy them without complaint), and spotted a person wanting to buy stacks for ridiculously low prices.
He whispered them with his price (250 x trader price divided by 10, minus 500- 800g), and the person then persistently started spamming him with 'noob', 'scammer', and that they could sell materials (in this case, wood) for 3g to a material trader for every ten. His attempt to explain his method of selling failed, and the person then went offline and continuously spammed him.
Boy, did I feel sorry for him.
Oh well, he moved on to the next person, who happily accepted his offer, and hopefully the weirdo he had to deal with failed to buy materials from other people.
Otherwise, there're the people who proclaim that you're selling something at too high a price, then try to trade you a weapon that is 'extremely rare' and the same price as what you're selling.
He sells stacks of materials for reasonable prices (that is to say, many people buy them without complaint), and spotted a person wanting to buy stacks for ridiculously low prices.
He whispered them with his price (250 x trader price divided by 10, minus 500- 800g), and the person then persistently started spamming him with 'noob', 'scammer', and that they could sell materials (in this case, wood) for 3g to a material trader for every ten. His attempt to explain his method of selling failed, and the person then went offline and continuously spammed him.
Boy, did I feel sorry for him.
Oh well, he moved on to the next person, who happily accepted his offer, and hopefully the weirdo he had to deal with failed to buy materials from other people.
Otherwise, there're the people who proclaim that you're selling something at too high a price, then try to trade you a weapon that is 'extremely rare' and the same price as what you're selling.
dupe under the tree near droknar...lame...
and one in thirsty river i believe...
and one in thirsty river i believe...
Feminist Terrorist
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Basically, guys use the NPC cutscenes to teleport you away from the item you dropped. He then uses speed buffs to run over and pick it up before you can figure out what is going on and run back to your item.
Same thing used to be done in Dunes of Despair mission. Talk to the ghostly after beating the mesmer boss... bah... group gets teleported. |

My Green Storage
#1 - Xg in place of Xk
Haven't fallen for it, the well known, "Ok I gotta log off quick, so let's make this trade fast!!"
#2 - The Mesmer NF skin that's the same as Rago's Staff.
Happened in Droks. They put up Rago's, then modified the trade, put up the junk, and cancelled the trade all in like 10 seconds. I was in "Mid mouse hovering over item" when the window closed.
Must've been obvious I knew and was double checking myself
#3 - ***ANET's FAULT!!!***
Update - Monday February 19, 2007
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused trade offers to be displayed incorrectly.
Selling perfect r9 Zodiac Shield 100k+2e (Paid 75k on here) in LA.
"Ok I'll buy it for 12 ectos"
The guy put up 12 wood, didn't dawn on me it could've been a 'scam' since it was through trade and the skin of ecto and wood are obviously different.
So he puts up 12 ecto after modifying, I saw the little 12, I probably hovered my mouse as well.
I hit accept. I noticed chat says "Glob of Ectoplasm" .. I was like hmm, I open inventory, and indeed... I received 1 ecto instead of 12.
Like 3 days later, I see the update notes and thought, Gee thanks ANET!
Ahh well. I bought the shield for Koss anyway and since I don't use wars except for Talon or Devona, I decided to sell it.
And el oh el @ Dfrost. The top of the chat screenshot says "Doublicating" lmao
Haven't fallen for it, the well known, "Ok I gotta log off quick, so let's make this trade fast!!"
#2 - The Mesmer NF skin that's the same as Rago's Staff.
Happened in Droks. They put up Rago's, then modified the trade, put up the junk, and cancelled the trade all in like 10 seconds. I was in "Mid mouse hovering over item" when the window closed.
Must've been obvious I knew and was double checking myself
#3 - ***ANET's FAULT!!!***
Update - Monday February 19, 2007
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused trade offers to be displayed incorrectly.
Selling perfect r9 Zodiac Shield 100k+2e (Paid 75k on here) in LA.
"Ok I'll buy it for 12 ectos"
The guy put up 12 wood, didn't dawn on me it could've been a 'scam' since it was through trade and the skin of ecto and wood are obviously different.
So he puts up 12 ecto after modifying, I saw the little 12, I probably hovered my mouse as well.
I hit accept. I noticed chat says "Glob of Ectoplasm" .. I was like hmm, I open inventory, and indeed... I received 1 ecto instead of 12.

Like 3 days later, I see the update notes and thought, Gee thanks ANET!
Ahh well. I bought the shield for Koss anyway and since I don't use wars except for Talon or Devona, I decided to sell it.
And el oh el @ Dfrost. The top of the chat screenshot says "Doublicating" lmao
Your Lucky I Heal
i was doing this to one guy... (sorry)
but i saw this guy had a collassal scimatar( max dmg energy +5 20% enchants) and wanted a price check, and i said it would be only 5k and i said ill buy for 10k and he said ok. than i felt guilty and i gave it back to him and he gave my money back and said it costs a lot.
but i saw this guy had a collassal scimatar( max dmg energy +5 20% enchants) and wanted a price check, and i said it would be only 5k and i said ill buy for 10k and he said ok. than i felt guilty and i gave it back to him and he gave my money back and said it costs a lot.