Anet: How about some armor storage?
(Yes, I looked through 15 pages of this forum before posting.)
The specialized storage that's coming addresses a bit of the storage issue, but how about going a step further (since it looks like specialized storage slots is all we're going to get as an add-in,) and giving us armor/helmet storage for all of those darn holiday items that are starting to clutter up everyone's storage? To date, there are 5 unique headgear items; enough to fill the entire belt pouch.
Not to mention, due to armor specialization, most people have at least two full sets of armor, plus multiple helmets for specialized builds. I would hazard a guess that there are bags and bags filled with nothing but spare armor and helmets on most accounts.
If we're not going to get more generalized storage space, at LEAST give us some space for some of the more bulky, space-consuming, non-stacking items. Armor and helms is a good place to start.
-Grey Mouser
Defenders of Gods [DOG]
The specialized storage that's coming addresses a bit of the storage issue, but how about going a step further (since it looks like specialized storage slots is all we're going to get as an add-in,) and giving us armor/helmet storage for all of those darn holiday items that are starting to clutter up everyone's storage? To date, there are 5 unique headgear items; enough to fill the entire belt pouch.
Not to mention, due to armor specialization, most people have at least two full sets of armor, plus multiple helmets for specialized builds. I would hazard a guess that there are bags and bags filled with nothing but spare armor and helmets on most accounts.
If we're not going to get more generalized storage space, at LEAST give us some space for some of the more bulky, space-consuming, non-stacking items. Armor and helms is a good place to start.
-Grey Mouser
Defenders of Gods [DOG]
how about storage for all customised stuff, not like they effect the market, and doesn't take all that many bytes.
how about storage for all customised stuff, not like they effect the market, and doesn't take all that many bytes.
That would be even better! A "Customized" storage chest! (about 100 slots' worth would be really great...)
Lord Oranos
Good Idea, most of my chars have an upwards of 3 sets of armor. Would be nice to store it somewhere so I wont have to lug it around everywhere.
Good Idea, most of my chars have an upwards of 3 sets of armor. Would be nice to store it somewhere so I wont have to lug it around everywhere.
/signed. I have armour cluttering up my bags..

... um leave them in your bags. I have my totem axe, FFS, grim cesta, holy staff, -20 offhand, punkin hat, minipet, and second armor set on my monk inventory. When I go farming I have more than enough room. I dont understand why you dont keep customized armors on the character theyre customized for.
The difference between the armor idea and the material idea, is that one is for a specific character and useless on any other. Materials on the other hand are used for crafting armor/weps etc which can be done for any character making it useless to keep on individual characters. Theres more than enough space for armor.
I REALLY hope that was sarcastic.
The difference between the armor idea and the material idea, is that one is for a specific character and useless on any other. Materials on the other hand are used for crafting armor/weps etc which can be done for any character making it useless to keep on individual characters. Theres more than enough space for armor.
Originally Posted by Mouser
That would be even better! A "Customized" storage chest! (about 100 slots' worth would be really great...)
Lady Lozza
Actually, the idea of specialised storage for customised equipment is a good idea and would certainly clear up a lot of space I imagine in a LOT of players' inventory.
Ellador Nae
15 slots per character (that would allow for 3 full sets of armor: 1 worn + 2 alters + a few masks/helms/etc).
I think increasing storage for armor would affect prices to a degree (the price of some materials actually has gone up a bit lately, seems everyone is hoarding), as it would free up space for other items, but I would like to see this implemented all the same. Atm I can't play two of my chars, simply because they're filled to the brim with stuff for my warrior etc.
15 slots per character (that would allow for 3 full sets of armor: 1 worn + 2 alters + a few masks/helms/etc).
I think increasing storage for armor would affect prices to a degree (the price of some materials actually has gone up a bit lately, seems everyone is hoarding), as it would free up space for other items, but I would like to see this implemented all the same. Atm I can't play two of my chars, simply because they're filled to the brim with stuff for my warrior etc.
3/4 of my storage is filled with armors
3/4 of my storage is filled with armors
A good way to handle storage of extra armor would be to have a window slide out from the right side of each armor location. There would be 3 slots in addition to your equipped slot, all you would need to do is click on the piece you wanted to equip. An example of why you MIGHT want four slots is so that charatcter class like Elementalist could have gloves of each Superior rune.
Additionally, you could easily get rid of the trash can for a 3rd bag slot. The last bag should only be able to hold customized and event items. The trash can is unnecessary since you could just throw stuff on the ground. Make dropping items in town work like a trash can. Littering FTL.
Finally, center the "Weapon Set" button or put it in the F11 menu, and add a KEYRING below your off-hand item slot. The KEYRING should only be able to hold "High-End" keys, AND be an item that you need to purchase.. Extra keys could stack normally in your inventory. Keys in your "bags" would be used first. Possibly 5 from each of the 10 areas with high-end chests.
Deep Jade
Based on the fact that Anet can track tons of information regarding hours played, time inactive, number of missions entered etc. I do not see why they couldn't EASILY give us the extra storage that we really need. When additional character slots become available this problem is only going to get worse. If it is about upsetting the game economy, my suggestions is to add more gold sinks to the game.
PLEASE put a profession changer in HA and the ability to purchase one for the Guild Hall. ONLY available to people that have gotten that far in the game.
Additionally, you could easily get rid of the trash can for a 3rd bag slot. The last bag should only be able to hold customized and event items. The trash can is unnecessary since you could just throw stuff on the ground. Make dropping items in town work like a trash can. Littering FTL.

Finally, center the "Weapon Set" button or put it in the F11 menu, and add a KEYRING below your off-hand item slot. The KEYRING should only be able to hold "High-End" keys, AND be an item that you need to purchase.. Extra keys could stack normally in your inventory. Keys in your "bags" would be used first. Possibly 5 from each of the 10 areas with high-end chests.
Deep Jade
Based on the fact that Anet can track tons of information regarding hours played, time inactive, number of missions entered etc. I do not see why they couldn't EASILY give us the extra storage that we really need. When additional character slots become available this problem is only going to get worse. If it is about upsetting the game economy, my suggestions is to add more gold sinks to the game.
PLEASE put a profession changer in HA and the ability to purchase one for the Guild Hall. ONLY available to people that have gotten that far in the game.
Originally Posted by TheLordOfBlah
... um leave them in your bags. I have my totem axe, FFS, grim cesta, holy staff, -20 offhand, punkin hat, minipet, and second armor set on my monk inventory. When I go farming I have more than enough room. I dont understand why you dont keep customized armors on the character theyre customized for.
If there was a special storage just for customized items, I'm willing to bet you'll see a lot more PvE players customize their weapons.
Here's what I have just for one character:
Armor 1
Armor 2
alternate leggings (for different rune configuration)
3 normal headgears
Pumpkin Crown
Yule Cap
Tengu Mask
Dragon Mask
Garbok's Cane
Gorrel's Cane
Garbok's Chalice
Air Staff
-50 HP Focus
Dom Staff
Rare focus with 9% fire def/10% rech all
IW sword
That pretty much takes up my last 2 bags, and doesn't count obligatory crap like id/sup salvage kit. I also have my mini pet and amulet of the mists. I'm considering a 3rd armor set to try my hand at 55hp farming, and would also like to get a -energy set to be truly PvP ready.
My ranger has 1 bag full of nothing but different bows, as well as one set of alternate armor, 3 masks, Horns of Grenth, and a mini pet.
Even if resources are getting a special storage, it would only partially help me. I have a mule character that is almost completely full of Cantha collector's items. Maybe if there was a way to get some sort of "in store credit", so I could trade them in now, but not have to actually pick what I want until later...
It's pointless and stupid with spcialized storage apart from crafting materials, this suggestion is silly.

i predict the next tab has a good chance to be an event items tab.
consider the 1 byte cost of rice wine to the possible varities of armor adding to that the different runes /armor AL /ect
weapons are much worse with having to send not only that this is a sword but the type plus
inherent modifier(s)
percent of each inherent modifier(s)
added mod(s) type
percentage of each added mod (s)
and you can see that they will free up storage for your armor/weapons/offhands in general storage and save the extra storage tabs for uniform low storage/bandwidth items
Originally Posted by majoho
It's pointless and stupid with spcialized storage apart from crafting materials, this suggestion is silly.
So explain again, why this was a silly request?
Nah I dont like IDEA. This is just a hidden way to get more storage slots. Because why bother getting 2 sets of armor? SHOWOFF? "Yeah I got all sets of FoW and15K, ya and I got 5 different customized max dmg 15% always crystallines, who da man, since I'm da man I need more storage yahhhh"
this would be orgasmic...for one character i have about 29 items for armor alone
(5 sets, 6 headgear (4 normal and 2 special events), 3 alternate runed armor pieces)...and then my bow collection takes up a crapload of space too...
(5 sets, 6 headgear (4 normal and 2 special events), 3 alternate runed armor pieces)...and then my bow collection takes up a crapload of space too...
Originally Posted by Cymmina
So because you don't have an inventory problem with your small collection, you don't think anyone else could use some inventory help?
If there was a special storage just for customized items, I'm willing to bet you'll see a lot more PvE players customize their weapons. Here's what I have just for one character: Armor 1 Armor 2 alternate leggings (for different rune configuration) 3 normal headgears Pumpkin Crown Yule Cap Tengu Mask Dragon Mask Garbok's Cane Gorrel's Cane Rockmolder Garbok's Chalice Air Staff -50 HP Focus Dom Staff Rare focus with 9% fire def/10% rech all IW sword That pretty much takes up my last 2 bags, and doesn't count obligatory crap like id/sup salvage kit. I also have my mini pet and amulet of the mists. I'm considering a 3rd armor set to try my hand at 55hp farming, and would also like to get a -energy set to be truly PvP ready. My ranger has 1 bag full of nothing but different bows, as well as one set of alternate armor, 3 masks, Horns of Grenth, and a mini pet. Even if resources are getting a special storage, it would only partially help me. I have a mule character that is almost completely full of Cantha collector's items. Maybe if there was a way to get some sort of "in store credit", so I could trade them in now, but not have to actually pick what I want until later... |
I'm still not seeing any evidence that suggests you need anything.
OK so you have 27 items (if i counted that right) that you absolutely NEED because you want to be PVP ready... What the hell do you need inventory space for in PVP? As for salvage/ID... I keep one superior of each in my storage and just ID my stuff when I'm done with what I'm doing. That saves me what... 5 character*2 WOAH I save 10 slots right there. I think you can get rid of some of your garbage.
Originally Posted by quanzong
Nah I dont like IDEA. This is just a hidden way to get more storage slots. Because why bother getting 2 sets of armor? SHOWOFF? "Yeah I got all sets of FoW and15K, ya and I got 5 different customized max dmg 15% always crystallines, who da man, since I'm da man I need more storage yahhhh"
/notsigned |
It's not a HIDDEN way to get more storage slots; it's a way of getting more storage, playing by the rules Anet has obviously laid out. It boggles the mind that people can actually think of an argument AGAINST a bit more storage; every other MMORPG lets you store stuff in houses, in banks, etc. Here, we're limited to a pack, beltpouch, 2 bags, and the equivalent of another pack in storage. Then, they throw a bunch of stuff at us during the holidays. Exactly HOW is being able to put this extra stuff away unbalancing? Wouldn't it be nice, when you switch characters, that you don't have to spend 15 minutes juggling all the crap in your inventories around between other characters? What exactly is wrong with wanting this?
my chars have like all these helmets and masks and a few sets of armour (sentinels, gladiators, 55 etc) taking up space... i even deleted some holiday items to save room.
my chars have like all these helmets and masks and a few sets of armour (sentinels, gladiators, 55 etc) taking up space... i even deleted some holiday items to save room.
Currently,my storage is full of armors for only 1 character
Currently,my storage is full of armors for only 1 character
Definetly a great idea. My monk has 3 different sets of armor and multiple weapon sets. More storage is a must!
Definetly a great idea. My monk has 3 different sets of armor and multiple weapon sets. More storage is a must!
/not signed
What we need is things more like storage for STACKABLE items. This storage for customizable seems like it would be cool and usefull to many players, but I think it would be better if there was storage for customizable items instead. There is no point for putting something taht is customized in the storage as only one character could use it, and the storage is meant to store things ALL PLAYERS CAN USE. Plus it would probably require a lot of bandwidth and hard drive storage for undefined things, where if you have a set storage for certain items like keys and scrolls and materials(I know they are adding materials. I'm just using it as an example), it would require less bytes sent, therefore lowering the amout of bandwidth and hard drive used.
At first, it seems like a good idea, but once you think about it, it seems as if there are better things to make storage for than customizable items and I think Arena Net relized this. It is probably (at least from my view) why they are going put material storage in the game.
What we need is things more like storage for STACKABLE items. This storage for customizable seems like it would be cool and usefull to many players, but I think it would be better if there was storage for customizable items instead. There is no point for putting something taht is customized in the storage as only one character could use it, and the storage is meant to store things ALL PLAYERS CAN USE. Plus it would probably require a lot of bandwidth and hard drive storage for undefined things, where if you have a set storage for certain items like keys and scrolls and materials(I know they are adding materials. I'm just using it as an example), it would require less bytes sent, therefore lowering the amout of bandwidth and hard drive used.
At first, it seems like a good idea, but once you think about it, it seems as if there are better things to make storage for than customizable items and I think Arena Net relized this. It is probably (at least from my view) why they are going put material storage in the game.
Originally Posted by gamecube187
/not signed
What we need is things more like storage for STACKABLE items. This storage for customizable seems like it would be cool and usefull to many players, but I think it would be better if there was storage for customizable items instead. There is no point for putting something taht is customized in the storage as only one character could use it, and the storage is meant to store things ALL PLAYERS CAN USE. Plus it would probably require a lot of bandwidth and hard drive storage for undefined things, where if you have a set storage for certain items like keys and scrolls and materials(I know they are adding materials. I'm just using it as an example), it would require less bytes sent, therefore lowering the amout of bandwidth and hard drive used. At first, it seems like a good idea, but once you think about it, it seems as if there are better things to make storage for than customizable items and I think Arena Net relized this. It is probably (at least from my view) why they are going put material storage in the game. |
/signed - All for storage for armor and well, anything customized. Preferrably a seperate bag on your character for the customized stuff.
Most people have only one set of armour per character... like me. Maybe it's just my POV, but this would be an update that seems pointless in the big picture. A small portion of the community would benefit, but not nearly as many as would when this storage update for materials is implemented.
I certainly agree with the general arguement laid down in this thread, i think a lot of us have multiple sets of armor, all for different reasons: builds, looks, farming etc etc.. Im getting tired of moving my armor around all the time to make space in my back packs, so some kind of specialised armor storage would be really useful. Its been one of my gripes since I first bought a second set of armor...
/signed (pleadingly!)
/signed (pleadingly!)
Ken Dei
I have:
Full 15k Dragon.
Full 15k Lux.
Full 15k Imperial.
2 pieces of 15k Gladiator.
Dragon Mask
Mini Pet
"Signet of MASSIVE approval."
P.S. don't say use a storage char...I have two!
Full 15k Dragon.
Full 15k Lux.
Full 15k Imperial.
2 pieces of 15k Gladiator.
Dragon Mask
Mini Pet
"Signet of MASSIVE approval."
P.S. don't say use a storage char...I have two!
Lady Lozza
All my friends have multiple sets of armour. Most of my guildies do too. Then there are all those weapons we have that we only use in special situations (yes I have customised them) and all the event gear (which I've been slowly and sadly deleting). In fact I know so few players with only ONE set of armour.
At the very least Anet could look into the idea.
At the very least Anet could look into the idea.
Anet are just plain stupid for making a Matriel Vault, I dont have ever!
I have heaps of armor ><
/signed x99999 times.
I have heaps of armor ><
/signed x99999 times.
Originally Posted by Mouser
Er, my monk has 3 sets of armor, including a 55 set. My necro has 3 sets, depending on build. My Warrior has 2 sets, one for fighting, one for running. NONE of these are even 15k. Plus, I have sets of the special event helms. How exactly is this showing off?
It's not a HIDDEN way to get more storage slots; it's a way of getting more storage, playing by the rules Anet has obviously laid out. It boggles the mind that people can actually think of an argument AGAINST a bit more storage; every other MMORPG lets you store stuff in houses, in banks, etc. Here, we're limited to a pack, beltpouch, 2 bags, and the equivalent of another pack in storage. Then, they throw a bunch of stuff at us during the holidays. Exactly HOW is being able to put this extra stuff away unbalancing? Wouldn't it be nice, when you switch characters, that you don't have to spend 15 minutes juggling all the crap in your inventories around between other characters? What exactly is wrong with wanting this? |
Um EVERQUEST BIG MMORPG, has limited slots too, and you know what, people in everquest want more too, wahhhhh too bad. Thats enough slots, more slots just a waste of gigabytes. Sorry but in gaming world you cannot have storage slots for all your needs, learn to put your armor in your backpack, because your other characters cant wear it so dont waste space. I'm running on 16 slots and im fine, I keep getting good swords, which I cant sell, but I'm cool with that, after you sell it to merchant you forget about selling a req 8 15%^50% flatbow with max damage.
The storage is your bank & can be considered YOUR HOUSE, because only your stuff is in it, and nobody can get your stuff.
My arguement agaisnt storage is, that I got too much space, I need less, I hate looking at good gear and saying to myself, "why cant I sell it, those are some really good weapon, why wont people buy it, it cant be that high of a price?"
Anyways useless to have storage for armor and customized stuff, if your not going to use it and it goes in your storage that means its JUNK, and JUNK belongs to the merchant, armor that isnt JUNK belongs in your backpack, because you in the middle of ICE FLOE, and you say, "dang mursaat monks time, gotta change outa my tormentors, oh shoot, left it in bank, oh well, that armor was JUNK anyways, mine as well suicide"
Marty Silverblade
Although inventory slots is an issue, you must think about other ways to fix this other than more storage. My ideas include...
-Runes of Expansion- Bag slots go from 10 to 15. This cannot be used unless you have already used a Rune of Holding on the bag.
Price... I'd say a bit more than Runes of Holding, because most people with not enough storage will have enough money... I'd say 3k is fair.
-Special Thing Bags- These bags do not go in slots like your backpack, belt pouch, and bags do, but occupy slots inside those. When you double click they open up in a separate compartment, just like storage. These bags would be dye bags, christmas bags, Halloween bags, etc.
-There's more ideas stashed in my mind I just can't be bothered typing, i've done lots of posting today and my fingers are tired.-
To the general idea of this thread /signed
-Runes of Expansion- Bag slots go from 10 to 15. This cannot be used unless you have already used a Rune of Holding on the bag.
Price... I'd say a bit more than Runes of Holding, because most people with not enough storage will have enough money... I'd say 3k is fair.
-Special Thing Bags- These bags do not go in slots like your backpack, belt pouch, and bags do, but occupy slots inside those. When you double click they open up in a separate compartment, just like storage. These bags would be dye bags, christmas bags, Halloween bags, etc.
-There's more ideas stashed in my mind I just can't be bothered typing, i've done lots of posting today and my fingers are tired.-
To the general idea of this thread /signed
I much prefer "more armor storage" to "more material storage". How about players get the individual choice of which one they want instead? Can't see many who would choose the "material hoarder" option, though.
Armor storage is definitely needed.
Armor storage is definitely needed.
Isnt pve all about vanity? Armor and weapon are the vanity.
Isnt pve all about vanity? Armor and weapon are the vanity.
The material storage won't help much because it only holds 250 of each material. Lots of players have more than 250 of each material. SO, armor storage would help a lot because yes, lots of us do have different armor types for our characters. We don't necessarily have different sets just to show off. Some of us have various skill builds for our characters and need different pieces of armor with different runes or a different set of armor that offers more energy/defense.
definitely /signed
I would like to add that another storage improvement in this chapter is not likely. The trend seems to be that for each chapter, there will only be one storage improvement and they would be exclusive for that one chapter.
definitely /signed
I would like to add that another storage improvement in this chapter is not likely. The trend seems to be that for each chapter, there will only be one storage improvement and they would be exclusive for that one chapter.
Bar Fight
Lord of Blah i take it you dont PvP much. Im a PvP addict, and i have on my warrior, 3 swords, 3 hammers, 3 axes, 3 shields, 2 armor sets, 5 helms (yes 5!), and when i cross over from PvP to PvE i have barely enough room in my BAG cuz everything is full. With id kit, salvage kit, keys, quest items, my pumpkin helm, dragon mask, and yule cap. So I personally have no clue what you have to rant about considering all you have to go off of, is your 55 monk which i might add, is the most botted character on the face of guild wars. Now you may not know why they are, but everyone else does. 55 monks are SOLO, all they do is put up bonds, run, prot spirit, soj, zealots, prot spirit, reversal, breeze, prot spirit (and repeat) WOOOOOOOO man thats hard work, you must need so much stuff to take care of 1 person. Sorry for the bash, but calling other peoples stuff trash gets to me. Get a real character then post about how were soo noob for having no room in our inventory. As for the post on armor storage/customized weps
Satai Katalya
Well come on if we're expecting more campaigns and more armor and more sexy skinned weapons etc etc etc I will actually fill out my storage.
Customised storage does sound like a very good eidea, selective like the materials storage mod we're expecting.
Well come on if we're expecting more campaigns and more armor and more sexy skinned weapons etc etc etc I will actually fill out my storage.
Customised storage does sound like a very good eidea, selective like the materials storage mod we're expecting.
Originally Posted by quanzong
Showing off because you have all the gear from holidays, and like you said "its not a hidden way to get more storage slots;its a way of getting more storage" which more storage means more storage slots lol.
My arguement agaisnt storage is, that I got too much space, I need less, I hate looking at good gear and saying to myself, "why cant I sell it, those are some really good weapon, why wont people buy it, it cant be that high of a price?" Anyways useless to have storage for armor and customized stuff, if your not going to use it and it goes in your storage that means its JUNK, and JUNK belongs to the merchant, armor that isnt JUNK belongs in your backpack, because you in the middle of ICE FLOE, and you say, "dang mursaat monks time, gotta change outa my tormentors, oh shoot, left it in bank, oh well, that armor was JUNK anyways, mine as well suicide" /notsigned |
As for your argument that everything in storage is JUNK, then why have any storage at all? After all, those spare helms that I have in my storage for different builds MUST be JUNK! Explain again to me why I should be carrying my axe-helm when I'm spec'ed for sword? After all, my axe-helm must be JUNK, since I'm not using it RIGHT NOW! And my set of axes sitting in storage while I'm spec'ed for sword must be JUNK TOO!!! Just like my hammers! By your logic, I should be carrying my entire arsenal of weapons and shields, ALL THE TIME, because otherwise THEY'RE JUNK! I should be carrying my Sentinel's Armor on a Drok's Run, because if it's in storage, IT'S JUNK! Might as well suicide, because I'm really gonna need that Sentinel's Armor for all of that water magic hitting me!
Across The Battle
I don't really have a problem with storing my armors..until I accually want to use my non-primary characters for something. Then I have to juggle a set of armor some materials and weapons around so I can accually enjoy a different toon. I do not think that saying zomg more storage is gonna waste space on anets servers is a valid arguement. Anets servers are huge, they already keep track of all of our items. Granted it is going to take up more space, I think Anet can spare it. They can only have SO many more special event items.
Most people will probably buy another character slot when they come available to use as a mule also as if THAT isnt a waste of space on anets servers. :-\

Most people will probably buy another character slot when they come available to use as a mule also as if THAT isnt a waste of space on anets servers. :-\