What was the dumbest thing you did as a noob?
I named my monk 'afterlife monk' because he was a Mo/N not realising that you could change 2ndary prof later on in the game. He was a all singing all dancing animate bone minions retribution smiter at one point.
HuntMaster Avatar
Started playing?
Merch ectos, black dyes, before I discovered there were traders for these items, sold req 9 perfect items for little money before I discovered price guides, accidently merch rare items that I got while farming ( merched pyroclastic , saurian scythe r9 ( when it was still expensive ), etc
Later on, when I was less of a noob then back in the days, I launched the catapult in a gvg battle whiping my entire team, making us lose the battle etc
Later on, when I was less of a noob then back in the days, I launched the catapult in a gvg battle whiping my entire team, making us lose the battle etc
Loco roco
The first campain i got was factions and when i joined it was on the saturday of the first dragon festival. Well anyway, i saw people with some really cool dragon faces and asked my friends who explained to me about the 250 jade wind orbs.
Trying to find a faster way, i hacked and slash with my ranger at those poor mantids for ages, to get a whooping 5k ( it was alot for me), then i tried to buy a mask instead of buying 250 jade orbs for 25k. I found a seller, and while i was clicking the accept button, my friend told me not to buy ( i told him i was going to buy, buy he was afk
So now i dont even have a dragon mask
, i only had about 50 jade orbs from farming madtids btw before anyone points that out
Also done the usual selling rare items to merch, like a r9 zodiac shield when they were rare, and a black dye. Ahhh good times.
Trying to find a faster way, i hacked and slash with my ranger at those poor mantids for ages, to get a whooping 5k ( it was alot for me), then i tried to buy a mask instead of buying 250 jade orbs for 25k. I found a seller, and while i was clicking the accept button, my friend told me not to buy ( i told him i was going to buy, buy he was afk

So now i dont even have a dragon mask

Also done the usual selling rare items to merch, like a r9 zodiac shield when they were rare, and a black dye. Ahhh good times.
I have done almost every stupid thing mentioned here but the most expensive was probably my first 55 monk farming attempts in UW.
Baaaaack in 2005 before Protective Bond got nerfed to death you had to bring a +1/20% prot item just to cast a lvl 17 Protective Bond. Meaning you started the run recasting it till you get the +17. Now stupid as I used to be I just skipped this part while reading 55 tutorials. So I went in, casted my enchants and aggroed everything there was. You still survive a bit with +16 but you'll run out of energy pretty fast and loose all enchants. Unfortunatly it was not fast enough for me to realize I am making it wrong. I just thought it needs a bit of training ^^. So I spent about 100k (gathered it by selling all my stuff) just for the entry fee to UW without any notable drops at all. 100k is nothing today but considering it was all I had back than I ruined myself thanks to lazyness.
Imagine the slap I gave myself after realizing that I missed the most improtant aspect of the build...
Good thing I had enough time to farm a decent amount of ecto before the nerf.
Baaaaack in 2005 before Protective Bond got nerfed to death you had to bring a +1/20% prot item just to cast a lvl 17 Protective Bond. Meaning you started the run recasting it till you get the +17. Now stupid as I used to be I just skipped this part while reading 55 tutorials. So I went in, casted my enchants and aggroed everything there was. You still survive a bit with +16 but you'll run out of energy pretty fast and loose all enchants. Unfortunatly it was not fast enough for me to realize I am making it wrong. I just thought it needs a bit of training ^^. So I spent about 100k (gathered it by selling all my stuff) just for the entry fee to UW without any notable drops at all. 100k is nothing today but considering it was all I had back than I ruined myself thanks to lazyness.
Imagine the slap I gave myself after realizing that I missed the most improtant aspect of the build...
Good thing I had enough time to farm a decent amount of ecto before the nerf.
The Arching Healer
Gaining rank 4 in Hero Battles when I noticed that you can also fight instead of /roll.
and I also merched a req. 7 15^50 crystalline sword.
and I also merched a req. 7 15^50 crystalline sword.
ABing for amber.
Originally Posted by The Arching Healer
and I also merched a req. 7 15^50 crystalline sword.
You Look Grim
i'm still a noob :[
obsidian ectoplasm
Originally Posted by You Look Grim
i'm still a noob :[
Accidentally merched my treasured Rago's Flame Staff.
I'm STILL upset.
I'm STILL upset.
Almost quitting because I thought the game was too hard, then I found out about Henchmen

When i was going for Legendary Skill Hunter the amount times i went to use SoC after killing the boss and realised i hadn't brought it was unreal xD
Bought chapter 2 instead of deleting chapter 1
Um i got my first ever Black dye, sold it for 9k, then spammed in LA buying bow 9k and i brought a non max purple one with it
Shai Lee
I didn't know how people spammed trade chat, I was like, "Wow, they're all really really fast typers..." *giggles* Meanwhile, I would be typing every trade post out every single time... >.>
Needless to say, that's how I ended up buying more than selling and why I can never be a power trader. XD
Needless to say, that's how I ended up buying more than selling and why I can never be a power trader. XD
Al Andaluz
My very first night in gw, I saw someone spamming "WTB"... I started pming the person, thinking that WTB = Want To Barter. I learned the spammed acronyms very quickly after that mistake.
i laughed at ppl when i got 1k also not sure if i posted this along time ago BUT i also put black dye on my started boots
I spent quite a few of my first months playing and making new characters left and right. I would spend a lot of time finishing up pre-searing, then go to post and get through the first 3 missions+ bonuses or so and then re-make. I did that several dozen times.
Each time I played, I never knew what attribute points were and so I always wondered why the game was so hard.
Each time I played, I never knew what attribute points were and so I always wondered why the game was so hard.
Angelic Upstart
Apart from selling two blacks dyes in pre when i first started to the dye merchant, and merching a required 15^50 wingblade sword i had for over a year...joining Guru......

Cab Tastic
Originally Posted by ajicorath
When i was going for Legendary Skill Hunter the amount times i went to use SoC after killing the boss and realised i hadn't brought it was unreal xD
i miss being a noob

I just remember thinking what "gold/purple" weapons were. It was back in Ascalon and i'd never got a gold/purple drop yet. I used to wonder they were, and i thought they were weapons dyed gold(yellow) or purple lol.
I never actually tried to sell one. After a while of seeing people trade purple items to me i started to understand it was the colour of the text lol.
I never actually tried to sell one. After a while of seeing people trade purple items to me i started to understand it was the colour of the text lol.
Originally Posted by Gift3d
Deleted my warrior because i did not know i could change my secondary profession (He was W/N with soul feast and bone minions haha). He was level 20 and had 15k glad/platemail mix armor, so i remade him into a W/Mo.
I was a level 20 E/R and still brought along my Snow Wolf and used [skill]troll unguent[/skill] with 0 in wilderness survival. 3hp regen was good in pre-searing, why couldn't it be good in the crystal desert?

Hara Makoto
hmm i know what i did .. it was my older brothers old account , so i went through storage and sold 10 black dyes to the merchant .. and they were something like 12k from a dye trader at the time -_- .. thats probabely worse than what the average noob does :P
deleting my emperial armor 15k of course on my sin, this was waaay before HoM. I thought it was ugly after having it a while.
miss clicking, missing the enemy and watching my char run towards the bladed attaxe screaming at my screen "where the f-ck are you going???"
~the rat~
miss clicking, missing the enemy and watching my char run towards the bladed attaxe screaming at my screen "where the f-ck are you going???"
~the rat~
Originally Posted by NoXiFy
When I first joined, after 20minutes i was yelling in Kamadan "HOW DO I SAVE!!!!! I HAVE TO GET OFF NOW AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO SAVE!!!!! PAYING 5g FOR SOMEONE THAT CAN TELL ME HOW TO SAVE!!!!!"
My dumbest thing would probably be something with a Fiery Dragon Sword ad spending a fortune on it. I think everyone sees Rurik with one of those and automatically HAS to have one...at least that's the way I was.
im done most of that stuff, i love this thread even though we get them every few months.
I decided after 2.5 yrs of playing to do UW, completed and got my first ecto. I was so careful not to merch it....um or was i...damn. I thought i must not merch it and yet i did.
Alright people ill admit it, i was truley inspired by the concept of farming. Well once i knew rangers had pets, farming could be interesting....
I decided after 2.5 yrs of playing to do UW, completed and got my first ecto. I was so careful not to merch it....um or was i...damn. I thought i must not merch it and yet i did.
Alright people ill admit it, i was truley inspired by the concept of farming. Well once i knew rangers had pets, farming could be interesting....
My Lipgloss is Cool
My first character I got out of Ascalon was my monk. I got through the shiverpeaks, and thought I was the best. Then I capped Escape and made this awesome monk build, that looked something like this.
[Escape][Power Shot][Penetrating Attack][Orison of Healing][Healing Breeze][Charm Animal][Comfort Animal][Resurrect]
I was so awesome. I tanked with my blocking, healed with Orison and HB (Which, btw, I thought that only monk primarys could have, at the time) and my pet just kicked everyone's ass while I killed with my bow.
The game was more fun back then, wasn't it?
Brb, gonna go bowmonk some of the Northern Shiverpeaks
[Escape][Power Shot][Penetrating Attack][Orison of Healing][Healing Breeze][Charm Animal][Comfort Animal][Resurrect]
I was so awesome. I tanked with my blocking, healed with Orison and HB (Which, btw, I thought that only monk primarys could have, at the time) and my pet just kicked everyone's ass while I killed with my bow.
The game was more fun back then, wasn't it?
Brb, gonna go bowmonk some of the Northern Shiverpeaks
Going to another zone through a gate to remove my DP.
It didn't work....
It didn't work....

someone told me you could buy the Obsidian armor in your guild hall. I had all my materials and such, and what did I find in my guild hall?
Not Obsidian armor for sure.
Then I learned what an ectoplasm was. So it really didn't affect me too much. Lol.
Not Obsidian armor for sure.
Then I learned what an ectoplasm was. So it really didn't affect me too much. Lol.
Deleting my first character (female ranger) because I did not learn all the ranger skills available in pre and thought I couldn't get them at all...
Kali Magdalene
I guess my mistake was:
Buying Guild Wars, starting up a warrior (W/E, with rain of fire eventually...ouch, even pre-scatter AI), getting out of Pre-Searing, and trying to solo Old Ascalon the way I soloed pre. I was able to kill most things, but it took forever in some cases. I got bored and quit playing the warrior. I made a necromancer, but deleted her when I wasn't getting much energy back from Soul Reaping.
And then they added the AoE scatter and I stopped playing until Factions, as if the nerf had any affect on me (well, on my horrible W/E warrior).
Buying Guild Wars, starting up a warrior (W/E, with rain of fire eventually...ouch, even pre-scatter AI), getting out of Pre-Searing, and trying to solo Old Ascalon the way I soloed pre. I was able to kill most things, but it took forever in some cases. I got bored and quit playing the warrior. I made a necromancer, but deleted her when I wasn't getting much energy back from Soul Reaping.
And then they added the AoE scatter and I stopped playing until Factions, as if the nerf had any affect on me (well, on my horrible W/E warrior).
Strangely enough, I can't recall any dumb things I may have done as a noob... in fact I always sticked to Ele/Mesmer from the start, used it the way you did most echo nukers without any input, understood my role as a caster from the start and behaved properly with other players (when people still grouped together for missions).
I can think of several non-obvious but dumb things I've done as a PvP veteran, though, and those are the ones that bother me the most.
[EDIT] I do remember one thing now. There used to be people in Piken Square, back when it still had like 3-5 English districts, selling Althea's Ashes for ~200g to complete that infamous 4k xp quest (early 2005 players will remember the ruckus it caused) and one evening one of them was spamming the chat; I thought he was scamming people, so I threatened to report him if he didn't stop. Too bad my guild mates had informed me incorrectly, and you really could complete the quest by just buying the excess Althea's Ashes from someone, so I looked like an ass.
I can think of several non-obvious but dumb things I've done as a PvP veteran, though, and those are the ones that bother me the most.
[EDIT] I do remember one thing now. There used to be people in Piken Square, back when it still had like 3-5 English districts, selling Althea's Ashes for ~200g to complete that infamous 4k xp quest (early 2005 players will remember the ruckus it caused) and one evening one of them was spamming the chat; I thought he was scamming people, so I threatened to report him if he didn't stop. Too bad my guild mates had informed me incorrectly, and you really could complete the quest by just buying the excess Althea's Ashes from someone, so I looked like an ass.
My first character was a N/W, rushing through mobs with my hammer and spamming some necro skills. Then I created a R/El (my main char) and I went through Prophecies using ele skills like flare.
I had so much doing this
I had so much doing this

Darkstar The Legend
i spent ages and ages trying to put runes from a different profession on my armour. I was sure there was a way to do it, until one day someone explained it.
Diddy bow
I left pre searing thinking i was teh choas bringer of DOOM and got killed 1v1 with the first scorpion that pops out i thought how hard the game was.... guess i was premature
Another thing was running away from some ennimies on the same place, i ran to Grazden the Protector and h died i felt guilty cus i thought he would be dead for everyone and forever xD

Another thing was running away from some ennimies on the same place, i ran to Grazden the Protector and h died i felt guilty cus i thought he would be dead for everyone and forever xD
I really don't remember, because it was so long ago. I guess the usual...but then again, I'm pretty awesome, so maybe not.
i thought farming meant i had to grow things and i played for a solid year(even after i got pieces of FoW) before i realized mending wasn't as clever as i thought it was. now when i think back 3 years ago i miss being so amazed by all of those things