Hey guys...
Yea its maybe unfair to you that did it "only" few times but think of it this way...
If u know u are doing a bad thing... even once its still a bad thing... if i kill 1 man its ok... and 10 isnt ok... 1000 is a statistic... right... wrong once is too much...
My main concern is not with 117 account that killed mallyx repeatedly... they made a profit... right... some... ok... whatever... but u see a pattern here...
U are banned for in this case minor thing...because they can see u all in one place, 1 outpost no1 should be in, its easy all who set foot inside are banned... they see your name 5 times u are banned, while ppl who duplicated 10,000 ectos and ambraces are still in the game...
Thats hipocracy...
Hurts economy... right... until anet had a system of detecting bots... 55s weren't hurting economy?... what economy... when stormbows were 2.5 mil that wasn't an economy... and it sure isn't now... 1750e for something... 5000e for something... that cries out "look at my account log and ban me plz" if there were any logs... and if there are some kind of logs there is no1 who reads them... or understands them...
My 5 cents is that as we saw from past events, server rollbacks, mass bans, etc... Anet really has no clue whats going on on their servers... They are developing server side technology as they go along... why there wasnt a rollback after the first trader crash... few years back... right... it couldnt be done then... after we got 5000 vials of black each that was in the game then they started thinking about server rollbacks... and exploits... in the game since very beggining... all sorts of... did any1 think about it then, no.... was any1 banned then, no... were items deleted, no...
DoS attacks... Server resets... map glitches... all around for ages... no1 gave a dogs s*it until recently... why... because u couldnt do anything with it... get 1 more cryst ok, get 1 more stormbow... ok... now u have titles, mini pets, rare mini pets... things ppl really want and it makes anet want to protect their game, preserve exclusivity... right... the game was fine in the first place until they ruined it and made it grindfest, and now they are banning u after giving all the original "hackers" and "exploiters" a clean bill of health... right...
LET US HAVE SOME STATS LIKE WOW DOES /// MATERIALS DROPPED /// CREEPS KILLED /// MISSIONS DONE /// MONEY TRADED /// u cant...wont... or dont have the guts to do it...
i think if u did we would all see thing that are happening every day and that your economy makes no sense... and that complete gw system is flawed...
thats just wrong...
removing 55 farm places, wrong [ban bots or remove ps]
reducing drop rates, wrong [same as above]
allowing known exploiters to go unpunished, very very wrong... [try actually looking at some logs u claim to keep and spend few weeks sorting out ecto and gold routes across the servers, find duplicate accounts and mules]
saying u care about economy, lol dont make me laugh... for thinking u have an economy...
U dont know to make a trade system that works... ok u made fake prices at traders... np, problem solved, well call it economy
lol economy...
Its a crappy game system of a "once a great game"... get over it... start again or move to the next game...
just ask yourself for what are u wasteing your time and nerves... a bunch of pixels... animated sometimes
OK, enough...
had to get it out...
plz dont quote me on inaccuracies in the post or hair splitting, word twisting stuff i could go on about the game system for ages... and u all know im right.
and we all know no1 from anet will read this coz they know all about it... and just choose to ignore it... like they said in an interview somewhere its easyer for them to make a new game than fix this one... and afcourse being less idealistic and entusiastic this time it will be more pve minded, wow cloned and money making that this one...
i would really like if they asked real ppl that play this game from the start if there is something they need to fix or put in... this way only ppl really pre-testing the game are ppl that dont actually play it 5 hours a day...