Originally Posted by garethporlest18
I don't see that Anet was being mature in that situation. Instead of blatantly posting over different places, warnings of such (it's common sense really but still) people got the idea that Anet were easy on this sort of thing. I do not think that was a good choice.
I highlighted the important part, and you're right on that. Except it's only a few people. I won't point more fingers because we don't need that, but it clearly was a localised problem and they didn't need to "cut people's head on the public stage".
But some people will NEVER stop. You give them a no-monthly-fee MMO, and they're farming (yes, it's their right, I'm not denying that). It creates a good economy, so fine. But then the greed takes the best of them and when bugs are exposed, they
abuse them. And the abuse is done several times, so the first few times you're not too severe and hope people will act responsibly. But they don't, so you increase the pressure. First the duping bug, now this one.
It had to be done.
But then again there is one thing we all have to consider, Anet might not have banned these folks for exploiting a bug, but exploiting a hack.
You're pointing at a technicality. Though this may be right (people lie you know, and I'm not saying you are of course!), this has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's cheating, right?
They believe someone hacked, no not all 117 did, but they took part in exploiting the hack if though most (or some) did not know it was a hack. They were just unlucky to be partaking in something that Anet doesn't usually ban for (exploiting a bug). Hence why I say Anet should have banned for that in the past, and maybe it'd get the message that you really shouldn't try to use any exploits at all for personal gain just to be safe. But like I said that's common sense. Greed gets the better of most of us.
I'd tend to agree with this part, emphasizing that you're talking about some people, but not all. Greed never took the best of me (I'm no saint and NEVER ever would like to be seen like one), we may have personal circumstances, but surely not "reasons". GW may be a game but I believe MMOs (like social networking websites) work a bit differently.
Trub said several times, if we were to take a few seconds to think calmly about the situation, stepping out of GWG, we'd realise it's only a game. The honor of a few may have been wiped out, but from I can see here, there are still a lot of very honorable people that, still, were exploiters. From
Gaile earlier statements, Anets investigation was quite extensive (probably not as much as one that Blizzard would have done, but I read on a link that
zwei2stein posted earlier here but got deleted similar stories on Wow that are much worse IMHO) and I don't believe the people claiming that there was no hack. I do believe on the other hand that some people may have been dragged "by mistake" (like
leprekaun's nephew) and I hope that if Anet can't do anything for them, we (the GW community) can.