What is your top 3 ArenaNet mistakes?
1. PVE skills
2. Skills tied to titles
3. Consumables
2. Skills tied to titles
3. Consumables
Bryant Again
Ooo seconding Cellardweller on the locked gates. It forces linearity and kills a lot of the openness that existed in Prophecies.
(Cellar Dweller...for all this time I thought it was like Cellard Weller, like some sort of name.)
I'll leave it at this: There are many big differences between Ursan and other PvE skills that reward its popularity. A large lack of effort is one of them
(Cellar Dweller...for all this time I thought it was like Cellard Weller, like some sort of name.)
Originally Posted by DarkGanni
To all of you Ursan haters, If you don't like it, you may aswell stop using other PvE skills, Ursan is a PvE skill, you hate it just because its popular.
- Ganni |
1. A-Net taking too long to crack down on trade chat in local. IMHO, they should have cracked down on that from the beginning. The community would be in better shape if htey had.
2. factions. I do enjoy the ABs, but the locked gates, NPC merchants saying "GTFO, you don't have enough of the right kind of faction," timed missions, etc. really made it a crap chapter
3. Ursan Blessing, only because of it being WAYYYY overpowered.
2. factions. I do enjoy the ABs, but the locked gates, NPC merchants saying "GTFO, you don't have enough of the right kind of faction," timed missions, etc. really made it a crap chapter
3. Ursan Blessing, only because of it being WAYYYY overpowered.
1. Making HoM tied to destroyer items and NOT greens. (This would of made even crappy greens worth something.)
2. Nightfall (everything, the campaign, titles, heroes, new proffesions, skills, EVERYTHING. Nightfall obliterated the wonderful balance (pvp wise) the game had since factions.)
3. Ursans, it single handedly made running anything else not a realistic option because it is so easy to run everyone does it and if you try to rebel and go against it people shun you and won't allow you to pve with them because your a "noob, who doesn't run ursans" which creates antisocial behavior amongst an already divided community.
4. Heros, since nightfall created heros the community has become EXTREMELY anti-social because everyone thinks everyone else suck and that their way works the best. Monks and Minion Masters even have a hard time finding pve groups since the hero implementation.
why is everyone whining about the Zaichen Chest, what is wrong with rewarding players for their hard earned faction? God, get over it already jesus. PvE players get rewarded for farming everyday for hours on end, why can't the pvp players get a reward for farming in their own way?
2. Nightfall (everything, the campaign, titles, heroes, new proffesions, skills, EVERYTHING. Nightfall obliterated the wonderful balance (pvp wise) the game had since factions.)
3. Ursans, it single handedly made running anything else not a realistic option because it is so easy to run everyone does it and if you try to rebel and go against it people shun you and won't allow you to pve with them because your a "noob, who doesn't run ursans" which creates antisocial behavior amongst an already divided community.
4. Heros, since nightfall created heros the community has become EXTREMELY anti-social because everyone thinks everyone else suck and that their way works the best. Monks and Minion Masters even have a hard time finding pve groups since the hero implementation.
why is everyone whining about the Zaichen Chest, what is wrong with rewarding players for their hard earned faction? God, get over it already jesus. PvE players get rewarded for farming everyday for hours on end, why can't the pvp players get a reward for farming in their own way?
1. Grind titles + skills tied to them
2. Consumables + new PvE skills
3. lack of proper storage / trading system
Longish wurm farming is one great example of the failure of this idea. Regarding Consumables and PvE skills, the first wave (Sunspear/Faction) had great promise despite some imba skills, but it got only worse, e.g. Ursan Blessing). Storage in this game is still always scare, despite three new storage tabs. Having to use char slots as item storage is sad.
2. Consumables + new PvE skills
3. lack of proper storage / trading system
Longish wurm farming is one great example of the failure of this idea. Regarding Consumables and PvE skills, the first wave (Sunspear/Faction) had great promise despite some imba skills, but it got only worse, e.g. Ursan Blessing). Storage in this game is still always scare, despite three new storage tabs. Having to use char slots as item storage is sad.
Hyper Cutter
1. The ridiculous Soul Reaping timer
2. Not introducing inscriptions and insignias earlier (preferably much earlier)
3. not introducing heroes earlier (and never giving us a female ele hero)
2. Not introducing inscriptions and insignias earlier (preferably much earlier)
3. not introducing heroes earlier (and never giving us a female ele hero)
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter
3. not introducing heroes earlier
Originally Posted by TimTimTimma
Hero's destroyed the social side of GuildWars. No one wants to play with real people anymore, it's all by yourself with your computer ran artificial intelligence. What's the point to have the game be online and be able to be social with other people when nobody ever wants to be social with other people in regards to playing quests/missions.
Me: Hey, I have <quest>. Anyone in for it? *gets in group doing the requested quest*
Group: Ready. *Exits*
Once outside:
Player #1: Hey I need <other quest>, let's do this one too.
Player #2: I've done it already, but yeah, I'll go it again...
Player #3: Done it 2 times already, not going this one again. *leaves*
Player #4: I have this, this this and that. Oh and this. Can you guys help me?
Player #2: Done this one, but not that one... everyone in for <3rd quest?>
Player #1: No, I'm only doing <quest> and <2nd quest>.
Player #5: Lol you guys are doing this? I'm not doing it. *leaves*
As for missions, I prefer having real people over heroes/henchies...
Shanaeri Rynale
1. Skills based on grind titles(i'm including UB in here also)
2. Not giving Mobs proper skill bars
3. Not making spiteful spirit a mesmer skill.
1. Skills based on grind titles(i'm including UB in here also)
2. Not giving Mobs proper skill bars
3. Not making spiteful spirit a mesmer skill.
1) loot scaling
2) dishonour
3) refusal to add 7 heroes
2) dishonour
3) refusal to add 7 heroes
Originally Posted by TimTimTimma
Hero's destroyed the social side of GuildWars. No one wants to play with real people anymore, it's all by yourself with your computer ran artificial intelligence. What's the point to have the game be online and be able to be social with other people when nobody ever wants to be social with other people in regards to playing quests/missions.
1. Making most of the EoTN armors reskins. (I saw some of the concept armors for EoTN...why the hell did they ditch those and give us reskins?)
2. Having to grind 26,000 pts for armor.
3. Nerfing drops...and how some of the exempts were ecto...farmed UW a few times..got 0 ecto. :|
2. Having to grind 26,000 pts for armor.
3. Nerfing drops...and how some of the exempts were ecto...farmed UW a few times..got 0 ecto. :|
Waddya mean 3 mistakes? They haven't made more than two!
OK, jokes aside:
-Domain of Anguish made too tough initially and thus became inaccessible to a lower skill player.
-not starting the game with an auction house equivalent.
-can't really think of another one that wouldn't be likely to get fixed by future patches (toning down Ursan blessing and similar. It's nice to have, but in the end, I have to admit it: it's too much on its own...)
OK, jokes aside:
-Domain of Anguish made too tough initially and thus became inaccessible to a lower skill player.
-not starting the game with an auction house equivalent.
-can't really think of another one that wouldn't be likely to get fixed by future patches (toning down Ursan blessing and similar. It's nice to have, but in the end, I have to admit it: it's too much on its own...)
top 3 mistakes-
1) The ban policy (ban first... ask questions NEVER)
2) AoE nerf
3) Lack of Auction House
1) The ban policy (ban first... ask questions NEVER)
2) AoE nerf
3) Lack of Auction House
Is simple, really:
1) PvE only skills & title effects & consumables that reward grind and not skill
2) Power creep: giving enemies more damage and health instead of making them more ... cunning and giving people imba skills to deal with imba stuff easily.
3) Not doing enough for social side of game (ingame mail system removed, party search arrived too late and was underwhelming, no trading facilities, poor guild management possibilities ...)
4) Attracting people who want GW coverted to World of Genericmmocraft and listening to them.
1) PvE only skills & title effects & consumables that reward grind and not skill
2) Power creep: giving enemies more damage and health instead of making them more ... cunning and giving people imba skills to deal with imba stuff easily.
3) Not doing enough for social side of game (ingame mail system removed, party search arrived too late and was underwhelming, no trading facilities, poor guild management possibilities ...)
4) Attracting people who want GW coverted to World of Genericmmocraft and listening to them.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by choke
1. PVE skills
2. Skills tied to titles 3. Consumables |
Ranger Rog
1. Lack of a decent trading system/auction house.
2. We hate Rangers week (nerfs to solo trappers, splinter barragers and barrage pet Rangers all within a few days).
3. Showing that they Care about the economy so much that they piss off at least half of the player base with loot scaling and then later on leave hundreds of duped items in game.
2. We hate Rangers week (nerfs to solo trappers, splinter barragers and barrage pet Rangers all within a few days).
3. Showing that they Care about the economy so much that they piss off at least half of the player base with loot scaling and then later on leave hundreds of duped items in game.
Originally Posted by bhavv
Games were never designed for socialising.
You fail to recognize the point of an MMO, which is to bring players together in a SOCIAL environment and encourage SOCIAL activity together in an entertaining/fun way. This isn't an RPG it's an MMO, get it right.
Originally Posted by bhavv
if you expect everyone to look for a full group of people for everything they do in the game, you are full of fail.
Henchies were good, because they helped the lower leveled players get use to the game and get through it if they had trouble finding groups or weren't sure about it yet. However, once you got further in the game you could play with henchies but real people were better so you played with people to beat Thunderhead Keep, Raisu Palace, and Sorrows Furnace. With heros advanced players have trouble finding groups, hell you don't even need another player to dual farm UW or FoW anymore!
Hero's killed the social aspect of guildwars which is a very important aspect of the game for any MMO gamer.
Jongo River
1. Killing freedom with gates.
2. Subverting fun, by including and encouraging the pursuit of tedious badges of prestige, particularly titles. Then attempting to make them all important via the HoM.
3. Ever making anything "exclusive".
2. Subverting fun, by including and encouraging the pursuit of tedious badges of prestige, particularly titles. Then attempting to make them all important via the HoM.
3. Ever making anything "exclusive".
Originally Posted by Jongo River
1. Killing freedom with gates.
Originally Posted by Jongo River
2. Subverting fun, by including and encouraging the pursuit of tedious badges of prestige, particularly titles.
- selling additions/content through online means only;
- making submission to the needs of the team more important <for victory> than combined individual prowesses;
- failing to provide goals that return usefull benefits (such as influence and might, through in-game politics and conquest).
Signet of Might.
MMO's are made for socializing, but you can't expect obsessive compulsive nerds to act social. That's the paradox.
As for Anets mistakes: Very few.The game only got more interesting over time wile still allowing people to do everything they originally did when it was all new. Nothing is forced upon you. And it's still better to play with two people and heroes then just heroes and hench. You just don't need to scoop up a pug anymore if you want a specific party setup..
The main problem tough, is that there are still not enough inherent reasons to be in a guild since you don't need one for anything. I still look around for one that isn't too demanding on the faction farming or not so small no one is ever on line.
As for Anets mistakes: Very few.The game only got more interesting over time wile still allowing people to do everything they originally did when it was all new. Nothing is forced upon you. And it's still better to play with two people and heroes then just heroes and hench. You just don't need to scoop up a pug anymore if you want a specific party setup..
The main problem tough, is that there are still not enough inherent reasons to be in a guild since you don't need one for anything. I still look around for one that isn't too demanding on the faction farming or not so small no one is ever on line.
Sol Deathgard
Originally Posted by Eldin
1) Loot proportional to party size.
2) The new favor system - I hated Europe hogging it all the time, but this will make ecto prices plummet. 3) HoM only accepting maxxed titles. Some titles are big of an accomplishment on their own at level 1 for Pete's sake! |
2) ecto prices have staied the same since the new favor system, so new excuse to whine?
3) I have sevral titles in my HoM that aren't max and any title is so easy to get the 1st level, if you think otherwise then you need to play another game pls.
Player perspective:
1. Only competitve PvP modes, no deathmatch battle royale, no fun pvp
2. titles based on timeconsuming repetition of content rather than complete coverage of content (e.g. rather have people grind factions than introduce an "all regular quests title")
3. Economy system still rewarding full frontal farming efforts more than anything else.
Big Whoop, external perspective:
4. Not having prepared small content packages, such as single BMP missions, for promotional release at strategic times of the year. Just look at how WoW is releasing a tiny dungeon from time to time just to stay in the news media (especially print), keep players excited and get a lot of attention in general. Events are nice, but events can't obviously compete. This is not ongoing content financed by monthly fees, this is media whoring financed by the promotional budget. GW needs that as well. Just look at how popular Sorrow's Furnace was, even a fraction of its size could get recognition outside the community, i.e. free ad space.
1. Only competitve PvP modes, no deathmatch battle royale, no fun pvp
2. titles based on timeconsuming repetition of content rather than complete coverage of content (e.g. rather have people grind factions than introduce an "all regular quests title")
3. Economy system still rewarding full frontal farming efforts more than anything else.
Big Whoop, external perspective:
4. Not having prepared small content packages, such as single BMP missions, for promotional release at strategic times of the year. Just look at how WoW is releasing a tiny dungeon from time to time just to stay in the news media (especially print), keep players excited and get a lot of attention in general. Events are nice, but events can't obviously compete. This is not ongoing content financed by monthly fees, this is media whoring financed by the promotional budget. GW needs that as well. Just look at how popular Sorrow's Furnace was, even a fraction of its size could get recognition outside the community, i.e. free ad space.
1. No auction house
2. Making PvE and PvP skills together
3. Making Guild Wars totally casual. I am a hardcore player. Cant really say its a mistake though because most players now these days are casual players. So Anet is just appealing to the majority, which is good business.
2. Making PvE and PvP skills together
3. Making Guild Wars totally casual. I am a hardcore player. Cant really say its a mistake though because most players now these days are casual players. So Anet is just appealing to the majority, which is good business.
Wow. Anyone else noticed that pretty much all the whines are about PvE?
Less QQing. More playing.
Less QQing. More playing.
Hero's killed the social aspect of guildwars which is a very important aspect of the game for any MMO gamer. |
Its an instanced competitive rpg.
If you want to play an MMO, quit guild wars and go play an MMO.
1. Nc Buy Anet (super biggest mistake,
NCTAIWAN don't take care how many GW are sold in Taiwan,HK.
SO less 1000 GW player play gw in GW taiwan,HK server
What time Anet leave NC
2.Super stubid NCtaiwan Server(playing GW must buy gash[game money use real money buy.Then change gash to NCash[game money,too] .AND use 1300 NCash to buy GW.)
No new player want to buy GW because very hard to buy it.
What time Anet leave NC
NCTAIWAN don't take care how many GW are sold in Taiwan,HK.
SO less 1000 GW player play gw in GW taiwan,HK server
What time Anet leave NC

2.Super stubid NCtaiwan Server(playing GW must buy gash[game money use real money buy.Then change gash to NCash[game money,too] .AND use 1300 NCash to buy GW.)
No new player want to buy GW because very hard to buy it.
What time Anet leave NC

Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
3. Not making spiteful spirit a mesmer skill. |
1. Loot scaling
2. No auction house
3. No real jump abilty as there's no Z-axis (this will be fixed in GW2)
2. No auction house
3. No real jump abilty as there's no Z-axis (this will be fixed in GW2)
Pyro maniac
1 Listening to the QQ threads on this forum
- instances only
- boring weapon mods
- uniques can be replicated under the inscription system (anyone knows what unique really means ?)
- title tracks instead of higher lvl cap
- if you want to be efficient you only have a handful of skills and not enough choices + not enough diversity
- boring weapon mods
- uniques can be replicated under the inscription system (anyone knows what unique really means ?)
- title tracks instead of higher lvl cap
- if you want to be efficient you only have a handful of skills and not enough choices + not enough diversity
1: Deciding to move on to GW2 so soon.
2: Announcing GW2 so far before the release, so everyone starts assuming GW1 is "dying", ans shifts their attention to GW2.
3: Allowing PCGamer to plaster "GW IS DEAD" all over the front of its magazine. Genius marketing, that is.
Rats. I ran out of room so I can't bitch about the lack of auction house, or an equivalent.
2: Announcing GW2 so far before the release, so everyone starts assuming GW1 is "dying", ans shifts their attention to GW2.
3: Allowing PCGamer to plaster "GW IS DEAD" all over the front of its magazine. Genius marketing, that is.
Rats. I ran out of room so I can't bitch about the lack of auction house, or an equivalent.
1. Inscription FFFFS
2. Nightfall FFFS
3. Green stuff FFS
Lol i rly hate inscription it ruined oldschool stuff :P
cause so easy get perf items.
2. Nightfall FFFS
3. Green stuff FFS
Lol i rly hate inscription it ruined oldschool stuff :P
cause so easy get perf items.
Pyro maniac
Originally Posted by Wildi
- instances only
- boring weapon mods - uniques can be replicated under the inscription system (anyone knows what unique really means ?) - title tracks instead of higher lvl cap - if you want to be efficient you only have a handful of skills and not enough choices + not enough diversity |
PvE was actually just made as a tutorial for PvP.
X Ice Man X
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
- Loot scaling; doesn't help the casual player, doesn't help the hardcore players, doesn't hurt the gold sellers...
Doesn't help the casual player, no but as the casual player I'd expect them to playing the game normally with a full team doing missions and quests and not farming. So it wouldn't affect them either way shape or form.
Doesn't help the HardCore players, thats true, its dropped down the gold you and I get from farming and has made things much less profitable. How ever because of such I adapted and now do a Hard Mode Mission or Vanquish an area with is slower sure, but is far more fun and enjoyable.
Doesn't hurt the gold sellers... ok this is where I start to think that people don't think things through properly. Gold sellers farm gold and if we thinkg about it, they are really the most Hard Core farmers about. All they do is farm. So if it's hurt the Hard Core players, then surely it's hurt them as well?
But because they are still selling gold then your assuming that no it hasn't hurt them. So do you have sales figures? How much gold they managed to farm from all their bots in a set period of time before that nerf and then after? How much gold they are selling now than compared to before?
No? Didn't think so.
Go ahead of flame me all you want now, I'm not support gold selling in any way shape or form, but I also do not support people who flame ANet (or anybody else for that fact) for a nerf. Saying its hurt me but it hasn't hurt that guy over there doing the exact same thing as me, when all common sence says "Well actually, it has hurt them as well".
Passing your opinion off as fact, FTW!
1. Inscriptions
2. Half baked lore
3. Half baked Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V dungeons
2. Half baked lore
3. Half baked Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V dungeons
Poor PvE design leading to ridiculous stat-pumping of PvE skills and Hard Mode.
Poor handling of PvP community; setting up expectations with GWWC/FC and not carrying on with them, AT delays, balance issues, etc.
Poor handling of PvP community; setting up expectations with GWWC/FC and not carrying on with them, AT delays, balance issues, etc.
Anet's worst mistake?
Ever bothering to read these forums
Ever bothering to read these forums