The Xunlai Marketplace thread
Abonai Laguna
I would like something like XMP, which seems pretty nice, I hate ppl: WTS THIS THAT WHISPER ME 20/20 15^50 Q1
Originally Posted by I MP I
Took a screen shot of the conversation on March 5th 2008. XMP = Xunlai Market Place. It is just a rumor. Translation: not likely to be implemented imo.
Originally Posted by Theo Godscythe
Don't pay attention to what I write; I don't even know what you’re talking about ![]() |
street peddler
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Well, that settles it. XMP is a rumor and nothing more. After all, Gaile is an expert on rumors about the game.
*cough*minipolarbear*cough* |
Originally Posted by street peddler
she said she didnt know anything about the mini polar bear, she never discredited its existence.
She's not confirming nor denying it. By saying "it's a rumor", she's either trying to turn away our attention (which fails miserably), or hiding her uninformance (right word?) about this subject.

One more interesting fact. She never said she would get more info from the devs regarding the XMP. Though other (rather less important) things become the first priority. This is something I don't quite understand.

Originally Posted by fenix
The XMP isn't a cancelled project
Originally Posted by Esan
You say that based on WHAT evidence?
Originally Posted by pamelf
[W]e're all holding out hope that it isn't
The fact that people are finding Events code is what makes me believe it was just tested in GW for GW2. We know GW2 is built on the same engine, but with some massive tweaks like persistent EA's and true 3d movement.
For my sanity, I believe we will either know about the XMP by GW's birthday or it won't be here til GW2.
For my sanity, I believe we will either know about the XMP by GW's birthday or it won't be here til GW2.
bel unbreakable
you never know it might be anets birthday present to us
Originally Posted by evenfall
La lista de mercados no ha sido aprobada. Vuelve al mercado de Xunlai y busca el botón "Mercado" en el panel de grupo. ¡Gracias por probar esta función!
the list of the item has not been tested. come back to item by Xunlai and look for the button "item" in the panel group. thank you for testing this function.
i did my best.
anyway i seriously doubt this is gonna happen since Anet doesnt really care about this game anymore there to busy with guild wars 2.
La lista de mercados no ha sido aprobada. Vuelve al mercado de Xunlai y busca el botón "Mercado" en el panel de grupo. ¡Gracias por probar esta función!
the list of the item has not been tested. come back to item by Xunlai and look for the button "item" in the panel group. thank you for testing this function.
i did my best.
anyway i seriously doubt this is gonna happen since Anet doesnt really care about this game anymore there to busy with guild wars 2.
*looks around, bumps thread then runs around the corner swiftly*
i hope this finds away into the game.
i hope this finds away into the game.
Neo Nugget
Maybe this was a really early April Fools joke :O
Would be funny if they announced this, then no one would believe it because it's April Fools.
Would be funny if they announced this, then no one would believe it because it's April Fools.
wu is me
Just like they didn't believe gaile was going?

Anyways, this must be done... regardless of it being done or not... it must...
T-T Me wanna sell stuff with this...
T-T Me wanna sell stuff with this...
Ahh yes, I do still have a great wish for this to come to fruition.
Lord Xeshm
Many of the things found in the .dat have come true, this may be next!
Well, that 'double party points' skill found was also added.
gogogo xunlai market!
Seef II
As of today's patch, I (still) can't locate strings related to the marketplace.
In my dat (yours will differ):
In my dat (yours will differ):
- File 130367: blanked to meaningless text
- File 131708: no changes
- File 154740: no changes
- File 154747: no changes
Haha, damn, i got really excited by new info, but it was thread necromancy through a wrong posting.
pumpkin pie
Let me be very clear, (old thread or new)if indeed this is being develop, and if it turns out to be a micro-transaction update, I will not be buying it!
It should IDEALLY (imho) be an update that everyone have access to without having to pay a single cents, since there are already people willing to fund Arena Net by buying the overly expensive makeovers packs.
It should IDEALLY (imho) be an update that everyone have access to without having to pay a single cents, since there are already people willing to fund Arena Net by buying the overly expensive makeovers packs.
Well I believe that Anet said that there would be 3 more major updates this year...
The problem with the last update is they introduced so many things they said they probably wouldn't have implimented, meaning that people think the xunlai marketplace will happen next time around....
I saved this picture a while back, because, as we all know, with the dat files and the wikis, history has this problem of being re-written and such, and a lot of tribal knowledge becomes lost. I'm not sure if this image was originally determined to be shopped or not, but I seem to recall this image being brought to light by one of the dat investigators or someone of the like.
I don't take credit for finding this. Some other guru poster brought it to our attention, well, I'm guessing around October 08, because that is what the properties of the jpeg tell me the age is on my hd. I'll only take credit for saving it, because of the aforementioned expectation that our revisionist historians would have eliminated it from existence.
Ku Ku
Does anyone really think that this close to gw2 (when i say close please make those little speech mark motions with your fingers
!) they would implement such a revolutionary thing like the marketplace? It would completely change the way trading happens in game so i'm tending to think its far more likely that this will be carried over to gw2 instead.
Yes we're awaiting more updates this year but the ones we had weren't revolutionary they were just rather nice, spiffy little additions hehe!
Although ofc... they might need to try out the marketplace to see how it would work in the gw economy before gw2.... *hopeful grin*
Yes we're awaiting more updates this year but the ones we had weren't revolutionary they were just rather nice, spiffy little additions hehe!
Although ofc... they might need to try out the marketplace to see how it would work in the gw economy before gw2.... *hopeful grin*
The image was uploaded 7. May 2009 according to the Wiki by the german user "BigBlue". This does not mean it was taken on this date, only when it was uploaded.
He says on his talkpage that he wrote a historical article about the discontinued Xunlai Market project.
There was an idea for the Xunlai market, but it seems to have been discontinued.
Data was removed around december 2008 and if you search with a gw.dat browser today, you cannot find the mentioned and localized xunlai market anymore.
He says on his talkpage that he wrote a historical article about the discontinued Xunlai Market project.
There was an idea for the Xunlai market, but it seems to have been discontinued.
Data was removed around december 2008 and if you search with a gw.dat browser today, you cannot find the mentioned and localized xunlai market anymore.
One thought is they could implement it in the current gw so that they can get a feel for how and what does/doesnt work so we can have a cleaner more effective version once gw2 comes out.
I take credit for photoshopping this
. Sorry, it is not a leak (or is it...).
Anyhow, live team has done most of desired major things in past update. List of possible "TODO"s seems rather small now with 'trading improvements' item being about the only major entry.

Anyhow, live team has done most of desired major things in past update. List of possible "TODO"s seems rather small now with 'trading improvements' item being about the only major entry.
...I'll only take credit for saving it, because of the aforementioned expectation that our revisionist historians would have eliminated it from existence. |
Then I clicked subconsciously on the green 'Travel' button...

I realy wish they woudl add this I could finally sell stuff without needing forums that are never visited by more than 25% of the playerbase, and less than 5% on a daily basis, or spamming hours in an outpost... long as they don't add "Marketplace Credits" to chare us 9,99 for 10 transactions or one Extreme transaction... long as they don't add "Marketplace Credits" to chare us 9,99 for 10 transactions or one Extreme transaction...

I don't think that having the release of GW2 on the horizon would discourage them from releasing a Marketplace for GW. After all, no matter how poorly done it was, it could only be an improvement on what's available now. It's not like a marketplace/consignment shop/auction house would change the core game mechanics. It's all icing.
Unfortunately, I do fear we will never see one for GW. No matter how much we want it, or how many shooting stars we wish on, or how many chickens we sacrifice, I think it's something Anet has given up on so they can focus company efforts on their sequel.
Unfortunately, I do fear we will never see one for GW. No matter how much we want it, or how many shooting stars we wish on, or how many chickens we sacrifice, I think it's something Anet has given up on so they can focus company efforts on their sequel.
It must have been a highly advanced project. The translation team received it and did the localization, which should be one of the LAST things to do!
I can speculate it was originally meant to be an EotN feature but they couldn't get it finished for some reason. It might have just been buggy as hell, crashing all the time. A project THAT big would surely require A TON of testing, a lot of QA passes to make sure it's 100% reliable and safe... Just imagine the HELL that would happen if the system went wrong on the live servers, with people losing money or items, a crash of the whole system could be a catastrophy.
They're surely aware that THIS is still easily the Number 1 most wanted game feature. I wouldn't believe that GW2 having a real trading system would be a reason not to add it to GW1, that would be nonsense. GW2 will be a whole new game, whole new quality, full of amazing stuff GW1 will never have. A trading house is not a reason to move to GW2.
If only they can get the resources to finish it there's a real chance we will see it in one of the big content updates. Real chance because there couldn't be a big serious technical obstacle to getting it working that caused them dropping it, something like that should appear in early development, not after getting the translations and artwork done.
But now the real chance for it coming is also connected to a real chance and serious danger that it will be based on the emerging Microtransactions crap, it may cost real $$ to use!
The extra funds could surely pay for the ton of QA+top level server programmer work required to get it done, and it's probably the only way we could get it at all. Or we should think it is - won't be hard to make everyone believe it is so.
In fact a long time ago I've suggested that myself! - Adding a real automated trading system (wow obv), with free access to everyone as buyers (key to this being popular) and a limited number of items to be listed for sale at the same time. And selling a "Power Seller" pack in the ingame store greatly increasing the limit of items one can sell, which would pay the development and maintenance costs of the system.
But now after seeing the microtransaction trend and ABSURD pricing of storage panes (for such a tiny increase) I regret posting that suggestion multiple times
1 Power Seller pack would be ~fair if the free limit would be enough for most players and it would provide a really BIG increase of the limit that would make it a worthy buy.
But they may do something ridiculous again instead. Charging $$$ per X uses like the makeovers crap or selling multiple very small increases per $10... /puke
I can speculate it was originally meant to be an EotN feature but they couldn't get it finished for some reason. It might have just been buggy as hell, crashing all the time. A project THAT big would surely require A TON of testing, a lot of QA passes to make sure it's 100% reliable and safe... Just imagine the HELL that would happen if the system went wrong on the live servers, with people losing money or items, a crash of the whole system could be a catastrophy.
They're surely aware that THIS is still easily the Number 1 most wanted game feature. I wouldn't believe that GW2 having a real trading system would be a reason not to add it to GW1, that would be nonsense. GW2 will be a whole new game, whole new quality, full of amazing stuff GW1 will never have. A trading house is not a reason to move to GW2.
If only they can get the resources to finish it there's a real chance we will see it in one of the big content updates. Real chance because there couldn't be a big serious technical obstacle to getting it working that caused them dropping it, something like that should appear in early development, not after getting the translations and artwork done.
But now the real chance for it coming is also connected to a real chance and serious danger that it will be based on the emerging Microtransactions crap, it may cost real $$ to use!
The extra funds could surely pay for the ton of QA+top level server programmer work required to get it done, and it's probably the only way we could get it at all. Or we should think it is - won't be hard to make everyone believe it is so.
In fact a long time ago I've suggested that myself! - Adding a real automated trading system (wow obv), with free access to everyone as buyers (key to this being popular) and a limited number of items to be listed for sale at the same time. And selling a "Power Seller" pack in the ingame store greatly increasing the limit of items one can sell, which would pay the development and maintenance costs of the system.
But now after seeing the microtransaction trend and ABSURD pricing of storage panes (for such a tiny increase) I regret posting that suggestion multiple times

1 Power Seller pack would be ~fair if the free limit would be enough for most players and it would provide a really BIG increase of the limit that would make it a worthy buy.
But they may do something ridiculous again instead. Charging $$$ per X uses like the makeovers crap or selling multiple very small increases per $10... /puke
Not hopeful though.
There are other stuff in gw.dat that never made it to the game.
The list of purchasable upgrades for guild hall has
Guild Vault
Item storage for the guild's common property.
as one of them.
Automated Sealed-deck play used for PAX 2008 also never made it to the live severs.
There are other stuff in gw.dat that never made it to the game.
The list of purchasable upgrades for guild hall has
Guild Vault
Item storage for the guild's common property.
as one of them.
Automated Sealed-deck play used for PAX 2008 also never made it to the live severs.
I think it'd be too late to even introduce it now. To change anything drastically. I mean sure it'd help but blah. I suppose it'd be testing grounds for GW 2 if anything.
There was automated sealed-deck used there instead of paper cards like on all previous conventions? :O Want SCREEEEENSHOOOOTS!
But you got me with the Guild Vault. It was an OFFICIALLY promised feature to be added shortly after Factions release, but then they had some 'server issues' which made them drop the idea. Didn't know it's in gw.dat though.
But you got me with the Guild Vault. It was an OFFICIALLY promised feature to be added shortly after Factions release, but then they had some 'server issues' which made them drop the idea. Didn't know it's in gw.dat though.
Curious, where it was officially promised? I can not really recall any QQs. But again, factions release was busy time with people actually playing game.
I think its more like the GW2 beta... Gaile mentioned it and that was taken as an official statement of it being on the way