So, how old do you think someone should be to play this game?
I am asking this out of plain curiosity, just to see what people think. I am 15 and I started this game at 14 and I know there are a lot of players older than me thinking 'stupid kid.'
Personally I don't think it matters, it matters what your maturity level is,yes, but not your age. I am all up for a 8 year old to play this game if they have the maturity of say.... +13 years, when they know how to actually understand the game, know how to interact with players normally, and don't swear/spam (because if you swear/spam for the fun of it you really need to get a life) ingame and giggle to themselves. Even though I am pretty sure an 8 year old would give up with this game for the lack of 'action' and not understanding it. So the 8 year old is completely hypothetical. But if that 8 year old is super intelligent/mature why not?
It really matters on what age you grow out of games in which all you do is smash buttons on the ps2,wii ect.(though Wii is fun sometimes)
So yeah I would say 13+ (Or basically once you have passed puberty)
I also think there is a limit to the ages where it just becomes a bit sad(unless you help in developing this game or have somesort of involvement with the gaming industry) but I don't want to offend anyone so i will keep that to myself. (Edit: I am sorry if I offended anyone by this comment, I was really thinking about( I heard this on the news) people who don't spend time with their children and play on wow(hypothetical example) instead, so your sterotypical 30+ nerd(or any age, but you can't have a go at a 13 year old for playing obssesively but you can have a go at someone my age), and no I am not saying you should not play this game if you are 30+, just not obssesivly.)
Personally I don't think it matters, it matters what your maturity level is,yes, but not your age. I am all up for a 8 year old to play this game if they have the maturity of say.... +13 years, when they know how to actually understand the game, know how to interact with players normally, and don't swear/spam (because if you swear/spam for the fun of it you really need to get a life) ingame and giggle to themselves. Even though I am pretty sure an 8 year old would give up with this game for the lack of 'action' and not understanding it. So the 8 year old is completely hypothetical. But if that 8 year old is super intelligent/mature why not?
It really matters on what age you grow out of games in which all you do is smash buttons on the ps2,wii ect.(though Wii is fun sometimes)
So yeah I would say 13+ (Or basically once you have passed puberty)
I also think there is a limit to the ages where it just becomes a bit sad(unless you help in developing this game or have somesort of involvement with the gaming industry) but I don't want to offend anyone so i will keep that to myself. (Edit: I am sorry if I offended anyone by this comment, I was really thinking about( I heard this on the news) people who don't spend time with their children and play on wow(hypothetical example) instead, so your sterotypical 30+ nerd(or any age, but you can't have a go at a 13 year old for playing obssesively but you can have a go at someone my age), and no I am not saying you should not play this game if you are 30+, just not obssesivly.)
age doesn't matter for me as long as they are mature and can add to the community, however the age to ensure at least a 95% maturity rate amongst players would probably be 18+
I suppose if the child is mature enough to understand the consequences of his/her actions and sayings, then that child would be old enough to play.
On that same note, I believe that some of the players closer to my age (I'm 21) need to be re-schooled in manners.
As for age caps, I don't think there should be one :] Old people need to do something on their retirement too, you know? So long as they're not hitting on children, all should be well.
Edit: Impoc: I've met more than enough 18+ players who have acted like complete douchebags than my 16 year old guildie :3. Age wouldn't ensure maturity in the least.
On that same note, I believe that some of the players closer to my age (I'm 21) need to be re-schooled in manners.
As for age caps, I don't think there should be one :] Old people need to do something on their retirement too, you know? So long as they're not hitting on children, all should be well.
Edit: Impoc: I've met more than enough 18+ players who have acted like complete douchebags than my 16 year old guildie :3. Age wouldn't ensure maturity in the least.
Smile Like Umean It
I know ''grown adults" who are all 30+ that act like their two sometimes. I was 19 when I started playing this game and no one in my guild would believe I was that young for the simple fact that I'm a very mature person. I still act goofy of curse, but everyone needs to have fun sometimes.
The fact remains though, that an older person is more than likely going to be maturer than a younger person.
As far as what I think the age limit should be... *looks at box cover* 13 and up.
The fact remains though, that an older person is more than likely going to be maturer than a younger person.
As far as what I think the age limit should be... *looks at box cover* 13 and up.
Age has little to do with maturity.
Minimum age should be 30
I like how you're young, and think that being young and playing apparently shouldn't matter...but then also think that being old and playing is a bit sad.
And don't appear to find any irony there, either...
Let's be honest, GW is far more of a thinking person's game than most other mumorpuguhs out there (where SMASH UNTIL YOU GET BIGGER is basically...the only game mechanic), so tends to attract the older crowd anyway, because they're (on average) just plain better at thinking things through.
But in essence, your age is irrelevant: its behaviour that's the issue: polite friendly people could be 6, or 84. I don't care, and if they're polite and friendly, it will never even occur to me to wonder what age they are. Conversely, childish idiots can be 6, or 84. I don't care: they're idiots, and childish, thus should be treated as such irrespective of age.
Basically: if you can TELL someone is childish, they're childish. It doesn't matter what age they actually are.
And don't appear to find any irony there, either...
Let's be honest, GW is far more of a thinking person's game than most other mumorpuguhs out there (where SMASH UNTIL YOU GET BIGGER is basically...the only game mechanic), so tends to attract the older crowd anyway, because they're (on average) just plain better at thinking things through.
But in essence, your age is irrelevant: its behaviour that's the issue: polite friendly people could be 6, or 84. I don't care, and if they're polite and friendly, it will never even occur to me to wonder what age they are. Conversely, childish idiots can be 6, or 84. I don't care: they're idiots, and childish, thus should be treated as such irrespective of age.
Basically: if you can TELL someone is childish, they're childish. It doesn't matter what age they actually are.
Originally Posted by tehlemming
Age has little to do with maturity.
Ruining other people experience is heeps of fun.
Though, I am actually referring to the use of profanity in communication.
Theres a good line to having fun with a joke, and taking it too seriously.
Though, I am actually referring to the use of profanity in communication.
Theres a good line to having fun with a joke, and taking it too seriously.
Rather not to say age, but IQ.
I'd say 18 years old.. in *most* cases 13 is way to young.
I think I was kicked from a guild a year back for admitting I was 14................
Well I looking at my case, and when I think back on to it, I do think I matured at young age, but so does a lot of people I know.
I do admit however i do have streaks of immaturity by being completely random, but i don't think there is a person out there who is above my age that hasn't been immature
Originally Posted by Molock
I'd say 18 years old.. in *most* cases 13 is way to young.
I do admit however i do have streaks of immaturity by being completely random, but i don't think there is a person out there who is above my age that hasn't been immature
average age in body: 18
average age in mind: 5
average age in mind: 5
Originally Posted by roshanabey2
I think I was kicked a year back for admitting I was 14................
Originally Posted by roshanabey2
I also think there is a limit to the ages where it just becomes a bit sad(unless you help in developing this game or have somesort of involvement with the gaming industry) but I don't want to offend anyone so i will keep that to myself.
Both myself and my hubby are over 40, and have past & present experience in the industry between us. But the latter is irrelevant really, there's no upper age limit on what you do with your spare time unless it becomes physically impossible. And playing games isn't exactly hard physical exercise...
Age range depends on the game, GW has a teen rating anyway, and I wouldn't want very young children seeing what crops up in Shing Jea, or Pre-Searing Ascalon for that matter. Some people always find a way to get round the chat filter.
Stormlord Alex
I don't think age really matters.
A basic intelligence test would be good, maybe then people could PuG without wanting to strangle the guy that thinks Healbreeze/Power shot/Flare/ tanking is good.
And maybe AB would be more fun against people that can actually, you know... play.
A basic intelligence test would be good, maybe then people could PuG without wanting to strangle the guy that thinks Healbreeze/Power shot/Flare/ tanking is good.
And maybe AB would be more fun against people that can actually, you know... play.
Originally Posted by roshanabey2
So yeah I would say 13+ (Or basically once you have passed puberty)
I also think there is a limit to the ages where it just becomes a bit sad(unless you help in developing this game or have somesort of involvement with the gaming industry) but I don't want to offend anyone so i will keep that to myself. |
As far as your last didn't keep it to yourself, and you have offended.
Why should there be an age cap? For that matter, why does it make a person 'sad' if they're older and still playing computer games? I'd like to hear your reasoning for this.
People that are 'older' don't stop wanting to have fun and relax, and immerse themselves in worlds that are less stressful than the real one In fact, I would think it's a great way for people who have jobs and family commitments to just step out of the every day grind of life now and then. I don't see that as sad, it sounds quite normal. Or do you believe everybody over the age of say 30 should just crawl into a grave and die? lol
We still have lots of living to do And games to play
Age, probably 14+
BUT, that being said, parents should monitor how much time Junior spends on the pc. The game is highly addictive to some and it goes without saying that mom/dad must be involved in the kids daily lives.
School is #1 priority. If junior can't respect obey that edict, buh-bye interweb.
I hope people don't view it as a virtual baby-sitter for their kids but I am sure that the lazy, uninvolved parents do just that. Same goes for the latch-key kids.
BUT, that being said, parents should monitor how much time Junior spends on the pc. The game is highly addictive to some and it goes without saying that mom/dad must be involved in the kids daily lives.
School is #1 priority. If junior can't respect obey that edict, buh-bye interweb.
I hope people don't view it as a virtual baby-sitter for their kids but I am sure that the lazy, uninvolved parents do just that. Same goes for the latch-key kids.
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Well you didn't exactly keep that to yourself, did you.
Both myself and my hubby are over 40, and have past & present experience in the industry between us. But the latter is irrelevant really, there's no upper age limit on what you do with your spare time unless it becomes physically impossible. And playing games isn't exactly hard physical exercise... Age range depends on the game, GW has a teen rating anyway, and I wouldn't want very young children seeing what crops up in Shing Jea, or Pre-Searing Ascalon for that matter. Some people always find a way to get round the chat filter. |
Nightmares Hammer
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I don't think age really matters.
A basic intelligence test would be good, maybe then people could PuG without wanting to strangle the guy that thinks Healbreeze/Power shot/Flare/ tanking is good. And maybe AB would be more fun against people that can actually, you know... play. |
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Some people always find a way to get round the chat filter.
Originally Posted by roshanabey2
I know it sounds offensive, I am sorry, I was mainly talking about obssesive players who aren't married and really need to do more with there free time apart from gw, they can play gw but shouldn't play a lot. (Your sterotypical over 30 year old nerd, who isn't married.)
I'm all for the idea of taking an IQ test before you're allowed to install the game. That would be absolutely brilliant, in fact I don't think I'd play the game at all then, I'd just sit around reading the forums laughing at all the complaints from the people who couldn't pass.
12+ is okay they will understand the game. Just make sure filters are on lol
ok let's not attack the 30+ people who play that are not married....marriage does not equal 'un nerdiness' (I have a brother who is the biggest nerd in the world, he is married --she is a nerd as well, and have 2 grown sons--both of whom are older than you!)
I am married, my husband and I play this game together, his brother (Not married) also plays and we are all waaaay past 30.
so let's not get into why people get married and being nerds.
on the original idea...maturity is what counts, as has been mentioned there are MANY people who well into middle-age are still very immature, and the converse is also true, many younger adults are also more mature for their age now as well.
There is an age limit on the game for a reason, those under that age should not be playing (laws etc)...I have no problems with 13 year olds playing the game (and have most likely pugged with many of them), as long as they work as a group and act appropriately I couldnt care less how many years they have been on the planet.
I am married, my husband and I play this game together, his brother (Not married) also plays and we are all waaaay past 30.
so let's not get into why people get married and being nerds.
on the original idea...maturity is what counts, as has been mentioned there are MANY people who well into middle-age are still very immature, and the converse is also true, many younger adults are also more mature for their age now as well.
There is an age limit on the game for a reason, those under that age should not be playing (laws etc)...I have no problems with 13 year olds playing the game (and have most likely pugged with many of them), as long as they work as a group and act appropriately I couldnt care less how many years they have been on the planet.
Numa Pompilius
The usual cautions against pedos apply. They're probably not as common in GW as in games with more social interaction and aimed more obviously at kids like, say, Habbo or Neopets, but they're guaranteed to be around.
My personal feeling is that a kid of 12 or so should be mentally and hand-eye-coordination-motorically grown enough to play GW alone, at least with a bit of stern warnings about things like giving out real name, address, or telephone. I'd probably prefer the kid didn't use voicecomm, especially not if it's a girl.
My personal feeling is that a kid of 12 or so should be mentally and hand-eye-coordination-motorically grown enough to play GW alone, at least with a bit of stern warnings about things like giving out real name, address, or telephone. I'd probably prefer the kid didn't use voicecomm, especially not if it's a girl.
I really don't want to attract flamers/trolls and arguments. So can we read on what I Edited on the first post.
Musei Karasu
Age and maturity have a rather weak correlation. When I was in middle school my friends were all a few years older than me because I had trouble getting along with kids my age due to me being more mature than them. You can easily turn that around. I know people in my adult life who act like they're about 10. Guild Wars is a game that requires patience so I would think that the majority of the less mature are actually already weeded out due to the steep learning curve.
I was a Latch-key Kid, what's wrong with that?
Originally Posted by AceeBlueEagle
Same goes for the latch-key kids.
Originally Posted by roshanabey2
I really don't want to attract flamers/trolls and arguments. So can we read on what I Edited on the first post.
Anyway, Numa's point is a good one, and has a lot to do with why all the cybering and sex chat in starter areas bothers me. Apart from anything else it gives a lousy impression of the game and it's community for people just starting the game - young or old.
as long as there old enough to not be offended easily
Age doesn't matter as long as they are mature enough.
Anyways, the T states an age as a rule and rules are meant to be followed without exceptions.
Its more probable having 13...40 aged players that are not civilized enough to play with other people that children under 13 that do.
Anyways, the T states an age as a rule and rules are meant to be followed without exceptions.
Its more probable having 13...40 aged players that are not civilized enough to play with other people that children under 13 that do.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by tehlemming
Age has little to do with maturity.
12 chars.
Ive met too many immature people to tell the difference in age
Originally Posted by fog_of_redoubt
Minimum age should be 30
Ku Ku
The only reason i play with older players is they tend to me more mature, nothing against younger players at all - i know some great ones but when you spend years officer-ing younger players (as for the most part they seem to be,sex obsessed and sexist, in my unfortunate past experience) and having to keep them in line kinda makes you wanna stick with older players!
There is a 15 year old on this year's GomTV Star Invitational, enough said.
Nightmares Hammer
Originally Posted by Ku Ku
The only reason i play with older players is they tend to me more mature, nothing against younger players at all - i know some great ones but when you spend years officer-ing younger players (as for the most part they seem to be,sex obsessed and sexist, in my unfortunate past experience) and having to keep them in line kinda makes you wanna stick with older players!
Snow Bunny
The only difference between a 15 year old tool, a 26 year old tool, and a 45 year old tool is age.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
The only difference between a 15 year old tool, a 26 year old tool, and a 45 year old tool is age.
thor hammerbane
You guys want to bring intelligence tests into a game? You're the ones who need to grow up.It's a bloody game, so deal with it.
Doesn't matter, as long as I can put them on ignore.